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Last active December 16, 2015 10:58
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static const double _PI= 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348;
static const double _TWO_PI= 6.2831853071795864769252867665590057683943387987502116419498891846156328125724179972560696;
// Floating-point modulo
// The result (the remainder) has same sign as the divisor.
// Similar to matlab's mod(); Not similar to fmod() - Mod(-3,4)= 1 fmod(-3,4)= -3
template<typename T>
T Mod(T x, T y)
static_assert(!std::numeric_limits<T>::is_exact , "Mod: floating-point type expected");
if (0. == y)
return x;
double m= x - y * floor(x/y);
// handle boundary cases resulted from floating-point cut off:
if (y > 0) // modulo range: [0..y)
if (m>=y) // Mod(-1e-16 , 360. ): m= 360.
return 0;
if (m<0 )
if (y+m == y)
return 0 ; // just in case...
return y+m; // Mod(106.81415022205296 , _TWO_PI ): m= -1.421e-14
else // modulo range: (y..0]
if (m<=y) // Mod(1e-16 , -360. ): m= -360.
return 0;
if (m>0 )
if (y+m == y)
return 0 ; // just in case...
return y+m; // Mod(-106.81415022205296, -_TWO_PI): m= 1.421e-14
return m;
// wrap [rad] angle to [-PI..PI)
inline double WrapPosNegPI(double fAng)
return Mod(fAng + _PI, _TWO_PI) - _PI;
// wrap [rad] angle to [0..TWO_PI)
inline double WrapTwoPI(double fAng)
return Mod(fAng, _TWO_PI);
// wrap [deg] angle to [-180..180)
inline double WrapPosNeg180(double fAng)
return Mod(fAng + 180., 360.) - 180.;
// wrap [deg] angle to [0..360)
inline double Wrap360(double fAng)
return Mod(fAng ,360.);
* @brief Returns the signed difference between two angles, taking into
* consideration wrapping around. That's a1 - a2
* @param target target angle, in radians
* @param source source angle, in radians
* @return the difference between a1 and a2
template <typename T1, typename T2>
inline T1 diff_angle(T1 target, T2 source) {
T1 d = target - source;
return WrapPosNegPI(d);
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