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Save lorenzoromagnoli/2698ef8f5957ee80f9b0e4c835a9862c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script loops trough the artboard and exports each artboard to svg.
The destination folder depends on the artboard width.
!!! This script doesn't currently creates the necessary folder so you need to create the folder structure before exporting.
The destination will be relative to the illustration location: /export/svg/[icon-width]/[artboard name].svg
Artboards with a name starting with - will not be exported
var doc = app.activeDocument;;//Gets the active document
var numArtboards = doc.artboards.length;//returns the number of artboards in the document
var filePath = (app.activeDocument.fullName.parent.fsName).toString().replace(/\\/g, '/');
$.writeln("fleName= ", fleName)
$.writeln("numArtboards= ", numArtboards)
$.writeln("filePath= ", filePath);
var exportOptions = new ExportOptionsSVG();
for (var i = 0; i < numArtboards; i++) {
//var abActive = doc.artboards[doc.artboards.getActiveArtboardIndex()]
// we are going to export one at a time
exportOptions.saveMultipleArtboards = true
exportOptions.artboardRange = "" + (i + 1);
exportOptions.preserveEditability = false;
//exportOptions.cssProperties = SVGCSSPropertyLocation.PRESENTATIONATTRIBUTES;
exportOptions.svgFontType = SVGFontType.SVGFONT;
var artboardSize = doc.artboards[doc.artboards.getActiveArtboardIndex()].artboardRect[2] - doc.artboards[doc.artboards.getActiveArtboardIndex()].artboardRect[0]
$.writeln(" artboardSize= ", artboardSize);
var artboardName = doc.artboards[doc.artboards.getActiveArtboardIndex()].name;
$.writeln("artboardName= ", artboardName);
if (artboardName[0] != '-') {
function saveSvg(doc, filePath, options, artboardIndex, artboardName) {
//Create a temporary folder
var tmpFolder = Folder(Folder.temp + "/" + artboardName);
//Create a reference to the file. Naming isn't really important as Illustrator will ignore naming
//as we asked for saveMultipleArtboards : true
var tmpFile = new File(tmpFolder.fsName + "/" + artboardName + ".svg");
$.writeln("tmpFile= ", tmpFile);
destFile = new File(filePath + "/" + artboardName + ".svg");
tmpFile.exists && tmpFile.remove();
//Exporting to temp file
doc.exportFile(tmpFile, ExportType.SVG, options);
//We know the file has been exported to tmpFolder
//But we may not be sure of the naming
//However there should be only one svg file there
//So we presume it's our recently exported svg
tmpFile = tmpFolder.getFiles("*.svg");
if (!tmpFile.length) {
alert("Couldn't export files sorry");
//Now we copy temp file to final destination with correct naming
//And remove temp stuff
tmpFile = tmpFile[0];
function svgOptimizer(f){
var re = [
/^<\?xml.+?>\s*/, /<!--.+-->\s*/, /version="1\.1"\s*/,
/id=".+"\s*/, /style=".+?"\s*/, /xml:space=".+?"\s*/,
/xmlns:xlink.+xlink"\s*/, /x=".+?px"\s*/, /y=".+?px"\s*/,
/width=".*?px"\s*/, /height=".*?px"\s*/, /<style.+>\s*/, /<\/style>\s*/];
var re1 = /\.(.+?)\{(fill):(#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6});\}/g;
var width;
var height;
var sizeString=""
var sty = [];
if ("r")){
var svgStr =;
//replace all the regexp in the first array with "
for (var i=0;i<re.length;i++){
svgStr = svgStr.replace(re[i], "");
sty = svgStr.match (re1);
//remove all the colors
if (sty!=null){
for (i=0;i<sty.length;i++){
svgStr = svgStr.replace('class="'+RegExp.$1+'"', RegExp.$2+'="'+RegExp.$3+'"');
for (i=0;i<sty.length;i++){
svgStr = svgStr.replace(re1, "");
//remove all the spaces
svgStr =svgStr.replace(/[\n\t]+/g, "");
//remove all the clippath
svgStr =svgStr.replace(/<clipPath(.*?)<\/clipPath>/, "");
//remove all the use xlink
svgStr =svgStr.replace(/<use xlink:(.*?)\/>/, "");
//remove all path which have a opacity defined -
//if you use extra layers for guides or padding set the opacity to somethign different than one and those elements won't be exported
svgStr =svgStr.replace(/<path style="opacity:0.(.*?)\/>/, "");
//remove all the groups
svgStr =svgStr.replace(/<g>/g, "");
svgStr =svgStr.replace(/<g >/g, "");
svgStr =svgStr.replace(/<\/g >/g, "");
svgStr =svgStr.replace(/<\/g>/g, "");
svgStr =svgStr.replace(/<g id=(.*?)">/g, "");
//get viewbox size
var viewBoxSizeStringRegexp= /viewBox="(.*?)"/g;
var viewBoxSizeStr=viewBoxSizeStringRegexp.exec(svgStr);
// just make sure the viewbox actually exist
if (viewBoxSizeStr.length>1){
var sizesArray=viewBoxSizeStr.split(" ");
sizeString="width=\""+width+"\" height=\""+height+"\"";
svgStr=svgStr.replace(/<svg/g, "<svg "+sizeString);
$.writeln("saved",f );
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