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lorinma / Windows
Created March 2, 2020 11:00 — forked from yabasha/Windows
Crack Sublime Text 3.2.2 Build 3211
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How to Crack Sublime Text 3 with Hex Editor
1. Download & Install Sublime Text 3.2.2 Build 3211
2. Visit
3. Open file sublime_text.exe
4. Search address 97 94 0D
5. Change to 00 00 00
6. Export File
lorinma /
Created February 5, 2017 11:22 — forked from dergachev/
OS X Screencast to animated GIF

OS X Screencast to animated GIF

This gist shows how to create a GIF screencast using only free OS X tools: QuickTime, ffmpeg, and gifsicle.

Screencapture GIF


To capture the video (filesize: 19MB), using the free "QuickTime Player" application:

git config --global "Ling Ma"
git config --global ""
git config credential.helper store
npm ls -gp --depth=0 | awk -F/ '/node_modules/ && !/\/npm$/ {print $NF}' | xargs npm -g rm
For those using Windows, the easiest way to remove all globally installed npm packages is to delete the contents of:
You can get here quickly by typing %appdata% (either in explorer, run prompt, or start menu).
go back to the last commit
git reset --hard
remove untracked files
git clean -d
Stop tracking and ignore changes to a file in Git
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
If you have nodejs already installed and want to update, then first remove current instalation and install it again using scripts above.
sudo apt-get remove --purge nodejs npm
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
lorinma / ubuntu shared folder
Last active May 28, 2016 18:18
ubuntu shared folder setting
With a shared folder named share, as above, the folder can be mounted as the directory ~/host with the command
sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=$UID,gid=$(id -g) share ~/host
lorinma / dockeride
Created May 26, 2016 06:11
sudo git clone /usr/src/dockeride; ln -sf /usr/src/dockeride/.bashrc ~/.bashrc; ln -sf /usr/src/dockeride/.vim ~/.vim; ln -sf /usr/src/dockeride/.vimrc ~/.vimrc; wget –quiet -O; bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda; rm -rf; source ~/.bashrc;
lorinma / gist:01f90d1aabac13b9ff84ffe772dfb362
Created April 19, 2016 05:18
Clound9 install java and tomcat
# install Java8
Add the two following lines to your file /etc/apt/sources.list (which you can create if it does not exist)
sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list;
deb trusty main
deb-src trusty main
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default -y;