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OneNote Importer (Preview)_2016-08-19-192624_bellerophon.hang
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Date/Time: 2016-08-19 19:26:16 -0500
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.11.6 (Build 15G31)
Architecture: x86_64
Report Version: 22
Command: OneNote Importer (Preview)
Path: /Applications/OneNote Importer (Preview).app/Contents/MacOS/OneNote Importer (Preview)
Version: 1.0.1 (1)
Parent: launchd [1]
PID: 57578
Event: hang
Duration: 2.00s (process was unresponsive for 994 seconds before sampling)
Steps: 20 (100ms sampling interval)
Hardware model: MacBookPro6,2
Active cpus: 4
Fan speed: 4775 rpm
Timeline format: stacks are sorted chronologically
Use -i and -heavy to re-report with count sorting
Heaviest stack for the main thread of the target process:
20 read + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 99170) [0x7fff904a4362]
*20 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66]
*20 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701]
*20 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 6056179) [0xffffff80007c68f3]
*20 ??? (kernel + 6056842) [0xffffff80007c6b8a]
*20 ??? (kernel + 6078216) [0xffffff80007cbf08]
*20 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123]
*20 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4]
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f]
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c]
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc]
Process: OneNote Importer (Preview) [57578]
Path: /Applications/OneNote Importer (Preview).app/Contents/MacOS/OneNote Importer (Preview)
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 11984 pages (+1)
CPU Time: 0.005s
Note: Unresponsive for 994 seconds before sampling
Thread 0x603b22 20 samples (1-20) priority 47 (base 47)
<process frontmost, thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [226], IO policy important>
20 read + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 99170) [0x7fff904a4362] 1-20
*20 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1-20
*20 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 1-20
*20 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 6056179) [0xffffff80007c68f3] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 6056842) [0xffffff80007c6b8a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 6078216) [0xffffff80007cbf08] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 1-20
*20 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Thread 0x603b3d DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 47 (base 47)
<process frontmost, thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [226], IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x603b40 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<process frontmost, thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [226], IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x603b44 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<process frontmost, thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [226], IO policy important>
20 semaphore_wait_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69550) [0x7fff9049cfae] 1-20
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x603c73 20 samples (1-20) priority 47 (base 47) cpu time 0.005s
<process frontmost, thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [226], IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x109ac9000 - 0x109edefff 1.0.1 (1) <03382209-35E1-3C70-989F-0F2D230C030D> /Applications/OneNote Importer (Preview).app/Contents/MacOS/OneNote Importer (Preview)
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: (1Password mini) [53843]
Path: /Applications/1Password
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 5830 pages
CPU Time: 0.006s
Process: accountsd [56901]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Versions/A/Support/accountsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 3623 pages
Thread 0x5f6e96 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (accountsd + 2586) [0x10fe33a1a] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6e9a DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10fe33000 - 0x10fe33fff accountsd (585.6) <3152B7A4-DB79-39BE-A143-7AFB2098B0F4> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Versions/A/Support/accountsd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: AGSService [60913]
Path: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/*/AGSService
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Task size: 681 pages
CPU Time: 0.001s
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x2fe1d9 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 start + 52 (AGSService + 5716) [0x100001654] 1-20
20 ??? (AGSService + 26665) [0x100006829] 1-20
20 ??? (AGSService + 101639) [0x100018d07] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 74 (Foundation + 150968) [0x7fff9693adb8] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (Foundation + 151257) [0x7fff9693aed9] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 2171 (CoreFoundation + 563643) [0x7fff93e2a9bb] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 473 (CoreFoundation + 597897) [0x7fff93e32f89] 1-20
20 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 41 (CoreFoundation + 598041) [0x7fff93e33019] 1-20
20 __CFMachPortPerform + 252 (CoreFoundation + 598316) [0x7fff93e3312c] 1-20
20 FSEventsClientProcessMessageCallback + 44 (FSEvents + 28633) [0x7fff93d21fd9] 1-20
20 FSEventsD2F_server + 54 (FSEvents + 6046) [0x7fff93d1c79e] 1-20
20 _Xcallback_rpc + 254 (FSEvents + 5834) [0x7fff93d1c6ca] 1-20
20 implementation_callback_rpc + 1917 (FSEvents + 15115) [0x7fff93d1eb0b] 1-20
20 ??? (AGSService + 104616) [0x1000198a8] 1-20
20 ??? (AGSService + 98337) [0x100018021] 1-20
20 sleep + 42 (libsystem_c.dylib + 523119) [0x7fff916a8b6f] 1-20
20 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 1-20
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x2fe1da DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37) cpu time 0.001s
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x2fe1e0 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (AGSService + 26353) [0x1000066f1] 1-20
20 ??? (AGSService + 25757) [0x10000649d] 1-20
20 sleep + 42 (libsystem_c.dylib + 523119) [0x7fff916a8b6f] 1-20
20 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 1-20
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x3c30e7 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x3c30ee 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x46d703 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (AGSService + 1681135) [0x10019a6ef] 1-20
20 ??? (AGSService + 540769) [0x100084061] 1-20
20 ??? (AGSService + 564253) [0x100089c1d] 1-20
20 ??? (AGSService + 573708) [0x10008c10c] 1-20
20 ??? (AGSService + 518710) [0x10007ea36] 1-20
20 ??? (AGSService + 517305) [0x10007e4b9] 1-20
20 ??? (AGSService + 6908) [0x100001afc] 1-20
20 -[NSConcreteTask waitUntilExit] + 205 (Foundation + 847257) [0x7fff969e4d99] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e49a0 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (AGSService + 1681135) [0x10019a6ef] 1-20
20 ??? (AGSService + 542653) [0x1000847bd] 1-20
20 usleep + 54 (libsystem_c.dylib + 523266) [0x7fff916a8c02] 1-20
20 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 1-20
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x607220 20 samples (1-20) priority 30 (base 30)
<timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 wq_unsuspend_continue + 0 (pthread + 20946) [0xffffff7f80f991d2] (suspended) 1-20
Binary Images:
0x100000000 - 0x100230fff AGSService <D24B1BB3-1C81-33FB-803B-4E7B07ED6DED> /Library/Application Support/Adobe/*/AGSService
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff91629000 - 0x7fff916b6fff libsystem_c.dylib (1082.60.1) <28733D22-553E-3CBC-8D2C-EDCEB46E46AF> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
0x7fff93d1b000 - 0x7fff93d23fff 1223.10.1 (1223.10.1) <7F5B7A23-BC1D-3FA9-A9B8-D534F1E1979A> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/FSEvents.framework/Versions/A/FSEvents
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: AirPlayUIAgent [56916]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1944 pages
Thread 0x5f7017 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7034 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 61 (base 61)
<IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7064 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1081b4000 - 0x1081bcfff 2.0 (250.20) <B3CA55FE-869D-36AE-A1C1-612E45817BEE> /System/Library/CoreServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: AirPlayXPCHelper [112]
Path: /usr/libexec/AirPlayXPCHelper
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Task size: 296 pages (+1)
Thread 0x3bb 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x3bc DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 61 (base 61)
<timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x106b55000 - 0x106b58fff AirPlayXPCHelper (250.20) <57946550-E7EF-3193-96DA-E2E6E294E0F3> /usr/libexec/AirPlayXPCHelper
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: airportd [68]
Path: /usr/libexec/airportd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 1101 pages
Thread 0x228 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (airportd + 258801) [0x103fad2f1] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 74 (Foundation + 150968) [0x7fff9693adb8] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (Foundation + 151257) [0x7fff9693aed9] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x53e DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x54e 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x103f6e000 - 0x104063fff airportd (1121.34.2) <10B88E2B-A776-353A-B0DC-8233C201918F> /usr/libexec/airportd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: akd [56902]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKit.framework/Versions/A/Support/akd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 2269 pages
Thread 0x5f6ea3 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6ea6 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6f05 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6f2b 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x104fac000 - 0x104ff9fff akd (56.13.7) <6E375D09-E1D9-3854-8EFB-F6801397C36C> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKit.framework/Versions/A/Support/akd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: amfid [57113]
Path: /usr/libexec/amfid
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1330 pages
Thread 0x5fb3b1 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5fb3b2 DispatchQueue 11 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x101f46000 - 0x101f47fff amfid (166.50.1) <661E63BD-EC20-3A36-8E55-05F91778D4D8> /usr/libexec/amfid
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: appleeventsd [59]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 55
Task size: 847 pages
Note: 4 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x495 DispatchQueue 11 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x496 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x607fd1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
*20 wq_unsuspend_continue + 0 (pthread + 20946) [0xffffff7f80f991d2] (suspended) 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10d0a0000 - 0x10d0a0fff appleeventsd (701) <05ADF81B-79A2-340C-ABF3-BF1804FE8834> /System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: AppleSpell [769]
Path: /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 2590 pages
Thread 0x28ff DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested user interactive), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (AppleSpell + 5726) [0x109ab465e] 1-20
20 -[NSSpellServer run] + 73 (Foundation + 1970144) [0x7fff96af6fe0] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x2906 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested user interactive), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x109ab3000 - 0x109b99fff 2.3.2 (328.2) <696D248F-7FB5-3E12-8D4D-63A63AF1F40E> /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: AppleSpell [76357]
Path: /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 822 pages
Thread 0x424b59 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 29 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested user interactive), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (AppleSpell + 5726) [0x10f50965e] 1-20
20 -[NSSpellServer run] + 73 (Foundation + 1970144) [0x7fff96af6fe0] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x424b69 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested user interactive), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10f508000 - 0x10f5eefff 2.3.2 (328.2) <696D248F-7FB5-3E12-8D4D-63A63AF1F40E> /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: AppleSpell [76416]
Path: /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 825 pages
Thread 0x425b47 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 29 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested user interactive), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (AppleSpell + 5726) [0x10a58465e] 1-20
20 -[NSSpellServer run] + 73 (Foundation + 1970144) [0x7fff96af6fe0] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x425b54 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested user interactive), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10a583000 - 0x10a669fff 2.3.2 (328.2) <696D248F-7FB5-3E12-8D4D-63A63AF1F40E> /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: AppleSpell [54861]
Path: /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 845 pages
Thread 0x5d170c DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 29 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested user interactive), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (AppleSpell + 5726) [0x10079265e] 1-20
20 -[NSSpellServer run] + 73 (Foundation + 1970144) [0x7fff96af6fe0] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5d171d DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested user interactive), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x100791000 - 0x100877fff 2.3.2 (328.2) <696D248F-7FB5-3E12-8D4D-63A63AF1F40E> /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: apsd [89]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.framework/apsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Task size: 1475 pages
Thread 0x23d DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested legacy, override user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (apsd + 371933) [0x108d4dcdd] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 74 (Foundation + 150968) [0x7fff9693adb8] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (Foundation + 151257) [0x7fff9693aed9] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x30b DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x8b8 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x911 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x108cf3000 - 0x108db9fff apsd (290.1) <19F33A96-40E4-390C-916B-E929C343482F> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.framework/apsd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: askpermissiond [516]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AskPermission.framework/Versions/A/Resources/askpermissiond
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 210 pages (+1)
Thread 0x1640 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x16b1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10a46c000 - 0x10a484fff askpermissiond (66) <271F1199-7C55-3B1B-A3F4-1F00358C39D4> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AskPermission.framework/Versions/A/Resources/askpermissiond
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: aslmanager [56941]
Path: /usr/sbin/aslmanager
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 962 pages (+2)
CPU Time: 0.009s
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5f7d0b 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7d0c DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x607f51 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
*15 wq_unsuspend_continue + 0 (pthread + 20946) [0xffffff7f80f991d2] (suspended) 1-15
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy)>
5 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 16-20
5 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95714) [0x7fff904a35e2] 16-20
*5 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 21473) [0xffffff7f80f993e1] 16-20
Binary Images:
0x106a43000 - 0x106a4cfff aslmanager (323.50.1) <10D8A740-5288-387E-A045-2F9F9EBBFD7E> /usr/sbin/aslmanager
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: authd [151]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/authd.xpc/Contents/MacOS/authd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 951 pages
Thread 0x304 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x305 DispatchQueue 10 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 1-20
20 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 1-20
20 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 1-20
20 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 1-20
20 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 1-20
20 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 1-20
20 ??? (authd + 73245) [0x100070e1d] 1-20
20 au_sdev_read_aia + 546 (libbsm.0.dylib + 60008) [0x7fff8c17aa68] 1-20
20 fgetc + 52 (libsystem_c.dylib + 247767) [0x7fff916657d7] 1-20
20 __srget + 14 (libsystem_c.dylib + 276612) [0x7fff9166c884] 1-20
20 __srefill1 + 24 (libsystem_c.dylib + 276329) [0x7fff9166c769] 1-20
20 __read_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94090) [0x7fff904a2f8a] 1-20
*20 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1-20
*20 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 1-20
*20 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 6056179) [0xffffff80007c68f3] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 6056842) [0xffffff80007c6b8a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 3259296) [0xffffff800051bba0] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5668164) [0xffffff8000767d44] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 1-20
*20 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Thread 0x3c1 DispatchQueue 11 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10005f000 - 0x100076fff 1.0 (57337.60.2) <C40AA403-247B-312D-B5D8-BCCA681CF4FA> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/authd.xpc/Contents/MacOS/authd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8c16c000 - 0x7fff8c17cfff libbsm.0.dylib (34) <7E14504C-A8B0-3574-B6EB-5D5FABC72926> /usr/lib/libbsm.0.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff91629000 - 0x7fff916b6fff libsystem_c.dylib (1082.60.1) <28733D22-553E-3CBC-8D2C-EDCEB46E46AF> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: autofsd [98]
Path: /usr/libexec/autofsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 31 pages (+1)
Thread 0x2cb 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x673 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10d001000 - 0x10d002fff autofsd (250.10.1) <C4FD040B-4F2E-3A23-8AC8-1BCE39C1B505> /usr/libexec/autofsd
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: backupd-helper [56950]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd.bundle/Contents/Resources/backupd-helper
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 3042 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5f7fe2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f80b9 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10d27d000 - 0x10d28efff backupd-helper (227.3) <11BA1917-3063-3E2A-8D4B-C6CCAE9ACA9F> /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd.bundle/Contents/Resources/backupd-helper
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: BezelUIServer [57428]
Path: /System/Library/LoginPlugins/BezelServices.loginPlugin/Contents/Resources/BezelUI/BezelUIServer
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 2319 pages
Thread 0x600d91 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (BezelUIServer + 26341) [0x1095606e5] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x600d92 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x600dae 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10955a000 - 0x109562fff BezelUIServer (255.10) <7DF68C17-DC7E-3AB7-AD6A-FD5B12E090EF> /System/Library/LoginPlugins/BezelServices.loginPlugin/Contents/Resources/BezelUI/BezelUIServer
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: bird [454]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudDocsDaemon.framework/Versions/A/Support/bird
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 885 pages (+1)
Thread 0x1368 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x137d DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1023a5000 - 0x1023a6fff bird (383.13) <CD05920B-C670-34A1-BADF-25A2C1D700DD> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudDocsDaemon.framework/Versions/A/Support/bird
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: blued [97]
Path: /usr/sbin/blued
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 154 pages (+1)
Thread 0x245 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested legacy, override user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x2ba 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x103a39000 - 0x103ae0fff blued (4406.4.1) <61608334-F6A7-385D-B79D-63B580111190> /usr/sbin/blued
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: CalendarAgent [448]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarAgent.framework/Executables/CalendarAgent
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 8191 pages
Thread 0x1346 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested legacy, override user initiated), process unclamped, timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (CalendarAgent + 6205) [0x10698083d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x142f DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process unclamped, timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x19da 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<process unclamped, timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x1a9d 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x607de7 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<process unclamped, timers coalesced, IO policy important>
*20 wq_unsuspend_continue + 0 (pthread + 20946) [0xffffff7f80f991d2] (suspended) 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10697f000 - 0x106980fff CalendarAgent (361.2) <EA61527B-807C-3A9C-8C5C-E26D7B08BA4C> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarAgent.framework/Executables/CalendarAgent
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: CalNCService [487]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarAgent.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/CalNCService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/CalNCService
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: CalendarAgent [448]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 6044 pages
Thread 0x1604 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [226], IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 main + 111 (CalNCService + 9223) [0x10edc8407] 1-20
20 -[NSXPCListener resume] + 160 (Foundation + 547955) [0x7fff9699bc73] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 751 (libxpc.dylib + 69992) [0x7fff99775168] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 74 (Foundation + 150968) [0x7fff9693adb8] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (Foundation + 151257) [0x7fff9693aed9] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x1718 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [226], IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x40ee 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [226], IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10edc6000 - 0x10eddbfff 1.0 (361.2) <1114D033-F647-31BF-852D-EBF77225F072> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarAgent.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/CalNCService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/CalNCService
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: cfprefsd [150]
Path: /usr/sbin/cfprefsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 956 pages
CPU Time: 0.014s
Note: 5 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x2eb DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4) cpu time 0.001s
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x2f3 DispatchQueue 11 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x107af8000 - 0x107af8fff cfprefsd (1258.1) <A1B7425A-0EFC-38AA-95A6-9567557531C3> /usr/sbin/cfprefsd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: cfprefsd [56708]
Path: /usr/sbin/cfprefsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 47741 pages
CPU Time: 0.002s
Note: 3 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5f53f4 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f53f7 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10548f000 - 0x10548ffff cfprefsd (1258.1) <A1B7425A-0EFC-38AA-95A6-9567557531C3> /usr/sbin/cfprefsd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: cfprefsd [56904]
Path: /usr/sbin/cfprefsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 502
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 334 pages
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5f6ebf 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6ec0 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x107b55000 - 0x107b55fff cfprefsd (1258.1) <A1B7425A-0EFC-38AA-95A6-9567557531C3> /usr/sbin/cfprefsd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: cloudd [53597]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 2600 pages
Thread 0x29c24b DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (cloudd + 9268) [0x10bca7434] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 74 (Foundation + 150968) [0x7fff9693adb8] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (Foundation + 151257) [0x7fff9693aed9] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x29c25a DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x29eff6 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x29f00e 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10bca5000 - 0x10bca9fff cloudd (482.29) <4F8FC81E-6E54-30C2-8EF2-EE21FEDF3DB0> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: CloudKeychainProxy [56915]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Resources/CloudKeychainProxy.bundle/Contents/MacOS/CloudKeychainProxy
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1033 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5f6f95 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6f9d DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1058ce000 - 0x1058dffff 1.0 (57337.60.2) <9AB11579-D12B-37D5-AABF-C74C8A0A94D5> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Resources/CloudKeychainProxy.bundle/Contents/MacOS/CloudKeychainProxy
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: codesign [81918]
Path: /usr/bin/codesign
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: AGSService [60913]
Responsible: AGSService [60913]
UID: 0
Task size: 406 pages (+1)
Thread 0x46d715 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 __write_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95762) [0x7fff904a3612] 1-20
*20 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1-20
*20 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 1-20
*20 write_nocancel + 222 (kernel + 6058238) [0xffffff80007c70fe] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 6058695) [0xffffff80007c72c7] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 6079636) [0xffffff80007cc494] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 1-20
*20 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Thread 0x46d717 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x46ead9 DispatchQueue 33 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated, override user initiated), IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018694) [0xffffff80003ecd86] 1-20
*20 mach_call_munger64 + 410 (kernel + 1806026) [0xffffff80003b8eca] 1-20
*20 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 197 (kernel + 861861) [0xffffff80002d26a5] 1-20
*20 ipc_kmsg_send + 323 (kernel + 797059) [0xffffff80002c2983] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_send + 539 (kernel + 811403) [0xffffff80002c618b] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10d50a000 - 0x10d518fff codesign (4.40.2) <0FB3DB3E-69E5-3E8E-B708-E81D823FCF91> /usr/bin/codesign
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: codesign [57593]
Path: /usr/bin/codesign
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: OneNote Importer (Preview) [57578]
Responsible: OneNote Importer (Preview) [57578]
UID: 501
Task size: 548 pages (+1)
Thread 0x603d0c 20 samples (1-20) priority 26 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 __write_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95762) [0x7fff904a3612] 1-20
*20 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1-20
*20 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 1-20
*20 write_nocancel + 222 (kernel + 6058238) [0xffffff80007c70fe] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 6058695) [0xffffff80007c72c7] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 6079636) [0xffffff80007cc494] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 1-20
*20 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Thread 0x603d0f 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [57422]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AccountPolicy.framework/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 584 pages (+1)
Thread 0x600bc6 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x600bc8 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x6039a5 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
*20 wq_unsuspend_continue + 0 (pthread + 20946) [0xffffff7f80f991d2] (suspended) 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10f53c000 - 0x10f545fff 1.0 (1) <2B6EDA42-29CC-3406-8FBA-ADB2178DBD1C> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AccountPolicy.framework/XPCServices/
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [56935]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 2711 pages
Thread 0x5f7964 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f79e5 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10a4c5000 - 0x10a4cdfff 9.0 (1679.10) <0BFAB982-CDA7-338E-93ED-A232B6D85CB0> /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [57731]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Evernote [57682]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 10527 pages
Thread 0x606dcf DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 main + 208 ( + 26348) [0x1058ce6ec] 1-20
20 NSViewServiceApplicationMain + 2818 (ViewBridge + 51673) [0x7fff8df339d9] 1-20
20 -[NSXPCSharedListener resume] + 16 (ViewBridge + 190083) [0x7fff8df55683] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSViewServiceApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 73 (ViewBridge + 35617) [0x7fff8df2fb21] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x606dd1 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x606e05 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1058c8000 - 0x1058d1fff 1.0 (1) <F250936E-23BC-34E4-B764-8EC34D2AC2B0> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8df27000 - 0x7fff8dfc7fff 159 (159) <D8131B7E-DFC9-3FDD-9D56-49821C1D1521> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ViewBridge.framework/Versions/A/ViewBridge
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [56971]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 816 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5f8d14 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f8d18 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x107b89000 - 0x107b8afff 1.0.1 (1) <1D098D46-5163-3C03-B9F6-D741428A3D34> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [56988]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 817 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5f9747 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f9749 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10a364000 - 0x10a365fff 1.0.1 (1) <1D098D46-5163-3C03-B9F6-D741428A3D34> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [57132]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 815 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5fbc42 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5fbc44 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x103565000 - 0x103566fff 1.0.1 (1) <1D098D46-5163-3C03-B9F6-D741428A3D34> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [57240]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 815 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5fda66 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5fda68 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10e0ea000 - 0x10e0ebfff 1.0.1 (1) <1D098D46-5163-3C03-B9F6-D741428A3D34> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [56959]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: systemsoundserverd [56958]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1261 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5f86f5 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f86f7 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x107015000 - 0x107018fff 1.0.1 (1) <7EDA9534-B0FA-38F8-9552-664FA8D5FECD> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [56970]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1260 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5f8d0d 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f8d10 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x102e78000 - 0x102e7bfff 1.0.1 (1) <7EDA9534-B0FA-38F8-9552-664FA8D5FECD> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [56987]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1260 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5f9741 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f9743 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5f9745 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
*20 wq_unsuspend_continue + 0 (pthread + 20946) [0xffffff7f80f991d2] (suspended) 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10c4e1000 - 0x10c4e4fff 1.0.1 (1) <7EDA9534-B0FA-38F8-9552-664FA8D5FECD> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [57131]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1268 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5fbc39 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5fbc3e 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10a3ab000 - 0x10a3aefff 1.0.1 (1) <7EDA9534-B0FA-38F8-9552-664FA8D5FECD> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [57239]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1268 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5fda5c 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5fda62 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1044ec000 - 0x1044effff 1.0.1 (1) <7EDA9534-B0FA-38F8-9552-664FA8D5FECD> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [56919]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 484 pages (+1)
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5f7044 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7046 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x607fb6 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
*20 wq_unsuspend_continue + 0 (pthread + 20946) [0xffffff7f80f991d2] (suspended) 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1004e5000 - 0x1004e6fff 1.0 (1) <E5CBEA4B-4D9F-3459-8924-DB5DBE81040D> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [57209]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: storeassetd [472]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 5825 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5fcb2d DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5fcb30 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5fcbc2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5fcc1b 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10b330000 - 0x10b3adfff 1.0 (463.9) <641CE2C1-175C-3D3E-9177-EFCD60427812> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [57552]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: storeinappd [10401]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 2295 pages (+1)
Thread 0x603528 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x60352a 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x606224 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
*20 wq_unsuspend_continue + 0 (pthread + 20946) [0xffffff7f80f991d2] (suspended) 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1057f5000 - 0x105872fff 1.0 (463.9) <641CE2C1-175C-3D3E-9177-EFCD60427812> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [172]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/PCSC.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: securityd [92]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 34 pages (+1)
Thread 0x3c5 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x3c7 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10e56b000 - 0x10e573fff 1.0 (1) <152BF7EA-62A1-3EFA-9BFE-CD881A272187> /System/Library/Frameworks/PCSC.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [563]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Dock [440]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1518 pages
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x197f DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 4119) [0x108098017] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x1984 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x1b57 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x108097000 - 0x10809afff 1.0 (1) <1C5AD3D8-5CFB-3F23-9FA9-DD5BA94D7AD9> /System/Library/CoreServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [57589]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GeoServices.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 2192 pages
Thread 0x603cbb DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy, override user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 main + 1153 ( + 59224) [0x10c58e758] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x603cdb DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x603ceb 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x603cfa 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x603d22 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10c580000 - 0x10c592fff 1.0 (1151.49.1) <277163DE-842E-390D-A7FF-EC4CF2D211A4> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GeoServices.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [57259]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIServices.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1390 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5fe301 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5fe303 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x103e33000 - 0x103e36fff 1.22 (550) <0002C8E8-1381-300F-B7DB-A0994A097BBB> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIServices.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [57753]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 2198 pages (+2)
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x6076cf 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x6076d4 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10a742000 - 0x10a754fff 1.07 (233) <D00CBBBE-31BA-3396-815F-3356B03A0BD4> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [56973]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/InputMethodKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1981 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5f8e25 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f8e38 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x107f71000 - 0x107f85fff 1.0 (1) <502B7354-ECC9-30F6-9D8D-4E7A67E5B68A> /System/Library/Frameworks/InputMethodKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [56934]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PerformanceAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 729 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5f7904 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f791c DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10799a000 - 0x1079a0fff 1.2 (2) <2F4090A1-D378-38D5-87DD-7880DCEBF9D6> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PerformanceAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [56986]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SafariShared.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1851 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5f96b4 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f96ba 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x103592000 - 0x103593fff 11601 (11601.7.1) <B8567F6F-05AF-33C6-A1E0-E00BEB3FAC6E> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SafariShared.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [57229]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SafariSafeBrowsing.framework/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1650 pages
Thread 0x5fd65f DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5fd663 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5fd667 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5fd66e 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x105fe3000 - 0x105fe3fff (7601.7.1) <1D732E2D-F762-3B01-96DB-F8FA1F6FE5EB> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SafariSafeBrowsing.framework/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [56956]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SafariShared.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 2696 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5f83ce 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f83d4 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5f83ea 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f83f1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1020be000 - 0x1020c2fff 11601 (11601.7.1) <C5BD41B2-B0D7-30CB-958D-0F1E0E8017D0> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SafariShared.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [918]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/SpeechSynthesis.framework/Resources/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 783 pages (+1)
Thread 0x35a7 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested legacy, override user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x35a8 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 61 (base 61)
<timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1041ab000 - 0x1041bbfff (5.4.12) <E13DB5B8-72FB-3541-BAE0-1918DB9D9101> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/SpeechSynthesis.framework/Resources/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [57000]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSpotlight.framework/Support/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 2291 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5f9dc6 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f9e6b 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10c98f000 - 0x10c98ffff (81.4) <1EF8BB89-CE96-38F2-AF04-9094F2A58FE6> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSpotlight.framework/Support/
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [56199]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1357 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5ea031 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5ea034 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1010fb000 - 0x1010fbfff 11601 (11601.7.7) <6DC9B35D-6D81-32DD-98AA-019D743207E4> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55927]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 8431 pages (+120)
CPU Time: 0.042s
Note: 10 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5e58d9 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37) cpu time 0.008s
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process unclamped, process received importance donation from Safari [55926], process received importance donation from networkd [209], IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x106ac1b4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 751 (libxpc.dylib + 69992) [0x7fff99775168] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 74 (Foundation + 150968) [0x7fff9693adb8] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (Foundation + 151257) [0x7fff9693aed9] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1
<process dropped importance donation from networkd [209]>
*19 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 2-20
Thread 0x5e58dd DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37) cpu time 0.001s
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process unclamped, process received importance donation from Safari [55926], process received importance donation from networkd [209], IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*1 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1
<process dropped importance donation from networkd [209]>
*19 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 2-20
Thread 0x60728f DispatchQueue 79 20 samples (1-20) priority 4-46 (base 4) cpu time 0.013s
<thread QoS background (requested background), process unclamped, thread darwinbg, process received importance donation from Safari [55926], process received importance donation from networkd [209], IO policy utility, priority 4 (4)>
20 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 1-20
20 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 1-20
20 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 1-20
20 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 1-20
20 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 1-20
20 _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 1733 (libdispatch.dylib + 84951) [0x7fff86a8dbd7] 1-20
20 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 1-20
20 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 1-20
20 ___ZN3WTF9WorkQueue8dispatchENSt3__18functionIFvvEEE_block_invoke + 23 (JavaScriptCore + 6431191) [0x7fff887d51d7] 1-20
20 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10>, void ()>::operator()() + 90 (WebKit + 1010728) [0x7fff9a60cc28] 1-20
20 WebKit::NetworkCache::traverseRecordsFiles(WTF::String const&, std::__1::function<void (WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)> const&) + 60 (WebKit + 990466) [0x7fff9a607d02] 1-20
20 WebKit::NetworkCache::traverseDirectory(WTF::String const&, std::__1::function<void (WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::DirectoryEntryType)> const&) + 250 (WebKit + 963464) [0x7fff9a601388] 1-20
20 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::traverseRecordsFiles(WTF::String const&, std::__1::function<void (WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)> const&)::$_0, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::traverseRecordsFiles(WTF::String const&, std::__1::function<void (WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)> const&)::$_0>, void (WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::DirectoryEntryType)>::operator()(WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::DirectoryEntryType&&) + 99 (WebKit + 1000461) [0x7fff9a60a40d] 1-20
10 WebKit::NetworkCache::traverseDirectory(WTF::String const&, std::__1::function<void (WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::DirectoryEntryType)> const&) + 250 (WebKit + 963464) [0x7fff9a601388] 1-10
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&), std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>, void (WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>::operator()(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&) + 111 (WebKit + 1011113) [0x7fff9a60cda9] 1
1 stat$INODE64 + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 100178) [0x7fff904a4752] 1
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 1
*1 stat64 + 58 (kernel + 3180650) [0xffffff800050886a] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 3224759) [0xffffff80005134b7] 1
*1 nameiat + 133 (kernel + 3169733) [0xffffff8000505dc5] 1
*1 namei + 2200 (kernel + 3090504) [0xffffff80004f2848] 1
*1 lookup + 910 (kernel + 3092638) [0xffffff80004f309e] 1
*1 hfs_vnop_lookup + 2891 (kernel + 5308299) [0xffffff800070ff8b] 1
*1 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 1
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 1
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1
<process dropped importance donation from networkd [209]>
2 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&), std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>, void (WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>::operator()(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&) + 87 (WebKit + 1011089) [0x7fff9a60cd91] 2-3
2 stat$INODE64 + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 100178) [0x7fff904a4752] 2-3
*2 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 2-3
*1 unix_syscall64 + 964 (kernel + 6457460) [0xffffff8000828874] 2
*1 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 2
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 2
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 2
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 2
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 2
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 2
<priority 46 (4)>
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 3
*1 stat64 + 58 (kernel + 3180650) [0xffffff800050886a] 3
*1 ??? (kernel + 3224947) [0xffffff8000513573] 3
*1 vn_stat + 103 (kernel + 3257607) [0xffffff800051b507] 3
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 3
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 3
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 3
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 3
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 3
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 551 (kernel + 5491767) [0xffffff800073cc37] 3
*1 BTSearchRecord + 389 (kernel + 5520245) [0xffffff8000743b75] 3
*1 SearchTree + 155 (kernel + 5542187) [0xffffff800074912b] 3
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 3
*1 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 3
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 3
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 3
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 3
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 3
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 3
<priority 4 (4)>
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&), std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>, void (WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>::operator()(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&) + 111 (WebKit + 1011113) [0x7fff9a60cda9] 4
1 stat$INODE64 + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 100178) [0x7fff904a4752] 4
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 4
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 4
*1 stat64 + 58 (kernel + 3180650) [0xffffff800050886a] 4
*1 ??? (kernel + 3224759) [0xffffff80005134b7] 4
*1 nameiat + 133 (kernel + 3169733) [0xffffff8000505dc5] 4
*1 namei + 2200 (kernel + 3090504) [0xffffff80004f2848] 4
*1 lookup + 910 (kernel + 3092638) [0xffffff80004f309e] 4
*1 hfs_vnop_lookup + 2891 (kernel + 5308299) [0xffffff800070ff8b] 4
*1 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 4
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 4
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 4
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 4
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 4
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 4
<priority 46 (4)>
2 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&), std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>, void (WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>::operator()(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&) + 87 (WebKit + 1011089) [0x7fff9a60cd91] 5-6
2 stat$INODE64 + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 100178) [0x7fff904a4752] 5-6
*2 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 5-6
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 5
*1 stat64 + 58 (kernel + 3180650) [0xffffff800050886a] 5
*1 ??? (kernel + 3224947) [0xffffff8000513573] 5
*1 vn_stat + 103 (kernel + 3257607) [0xffffff800051b507] 5
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 5
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 5
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 5
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 5
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 5
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 551 (kernel + 5491767) [0xffffff800073cc37] 5
*1 BTSearchRecord + 389 (kernel + 5520245) [0xffffff8000743b75] 5
*1 SearchTree + 155 (kernel + 5542187) [0xffffff800074912b] 5
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 5
*1 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 5
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 5
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 5
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 5
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 5
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 5
<priority 4 (4)>
*1 unix_syscall64 + 964 (kernel + 6457460) [0xffffff8000828874] 6
*1 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 6
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 6
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 6
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 6
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 6
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 6
<priority 46 (4)>
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&), std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>, void (WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>::operator()(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&) + 111 (WebKit + 1011113) [0x7fff9a60cda9] 7
1 stat$INODE64 + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 100178) [0x7fff904a4752] 7
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 7
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 7
*1 stat64 + 58 (kernel + 3180650) [0xffffff800050886a] 7
*1 ??? (kernel + 3224947) [0xffffff8000513573] 7
*1 vn_stat + 103 (kernel + 3257607) [0xffffff800051b507] 7
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 7
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 7
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 7
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 7
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 7
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 551 (kernel + 5491767) [0xffffff800073cc37] 7
*1 BTSearchRecord + 389 (kernel + 5520245) [0xffffff8000743b75] 7
*1 SearchTree + 155 (kernel + 5542187) [0xffffff800074912b] 7
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 7
*1 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 7
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 7
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 7
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 7
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 7
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 7
<priority 4 (4)>
2 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&), std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>, void (WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>::operator()(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&) + 87 (WebKit + 1011089) [0x7fff9a60cd91] 8-9
2 stat$INODE64 + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 100178) [0x7fff904a4752] 8-9
*2 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 8-9
*2 unix_syscall64 + 964 (kernel + 6457460) [0xffffff8000828874] 8-9
*2 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 8-9
*2 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 8-9
*2 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 8-9
*2 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 8-9
*2 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 8-9
*2 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 8-9
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&), std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>, void (WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>::operator()(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&) + 111 (WebKit + 1011113) [0x7fff9a60cda9] 10
1 stat$INODE64 + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 100178) [0x7fff904a4752] 10
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 10
*1 unix_syscall64 + 964 (kernel + 6457460) [0xffffff8000828874] 10
*1 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 10
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 10
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 10
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 10
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 10
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 10
<priority 46 (4)>
2 WebKit::NetworkCache::traverseDirectory(WTF::String const&, std::__1::function<void (WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::DirectoryEntryType)> const&) + 301 (WebKit + 963515) [0x7fff9a6013bb] 11-12
2 readdir$INODE64 + 35 (libsystem_c.dylib + 184508) [0x7fff916560bc] 11-12
2 __getdirentries64 + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 91882) [0x7fff904a26ea] 11-12
*2 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 11-12
*2 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 11-12
*2 getdirentries64 + 55 (kernel + 3189799) [0xffffff800050ac27] 11-12
*2 ??? (kernel + 3236700) [0xffffff800051635c] 11-12
*2 vnode_readdir64 + 130 (kernel + 3188690) [0xffffff800050a7d2] 11-12
*2 hfs_vnop_readdir + 1333 (kernel + 5482837) [0xffffff800073a955] 11-12
*2 cat_getdirentries + 1111 (kernel + 5221063) [0xffffff80006faac7] 11-12
*2 BTIterateRecords + 1768 (kernel + 5525160) [0xffffff8000744ea8] 11-12
*2 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 11-12
*2 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 11-12
*2 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 11-12
*2 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 11-12
*2 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 11-12
*2 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 11-12
*2 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 11-12
8 WebKit::NetworkCache::traverseDirectory(WTF::String const&, std::__1::function<void (WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::DirectoryEntryType)> const&) + 250 (WebKit + 963464) [0x7fff9a601388] 13-20
4 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&), std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>, void (WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>::operator()(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&) + 87 (WebKit + 1011089) [0x7fff9a60cd91] 13-16
4 stat$INODE64 + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 100178) [0x7fff904a4752] 13-16
*4 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 13-16
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 13
*1 stat64 + 58 (kernel + 3180650) [0xffffff800050886a] 13
*1 ??? (kernel + 3224947) [0xffffff8000513573] 13
*1 vn_stat + 103 (kernel + 3257607) [0xffffff800051b507] 13
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 13
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 13
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 13
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 13
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 13
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 551 (kernel + 5491767) [0xffffff800073cc37] 13
*1 BTSearchRecord + 389 (kernel + 5520245) [0xffffff8000743b75] 13
*1 SearchTree + 155 (kernel + 5542187) [0xffffff800074912b] 13
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 13
*1 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 13
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 13
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 13
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 13
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 13
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 13
<priority 4 (4)>
*1 unix_syscall64 + 964 (kernel + 6457460) [0xffffff8000828874] 14
*1 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 14
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 14
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 14
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 14
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 14
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 14
<priority 46 (4)>
*2 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 15-16
*2 stat64 + 58 (kernel + 3180650) [0xffffff800050886a] 15-16
*2 ??? (kernel + 3224947) [0xffffff8000513573] 15-16
*2 vn_stat + 103 (kernel + 3257607) [0xffffff800051b507] 15-16
*2 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 15-16
*2 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 15-16
*2 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 15-16
*2 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 15-16
*2 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 15-16
*2 hfs_getxattr_internal + 551 (kernel + 5491767) [0xffffff800073cc37] 15-16
*2 BTSearchRecord + 389 (kernel + 5520245) [0xffffff8000743b75] 15-16
*2 SearchTree + 155 (kernel + 5542187) [0xffffff800074912b] 15-16
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 187 (kernel + 5192187) [0xffffff80006f39fb] 15
*1 ??? (kernel + 3027760) [0xffffff80004e3330] 15
*1 buf_getblk + 931 (kernel + 3022099) [0xffffff80004e1d13] 15
*1 allocbuf + 297 (kernel + 3023369) [0xffffff80004e2209] 15
*1 ??? (kernel + 3029825) [0xffffff80004e3b41] 15
*1 ??? (kernel + 1176906) [0xffffff800031f54a] 15
*1 kernel_memory_allocate + 1408 (kernel + 1378064) [0xffffff8000350710] 15
*1 lck_rw_lock_exclusive_gen + 431 (kernel + 1860207) [0xffffff80003c626f] 15
*1 thread_block_reason + 198 (kernel + 986694) [0xffffff80002f0e46] (running) 15
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 16
*1 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 16
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 16
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 16
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 16
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 16
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 16
2 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&), std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>, void (WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>::operator()(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&) + 228 (WebKit + 1011230) [0x7fff9a60ce1e] 17-18
2 WebCore::deleteFile(WTF::String const&) + 45 (WebCore + 969597) [0x7fff8712ab7d] 17-18
2 __unlink + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95482) [0x7fff904a34fa] 17-18
*2 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 17-18
*2 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 17-18
*2 ??? (kernel + 3221160) [0xffffff80005126a8] 17-18
*2 VNOP_REMOVE + 94 (kernel + 3307566) [0xffffff800052782e] 17-18
*2 hfs_vnop_remove + 783 (kernel + 5473743) [0xffffff80007385cf] 17-18
*1 hfs_removefile + 167 (kernel + 5469111) [0xffffff80007373b7] 17
*1 hfs_valid_cnode + 84 (kernel + 5246740) [0xffffff8000700f14] 17
*1 hfs_systemfile_lock + 57 (kernel + 5438521) [0xffffff800072fc39] 17
*1 hfs_lock + 44 (kernel + 5240844) [0xffffff80006ff80c] 17
*1 lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 128 (kernel + 1861952) [0xffffff80003c6940] 17
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 17
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 17
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 17
*1 hfs_removefile + 1977 (kernel + 5470921) [0xffffff8000737ac9] 18
*1 cat_rename + 1894 (kernel + 5207558) [0xffffff80006f7606] 18
*1 BTDeleteRecord + 141 (kernel + 5529549) [0xffffff8000745fcd] 18
*1 SearchTree + 155 (kernel + 5542187) [0xffffff800074912b] 18
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 18
*1 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 18
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 18
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 18
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 18
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 18
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 18
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&), std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>, void (WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>::operator()(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&) + 87 (WebKit + 1011089) [0x7fff9a60cd91] 19
1 stat$INODE64 + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 100178) [0x7fff904a4752] 19
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 19
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 19
*1 stat64 + 58 (kernel + 3180650) [0xffffff800050886a] 19
*1 ??? (kernel + 3224947) [0xffffff8000513573] 19
*1 vn_stat + 103 (kernel + 3257607) [0xffffff800051b507] 19
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 19
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 19
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 19
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 19
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 19
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 551 (kernel + 5491767) [0xffffff800073cc37] 19
*1 BTSearchRecord + 389 (kernel + 5520245) [0xffffff8000743b75] 19
*1 SearchTree + 155 (kernel + 5542187) [0xffffff800074912b] 19
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 19
*1 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 19
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 19
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 19
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 19
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 19
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 19
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&), std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::shrink()::$_10::operator()() const::'lambda'(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>, void (WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&)>::operator()(WTF::String const&, WTF::String const&) + 111 (WebKit + 1011113) [0x7fff9a60cda9] 20
1 stat$INODE64 + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 100178) [0x7fff904a4752] 20
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 20
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 20
*1 stat64 + 58 (kernel + 3180650) [0xffffff800050886a] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 3224759) [0xffffff80005134b7] 20
*1 nameiat + 133 (kernel + 3169733) [0xffffff8000505dc5] 20
*1 namei + 2200 (kernel + 3090504) [0xffffff80004f2848] 20
*1 lookup + 910 (kernel + 3092638) [0xffffff80004f309e] 20
*1 hfs_vnop_lookup + 1461 (kernel + 5306869) [0xffffff800070f9f5] 20
*1 hfs_systemfile_lock + 57 (kernel + 5438521) [0xffffff800072fc39] 20
*1 hfs_lock + 44 (kernel + 5240844) [0xffffff80006ff80c] 20
*1 lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 128 (kernel + 1861952) [0xffffff80003c6940] 20
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 20
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 20
Thread 0x5e5d6a 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63) cpu time 0.006s
<process unclamped, process received importance donation from Safari [55926], process received importance donation from networkd [209], IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1
<process dropped importance donation from networkd [209]>
*19 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 2-20
Thread 0x5e62c2 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31) cpu time 0.001s
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, process received importance donation from Safari [55926], process received importance donation from networkd [209], IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*1 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1
<process dropped importance donation from networkd [209]>
*19 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 2-20
Thread 0x5e63bb 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process unclamped, process received importance donation from Safari [55926], process received importance donation from networkd [209], IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 std::__1::__function::__func<WebCore::callOnFileThread(std::__1::function<void ()>&&)::$_9::operator()() const::'lambda'(), std::__1::allocator<WebCore::callOnFileThread(std::__1::function<void ()>&&)::$_9::operator()() const::'lambda'()>, void ()>::operator()() + 93 (WebCore + 3434541) [0x7fff8738482d] 1-20
20 std::__1::unique_ptr<std::__1::function<void ()>, std::__1::default_delete<std::__1::function<void ()> > > WTF::MessageQueue<std::__1::function<void ()> >::waitForMessageFilteredWithTimeout<WTF::MessageQueue<std::__1::function<void ()> >::waitForMessage()::'lambda'(std::__1::function<void ()> const&)>(WTF::MessageQueueWaitResult&, WTF::MessageQueue<std::__1::function<void ()> >::waitForMessage()::'lambda'(std::__1::function<void ()> const&)&&, double) + 80 (WebCore + 3438432) [0x7fff87385760] 1-20
20 WTF::ThreadCondition::timedWait(WTF::Mutex&, double) + 63 (JavaScriptCore + 58511) [0x7fff881c148f] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*1 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1
<process dropped importance donation from networkd [209]>
*19 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 2-20
Thread 0x607f83 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, process received importance donation from Safari [55926], process received importance donation from networkd [209], IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::pthreadEntryPoint(void*) + 9 (JavaScriptCore + 6527481) [0x7fff887ec9f9] 1-20
20 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::entryPoint() + 90 (JavaScriptCore + 6527578) [0x7fff887eca5a] 1-20
20 bmalloc::Heap::concurrentScavenge() + 68 (JavaScriptCore + 6517972) [0x7fff887ea4d4] 1-20
6 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l> >) + 155 (JavaScriptCore + 6518907) [0x7fff887ea87b] 1-6
6 std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > const&) + 75 (libc++.1.dylib + 286752) [0x7fff9bfa3020] 1-6
6 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 1-6
*1 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1
<process dropped importance donation from networkd [209]>
*5 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 2-6
5 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l> >) + 375 (JavaScriptCore + 6519127) [0x7fff887ea957] 7-11
5 std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > const&) + 75 (libc++.1.dylib + 286752) [0x7fff9bfa3020] 7-11
5 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 7-11
*5 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 7-11
9 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l> >) + 155 (JavaScriptCore + 6518907) [0x7fff887ea87b] 12-20
9 std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > const&) + 75 (libc++.1.dylib + 286752) [0x7fff9bfa3020] 12-20
9 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 12-20
*9 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 12-20
Thread 0x607fef DispatchQueue 78 4 samples (16-19) priority 46 (base 31) cpu time 0.001s
<Thread/DispatchQueue pair not seen for 15 samples, thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, process received importance donation from Safari [55926], IO policy important>
4 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 16-19
4 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 16-19
4 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 16-19
4 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 16-19
4 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 16-19
4 _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 1733 (libdispatch.dylib + 84951) [0x7fff86a8dbd7] 16-19
4 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 16-19
4 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 16-19
4 ___ZN3WTF9WorkQueue8dispatchENSt3__18functionIFvvEEE_block_invoke + 23 (JavaScriptCore + 6431191) [0x7fff887d51d7] 16-19
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5>, void ()>::operator()() + 110 (WebKit + 1004720) [0x7fff9a60b4b0] 16
1 WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::open(WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::Type) + 47 (WebKit + 971149) [0x7fff9a60318d] 16
1 __open + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93186) [0x7fff904a2c02] 16
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 16
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 16
*1 open + 416 (kernel + 3174000) [0xffffff8000506e70] 16
*1 open1 + 328 (kernel + 3171160) [0xffffff8000506358] 16
*1 vn_open_auth + 1860 (kernel + 3254148) [0xffffff800051a784] 16
*1 vn_authorize_open_existing + 402 (kernel + 3127298) [0xffffff80004fb802] 16
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 16
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 16
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 16
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 16
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 16
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 551 (kernel + 5491767) [0xffffff800073cc37] 16
*1 BTSearchRecord + 389 (kernel + 5520245) [0xffffff8000743b75] 16
*1 SearchTree + 155 (kernel + 5542187) [0xffffff800074912b] 16
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 16
*1 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 16
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 16
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 16
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 16
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 16
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 16
2 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5>, void ()>::operator()() + 261 (WebKit + 1004871) [0x7fff9a60b547] 17-18
2 WebKit::NetworkCache::BlobStorage::get(WTF::String const&) + 51 (WebKit + 958395) [0x7fff9a5fffbb] 17-18
2 __open + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93186) [0x7fff904a2c02] 17-18
*2 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 17-18
*2 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 17-18
*2 open + 416 (kernel + 3174000) [0xffffff8000506e70] 17-18
*2 open1 + 328 (kernel + 3171160) [0xffffff8000506358] 17-18
*2 vn_open_auth + 262 (kernel + 3252550) [0xffffff800051a146] 17-18
*2 namei + 2200 (kernel + 3090504) [0xffffff80004f2848] 17-18
*2 lookup + 910 (kernel + 3092638) [0xffffff80004f309e] 17-18
*2 hfs_vnop_lookup + 1337 (kernel + 5306745) [0xffffff800070f979] 17-18
*2 hfs_lock + 87 (kernel + 5240887) [0xffffff80006ff837] 17-18
*2 lck_rw_lock_exclusive_gen + 431 (kernel + 1860207) [0xffffff80003c626f] 17-18
*2 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 17-18
*2 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 17-18
*2 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 17-18
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5>, void ()>::operator()() + 110 (WebKit + 1004720) [0x7fff9a60b4b0] 19
1 WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::open(WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::Type) + 47 (WebKit + 971149) [0x7fff9a60318d] 19
1 __open + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93186) [0x7fff904a2c02] 19
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 19
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 19
*1 open + 416 (kernel + 3174000) [0xffffff8000506e70] 19
*1 open1 + 328 (kernel + 3171160) [0xffffff8000506358] 19
*1 vn_open_auth + 1860 (kernel + 3254148) [0xffffff800051a784] 19
*1 vn_authorize_open_existing + 402 (kernel + 3127298) [0xffffff80004fb802] 19
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 19
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 19
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 19
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 19
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 19
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 524 (kernel + 5491740) [0xffffff800073cc1c] 19
*1 hfs_systemfile_lock + 163 (kernel + 5438627) [0xffffff800072fca3] 19
*1 hfs_lock + 44 (kernel + 5240844) [0xffffff80006ff80c] 19
*1 lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 128 (kernel + 1861952) [0xffffff80003c6940] 19
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 19
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 19
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 19
Thread 0x60801c DispatchQueue 78 4 samples (16-19) priority 46 (base 31) cpu time 0.001s
<Thread/DispatchQueue pair not seen for 15 samples, thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, process received importance donation from Safari [55926], IO policy important>
4 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 16-19
4 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 16-19
4 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 16-19
4 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 16-19
4 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 16-19
4 _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 1733 (libdispatch.dylib + 84951) [0x7fff86a8dbd7] 16-19
4 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 16-19
4 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 16-19
4 ___ZN3WTF9WorkQueue8dispatchENSt3__18functionIFvvEEE_block_invoke + 23 (JavaScriptCore + 6431191) [0x7fff887d51d7] 16-19
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5>, void ()>::operator()() + 110 (WebKit + 1004720) [0x7fff9a60b4b0] 16
1 WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::open(WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::Type) + 47 (WebKit + 971149) [0x7fff9a60318d] 16
1 __open + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93186) [0x7fff904a2c02] 16
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 16
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 16
*1 open + 416 (kernel + 3174000) [0xffffff8000506e70] 16
*1 open1 + 328 (kernel + 3171160) [0xffffff8000506358] 16
*1 vn_open_auth + 1860 (kernel + 3254148) [0xffffff800051a784] 16
*1 vn_authorize_open_existing + 402 (kernel + 3127298) [0xffffff80004fb802] 16
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 16
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 16
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 16
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 16
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 16
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 551 (kernel + 5491767) [0xffffff800073cc37] 16
*1 BTSearchRecord + 389 (kernel + 5520245) [0xffffff8000743b75] 16
*1 SearchTree + 155 (kernel + 5542187) [0xffffff800074912b] 16
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 16
*1 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 16
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 16
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 16
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 16
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 16
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 16
2 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5>, void ()>::operator()() + 261 (WebKit + 1004871) [0x7fff9a60b547] 17-18
2 WebKit::NetworkCache::BlobStorage::get(WTF::String const&) + 51 (WebKit + 958395) [0x7fff9a5fffbb] 17-18
2 __open + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93186) [0x7fff904a2c02] 17-18
*2 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 17-18
*2 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 17-18
*2 open + 416 (kernel + 3174000) [0xffffff8000506e70] 17-18
*2 open1 + 328 (kernel + 3171160) [0xffffff8000506358] 17-18
*2 vn_open_auth + 262 (kernel + 3252550) [0xffffff800051a146] 17-18
*2 namei + 2200 (kernel + 3090504) [0xffffff80004f2848] 17-18
*2 lookup + 910 (kernel + 3092638) [0xffffff80004f309e] 17-18
*1 hfs_vnop_lookup + 1337 (kernel + 5306745) [0xffffff800070f979] 17
*1 hfs_lock + 87 (kernel + 5240887) [0xffffff80006ff837] 17
*1 lck_rw_lock_exclusive_gen + 431 (kernel + 1860207) [0xffffff80003c626f] 17
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 17
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 17
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 17
*1 hfs_vnop_lookup + 1461 (kernel + 5306869) [0xffffff800070f9f5] 18
*1 hfs_systemfile_lock + 57 (kernel + 5438521) [0xffffff800072fc39] 18
*1 hfs_lock + 44 (kernel + 5240844) [0xffffff80006ff80c] 18
*1 lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 128 (kernel + 1861952) [0xffffff80003c6940] 18
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 18
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 18
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 18
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5>, void ()>::operator()() + 110 (WebKit + 1004720) [0x7fff9a60b4b0] 19
1 WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::open(WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::Type) + 47 (WebKit + 971149) [0x7fff9a60318d] 19
1 __open + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93186) [0x7fff904a2c02] 19
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 19
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 19
*1 open + 416 (kernel + 3174000) [0xffffff8000506e70] 19
*1 open1 + 328 (kernel + 3171160) [0xffffff8000506358] 19
*1 vn_open_auth + 1860 (kernel + 3254148) [0xffffff800051a784] 19
*1 vn_authorize_open_existing + 402 (kernel + 3127298) [0xffffff80004fb802] 19
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 19
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 19
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 19
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 19
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 19
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 524 (kernel + 5491740) [0xffffff800073cc1c] 19
*1 hfs_systemfile_lock + 163 (kernel + 5438627) [0xffffff800072fca3] 19
*1 hfs_lock + 44 (kernel + 5240844) [0xffffff80006ff80c] 19
*1 lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 128 (kernel + 1861952) [0xffffff80003c6940] 19
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 19
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 19
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 19
Thread <multiple> DispatchQueue 11 3 samples (17-20 with gaps of 1) priority 46 (base 31) cpu time 0.002s
<DispatchQueue not seen for 16 samples, Thread 0x60801d, thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, process received importance donation from Safari [55926], IO policy important>
2 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 17-18
2 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 17-18
2 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 17-18
2 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 17-18
2 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 17-18
2 _dispatch_disk_perform + 430 (libdispatch.dylib + 139040) [0x7fff86a9af20] 17-18
2 __pread_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93430) [0x7fff904a2cf6] 17-18
*2 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 17-18
*2 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 17-18
*2 pread_nocancel + 126 (kernel + 6057214) [0xffffff80007c6cfe] 17-18
*2 ??? (kernel + 6056842) [0xffffff80007c6b8a] 17-18
*2 ??? (kernel + 3259296) [0xffffff800051bba0] 17-18
*2 hfs_vnop_read + 604 (kernel + 5314108) [0xffffff800071163c] 17-18
*2 cluster_read_ext + 2066 (kernel + 3054354) [0xffffff80004e9b12] 17-18
*2 ??? (kernel + 3074059) [0xffffff80004ee80b] 17-18
*2 ??? (kernel + 3076834) [0xffffff80004ef2e2] 17-18
*2 memory_object_control_uiomove + 346 (kernel + 1298762) [0xffffff800033d14a] 17-18
*2 lck_rw_sleep + 135 (kernel + 949799) [0xffffff80002e7e27] 17-18
*2 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 17-18
*2 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 17-18
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 17
<Thread 0x60801b>
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 18
<DispatchQueue not seen for 1 sample, Thread 0x608020>
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 20
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 20
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 20
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 20
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 20
1 _dispatch_disk_perform + 430 (libdispatch.dylib + 139040) [0x7fff86a9af20] 20
1 __pread_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93430) [0x7fff904a2cf6] 20
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 20
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 20
*1 pread_nocancel + 126 (kernel + 6057214) [0xffffff80007c6cfe] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 6056842) [0xffffff80007c6b8a] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 3259296) [0xffffff800051bba0] 20
*1 hfs_vnop_read + 604 (kernel + 5314108) [0xffffff800071163c] 20
*1 cluster_read_ext + 2066 (kernel + 3054354) [0xffffff80004e9b12] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 3074059) [0xffffff80004ee80b] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 3076834) [0xffffff80004ef2e2] 20
*1 memory_object_control_uiomove + 346 (kernel + 1298762) [0xffffff800033d14a] 20
*1 lck_rw_sleep + 135 (kernel + 949799) [0xffffff80002e7e27] 20
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 20
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 20
Thread 0x607e4b DispatchQueue 78 2 samples (16-19 with gaps of 2) priority 46 (base 31)
<Thread/DispatchQueue pair not seen for 15 samples, thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, process received importance donation from Safari [55926], IO policy important>
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 16
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 16
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 16
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 16
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 16
1 _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 1733 (libdispatch.dylib + 84951) [0x7fff86a8dbd7] 16
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 16
1 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 16
1 ___ZN3WTF9WorkQueue8dispatchENSt3__18functionIFvvEEE_block_invoke + 23 (JavaScriptCore + 6431191) [0x7fff887d51d7] 16
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5>, void ()>::operator()() + 110 (WebKit + 1004720) [0x7fff9a60b4b0] 16
1 WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::open(WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::Type) + 47 (WebKit + 971149) [0x7fff9a60318d] 16
1 __open + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93186) [0x7fff904a2c02] 16
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 16
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 16
*1 open + 416 (kernel + 3174000) [0xffffff8000506e70] 16
*1 open1 + 328 (kernel + 3171160) [0xffffff8000506358] 16
*1 vn_open_auth + 1860 (kernel + 3254148) [0xffffff800051a784] 16
*1 vn_authorize_open_existing + 402 (kernel + 3127298) [0xffffff80004fb802] 16
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 16
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 16
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 16
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 16
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 16
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 551 (kernel + 5491767) [0xffffff800073cc37] 16
*1 BTSearchRecord + 389 (kernel + 5520245) [0xffffff8000743b75] 16
*1 SearchTree + 155 (kernel + 5542187) [0xffffff800074912b] 16
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 16
*1 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 16
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 16
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 16
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 16
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 16
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 16
<Thread/DispatchQueue pair not seen for 2 samples>
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 19
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 19
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 19
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 19
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 19
1 _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 1733 (libdispatch.dylib + 84951) [0x7fff86a8dbd7] 19
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 19
1 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 19
1 ___ZN3WTF9WorkQueue8dispatchENSt3__18functionIFvvEEE_block_invoke + 23 (JavaScriptCore + 6431191) [0x7fff887d51d7] 19
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5>, void ()>::operator()() + 110 (WebKit + 1004720) [0x7fff9a60b4b0] 19
1 WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::open(WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::Type) + 47 (WebKit + 971149) [0x7fff9a60318d] 19
1 __open + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93186) [0x7fff904a2c02] 19
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 19
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 19
*1 open + 416 (kernel + 3174000) [0xffffff8000506e70] 19
*1 open1 + 328 (kernel + 3171160) [0xffffff8000506358] 19
*1 vn_open_auth + 1860 (kernel + 3254148) [0xffffff800051a784] 19
*1 vn_authorize_open_existing + 402 (kernel + 3127298) [0xffffff80004fb802] 19
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 19
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 19
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 19
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 19
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 19
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 524 (kernel + 5491740) [0xffffff800073cc1c] 19
*1 hfs_systemfile_lock + 163 (kernel + 5438627) [0xffffff800072fca3] 19
*1 hfs_lock + 44 (kernel + 5240844) [0xffffff80006ff80c] 19
*1 lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 128 (kernel + 1861952) [0xffffff80003c6940] 19
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 19
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 19
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 19
Thread 0x607ff2 DispatchQueue 78 2 samples (16-19 with gaps of 2) priority 46 (base 31)
<Thread/DispatchQueue pair not seen for 15 samples, thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, process received importance donation from Safari [55926], IO policy important>
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 16
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 16
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 16
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 16
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 16
1 _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 1733 (libdispatch.dylib + 84951) [0x7fff86a8dbd7] 16
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 16
1 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 16
1 ___ZN3WTF9WorkQueue8dispatchENSt3__18functionIFvvEEE_block_invoke + 23 (JavaScriptCore + 6431191) [0x7fff887d51d7] 16
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5>, void ()>::operator()() + 110 (WebKit + 1004720) [0x7fff9a60b4b0] 16
1 WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::open(WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::Type) + 47 (WebKit + 971149) [0x7fff9a60318d] 16
1 __open + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93186) [0x7fff904a2c02] 16
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 16
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 16
*1 open + 416 (kernel + 3174000) [0xffffff8000506e70] 16
*1 open1 + 328 (kernel + 3171160) [0xffffff8000506358] 16
*1 vn_open_auth + 1860 (kernel + 3254148) [0xffffff800051a784] 16
*1 vn_authorize_open_existing + 402 (kernel + 3127298) [0xffffff80004fb802] 16
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 16
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 16
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 16
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 16
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 16
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 551 (kernel + 5491767) [0xffffff800073cc37] 16
*1 BTSearchRecord + 389 (kernel + 5520245) [0xffffff8000743b75] 16
*1 SearchTree + 155 (kernel + 5542187) [0xffffff800074912b] 16
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 16
*1 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 16
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 16
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 16
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 16
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 16
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 16
<Thread/DispatchQueue pair not seen for 2 samples>
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 19
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 19
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 19
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 19
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 19
1 _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 1733 (libdispatch.dylib + 84951) [0x7fff86a8dbd7] 19
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 19
1 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 19
1 ___ZN3WTF9WorkQueue8dispatchENSt3__18functionIFvvEEE_block_invoke + 23 (JavaScriptCore + 6431191) [0x7fff887d51d7] 19
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5>, void ()>::operator()() + 110 (WebKit + 1004720) [0x7fff9a60b4b0] 19
1 WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::open(WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::Type) + 47 (WebKit + 971149) [0x7fff9a60318d] 19
1 __open + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93186) [0x7fff904a2c02] 19
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 19
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 19
*1 open + 416 (kernel + 3174000) [0xffffff8000506e70] 19
*1 open1 + 328 (kernel + 3171160) [0xffffff8000506358] 19
*1 vn_open_auth + 1860 (kernel + 3254148) [0xffffff800051a784] 19
*1 vn_authorize_open_existing + 402 (kernel + 3127298) [0xffffff80004fb802] 19
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 19
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 19
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 19
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 19
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 19
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 524 (kernel + 5491740) [0xffffff800073cc1c] 19
*1 hfs_systemfile_lock + 163 (kernel + 5438627) [0xffffff800072fca3] 19
*1 hfs_lock + 44 (kernel + 5240844) [0xffffff80006ff80c] 19
*1 lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 128 (kernel + 1861952) [0xffffff80003c6940] 19
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 19
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 19
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 19
Thread 0x60800f DispatchQueue 78 2 samples (16-19 with gaps of 2) priority 46 (base 31)
<Thread/DispatchQueue pair not seen for 15 samples, thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, process received importance donation from Safari [55926], IO policy important>
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 16
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 16
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 16
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 16
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 16
1 _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 1733 (libdispatch.dylib + 84951) [0x7fff86a8dbd7] 16
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 16
1 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 16
1 ___ZN3WTF9WorkQueue8dispatchENSt3__18functionIFvvEEE_block_invoke + 23 (JavaScriptCore + 6431191) [0x7fff887d51d7] 16
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5>, void ()>::operator()() + 110 (WebKit + 1004720) [0x7fff9a60b4b0] 16
1 WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::open(WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::Type) + 47 (WebKit + 971149) [0x7fff9a60318d] 16
1 __open + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93186) [0x7fff904a2c02] 16
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 16
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 16
*1 open + 416 (kernel + 3174000) [0xffffff8000506e70] 16
*1 open1 + 328 (kernel + 3171160) [0xffffff8000506358] 16
*1 vn_open_auth + 1860 (kernel + 3254148) [0xffffff800051a784] 16
*1 vn_authorize_open_existing + 402 (kernel + 3127298) [0xffffff80004fb802] 16
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 16
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 16
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 16
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 16
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 16
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 551 (kernel + 5491767) [0xffffff800073cc37] 16
*1 BTSearchRecord + 389 (kernel + 5520245) [0xffffff8000743b75] 16
*1 SearchTree + 155 (kernel + 5542187) [0xffffff800074912b] 16
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 16
*1 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 16
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 16
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 16
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 16
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 16
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 16
<Thread/DispatchQueue pair not seen for 2 samples>
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 19
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 19
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 19
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 19
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 19
1 _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 1733 (libdispatch.dylib + 84951) [0x7fff86a8dbd7] 19
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 19
1 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 19
1 ___ZN3WTF9WorkQueue8dispatchENSt3__18functionIFvvEEE_block_invoke + 23 (JavaScriptCore + 6431191) [0x7fff887d51d7] 19
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5>, void ()>::operator()() + 110 (WebKit + 1004720) [0x7fff9a60b4b0] 19
1 WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::open(WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::Type) + 47 (WebKit + 971149) [0x7fff9a60318d] 19
1 __open + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93186) [0x7fff904a2c02] 19
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 19
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 19
*1 open + 416 (kernel + 3174000) [0xffffff8000506e70] 19
*1 open1 + 328 (kernel + 3171160) [0xffffff8000506358] 19
*1 vn_open_auth + 1860 (kernel + 3254148) [0xffffff800051a784] 19
*1 vn_authorize_open_existing + 402 (kernel + 3127298) [0xffffff80004fb802] 19
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 19
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 19
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 19
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 19
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 19
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 524 (kernel + 5491740) [0xffffff800073cc1c] 19
*1 hfs_systemfile_lock + 163 (kernel + 5438627) [0xffffff800072fca3] 19
*1 hfs_lock + 44 (kernel + 5240844) [0xffffff80006ff80c] 19
*1 lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 128 (kernel + 1861952) [0xffffff80003c6940] 19
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 19
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 19
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 19
Thread 0x60801b DispatchQueue 78 2 samples (16-17) priority 46 (base 31)
<Thread/DispatchQueue pair not seen for 15 samples, thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, process received importance donation from Safari [55926], IO policy important>
2 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 16-17
2 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 16-17
2 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 16-17
2 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 16-17
2 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 16-17
2 _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 1733 (libdispatch.dylib + 84951) [0x7fff86a8dbd7] 16-17
2 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 16-17
2 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 16-17
2 ___ZN3WTF9WorkQueue8dispatchENSt3__18functionIFvvEEE_block_invoke + 23 (JavaScriptCore + 6431191) [0x7fff887d51d7] 16-17
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5>, void ()>::operator()() + 110 (WebKit + 1004720) [0x7fff9a60b4b0] 16
1 WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::open(WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::Type) + 47 (WebKit + 971149) [0x7fff9a60318d] 16
1 __open + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93186) [0x7fff904a2c02] 16
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 16
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 16
*1 open + 416 (kernel + 3174000) [0xffffff8000506e70] 16
*1 open1 + 328 (kernel + 3171160) [0xffffff8000506358] 16
*1 vn_open_auth + 1860 (kernel + 3254148) [0xffffff800051a784] 16
*1 vn_authorize_open_existing + 402 (kernel + 3127298) [0xffffff80004fb802] 16
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 16
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 16
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 16
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 16
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 16
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 551 (kernel + 5491767) [0xffffff800073cc37] 16
*1 BTSearchRecord + 389 (kernel + 5520245) [0xffffff8000743b75] 16
*1 SearchTree + 155 (kernel + 5542187) [0xffffff800074912b] 16
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 16
*1 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 16
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 16
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 16
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 16
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 16
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 16
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5>, void ()>::operator()() + 261 (WebKit + 1004871) [0x7fff9a60b547] 17
1 WebKit::NetworkCache::BlobStorage::get(WTF::String const&) + 51 (WebKit + 958395) [0x7fff9a5fffbb] 17
1 __open + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93186) [0x7fff904a2c02] 17
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 17
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 17
*1 open + 416 (kernel + 3174000) [0xffffff8000506e70] 17
*1 open1 + 328 (kernel + 3171160) [0xffffff8000506358] 17
*1 vn_open_auth + 262 (kernel + 3252550) [0xffffff800051a146] 17
*1 namei + 2200 (kernel + 3090504) [0xffffff80004f2848] 17
*1 lookup + 910 (kernel + 3092638) [0xffffff80004f309e] 17
*1 hfs_vnop_lookup + 1461 (kernel + 5306869) [0xffffff800070f9f5] 17
*1 hfs_systemfile_lock + 57 (kernel + 5438521) [0xffffff800072fc39] 17
*1 hfs_lock + 44 (kernel + 5240844) [0xffffff80006ff80c] 17
*1 lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 128 (kernel + 1861952) [0xffffff80003c6940] 17
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 17
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 17
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 17
Thread 0x60801d DispatchQueue 78 1 sample (19) priority 46 (base 31)
<Thread/DispatchQueue pair not seen for 18 samples, thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, process received importance donation from Safari [55926], IO policy important>
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 19
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 19
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 19
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 19
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 19
1 _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 1733 (libdispatch.dylib + 84951) [0x7fff86a8dbd7] 19
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 19
1 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 19
1 ___ZN3WTF9WorkQueue8dispatchENSt3__18functionIFvvEEE_block_invoke + 23 (JavaScriptCore + 6431191) [0x7fff887d51d7] 19
1 std::__1::__function::__func<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5, std::__1::allocator<WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::dispatchReadOperation(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::ReadOperation&)::$_5>, void ()>::operator()() + 110 (WebKit + 1004720) [0x7fff9a60b4b0] 19
1 WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::open(WTF::String const&, WebKit::NetworkCache::IOChannel::Type) + 47 (WebKit + 971149) [0x7fff9a60318d] 19
1 __open + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93186) [0x7fff904a2c02] 19
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 19
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 19
*1 open + 416 (kernel + 3174000) [0xffffff8000506e70] 19
*1 open1 + 328 (kernel + 3171160) [0xffffff8000506358] 19
*1 vn_open_auth + 1860 (kernel + 3254148) [0xffffff800051a784] 19
*1 vn_authorize_open_existing + 402 (kernel + 3127298) [0xffffff80004fb802] 19
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 19
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 19
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 19
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 19
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 19
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 524 (kernel + 5491740) [0xffffff800073cc1c] 19
*1 hfs_systemfile_lock + 163 (kernel + 5438627) [0xffffff800072fca3] 19
*1 hfs_lock + 44 (kernel + 5240844) [0xffffff80006ff80c] 19
*1 lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 128 (kernel + 1861952) [0xffffff80003c6940] 19
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 19
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 19
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 19
Thread 0x60801b DispatchQueue 80 1 sample (19) priority 46 (base 4)
<DispatchQueue not seen for 18 samples, thread QoS background (requested background), process unclamped, thread darwinbg, process received importance donation from Safari [55926], IO policy utility>
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 19
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 19
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 19
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 538 (libdispatch.dylib + 23891) [0x7fff86a7ed53] 19
1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 19
1 _dispatch_queue_drain + 754 (libdispatch.dylib + 28731) [0x7fff86a8003b] 19
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 19
1 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 19
1 ___ZN3WTF9WorkQueue8dispatchENSt3__18functionIFvvEEE_block_invoke + 23 (JavaScriptCore + 6431191) [0x7fff887d51d7] 19
1 WebKit::NetworkCache::updateFileModificationTimeIfNeeded(WTF::String const&) + 19 (WebKit + 963839) [0x7fff9a6014ff] 19
1 stat$INODE64 + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 100178) [0x7fff904a4752] 19
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 19
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 19
*1 stat64 + 58 (kernel + 3180650) [0xffffff800050886a] 19
*1 ??? (kernel + 3224947) [0xffffff8000513573] 19
*1 vn_stat + 103 (kernel + 3257607) [0xffffff800051b507] 19
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 19
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 19
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 19
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 19
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 19
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 524 (kernel + 5491740) [0xffffff800073cc1c] 19
*1 hfs_systemfile_lock + 163 (kernel + 5438627) [0xffffff800072fca3] 19
*1 hfs_lock + 44 (kernel + 5240844) [0xffffff80006ff80c] 19
*1 lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 128 (kernel + 1861952) [0xffffff80003c6940] 19
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 19
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 19
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 19
Binary Images:
0x106ac1000 - 0x106ac1fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <A4BF32E0-16AE-36B2-A201-A234DC2A89B5> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8703e000 - 0x7fff88127fff 11601 (11601.7.5) <9153DA7E-1625-382A-8257-8D4293F06F7F> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.framework/Versions/A/WebCore
0x7fff881b3000 - 0x7fff88852fff 11601 (11601.7.2) <4A888404-501D-38DE-921D-BA9AEEAC8243> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff91629000 - 0x7fff916b6fff libsystem_c.dylib (1082.60.1) <28733D22-553E-3CBC-8D2C-EDCEB46E46AF> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fff9a516000 - 0x7fff9a854fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <29B8BA84-D78E-393B-BB36-4B9605372A5F> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/WebKit
0x7fff9bf5d000 - 0x7fff9bfb0fff libc++.1.dylib (120.1) <8FC3D139-8055-3498-9AC5-6467CB7F4D14> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff7f835e3000 - 0xffffff7f835e7fff com.getdropbox.dropbox.kext (1.7.5) <7D4877FE-8F6C-3667-800E-CC3D56FBC9E3> /Library/Extensions/Dropbox.kext/Contents/MacOS/Dropbox
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [54825]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Mail [54719]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 2601 pages
Thread 0x5d03f8 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x10739db4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5d03fb DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5d0466 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5d047b 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5d0483 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5d0484 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5d0485 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5d0486 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5d04cc 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e2706 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10739d000 - 0x10739dfff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [54826]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Mail [54719]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 3131 pages
Thread 0x5d0421 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x1023a9b4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5d045c DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5d0467 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5d047c 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5d0480 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5d0481 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5d0482 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5d0488 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5d1b6c 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1023a9000 - 0x1023a9fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55929]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 7215 pages (+9)
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5e58e4 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x10cb21b4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e58e7 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5e590c 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5d66 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e50 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e51 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e52 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e55 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e637e 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e6a95 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5fda8a 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5fda8b 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5fda8c 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5ffc0a 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5ffc29 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5ffc38 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (AppleGVA + 311387) [0x7fff8c9cc05b] 1-20
20 usleep + 54 (libsystem_c.dylib + 523266) [0x7fff916a8c02] 1-20
20 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 1-20
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10cb21000 - 0x10cb21fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8c980000 - 0x7fff8ca6cfff 9.1.12 (9.1.12) <A1BFF463-DFB3-3450-B19C-A264277D5FD3> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleGVA.framework/Versions/A/AppleGVA
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff91629000 - 0x7fff916b6fff libsystem_c.dylib (1082.60.1) <28733D22-553E-3CBC-8D2C-EDCEB46E46AF> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55945]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 7491 pages (+14)
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5e5c0b DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x106d35b4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c0d DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c21 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5d8e 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5ddc 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5ddd 20 samples (1-20) priority 2 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5dde 20 samples (1-20) priority 0 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e71 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e7d55 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x607c6d 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::DFG::Worklist::runThread(JSC::DFG::ThreadData*) + 235 (JavaScriptCore + 3555755) [0x7fff885171ab] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x607c6e 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::DFG::Worklist::runThread(JSC::DFG::ThreadData*) + 235 (JavaScriptCore + 3555755) [0x7fff885171ab] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x607c6f 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::DFG::Worklist::runThread(JSC::DFG::ThreadData*) + 235 (JavaScriptCore + 3555755) [0x7fff885171ab] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x106d35000 - 0x106d35fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff881b3000 - 0x7fff88852fff 11601 (11601.7.2) <4A888404-501D-38DE-921D-BA9AEEAC8243> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55947]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 12931 pages
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5e5c39 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x106a94b4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c3b DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c46 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5de2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e1c 20 samples (1-20) priority 3 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88 (JavaScriptCore + 58888) [0x7fff881c1608] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 171 (JavaScriptCore + 59323) [0x7fff881c17bb] 1-20
20 std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&) + 47 (libc++.1.dylib + 30351) [0x7fff9bf6468f] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e1d 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88 (JavaScriptCore + 58888) [0x7fff881c1608] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 171 (JavaScriptCore + 59323) [0x7fff881c17bb] 1-20
20 std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&) + 47 (libc++.1.dylib + 30351) [0x7fff9bf6468f] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e1e 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88 (JavaScriptCore + 58888) [0x7fff881c1608] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 171 (JavaScriptCore + 59323) [0x7fff881c17bb] 1-20
20 std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&) + 47 (libc++.1.dylib + 30351) [0x7fff9bf6468f] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e83 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e810f 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::DFG::Worklist::runThread(JSC::DFG::ThreadData*) + 235 (JavaScriptCore + 3555755) [0x7fff885171ab] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f813b 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f95c8 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f95c9 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f95ca 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x106a94000 - 0x106a94fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff881b3000 - 0x7fff88852fff 11601 (11601.7.2) <4A888404-501D-38DE-921D-BA9AEEAC8243> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fff9bf5d000 - 0x7fff9bfb0fff libc++.1.dylib (120.1) <8FC3D139-8055-3498-9AC5-6467CB7F4D14> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55948]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 10821 pages (+9)
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5e5c47 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x10174fb4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c49 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c4f 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5db3 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5dfe 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5dff 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e00 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e87 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 WebCore::ScrollingThread::initializeRunLoop() + 244 (WebCore + 481892) [0x7fff870b3a64] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e85e3 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::DFG::Worklist::runThread(JSC::DFG::ThreadData*) + 235 (JavaScriptCore + 3555755) [0x7fff885171ab] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e8fb4 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10174f000 - 0x10174ffff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8703e000 - 0x7fff88127fff 11601 (11601.7.5) <9153DA7E-1625-382A-8257-8D4293F06F7F> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.framework/Versions/A/WebCore
0x7fff881b3000 - 0x7fff88852fff 11601 (11601.7.2) <4A888404-501D-38DE-921D-BA9AEEAC8243> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55950]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 30599 pages (+9)
CPU Time: 0.001s
Thread 0x5e5c5e DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37) cpu time 0.001s
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x109ca6b4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c61 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 61 (base 61)
<IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c68 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5da3 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e10 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88 (JavaScriptCore + 58888) [0x7fff881c1608] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 171 (JavaScriptCore + 59323) [0x7fff881c17bb] 1-20
20 std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&) + 47 (libc++.1.dylib + 30351) [0x7fff9bf6468f] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e11 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88 (JavaScriptCore + 58888) [0x7fff881c1608] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 171 (JavaScriptCore + 59323) [0x7fff881c17bb] 1-20
20 std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&) + 47 (libc++.1.dylib + 30351) [0x7fff9bf6468f] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e12 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88 (JavaScriptCore + 58888) [0x7fff881c1608] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 171 (JavaScriptCore + 59323) [0x7fff881c17bb] 1-20
20 std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&) + 47 (libc++.1.dylib + 30351) [0x7fff9bf6468f] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e7e 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6d14 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::DFG::Worklist::runThread(JSC::DFG::ThreadData*) + 235 (JavaScriptCore + 3555755) [0x7fff885171ab] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7030 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f8587 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f8588 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::DFG::Worklist::runThread(JSC::DFG::ThreadData*) + 235 (JavaScriptCore + 3555755) [0x7fff885171ab] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f8589 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x602ceb 20 samples (1-20) priority 52 (base 52)
<IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x602cf8 20 samples (1-20) priority 47 (base 47)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 figThreadMain + 616 (CoreMedia + 321582) [0x7fff8c2b782e] 1-20
20 ??? (MediaToolbox + 803104) [0x7fff93340120] 1-20
20 semaphore_wait_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69550) [0x7fff9049cfae] 1-20
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x602cfb 20 samples (1-20) priority 60 (base 60)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 CAPThread::Entry(CAPThread*) + 80 (AudioToolbox + 68926) [0x7fff8c759d3e] 1-20
20 GenericRunLoopThread::Entry(void*) + 194 (AudioToolbox + 69298) [0x7fff8c759eb2] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x602d03 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (AppleGVA + 311387) [0x7fff8c9cc05b] 1-20
20 usleep + 54 (libsystem_c.dylib + 523266) [0x7fff916a8c02] 1-20
20 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 1-20
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x607f1a 20 samples (1-20) priority 55 (base 55)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 figThreadMain + 616 (CoreMedia + 321582) [0x7fff8c2b782e] 1-20
20 ??? (MediaToolbox + 394787) [0x7fff932dc623] 1-20
20 FigSemaphoreWaitRelative + 156 (CoreMedia + 317748) [0x7fff8c2b6934] 1-20
20 WaitOnCondition + 14 (CoreMedia + 318261) [0x7fff8c2b6b35] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x607f1b 20 samples (1-20) priority 54 (base 54)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 figThreadMain + 616 (CoreMedia + 321582) [0x7fff8c2b782e] 1-20
20 ??? (MediaToolbox + 2150655) [0x7fff934890ff] 1-20
20 FigSemaphoreWaitRelative + 156 (CoreMedia + 317748) [0x7fff8c2b6934] 1-20
20 WaitOnCondition + 14 (CoreMedia + 318261) [0x7fff8c2b6b35] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x607f1c 20 samples (1-20) priority 49 (base 49)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 figThreadMain + 616 (CoreMedia + 321582) [0x7fff8c2b782e] 1-20
20 ??? (MediaToolbox + 2133182) [0x7fff93484cbe] 1-20
20 FigSemaphoreWaitRelative + 156 (CoreMedia + 317748) [0x7fff8c2b6934] 1-20
20 WaitOnCondition + 14 (CoreMedia + 318261) [0x7fff8c2b6b35] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x607f1d 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (AppleGVA + 252661) [0x7fff8c9bdaf5] 1-20
20 ??? (AppleGVA + 253747) [0x7fff8c9bdf33] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x607f1e 20 samples (1-20) priority 47 (base 47)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 figThreadMain + 616 (CoreMedia + 321582) [0x7fff8c2b782e] 1-20
20 ??? (MediaToolbox + 1051858) [0x7fff9337ccd2] 1-20
20 FigSemaphoreWaitRelative + 156 (CoreMedia + 317748) [0x7fff8c2b6934] 1-20
20 WaitOnCondition + 14 (CoreMedia + 318261) [0x7fff8c2b6b35] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x607f1f 20 samples (1-20) priority 47 (base 47)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 figThreadMain + 616 (CoreMedia + 321582) [0x7fff8c2b782e] 1-20
20 ??? (MediaToolbox + 1096279) [0x7fff93387a57] 1-20
20 FigSemaphoreWaitRelative + 156 (CoreMedia + 317748) [0x7fff8c2b6934] 1-20
20 WaitOnCondition + 14 (CoreMedia + 318261) [0x7fff8c2b6b35] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x607f20 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<IO policy important>
*15 wq_unsuspend_continue + 0 (pthread + 20946) [0xffffff7f80f991d2] (suspended) 1-15
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy)>
5 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 16-20
5 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95714) [0x7fff904a35e2] 16-20
*5 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 21473) [0xffffff7f80f993e1] 16-20
Binary Images:
0x109ca6000 - 0x109ca6fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff881b3000 - 0x7fff88852fff 11601 (11601.7.2) <4A888404-501D-38DE-921D-BA9AEEAC8243> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
0x7fff8c269000 - 0x7fff8c342fff 1.0 (1731.15.206) <DE407384-39D5-3727-A78D-D22849D816C7> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMedia.framework/Versions/A/CoreMedia
0x7fff8c749000 - 0x7fff8c8effff 1.13 (1.13) <370E95BC-956C-3962-86CC-0A14CF6A0389> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
0x7fff8c980000 - 0x7fff8ca6cfff 9.1.12 (9.1.12) <A1BFF463-DFB3-3450-B19C-A264277D5FD3> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleGVA.framework/Versions/A/AppleGVA
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff91629000 - 0x7fff916b6fff libsystem_c.dylib (1082.60.1) <28733D22-553E-3CBC-8D2C-EDCEB46E46AF> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
0x7fff9327c000 - 0x7fff937bafff 1.0 (1731.15.206) <119FFD0E-947D-3103-9221-458439F5764D> /System/Library/Frameworks/MediaToolbox.framework/Versions/A/MediaToolbox
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fff9bf5d000 - 0x7fff9bfb0fff libc++.1.dylib (120.1) <8FC3D139-8055-3498-9AC5-6467CB7F4D14> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55951]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 8350 pages (+12)
CPU Time: 0.013s
Note: 3 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5e5c69 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37) cpu time 0.012s
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x1056cfb4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c6d DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 61 (base 61)
<IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c72 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5d87 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5ddf 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5de0 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5de1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e7a 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f55ba 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f571d 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x6079bc 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::pthreadEntryPoint(void*) + 9 (JavaScriptCore + 6527481) [0x7fff887ec9f9] 1-20
20 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::entryPoint() + 90 (JavaScriptCore + 6527578) [0x7fff887eca5a] 1-20
20 bmalloc::Heap::concurrentScavenge() + 68 (JavaScriptCore + 6517972) [0x7fff887ea4d4] 1-20
16 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l> >) + 155 (JavaScriptCore + 6518907) [0x7fff887ea87b] 1-16
16 std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > const&) + 75 (libc++.1.dylib + 286752) [0x7fff9bfa3020] 1-16
16 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 1-16
*16 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-16
4 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l> >) + 375 (JavaScriptCore + 6519127) [0x7fff887ea957] 17-20
4 std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > const&) + 75 (libc++.1.dylib + 286752) [0x7fff9bfa3020] 17-20
4 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 17-20
*4 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 17-20
Thread 0x607b48 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<IO policy important>
*20 wq_unsuspend_continue + 0 (pthread + 20946) [0xffffff7f80f991d2] (suspended) 1-20
Thread 0x608003 2 samples (5-6) priority 54 (base 54)
<Thread not seen for 4 samples, IO policy important>
2 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 5-6
2 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 5-6
2 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 5-6
2 startIOThread(void*) + 147 (CoreVideo + 31145) [0x7fff8ffe29a9] 5-6
2 CVDisplayLink::runIOThread() + 511 (CoreVideo + 32465) [0x7fff8ffe2ed1] 5-6
2 CVDisplayLink::waitUntil(unsigned long long) + 232 (CoreVideo + 32984) [0x7fff8ffe30d8] 5-6
2 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 5-6
*2 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 5-6
Thread 0x608009 2 samples (10-11) priority 54 (base 54)
<Thread not seen for 9 samples, IO policy important>
2 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 10-11
2 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 10-11
2 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 10-11
2 startIOThread(void*) + 147 (CoreVideo + 31145) [0x7fff8ffe29a9] 10-11
2 CVDisplayLink::runIOThread() + 511 (CoreVideo + 32465) [0x7fff8ffe2ed1] 10-11
2 CVDisplayLink::waitUntil(unsigned long long) + 232 (CoreVideo + 32984) [0x7fff8ffe30d8] 10-11
2 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 10-11
*2 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 10-11
Thread 0x60800a 2 samples (15-16) priority 54 (base 54) cpu time 0.001s
<Thread not seen for 14 samples, IO policy important>
2 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 15-16
2 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 15-16
2 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 15-16
2 startIOThread(void*) + 147 (CoreVideo + 31145) [0x7fff8ffe29a9] 15-16
2 CVDisplayLink::runIOThread() + 511 (CoreVideo + 32465) [0x7fff8ffe2ed1] 15-16
2 CVDisplayLink::waitUntil(unsigned long long) + 232 (CoreVideo + 32984) [0x7fff8ffe30d8] 15-16
2 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 15-16
*2 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 15-16
Thread 0x607fcb 1 sample (1) priority 54 (base 54)
<IO policy important>
1 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1
1 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1
1 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1
1 startIOThread(void*) + 147 (CoreVideo + 31145) [0x7fff8ffe29a9] 1
1 CVDisplayLink::runIOThread() + 511 (CoreVideo + 32465) [0x7fff8ffe2ed1] 1
1 CVDisplayLink::waitUntil(unsigned long long) + 232 (CoreVideo + 32984) [0x7fff8ffe30d8] 1
1 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1
*1 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1
Thread 0x608023 1 sample (20) priority 54 (base 54)
<Thread not seen for 19 samples, IO policy important>
1 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 20
1 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 20
1 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 20
1 startIOThread(void*) + 147 (CoreVideo + 31145) [0x7fff8ffe29a9] 20
1 CVDisplayLink::runIOThread() + 511 (CoreVideo + 32465) [0x7fff8ffe2ed1] 20
1 CVDisplayLink::waitUntil(unsigned long long) + 232 (CoreVideo + 32984) [0x7fff8ffe30d8] 20
1 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 20
*1 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 20
Binary Images:
0x1056cf000 - 0x1056cffff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff881b3000 - 0x7fff88852fff 11601 (11601.7.2) <4A888404-501D-38DE-921D-BA9AEEAC8243> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff8ffdb000 - 0x7fff9000ffff 1.8 (191.3) <1AA24A1B-CB84-3F6B-B6DE-11494542649C> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/Versions/A/CoreVideo
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fff9bf5d000 - 0x7fff9bfb0fff libc++.1.dylib (120.1) <8FC3D139-8055-3498-9AC5-6467CB7F4D14> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55952]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 13767 pages (-5)
CPU Time: 0.004s
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5e5c73 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37) cpu time 0.004s
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x10c4ccb4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c75 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c7d 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5da5 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e01 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e02 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e03 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e72 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e637b 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::DFG::Worklist::runThread(JSC::DFG::ThreadData*) + 235 (JavaScriptCore + 3555755) [0x7fff885171ab] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e6e22 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7b0c 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::pthreadEntryPoint(void*) + 9 (JavaScriptCore + 6527481) [0x7fff887ec9f9] 1-20
20 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::entryPoint() + 90 (JavaScriptCore + 6527578) [0x7fff887eca5a] 1-20
20 bmalloc::Heap::concurrentScavenge() + 68 (JavaScriptCore + 6517972) [0x7fff887ea4d4] 1-20
10 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l> >) + 155 (JavaScriptCore + 6518907) [0x7fff887ea87b] 1-10
10 std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > const&) + 75 (libc++.1.dylib + 286752) [0x7fff9bfa3020] 1-10
10 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 1-10
*10 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-10
5 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l> >) + 375 (JavaScriptCore + 6519127) [0x7fff887ea957] 11-15
5 std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > const&) + 75 (libc++.1.dylib + 286752) [0x7fff9bfa3020] 11-15
5 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 11-15
*5 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 11-15
5 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l> >) + 155 (JavaScriptCore + 6518907) [0x7fff887ea87b] 16-20
5 std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > const&) + 75 (libc++.1.dylib + 286752) [0x7fff9bfa3020] 16-20
5 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 16-20
*5 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 16-20
Binary Images:
0x10c4cc000 - 0x10c4ccfff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff881b3000 - 0x7fff88852fff 11601 (11601.7.2) <4A888404-501D-38DE-921D-BA9AEEAC8243> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fff9bf5d000 - 0x7fff9bfb0fff libc++.1.dylib (120.1) <8FC3D139-8055-3498-9AC5-6467CB7F4D14> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55953]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 9282 pages (+13)
CPU Time: 0.001s
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5e5c81 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4) cpu time 0.001s
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x1080f7b4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c83 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c89 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5d88 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5dbe 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88 (JavaScriptCore + 58888) [0x7fff881c1608] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 171 (JavaScriptCore + 59323) [0x7fff881c17bb] 1-20
20 std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&) + 47 (libc++.1.dylib + 30351) [0x7fff9bf6468f] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5dbf 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88 (JavaScriptCore + 58888) [0x7fff881c1608] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 171 (JavaScriptCore + 59323) [0x7fff881c17bb] 1-20
20 std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&) + 47 (libc++.1.dylib + 30351) [0x7fff9bf6468f] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5dc0 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88 (JavaScriptCore + 58888) [0x7fff881c1608] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 171 (JavaScriptCore + 59323) [0x7fff881c17bb] 1-20
20 std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&) + 47 (libc++.1.dylib + 30351) [0x7fff9bf6468f] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e79 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e637d 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::DFG::Worklist::runThread(JSC::DFG::ThreadData*) + 235 (JavaScriptCore + 3555755) [0x7fff885171ab] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f9106 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x608022 1 sample (20) priority 4 (base 4)
<Thread not seen for 19 samples, thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
1 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 20
1 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 20
1 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 20
1 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::pthreadEntryPoint(void*) + 9 (JavaScriptCore + 6527481) [0x7fff887ec9f9] 20
1 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::entryPoint() + 90 (JavaScriptCore + 6527578) [0x7fff887eca5a] 20
1 bmalloc::Heap::concurrentScavenge() + 68 (JavaScriptCore + 6517972) [0x7fff887ea4d4] 20
1 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l> >) + 155 (JavaScriptCore + 6518907) [0x7fff887ea87b] 20
1 std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > const&) + 75 (libc++.1.dylib + 286752) [0x7fff9bfa3020] 20
1 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 20
*1 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 20
Binary Images:
0x1080f7000 - 0x1080f7fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff881b3000 - 0x7fff88852fff 11601 (11601.7.2) <4A888404-501D-38DE-921D-BA9AEEAC8243> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fff9bf5d000 - 0x7fff9bfb0fff libc++.1.dylib (120.1) <8FC3D139-8055-3498-9AC5-6467CB7F4D14> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55954]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 5188 pages (+7)
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5e5c8a DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x109389b4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c8c DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 61 (base 61)
<IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c92 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5dd8 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e2e 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e2f 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e30 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e6d 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e6379 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e73ec 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x109389000 - 0x109389fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55956]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 68477 pages (-2)
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5e5c95 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x104c91b4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5c9c DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 61 (base 61)
<IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5cad 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5dbc 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e2a 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88 (JavaScriptCore + 58888) [0x7fff881c1608] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 171 (JavaScriptCore + 59323) [0x7fff881c17bb] 1-20
20 std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&) + 47 (libc++.1.dylib + 30351) [0x7fff9bf6468f] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e2c 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88 (JavaScriptCore + 58888) [0x7fff881c1608] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 171 (JavaScriptCore + 59323) [0x7fff881c17bb] 1-20
20 std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&) + 47 (libc++.1.dylib + 30351) [0x7fff9bf6468f] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e2d 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88 (JavaScriptCore + 58888) [0x7fff881c1608] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 171 (JavaScriptCore + 59323) [0x7fff881c17bb] 1-20
20 std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&) + 47 (libc++.1.dylib + 30351) [0x7fff9bf6468f] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e89 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 WebCore::ScrollingThread::initializeRunLoop() + 244 (WebCore + 481892) [0x7fff870b3a64] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e99c3 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::DFG::Worklist::runThread(JSC::DFG::ThreadData*) + 235 (JavaScriptCore + 3555755) [0x7fff885171ab] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f9766 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f981a 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f981b 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f981c 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x60316c 20 samples (1-20) priority 47 (base 47)
<IO policy important>
20 semaphore_wait_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69550) [0x7fff9049cfae] 1-20
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x603171 20 samples (1-20) priority 60 (base 60)
<IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x603177 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (AppleGVA + 311387) [0x7fff8c9cc05b] 1-20
20 usleep + 54 (libsystem_c.dylib + 523266) [0x7fff916a8c02] 1-20
20 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 1-20
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x60317f 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (AppleVA + 283924) [0x7fff8bc1a514] 1-20
20 usleep + 54 (libsystem_c.dylib + 523266) [0x7fff916a8c02] 1-20
20 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 1-20
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x607f13 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::pthreadEntryPoint(void*) + 9 (JavaScriptCore + 6527481) [0x7fff887ec9f9] 1-20
7 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::entryPoint() + 90 (JavaScriptCore + 6527578) [0x7fff887eca5a] 1-7
7 bmalloc::Heap::concurrentScavenge() + 68 (JavaScriptCore + 6517972) [0x7fff887ea4d4] 1-7
7 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l> >) + 375 (JavaScriptCore + 6519127) [0x7fff887ea957] 1-7
7 std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > const&) + 75 (libc++.1.dylib + 286752) [0x7fff9bfa3020] 1-7
7 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 1-7
*7 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-7
13 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::entryPoint() + 181 (JavaScriptCore + 6527669) [0x7fff887ecab5] 8-20
13 std::__1::cv_status std::__1::condition_variable_any::wait_until<std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::Mutex>, std::__1::chrono::steady_clock, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > >(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::Mutex>&, std::__1::chrono::time_point<std::__1::chrono::steady_clock, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > > const&) + 116 (JavaScriptCore + 6527844) [0x7fff887ecb64] 8-20
13 std::__1::cv_status std::__1::condition_variable::wait_until<std::__1::chrono::steady_clock, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > >(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&, std::__1::chrono::time_point<std::__1::chrono::steady_clock, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > > const&) + 128 (JavaScriptCore + 6528144) [0x7fff887ecc90] 8-20
13 std::__1::condition_variable::__do_timed_wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&, std::__1::chrono::time_point<std::__1::chrono::system_clock, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > >) + 126 (libc++.1.dylib + 30504) [0x7fff9bf64728] 8-20
13 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 8-20
*13 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 8-20
Binary Images:
0x104c91000 - 0x104c91fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8703e000 - 0x7fff88127fff 11601 (11601.7.5) <9153DA7E-1625-382A-8257-8D4293F06F7F> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.framework/Versions/A/WebCore
0x7fff881b3000 - 0x7fff88852fff 11601 (11601.7.2) <4A888404-501D-38DE-921D-BA9AEEAC8243> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
0x7fff8bbd5000 - 0x7fff8bc27fff 5.0.32 (5.0.32) <271ED7A9-73E5-3595-A8D6-28594C9F3C9D> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleVA.framework/Versions/A/AppleVA
0x7fff8c980000 - 0x7fff8ca6cfff 9.1.12 (9.1.12) <A1BFF463-DFB3-3450-B19C-A264277D5FD3> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleGVA.framework/Versions/A/AppleGVA
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff91629000 - 0x7fff916b6fff libsystem_c.dylib (1082.60.1) <28733D22-553E-3CBC-8D2C-EDCEB46E46AF> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fff9bf5d000 - 0x7fff9bfb0fff libc++.1.dylib (120.1) <8FC3D139-8055-3498-9AC5-6467CB7F4D14> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55957]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 5098 pages (+9)
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5e5c99 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x108d1cb4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5cb0 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5cbc 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5dbb 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e28 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e29 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e2b 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e8a 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e712c 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x108d1c000 - 0x108d1cfff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55958]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 7235 pages (+9)
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5e5ca0 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x10694ab4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5ca7 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 61 (base 61)
<IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5cc4 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5dbd 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e04 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e05 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e06 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e7b 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e62e9 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e6408 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e6409 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e640a 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e6beb 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5e6bfa 20 samples (1-20) priority 32 (base 32)
<IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e6c99 20 samples (1-20) priority 60 (base 60)
<IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e6ca7 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (AppleGVA + 311387) [0x7fff8c9cc05b] 1-20
20 usleep + 54 (libsystem_c.dylib + 523266) [0x7fff916a8c02] 1-20
20 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 1-20
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x5e6cac 20 samples (1-20) priority 52 (base 52)
<IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e6dcb 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 47)
<IO policy important>
20 semaphore_wait_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69550) [0x7fff9049cfae] 1-20
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10694a000 - 0x10694afff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8c980000 - 0x7fff8ca6cfff 9.1.12 (9.1.12) <A1BFF463-DFB3-3450-B19C-A264277D5FD3> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleGVA.framework/Versions/A/AppleGVA
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff91629000 - 0x7fff916b6fff libsystem_c.dylib (1082.60.1) <28733D22-553E-3CBC-8D2C-EDCEB46E46AF> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55959]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 13889 pages (+7)
Note: 3 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5e5cb3 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x109aa9b4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5cc0 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5ce6 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5dda 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e19 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e1a 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e1b 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e74 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e7570 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e9dd4 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5ed291 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5ed292 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5ed293 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x607fd4 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::pthreadEntryPoint(void*) + 9 (JavaScriptCore + 6527481) [0x7fff887ec9f9] 1-20
20 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::entryPoint() + 90 (JavaScriptCore + 6527578) [0x7fff887eca5a] 1-20
20 bmalloc::Heap::concurrentScavenge() + 68 (JavaScriptCore + 6517972) [0x7fff887ea4d4] 1-20
15 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l> >) + 155 (JavaScriptCore + 6518907) [0x7fff887ea87b] 1-15
15 std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > const&) + 75 (libc++.1.dylib + 286752) [0x7fff9bfa3020] 1-15
15 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 1-15
*15 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-15
5 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l> >) + 375 (JavaScriptCore + 6519127) [0x7fff887ea957] 16-20
5 std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > const&) + 75 (libc++.1.dylib + 286752) [0x7fff9bfa3020] 16-20
5 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 16-20
*5 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 16-20
Binary Images:
0x109aa9000 - 0x109aa9fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff881b3000 - 0x7fff88852fff 11601 (11601.7.2) <4A888404-501D-38DE-921D-BA9AEEAC8243> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fff9bf5d000 - 0x7fff9bfb0fff libc++.1.dylib (120.1) <8FC3D139-8055-3498-9AC5-6467CB7F4D14> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55960]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 6517 pages (+9)
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5e5cb4 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x10a001b4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5cc7 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5ce7 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5dd7 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e16 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e17 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e18 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e93 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e9c59 20 samples (1-20) priority 2 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f9698 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f9699 20 samples (1-20) priority 3 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f969a 20 samples (1-20) priority 0 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10a001000 - 0x10a001fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55962]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 8592 pages (+55)
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5e5cb6 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x10fc88b4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5cd5 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5ce2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5dd4 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e1f 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e20 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e21 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e84 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e771d 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e78f5 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f89c8 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f89c9 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f89ca 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10fc88000 - 0x10fc88fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [55963]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 7764 pages (+7)
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5e5cb7 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x10afc0b4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5cd1 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 61 (base 61)
<IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5cdc 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5dd9 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e22 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e23 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e24 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e5e73 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e6378 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e7dcd 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10afc0000 - 0x10afc0fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [56884]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 5521 pages (+11)
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5f6b99 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x104877b4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6bf7 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6c56 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6caa 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6cd0 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6cd1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6cd2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6cd7 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6cfc 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::DFG::Worklist::runThread(JSC::DFG::ThreadData*) + 235 (JavaScriptCore + 3555755) [0x7fff885171ab] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f708b 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7bfd 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::pthreadEntryPoint(void*) + 9 (JavaScriptCore + 6527481) [0x7fff887ec9f9] 1-20
20 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::entryPoint() + 90 (JavaScriptCore + 6527578) [0x7fff887eca5a] 1-20
20 bmalloc::Heap::concurrentScavenge() + 68 (JavaScriptCore + 6517972) [0x7fff887ea4d4] 1-20
15 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l> >) + 155 (JavaScriptCore + 6518907) [0x7fff887ea87b] 1-15
15 std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > const&) + 75 (libc++.1.dylib + 286752) [0x7fff9bfa3020] 1-15
15 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 1-15
*15 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-15
5 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l> >) + 375 (JavaScriptCore + 6519127) [0x7fff887ea957] 16-20
5 std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > const&) + 75 (libc++.1.dylib + 286752) [0x7fff9bfa3020] 16-20
5 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 16-20
*5 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 16-20
Binary Images:
0x104877000 - 0x104877fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff881b3000 - 0x7fff88852fff 11601 (11601.7.2) <4A888404-501D-38DE-921D-BA9AEEAC8243> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fff9bf5d000 - 0x7fff9bfb0fff libc++.1.dylib (120.1) <8FC3D139-8055-3498-9AC5-6467CB7F4D14> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [56947]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 9477 pages (+9)
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5f7f2a DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x108744b4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7f51 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7f8a 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7f9c 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7fae 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7faf 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7fb0 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7fe1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f8003 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::DFG::Worklist::runThread(JSC::DFG::ThreadData*) + 235 (JavaScriptCore + 3555755) [0x7fff885171ab] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f8470 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5fbcc2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5fbcc3 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5fbcc4 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x108744000 - 0x108744fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff881b3000 - 0x7fff88852fff 11601 (11601.7.2) <4A888404-501D-38DE-921D-BA9AEEAC8243> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [57005]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 9182 pages (+7)
CPU Time: 0.009s
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5fa01c DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37) cpu time 0.009s
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x1060d6b4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5fa026 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 61 (base 61)
<IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5fa051 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5fa062 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5fa066 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5fa067 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5fa068 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5fa06e 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5fa0a8 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5fa28d 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5fba80 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5fba81 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5fba82 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1060d6000 - 0x1060d6fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [57769]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: Safari [55926]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 9238 pages (+1198)
CPU Time: 0.119s
Note: 5 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x607fac DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37) cpu time 0.116s
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? ( + 2890) [0x10b44cb4a] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 795 (libxpc.dylib + 70036) [0x7fff99775194] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
18 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-18
18 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-18
18 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-18
*18 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-18
<process unclamped>
1 __CFRunLoopRun + 927 (CoreFoundation + 562399) [0x7fff93e2a4df] 19
1 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 556 (CoreFoundation + 565180) [0x7fff93e2afbc] 19
1 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17 (CoreFoundation + 698497) [0x7fff93e4b881] 19
1 WTF::RunLoop::performWork(void*) + 34 (JavaScriptCore + 6455842) [0x7fff887db222] 19
1 WTF::RunLoop::performWork() + 898 (JavaScriptCore + 6454546) [0x7fff887dad12] 19
1 IPC::Connection::dispatchOneMessage() + 114 (WebKit + 672308) [0x7fff9a5ba234] 19
1 IPC::Connection::dispatchMessage(std::__1::unique_ptr<IPC::MessageDecoder, std::__1::default_delete<IPC::MessageDecoder> >) + 102 (WebKit + 662792) [0x7fff9a5b7d08] 19
1 void IPC::handleMessage<Messages::WebResourceLoader::DidReceiveResource, WebKit::WebResourceLoader, void (WebKit::WebResourceLoader::*)(WebKit::ShareableResource::Handle const&, double)>(IPC::MessageDecoder&, WebKit::WebResourceLoader*, void (WebKit::WebResourceLoader::*)(WebKit::ShareableResource::Handle const&, double)) + 97 (WebKit + 2507254) [0x7fff9a77a1f6] 19
1 WebKit::WebResourceLoader::didReceiveResource(WebKit::ShareableResource::Handle const&, double) + 152 (WebKit + 155810) [0x7fff9a53c0a2] 19
1 WebCore::SubresourceLoader::didFinishLoading(double) + 1153 (WebCore + 797617) [0x7fff87100bb1] 19
1 WebCore::CachedCSSStyleSheet::finishLoading(WebCore::SharedBuffer*) + 256 (WebCore + 3698608) [0x7fff873c4fb0] 19
1 WebCore::CachedCSSStyleSheet::checkNotify() + 272 (WebCore + 974224) [0x7fff8712bd90] 19
1 WebCore::HTMLLinkElement::setCSSStyleSheet(WTF::String const&, WebCore::URL const&, WTF::String const&, WebCore::CachedCSSStyleSheet const*) + 1125 (WebCore + 6690357) [0x7fff8769f635] 19
1 WebCore::StyleSheetContents::parseAuthorStyleSheet(WebCore::CachedCSSStyleSheet const*, WebCore::SecurityOrigin const*) + 158 (WebCore + 974814) [0x7fff8712bfde] 19
1 WebCore::CSSParser::parseSheet(WebCore::StyleSheetContents*, WTF::String const&, WTF::TextPosition const&, WTF::Vector<WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::CSSRuleSourceData>, 0ul, WTF::CrashOnOverflow, 16ul>*, bool) + 530 (WebCore + 4404930) [0x7fff874716c2] 19
1 cssyyparse(WebCore::CSSParser*) + 23986 (WebCore + 263650) [0x7fff8707e5e2] 19
1 WebCore::CSSParser::parseValue(WebCore::CSSPropertyID, bool) + 14320 (WebCore + 322096) [0x7fff8708ca30] 19
1 WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::CSSPrimitiveValue(int) + 48 (WebCore + 334352) [0x7fff8708fa10] (running) 19
<process clamped>
1 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 20
1 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 20
1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 20
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 20
Thread 0x607fb1 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*18 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-18
<process unclamped>
*1 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 19
<process clamped>
*1 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 20
Thread 0x607fda 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*18 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-18
<process unclamped>
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 19
<process clamped>
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 20
Thread 0x607fe4 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::pthreadEntryPoint(void*) + 9 (JavaScriptCore + 6527481) [0x7fff887ec9f9] 1-20
20 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::entryPoint() + 90 (JavaScriptCore + 6527578) [0x7fff887eca5a] 1-20
20 bmalloc::Heap::concurrentScavenge() + 68 (JavaScriptCore + 6517972) [0x7fff887ea4d4] 1-20
10 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l> >) + 155 (JavaScriptCore + 6518907) [0x7fff887ea87b] 1-10
10 std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > const&) + 75 (libc++.1.dylib + 286752) [0x7fff9bfa3020] 1-10
10 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 1-10
*10 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-10
10 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::unique_lock<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l> >) + 375 (JavaScriptCore + 6519127) [0x7fff887ea957] 11-20
10 std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > const&) + 75 (libc++.1.dylib + 286752) [0x7fff9bfa3020] 11-20
10 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94474) [0x7fff904a310a] 11-20
*8 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 11-18
<process unclamped>
*1 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 19
<process clamped>
*1 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 20
Thread 0x607fe7 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*18 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-18
<process unclamped>
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 19
<process clamped>
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 20
Thread 0x607fec 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88 (JavaScriptCore + 58888) [0x7fff881c1608] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 171 (JavaScriptCore + 59323) [0x7fff881c17bb] 1-20
20 std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&) + 47 (libc++.1.dylib + 30351) [0x7fff9bf6468f] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*18 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-18
<process unclamped>
*1 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 19
<process clamped>
*1 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 20
Thread 0x607fed 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88 (JavaScriptCore + 58888) [0x7fff881c1608] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 171 (JavaScriptCore + 59323) [0x7fff881c17bb] 1-20
20 std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&) + 47 (libc++.1.dylib + 30351) [0x7fff9bf6468f] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*18 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-18
<process unclamped>
*1 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 19
<process clamped>
*1 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 20
Thread 0x607fee 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88 (JavaScriptCore + 58888) [0x7fff881c1608] 1-20
20 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 171 (JavaScriptCore + 59323) [0x7fff881c17bb] 1-20
20 std::__1::condition_variable::wait(std::__1::unique_lock<std::__1::mutex>&) + 47 (libc++.1.dylib + 30351) [0x7fff9bf6468f] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*18 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-18
<process unclamped>
*1 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 19
<process clamped>
*1 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 20
Thread 0x607ff0 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15 (JavaScriptCore + 16047) [0x7fff881b6eaf] 1-20
20 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 178 (JavaScriptCore + 16258) [0x7fff881b6f82] 1-20
20 WebCore::ScrollingThread::initializeRunLoop() + 244 (WebCore + 481892) [0x7fff870b3a64] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*18 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-18
<process unclamped>
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 19
<process clamped>
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 20
Binary Images:
0x10b44c000 - 0x10b44cfff 11601 (11601.7.7) <3B1259D1-504F-33E4-A53A-D852434AD463> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8703e000 - 0x7fff88127fff 11601 (11601.7.5) <9153DA7E-1625-382A-8257-8D4293F06F7F> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.framework/Versions/A/WebCore
0x7fff881b3000 - 0x7fff88852fff 11601 (11601.7.2) <4A888404-501D-38DE-921D-BA9AEEAC8243> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fff9a516000 - 0x7fff9a854fff 11601 (11601.7.7) <29B8BA84-D78E-393B-BB36-4B9605372A5F> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/WebKit
0x7fff9bf5d000 - 0x7fff9bfb0fff libc++.1.dylib (120.1) <8FC3D139-8055-3498-9AC5-6467CB7F4D14> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: configd [60]
Path: /usr/libexec/configd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 804 pages (+1)
Thread 0x220 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (configd + 13266) [0x10e8ed3d2] 1-20
20 ??? (configd + 17028) [0x10e8ee284] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x28a DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x28f 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x2bc 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x329 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x32a 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x455 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10e8ea000 - 0x10e91dfff configd (802.40.13) <85382BC2-8F08-31E7-AA1E-555D53E4F235> /usr/libexec/configd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: coreaudiod [214]
Path: /usr/sbin/coreaudiod
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 202
Sudden Term: Dirty
Task size: 1084 pages
Thread 0x482 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (coreaudiod + 512375) [0x10752a177] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x483 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 61 (base 61)
<timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x4ba 20 samples (1-20) priority 61 (base 61)
<timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1074ad000 - 0x10758efff coreaudiod (408.13) <C9C6C03B-2491-36EE-9377-5208B799A078> /usr/sbin/coreaudiod
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: coreduetd [56906]
Path: /usr/libexec/coreduetd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 3587 pages
Thread 0x5f6ede DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (coreduetd + 217134) [0x10a4da02e] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6ee3 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10a4a5000 - 0x10a535fff coreduetd (484.50.2) <4430F22F-12D7-3EA7-83A7-A84943C2AFE6> /usr/libexec/coreduetd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: coreservicesd [175]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 860 pages
Thread 0x35d DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 _CoreServicesServerMain + 721 (CarbonCore + 584941) [0x7fff8f78dced] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x362 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x3b8 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x3b9 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 read + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 99170) [0x7fff904a4362] 1-20
*20 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1-20
*20 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 1-20
*20 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 6056179) [0xffffff80007c68f3] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 6056842) [0xffffff80007c6b8a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 3366086) [0xffffff8000535cc6] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5988770) [0xffffff80007b61a2] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x109296000 - 0x109296fff coreservicesd (1136.2) <1872BA83-1BF8-332A-AA1E-805EC962AF08> /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8f6ff000 - 0x7fff8f9e4fff 1136.2 (1136.2) <2DBAFC9A-6CD6-351D-B1F4-87D81AA6D640> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: CoreServicesUIAgent [56940]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 2550 pages
Thread 0x5f7bed DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7bfa DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7c41 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x103692000 - 0x1036b9fff 145.1 (145.1) <25CDCECB-F7B8-30B5-8866-E683589A0FFB> /System/Library/CoreServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: corestoraged [245]
Path: /usr/libexec/corestoraged
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Task size: 135 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5df 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5fd 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x107253000 - 0x10725afff corestoraged (517.50.1) <E609EF95-BC3A-32DB-896A-44E9B6E08F80> /usr/libexec/corestoraged
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: coresymbolicationd [56912]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSymbolication.framework/coresymbolicationd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 599 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5f6f20 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6f21 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10e427000 - 0x10e430fff coresymbolicationd (58048.1) <ADE368BE-28B5-3A9C-BE17-BF2D549292A8> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSymbolication.framework/coresymbolicationd
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: CrashReporterSupportHelper [573]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/CrashReporterSupportHelper
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 429 pages (+20)
CPU Time: 0.001s
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x1a86 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x1a88 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1023c4000 - 0x1023c6fff CrashReporterSupportHelper (718) <0B5BBF67-D22D-338C-B087-87B378F069BC> /System/Library/CoreServices/CrashReporterSupportHelper
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: CVMServer [330]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/CVMServer
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Dirty
Task size: 373 pages (+1)
Thread 0x769 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x76a DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10cf52000 - 0x10cf5afff CVMServer (119.5) <B763F5B2-33E6-335F-BF69-A1FD70A43504> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/CVMServer
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: DataDetectorsDynamicData [792]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataDetectorsCore.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/DataDetectorsDynamicData.xpc/Contents/MacOS/DataDetectorsDynamicData
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1280 pages
Thread 0x2c8a DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (DataDetectorsDynamicData + 4603) [0x1045331fb] 1-20
20 xpc_main + 494 (libxpc.dylib + 64446) [0x7fff99773bbe] 1-20
20 _xpc_objc_main + 751 (libxpc.dylib + 69992) [0x7fff99775168] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 74 (Foundation + 150968) [0x7fff9693adb8] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (Foundation + 151257) [0x7fff9693aed9] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x2ca5 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process unclamped, timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x104532000 - 0x104535fff 7.0 (460) <BFB32C8D-2B58-3803-9A60-F0A2F38B8005> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataDetectorsCore.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/DataDetectorsDynamicData.xpc/Contents/MacOS/DataDetectorsDynamicData
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: dbkextd [853]
Path: /Library/DropboxHelperTools/*/dbkextd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Task size: 257 pages (+1)
Thread 0x308d 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 __recvfrom + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94138) [0x7fff904a2fba] 1-20
*20 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1-20
*20 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 1-20
*20 recvfrom_nocancel + 234 (kernel + 6292602) [0xffffff800080047a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 6304374) [0xffffff8000803276] 1-20
*20 soreceive + 2170 (kernel + 6231818) [0xffffff80007f170a] 1-20
*20 sbwait + 306 (kernel + 6265842) [0xffffff80007f9bf2] 1-20
*20 msleep + 98 (kernel + 5987698) [0xffffff80007b5d72] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 1-20
*20 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Thread 0x308e 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x308f 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x108c96000 - 0x108c9bfff dbkextd (0) <84029BDB-5152-3186-99A2-9AFE3A817D23> /Library/DropboxHelperTools/*/dbkextd
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: Default Folder X [555]
Path: /Applications/Default Folder Folder X
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 7132 pages (+2)
CPU Time: 0.005s
Process: deleted [56921]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CacheDelete.framework/deleted
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1305 pages (-6)
CPU Time: 0.028s
Note: 14 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5f7070 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4-37 (base 4-37) cpu time 0.001s
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility, priority 4 (4)>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*3 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-3
<thread QoS user initiated, process unclamped, process not darwinbg, process received importance donation from Finder [443], IO policy important, priority 37 (37)>
*1 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 4
<thread QoS background, process clamped, process darwinbg, process dropped importance donation from Finder [443], IO policy utility, priority 4 (4)>
*16 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 5-20
Thread 0x5f7071 DispatchQueue 11 20 samples (1-20) priority 4-31 (base 4-31)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility, priority 4 (4)>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*3 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-3
<thread QoS legacy, process unclamped, process not darwinbg, process received importance donation from Finder [443], IO policy important, priority 31 (31)>
*1 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 4
<thread QoS background, process clamped, process darwinbg, process dropped importance donation from Finder [443], IO policy utility, priority 4 (4)>
*16 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 5-20
Thread 0x607eb6 DispatchQueue 30 1 sample (4) priority 4 (base 4)
<DispatchQueue not seen for 3 samples, thread QoS background (requested background), process unclamped, thread darwinbg, process received importance donation from Finder [443], timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 4
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 4
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 4
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 538 (libdispatch.dylib + 23891) [0x7fff86a7ed53] 4
1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 4
1 _dispatch_queue_drain + 754 (libdispatch.dylib + 28731) [0x7fff86a8003b] 4
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 4
1 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 4
1 __30-[CacheDelete totalAvailable:]_block_invoke + 178 (deleted + 12953) [0x104db2299] 4
1 -[CacheDeleteOperation startOperation:] + 211 (deleted + 35458) [0x104db7a82] 4
1 -[CacheDeletePurgeableOperation _startOperation:] + 189 (deleted + 54385) [0x104dbc471] 4
1 -[CacheDeletePurgeableOperation cachedInfo:] + 221 (deleted + 58951) [0x104dbd647] 4
1 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke + 74 (libdispatch.dylib + 14834) [0x7fff86a7c9f2] 4
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 4
1 __44-[CacheDeletePurgeableOperation cachedInfo:]_block_invoke + 1612 (deleted + 60648) [0x104dbdce8] 4
1 -[CacheDelete clientSetStateSync:key:] + 178 (deleted + 24305) [0x104db4ef1] 4
1 +[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:] + 162 (Foundation + 772773) [0x7fff969d2aa5] 4
1 _encodeObject + 1186 (Foundation + 525276) [0x7fff969963dc] 4
1 -[CacheDeleteRecentInfo encodeWithCoder:] + 89 (CacheDelete + 28837) [0x7fff94c430a5] 4
1 _encodeObject + 1078 (Foundation + 525168) [0x7fff96996370] 4
1 DYLD-STUB$$__assert_rtn + 6 (CoreFoundation + 1919454) [0x7fff93f759de] (running) 4
Thread 0x607891 DispatchQueue 27046 1 sample (4) priority 4 (base 4)
<DispatchQueue not seen for 3 samples, thread QoS background (requested background), process unclamped, thread darwinbg, process received importance donation from Finder [443], timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 4
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 4
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 4
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 538 (libdispatch.dylib + 23891) [0x7fff86a7ed53] 4
1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 4
1 _dispatch_queue_drain + 1207 (libdispatch.dylib + 29184) [0x7fff86a80200] 4
1 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 735 (libdispatch.dylib + 37727) [0x7fff86a8235f] 4
1 _dispatch_queue_drain + 1207 (libdispatch.dylib + 29184) [0x7fff86a80200] 4
1 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 555 (libdispatch.dylib + 43528) [0x7fff86a83a08] 4
1 _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 42390) [0x7fff86a83596] 4
1 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 2198 (libxpc.dylib + 40423) [0x7fff9976dde7] 4
1 _xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 35 (libxpc.dylib + 46446) [0x7fff9976f56e] 4
1 message_handler + 705 (Foundation + 254704) [0x7fff969542f0] 4
1 -[NSXPCConnection _decodeAndInvokeMessageWithData:] + 1123 (Foundation + 256034) [0x7fff96954822] 4
1 __NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_EXPORTED_OBJECT__ + 17 (Foundation + 257720) [0x7fff96954eb8] 4
1 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 286 (CoreFoundation + 551166) [0x7fff93e278fe] 4
1 __invoking___ + 140 (CoreFoundation + 551532) [0x7fff93e27a6c] 4
1 -[CacheDelete clientPurgeableSpace:replyBlock:] + 175 (deleted + 22308) [0x104db4724] 4
1 -[CacheDelete totalAvailable:] + 270 (deleted + 12669) [0x104db217d] 4
1 semaphore_wait_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69550) [0x7fff9049cfae] 4
*1 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 4
Binary Images:
0x104daf000 - 0x104dc2fff deleted (63.50.4) <671538BD-4214-38DE-8401-E76E2F4206FE> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CacheDelete.framework/deleted
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94c3c000 - 0x7fff94c48fff 1.0 (1) <678B521D-5B50-3137-A972-33F2DF1D7A5A> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CacheDelete.framework/Versions/A/CacheDelete
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: diagnosticd [56908]
Path: /usr/libexec/diagnosticd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1233 pages (+29)
CPU Time: 0.013s
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5f6f0a 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f6f0c DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x607fe3 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<timers coalesced, IO policy important>
*1 wq_unsuspend_continue + 0 (pthread + 20946) [0xffffff7f80f991d2] (suspended) 1
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy)>
19 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 2-20
19 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95714) [0x7fff904a35e2] 2-20
*19 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 21473) [0xffffff7f80f993e1] 2-20
Thread 0x607fe1 DispatchQueue 18 1 sample (1) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 1
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 1
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 1
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 1
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 1
1 _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 244 (libdispatch.dylib + 83462) [0x7fff86a8d606] 1
1 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 735 (libdispatch.dylib + 37727) [0x7fff86a8235f] 1
1 _dispatch_queue_drain + 1207 (libdispatch.dylib + 29184) [0x7fff86a80200] 1
1 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 555 (libdispatch.dylib + 43528) [0x7fff86a83a08] 1
1 _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 42390) [0x7fff86a83596] 1
1 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 2198 (libxpc.dylib + 40423) [0x7fff9976dde7] 1
1 _xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 35 (libxpc.dylib + 46446) [0x7fff9976f56e] 1
1 ??? (diagnosticd + 16631) [0x10bc000f7] 1
1 stat$INODE64 + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 100178) [0x7fff904a4752] 1
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 1
*1 stat64 + 58 (kernel + 3180650) [0xffffff800050886a] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 3224759) [0xffffff80005134b7] 1
*1 nameiat + 133 (kernel + 3169733) [0xffffff8000505dc5] 1
*1 namei + 608 (kernel + 3088912) [0xffffff80004f2210] 1
*1 _bcopystr + 8 (kernel + 1867464) [0xffffff80003c7ec8] (running) 1
Binary Images:
0x10bbfc000 - 0x10bc05fff diagnosticd (201.10.3) <49E503D3-6021-3524-8B68-9CA89B1C4499> /usr/libexec/diagnosticd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff99764000 - 0x7fff9978dfff libxpc.dylib (765.50.8) <54D1328E-054E-3DAA-89E2-375722F9D18F> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: diagnostics_agent [528]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/diagnostics_agent
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 1200 pages
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x164f 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x170f DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x100b90000 - 0x100babfff diagnostics_agent (718) <AA39D707-20FA-3285-BAC6-866FBEECFAEC> /System/Library/CoreServices/diagnostics_agent
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: diskarbitrationd [78]
Path: /usr/libexec/diskarbitrationd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Dirty
Task size: 712 pages (+1)
Thread 0x232 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x2ad DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x103e86000 - 0x103e9cfff diskarbitrationd (277) <5A35DF9C-80E3-30BA-B043-450126E27033> /usr/libexec/diskarbitrationd
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: DiskUnmountWatcher [1157]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/KerberosHelper/Helpers/DiskUnmountWatcher
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 183 pages (+1)
Thread 0x65e7 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x65e8 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1039bc000 - 0x1039bcfff DiskUnmountWatcher (152) <58C14A08-6B3D-3EA0-8ADD-5A7391C199AA> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/KerberosHelper/Helpers/DiskUnmountWatcher
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: distnoted [117]
Path: /usr/sbin/distnoted
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 241
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 270 pages (+1)
Thread 0x268 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x3cf DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x100ee4000 - 0x100eecfff distnoted (1258.1) <1AD5B8A6-6BF3-31C4-9033-7E19D1B41CAE> /usr/sbin/distnoted
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: distnoted [412]
Path: /usr/sbin/distnoted
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1145 pages (-2)
Note: 4 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x1152 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x1156 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x102dda000 - 0x102de2fff distnoted (1258.1) <1AD5B8A6-6BF3-31C4-9033-7E19D1B41CAE> /usr/sbin/distnoted
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: distnoted [57349]
Path: /usr/sbin/distnoted
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 89
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 470 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5ff7ba 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5ff7bd DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10902a000 - 0x109032fff distnoted (1258.1) <1AD5B8A6-6BF3-31C4-9033-7E19D1B41CAE> /usr/sbin/distnoted
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: Dock [440]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 8986 pages
CPU Time: 0.002s
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x12fc DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 47 (base 47) cpu time 0.002s
<process frontmost, thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [226], IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (Dock + 21448) [0x1030033c8] 1-20
20 ??? (Dock + 548934) [0x103084046] 1-20
20 ??? (Dock + 5024122) [0x1034c897a] 1-20
20 ??? (Dock + 548934) [0x103084046] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x1307 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 47 (base 47)
<process frontmost, thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [226], IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x195a 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<process frontmost, thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [226], IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (Dock + 148443) [0x1030223db] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x607fa9 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<process frontmost, process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [226], IO policy important>
*20 wq_unsuspend_continue + 0 (pthread + 20946) [0xffffff7f80f991d2] (suspended) 1-20
Binary Images:
0x102ffe000 - 0x10357efff 1.8 (1617.4) <EC8A5F54-7CE2-3FC0-AC0D-D0D156C93052> /System/Library/CoreServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: Dropbox [48881]
Path: /Applications/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 14755 pages (+1)
CPU Time: 0.028s
Process: Evernote [57682]
Path: /Applications/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 44233 pages
CPU Time: 0.089s
Process: EvernoteHelper [57550]
Path: /Applications/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 5050 pages
Process: filecoordinationd [479]
Path: /usr/sbin/filecoordinationd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 598 pages (+1)
Thread 0x154f DispatchQueue 11 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x1550 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10f407000 - 0x10f40cfff filecoordinationd (1259) <41A4D84D-364E-3936-8421-76EFC8CDB0DF> /usr/sbin/filecoordinationd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: Finder [443]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty
Task size: 18614 pages (-14)
CPU Time: 0.008s
Note: 5 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x1302 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46) cpu time 0.001s
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (Finder + 22744) [0x1000238d8] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x1314 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x163b 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0xb05ce 20 samples (1-20) priority 55 (base 55)
<IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0xd4418 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x425074 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e4d7a 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x607e1a DispatchQueue 45 1 sample (4) priority 4 (base 4)
<DispatchQueue not seen for 3 samples, thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, IO policy utility>
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 4
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 4
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 4
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 538 (libdispatch.dylib + 23891) [0x7fff86a7ed53] 4
1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 4
1 _dispatch_queue_drain + 754 (libdispatch.dylib + 28731) [0x7fff86a8003b] 4
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 4
1 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 4
1 ___ZN19TFolderSizingThread27PostFolderSizingTaskRequestEP9TNodeTask_block_invoke + 72 (DesktopServicesPriv + 263264) [0x7fff8c080460] 4
1 ExceptionSafeBlock(void () block_pointer) + 12 (DesktopServicesPriv + 62465) [0x7fff8c04f401] 4
1 ___ZN19TFolderSizingThread27PostFolderSizingTaskRequestEP9TNodeTask_block_invoke_2 + 51 (DesktopServicesPriv + 264007) [0x7fff8c080747] 4
1 TNode::HandleFolderSizingRequests(TNodeTask*, TFolderSizingThread*) + 393 (DesktopServicesPriv + 264481) [0x7fff8c080921] 4
1 TNode::HandleFolderSizingRequest(TCountedPtr<TNodeTask> const&, TFolderSizingThread*) + 297 (DesktopServicesPriv + 265635) [0x7fff8c080da3] 4
1 TNode::RecalculateFreeSpaceAndCapacity() + 123 (DesktopServicesPriv + 181487) [0x7fff8c06c4ef] 4
1 TFSVolumeInfo::RecalculateFreeSpaceAndCapacity() const + 341 (DesktopServicesPriv + 30453) [0x7fff8c0476f5] 4
1 CSDiskSpaceGetRecoveryEstimate + 201 (CarbonCore + 148076) [0x7fff8f72326c] 4
1 CacheDeleteCopyPurgeableSpaceWithInfo + 182 (CacheDelete + 14743) [0x7fff94c3f997] 4
1 CallCacheD + 133 (CacheDelete + 37728) [0x7fff94c45360] 4
1 CallBlockWithProxy + 2131 (CacheDelete + 36680) [0x7fff94c44f48] 4
1 semaphore_wait_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69550) [0x7fff9049cfae] 4
*1 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 4
Thread 0x607e1a DispatchQueue 50 1 sample (15) priority 31 (base 31)
<DispatchQueue not seen for 14 samples, thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 15
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 15
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 15
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 538 (libdispatch.dylib + 23891) [0x7fff86a7ed53] 15
1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 15
1 _dispatch_queue_drain + 1207 (libdispatch.dylib + 29184) [0x7fff86a80200] 15
1 _dispatch_source_invoke + 983 (libdispatch.dylib + 27267) [0x7fff86a7fa83] 15
1 _dispatch_source_latch_and_call + 2235 (libdispatch.dylib + 75381) [0x7fff86a8b675] 15
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 15
1 receive_and_dispatch_rcv_msg + 176 (FSEvents + 21385) [0x7fff93d20389] 15
1 FSEventsD2F_server + 54 (FSEvents + 6046) [0x7fff93d1c79e] 15
1 _Xcallback_rpc + 254 (FSEvents + 5834) [0x7fff93d1c6ca] 15
1 implementation_callback_rpc + 1917 (FSEvents + 15115) [0x7fff93d1eb0b] 15
1 TSystemNotificationTask::HandleFSEvent(unsigned long, void*, unsigned int const*, bool) + 135 (DesktopServicesPriv + 183751) [0x7fff8c06cdc7] 15
1 TNode::HandleChange(TUString const&, NodeRequestOptions, TCountedPtr<TVolumeSyncThread> const&) + 803 (DesktopServicesPriv + 184651) [0x7fff8c06d14b] 15
1 TNode::FindChildButDontSynchronize(TUString const&) const + 207 (DesktopServicesPriv + 185759) [0x7fff8c06d59f] 15
1 TChildrenList::Find(TUString const&) + 247 (DesktopServicesPriv + 51231) [0x7fff8c04c81f] 15
1 TNode::LessThan(TUString const&) const + 9 (DesktopServicesPriv + 82151) [0x7fff8c0540e7] 15
1 TNode::Compare(TUString const&) const + 179 (DesktopServicesPriv + 442335) [0x7fff8c0abfdf] 15
1 objc_msgSend + 115 (libobjc.A.dylib + 5427) [0x7fff8a66f533] (running) 15
Binary Images:
0x10001e000 - 0x100575fff 10.11.4 (10.11.4) <88848909-83E1-39AF-9B8E-A535DEC3B3E8> /System/Library/CoreServices/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8a66e000 - 0x7fff8a9d9fff libobjc.A.dylib (680) <D55D5807-1FBE-32A5-9105-44D7AFE68C27> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
0x7fff8c040000 - 0x7fff8c14efff 1.10.3 (1.10.3) <3A6906D4-C0B8-30D1-B589-0466E5E42B69> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/Versions/A/DesktopServicesPriv
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8f6ff000 - 0x7fff8f9e4fff 1136.2 (1136.2) <2DBAFC9A-6CD6-351D-B1F4-87D81AA6D640> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93d1b000 - 0x7fff93d23fff 1223.10.1 (1223.10.1) <7F5B7A23-BC1D-3FA9-A9B8-D534F1E1979A> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/FSEvents.framework/Versions/A/FSEvents
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94c3c000 - 0x7fff94c48fff 1.0 (1) <678B521D-5B50-3137-A972-33F2DF1D7A5A> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CacheDelete.framework/Versions/A/CacheDelete
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: Flux [547]
Path: /Applications/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 1948 pages
CPU Time: 0.001s
Process: FolderActionsDispatcher [489]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 842 pages
Thread 0x1624 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, IO policy utility>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x16fd 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x19ff 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user interactive), process darwinbg, IO policy utility>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10c046000 - 0x10c052fff 1.0 (1) <EB2441BB-82D9-3078-AEC1-497279CEB4A8> /System/Library/CoreServices/
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: fontd [465]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Support/fontd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 1617 pages (+39)
CPU Time: 0.006s
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x13ce DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 main_handler + 4820 (libATSServer.dylib + 524826) [0x7fff927ce21a] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x13d7 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1051a2000 - 0x1051a5fff fontd (394.4) <BCF8452B-E030-301B-8843-E0F0B0BC2871> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Support/fontd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff9274e000 - 0x7fff927e4fff libATSServer.dylib (394.4) <D89B2F1C-63B9-3622-8989-FE3C8469AC5F> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libATSServer.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: fseventsd [55]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/FSEvents.framework/Versions/A/Support/fseventsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Task size: 1665 pages
CPU Time: 0.017s
Thread 0x21b DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (fseventsd + 8147) [0x10c5f9fd3] 1-20
20 mach_msg_server + 457 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 68785) [0x7fff9049ccb1] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x25f 20 samples (1-20) priority 49 (base 49) cpu time 0.009s
<timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (fseventsd + 51143) [0x10c6047c7] 1-20
20 ??? (fseventsd + 49929) [0x10c604309] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x262 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x272 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important and passive>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x273 20 samples (1-20) priority 50 (base 50) cpu time 0.002s
<timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 read + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 99170) [0x7fff904a4362] 1-20
*20 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1-20
*20 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 1-20
*20 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 6056179) [0xffffff80007c68f3] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 6056842) [0xffffff80007c6b8a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 3366086) [0xffffff8000535cc6] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5988770) [0xffffff80007b61a2] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Thread 0x274 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important and passive>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (fseventsd + 35132) [0x10c60093c] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e3fe3 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31) cpu time 0.001s
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (fseventsd + 35206) [0x10c600986] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e46a6 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (fseventsd + 35206) [0x10c600986] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5e4728 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (fseventsd + 35206) [0x10c600986] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f423c 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31) cpu time 0.004s
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (fseventsd + 35206) [0x10c600986] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f4d3f 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (fseventsd + 35206) [0x10c600986] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5fe956 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (fseventsd + 35206) [0x10c600986] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x607f80 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (fseventsd + 35206) [0x10c600986] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10c5f8000 - 0x10c608fff fseventsd (1223.10.1) <8D9B3C4B-9A5E-3D92-8C31-FB9A1C4AD8D1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/FSEvents.framework/Versions/A/Support/fseventsd
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: FullContact [603]
Path: /Applications/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 6805 pages
Process: gamecontrollerd [57582]
Path: /usr/libexec/gamecontrollerd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 247
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1560 pages
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x603b4f DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (gamecontrollerd + 36246) [0x1030c5d96] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runUntilDate:] + 108 (Foundation + 757699) [0x7fff969cefc3] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (Foundation + 151257) [0x7fff9693aed9] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x603b51 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1030bd000 - 0x1030c8fff gamecontrollerd (3.34.6) <A8F118C7-30DD-3B6F-9831-936D85552AC3> /usr/libexec/gamecontrollerd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: garcon [48917]
Path: /Applications/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1068 pages
Process: helpd [55883]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HelpData.framework/Versions/A/Resources/helpd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 1089 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5e52d1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5e52ed 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x107e66000 - 0x107e74fff helpd (104) <9E4EDFF4-B773-342F-B630-539C80B9977B> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HelpData.framework/Versions/A/Resources/helpd
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: hidd [111]
Path: /usr/libexec/hidd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 390 pages (+1)
Thread 0x253 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x269 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x26b 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __IOHIDServiceRunLoopCompatibilityThread + 220 (IOKit + 243574) [0x7fff93ce0776] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x102f08000 - 0x102f08fff hidd (701.60.2) <D0CBC6EF-2FC0-370D-9C32-FB73DE65F68E> /usr/libexec/hidd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93ca5000 - 0x7fff93d1afff 2.0.2 (1179.50.2) <A509D3AE-9D48-31B7-89C7-326A7A2007B2> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: icdd [506]
Path: /System/Library/Image Capture/Support/icdd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 319 pages (+1)
Thread 0x1635 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x1679 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x1f37be 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10d173000 - 0x10d18cfff icdd (930) <E38F199C-EBE3-33C2-96AA-7D0C3496E4A8> /System/Library/Image Capture/Support/icdd
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: iconservicesagent [56924]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/iconservicesagent
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1437 pages
Thread 0x5f7112 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7113 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1036f7000 - 0x1036f7fff iconservicesagent (68.1) <A02761C5-63A3-3324-B946-60BF79973F75> /System/Library/CoreServices/iconservicesagent
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: iconservicesd [56925]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/iconservicesd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 240
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 855 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5f7126 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5f7128 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10391f000 - 0x10391ffff iconservicesd (68.1) <F3D84DC7-739A-3A22-8150-272F2EDDBE2D> /System/Library/CoreServices/iconservicesd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: identityservicesd [468]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IDS.framework/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 1417 pages
Thread 0x142a DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested legacy, override user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (identityservicesd + 131193) [0x105592079] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 74 (Foundation + 150968) [0x7fff9693adb8] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (Foundation + 151257) [0x7fff9693aed9] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x1434 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 61 (base 61)
<timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x1e1e 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x1e1f 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x1e20 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x1e21 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x105572000 - 0x1059a8fff 10.0 (1000) <0D56E79E-56C0-35D3-BF08-54D8A525E610> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IDS.framework/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: Image Capture Extension [3657]
Path: /System/Library/Image Capture/Support/Image Capture Capture Extension
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 1187 pages
Thread 0x4df19 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x4df29 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x4df74 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x1f5e28 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10b4b3000 - 0x10b501fff 10.1 (10.1) <2B9DAD7B-B55A-3AF9-BBCF-CEFDF1D91FCB> /System/Library/Image Capture/Support/Image Capture Capture Extension
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: imagent [523]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMCore.framework/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 1222 pages
Thread 0x1647 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested legacy, override user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (imagent + 31264) [0x102e60a20] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 74 (Foundation + 150968) [0x7fff9693adb8] 1-20
20 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (Foundation + 151257) [0x7fff9693aed9] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x169f DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x102e59000 - 0x102e87fff 10.0 (1000) <AE2CF5A4-A4C6-361A-A223-7B50EC6822B1> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMCore.framework/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: IMDPersistenceAgent [56951]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMDPersistence.framework/XPCServices/IMDPersistenceAgent.xpc/Contents/MacOS/IMDPersistenceAgent
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 2365 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5f80dd 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5f80df 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10dcc8000 - 0x10dcdafff 10.0 (1000) <C604D276-2A3E-36C6-B145-709140298062> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMDPersistence.framework/XPCServices/IMDPersistenceAgent.xpc/Contents/MacOS/IMDPersistenceAgent
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: imklaunchagent [74864]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/InputMethodKit.framework/Resources/imklaunchagent
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 848 pages (+1)
Thread 0x4074e3 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x4074e9 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1083f0000 - 0x1083fcfff imklaunchagent (260) <97B8A8ED-E387-38A4-9B44-939D853DE77C> /System/Library/Frameworks/InputMethodKit.framework/Resources/imklaunchagent
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: installd [483]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PackageKit.framework/Resources/installd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1726 pages (+10)
CPU Time: 0.007s
Note: 3 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x1599 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (installd + 3293) [0x1082e1cdd] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x159a DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1082e1000 - 0x1082e1fff installd (546.1) <B9ADE7DC-C5FA-35EE-8DA1-D5684FD8ACB1> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PackageKit.framework/Resources/installd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: ipcserver [57492]
Path: /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/*/ipcserver
Architecture: i386
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 169 pages (+1)
Thread 0x602272 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 83098) [0x9286549a] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x87000 - 0x8afff ipcserver <3A4B4629-AD28-3944-9305-9495A70CC261> /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/*/ipcserver
0x92851000 - 0x92872fff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <53C0C7AB-50DA-3AB7-A3F0-003C88FC20F8> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: iStat Menus Notifications [500]
Path: /Library/Application Support/iStat Menus 5/iStat Menus Menus Notifications
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 906 pages
Process: iStat Menus Status [526]
Path: /Library/Application Support/iStat Menus 5/iStat Menus Menus Status
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 14000 pages (+6)
CPU Time: 0.041s
Process: iStatMenusAgent [507]
Path: /Library/Application Support/iStat Menus 5/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 1220 pages
Process: iStatMenusDaemon [61]
Path: /Library/Application Support/iStat Menus 5/iStatMenusDaemon
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Task size: 1214 pages
CPU Time: 0.001s
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x221 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 main + 245 (iStatMenusDaemon + 6058) [0x100c517aa] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x4a2 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x4c5 DispatchQueue 10 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 1-20
20 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 1-20
20 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 1-20
20 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 1-20
20 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 1-20
20 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 1-20
20 read + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 99170) [0x7fff904a4362] 1-20
*20 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1-20
*20 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 1-20
*20 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 6056179) [0xffffff80007c68f3] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 6056842) [0xffffff80007c6b8a] 1-20
*20 soreceive + 2170 (kernel + 6231818) [0xffffff80007f170a] 1-20
*20 sbwait + 306 (kernel + 6265842) [0xffffff80007f9bf2] 1-20
*20 msleep + 98 (kernel + 5987698) [0xffffff80007b5d72] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 1-20
*20 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x100c50000 - 0x100caffff iStatMenusDaemon (0) <4CAA9091-1694-3D06-BF82-69DCA8665E2B> /Library/Application Support/iStat Menus 5/iStatMenusDaemon
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: iTunes [77130]
Path: /Applications/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 41607 pages
CPU Time: 0.400s
Note: 3 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x431ad0 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28) cpu time 0.095s
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 9103711) [0x10c33a95f] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
11 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-11
11 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-11
11 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-11
*11 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-11
1 __CFRunLoopRun + 1178 (CoreFoundation + 562650) [0x7fff93e2a5da] 12
1 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 391 (CoreFoundation + 696279) [0x7fff93e4afd7] 12
1 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23 (CoreFoundation + 696423) [0x7fff93e4b067] 12
1 CA::Transaction::observer_callback(__CFRunLoopObserver*, unsigned long, void*) + 71 (QuartzCore + 113015) [0x7fff8d2a3977] 12
1 CA::Transaction::commit() + 508 (QuartzCore + 65772) [0x7fff8d2980ec] 12
1 CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 160 (QuartzCore + 66604) [0x7fff8d29842c] 12
1 CA::Transaction::run_commit_handlers(CATransactionPhase) + 85 (QuartzCore + 69489) [0x7fff8d298f71] 12
1 __37+[NSDisplayCycle currentDisplayCycle]_block_invoke + 941 (AppKit + 1705430) [0x7fff988255d6] 12
1 ___NSWindowGetDisplayCycleObserver_block_invoke6365 + 476 (AppKit + 8541211) [0x7fff98eaa41b] 12
1 -[NSWindow displayIfNeeded] + 232 (AppKit + 1707068) [0x7fff98825c3c] 12
1 -[NSView displayIfNeeded] + 1950 (AppKit + 1709045) [0x7fff988263f5] 12
1 -[NSView _displayRectIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:] + 2449 (AppKit + 1728491) [0x7fff9882afeb] 12
1 -[NSNextStepFrame _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 284 (AppKit + 2106432) [0x7fff98887440] 12
1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 5840 (AppKit + 1742725) [0x7fff9882e785] 12
1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 5840 (AppKit + 1742725) [0x7fff9882e785] 12
1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 5840 (AppKit + 1742725) [0x7fff9882e785] 12
1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 5840 (AppKit + 1742725) [0x7fff9882e785] 12
1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 5840 (AppKit + 1742725) [0x7fff9882e785] 12
1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 5840 (AppKit + 1742725) [0x7fff9882e785] 12
1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 1762 (AppKit + 1738647) [0x7fff9882d797] 12
1 -[NSView lockFocus] + 36 (AppKit + 1734877) [0x7fff9882c8dd] 12
1 -[NSView lockFocusIfCanDraw] + 422 (AppKit + 1675745) [0x7fff9881e1e1] 12
1 objc_msgSend + 33 (libobjc.A.dylib + 5345) [0x7fff8a66f4e1] (running) 12
1 __CFRunLoopRun + 1841 (CoreFoundation + 563313) [0x7fff93e2a871] 13
1 __CFRunLoopDoTimers + 177 (CoreFoundation + 598785) [0x7fff93e33301] 13
1 CFArrayCreateMutable + 131 (CoreFoundation + 160627) [0x7fff93dc8373] 13
1 -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithCapacity:] + 114 (CoreFoundation + 160850) [0x7fff93dc8452] 13
1 objc_assign_ivar + 28 (libobjc.A.dylib + 40211) [0x7fff8a677d13] (running) 13
7 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 14-20
7 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 14-20
7 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 14-20
*7 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 14-20
Thread 0x431ad8 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28) cpu time 0.007s
<IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x431ad7 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x431b19 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14797060) [0x10c8a8904] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14794886) [0x10c8a8086] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x431b66 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x431b6a 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28) cpu time 0.090s
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x431b6d 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x431d0b 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x431d0c 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x431d0f 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 __accept + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 91082) [0x7fff904a23ca] 1-20
*20 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1-20
*20 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 1-20
*20 accept_nocancel + 496 (kernel + 6283424) [0xffffff80007fe0a0] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 1-20
*20 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Thread 0x431d10 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 __accept + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 91082) [0x7fff904a23ca] 1-20
*20 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1-20
*20 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 1-20
*20 accept_nocancel + 496 (kernel + 6283424) [0xffffff80007fe0a0] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 1-20
*20 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Thread 0x431d11 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x431d63 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x431d64 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x431d67 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x431d7d 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x431d82 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background, thread darwinbg, IO policy utility>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14797060) [0x10c8a8904] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14793986) [0x10c8a7d02] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14507033) [0x10c861c19] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14509303) [0x10c8624f7] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14509915) [0x10c86275b] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x431d83 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background, thread darwinbg, IO policy utility>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14797060) [0x10c8a8904] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14793986) [0x10c8a7d02] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14507033) [0x10c861c19] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14509303) [0x10c8624f7] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14509915) [0x10c86275b] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x431d91 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x431d92 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x431dd8 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14797060) [0x10c8a8904] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14794886) [0x10c8a8086] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x431e26 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x432e14 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14797060) [0x10c8a8904] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14793986) [0x10c8a7d02] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14507033) [0x10c861c19] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14509303) [0x10c8624f7] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14509915) [0x10c86275b] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x432e2d 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x44549d 20 samples (1-20) priority 28-46 (base 28) cpu time 0.205s
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard, priority 46 (28)>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14797060) [0x10c8a8904] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14794886) [0x10c8a8086] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
3 __CFRunLoopRun + 927 (CoreFoundation + 562399) [0x7fff93e2a4df] 1-3
1 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 423 (CoreFoundation + 565047) [0x7fff93e2af37] 1
1 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17 (CoreFoundation + 698497) [0x7fff93e4b881] 1
1 _cfstream_shared_signalEventSync + 478 (CoreFoundation + 955038) [0x7fff93e8a29e] 1
1 _signalEventSync + 180 (CoreFoundation + 835732) [0x7fff93e6d094] 1
1 _CFStreamSignalEvent + 476 (CoreFoundation + 825596) [0x7fff93e6a8fc] 1
1 _cfstream_solo_signalEventSync + 251 (CoreFoundation + 951931) [0x7fff93e8967b] 1
1 _signalEventSync + 180 (CoreFoundation + 835732) [0x7fff93e6d094] 1
1 ??? (iTunes + 5117815) [0x10bf6d777] 1
1 ??? (iTunes + 5111728) [0x10bf6bfb0] 1
1 ??? (iTunes + 3771123) [0x10be24af3] 1
1 ??? (iTunes + 3772668) [0x10be250fc] 1
1 ??? (iTunes + 3738894) [0x10be1cd0e] 1
1 ??? (iTunes + 2794214) [0x10bd362e6] 1
1 ??? (iTunes + 4550072) [0x10bee2db8] 1
1 ??? (iTunes + 4516603) [0x10bedaafb] 1
1 ??? (iTunes + 4593803) [0x10beed88b] 1
1 FSFlushFork + 26 (CarbonCore + 234302) [0x7fff8f73833e] 1
1 fsync + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 97154) [0x7fff904a3b82] 1
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 3230328) [0xffffff8000514a78] 1
*1 hfs_vnop_fsync + 145 (kernel + 5484913) [0xffffff800073b171] 1
*1 hfs_fsync + 603 (kernel + 5465659) [0xffffff800073663b] 1
*1 cluster_push_ext + 629 (kernel + 3060965) [0xffffff80004eb4e5] 1
*1 vnode_waitforwrites + 227 (kernel + 3106083) [0xffffff80004f6523] 1
*1 msleep + 98 (kernel + 5987698) [0xffffff80007b5d72] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 1
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 1
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1
<priority 28 (28)>
2 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 556 (CoreFoundation + 565180) [0x7fff93e2afbc] 2-3
2 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17 (CoreFoundation + 698497) [0x7fff93e4b881] 2-3
2 _cfstream_shared_signalEventSync + 478 (CoreFoundation + 955038) [0x7fff93e8a29e] 2-3
2 _signalEventSync + 180 (CoreFoundation + 835732) [0x7fff93e6d094] 2-3
2 _CFStreamSignalEvent + 476 (CoreFoundation + 825596) [0x7fff93e6a8fc] 2-3
2 _cfstream_solo_signalEventSync + 251 (CoreFoundation + 951931) [0x7fff93e8967b] 2-3
2 _signalEventSync + 180 (CoreFoundation + 835732) [0x7fff93e6d094] 2-3
2 ??? (iTunes + 5117815) [0x10bf6d777] 2-3
2 ??? (iTunes + 5111728) [0x10bf6bfb0] 2-3
2 ??? (iTunes + 3771123) [0x10be24af3] 2-3
2 ??? (iTunes + 3772668) [0x10be250fc] 2-3
2 ??? (iTunes + 3738894) [0x10be1cd0e] 2-3
2 ??? (iTunes + 2794214) [0x10bd362e6] 2-3
2 ??? (iTunes + 4550072) [0x10bee2db8] 2-3
2 ??? (iTunes + 4516603) [0x10bedaafb] 2-3
2 ??? (iTunes + 4593803) [0x10beed88b] 2-3
2 FSFlushFork + 26 (CarbonCore + 234302) [0x7fff8f73833e] 2-3
2 fsync + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 97154) [0x7fff904a3b82] 2-3
*2 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 2-3
*1 unix_syscall64 + 964 (kernel + 6457460) [0xffffff8000828874] 2
*1 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 2
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 2
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 2
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 2
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 2
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 2
<priority 46 (28)>
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 3
*1 ??? (kernel + 3230328) [0xffffff8000514a78] 3
*1 hfs_vnop_fsync + 145 (kernel + 5484913) [0xffffff800073b171] 3
*1 hfs_fsync + 603 (kernel + 5465659) [0xffffff800073663b] 3
*1 cluster_push_ext + 629 (kernel + 3060965) [0xffffff80004eb4e5] 3
*1 vnode_waitforwrites + 227 (kernel + 3106083) [0xffffff80004f6523] 3
*1 msleep + 98 (kernel + 5987698) [0xffffff80007b5d72] 3
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 3
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 3
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 3
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 3
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 3
<priority 28 (28)>
1 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 4
1 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 4
1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 4
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 4
1 __CFRunLoopRun + 927 (CoreFoundation + 562399) [0x7fff93e2a4df] 5
1 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 556 (CoreFoundation + 565180) [0x7fff93e2afbc] 5
1 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17 (CoreFoundation + 698497) [0x7fff93e4b881] 5
1 _cfstream_shared_signalEventSync + 478 (CoreFoundation + 955038) [0x7fff93e8a29e] 5
1 _signalEventSync + 180 (CoreFoundation + 835732) [0x7fff93e6d094] 5
1 _CFStreamSignalEvent + 476 (CoreFoundation + 825596) [0x7fff93e6a8fc] 5
1 _cfstream_solo_signalEventSync + 251 (CoreFoundation + 951931) [0x7fff93e8967b] 5
1 _signalEventSync + 180 (CoreFoundation + 835732) [0x7fff93e6d094] 5
1 ??? (iTunes + 5117815) [0x10bf6d777] 5
1 ??? (iTunes + 5111728) [0x10bf6bfb0] 5
1 ??? (iTunes + 3771098) [0x10be24ada] 5
1 ??? (iTunes + 3774978) [0x10be25a02] 5
1 ??? (iTunes + 3772527) [0x10be2506f] 5
1 ??? (iTunes + 3772793) [0x10be25179] 5
1 ??? (iTunes + 3773229) [0x10be2532d] 5
1 ??? (iTunes + 3638510) [0x10be044ee] 5
1 ??? (iTunes + 3637441) [0x10be040c1] (running) 5
3 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 6-8
3 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 6-8
3 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 6-8
*3 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 6-8
1 __CFRunLoopRun + 927 (CoreFoundation + 562399) [0x7fff93e2a4df] 9
1 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 556 (CoreFoundation + 565180) [0x7fff93e2afbc] 9
1 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17 (CoreFoundation + 698497) [0x7fff93e4b881] 9
1 _cfstream_shared_signalEventSync + 478 (CoreFoundation + 955038) [0x7fff93e8a29e] 9
1 _signalEventSync + 180 (CoreFoundation + 835732) [0x7fff93e6d094] 9
1 _CFStreamSignalEvent + 452 (CoreFoundation + 825572) [0x7fff93e6a8e4] 9
1 CFRunLoopContainsSource + 90 (CoreFoundation + 492906) [0x7fff93e1956a] 9
1 __CFRunLoopFindMode + 197 (CoreFoundation + 360533) [0x7fff93df9055] 9
1 CFSetGetValue + 125 (CoreFoundation + 361789) [0x7fff93df953d] 9
1 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 650 (CoreFoundation + 51658) [0x7fff93dad9ca] 9
1 CFHash + 123 (CoreFoundation + 38443) [0x7fff93daa62b] (running) 9
1 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 10
1 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 10
1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 10
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 10
<priority 46 (28)>
10 __CFRunLoopRun + 927 (CoreFoundation + 562399) [0x7fff93e2a4df] 11-20
10 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 556 (CoreFoundation + 565180) [0x7fff93e2afbc] 11-20
10 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17 (CoreFoundation + 698497) [0x7fff93e4b881] 11-20
10 _cfstream_shared_signalEventSync + 478 (CoreFoundation + 955038) [0x7fff93e8a29e] 11-20
10 _signalEventSync + 180 (CoreFoundation + 835732) [0x7fff93e6d094] 11-20
10 _CFStreamSignalEvent + 476 (CoreFoundation + 825596) [0x7fff93e6a8fc] 11-20
10 _cfstream_solo_signalEventSync + 251 (CoreFoundation + 951931) [0x7fff93e8967b] 11-20
10 _signalEventSync + 180 (CoreFoundation + 835732) [0x7fff93e6d094] 11-20
10 ??? (iTunes + 5117815) [0x10bf6d777] 11-20
10 ??? (iTunes + 5111728) [0x10bf6bfb0] 11-20
3 ??? (iTunes + 3771098) [0x10be24ada] 11-13
3 ??? (iTunes + 3774978) [0x10be25a02] 11-13
3 ??? (iTunes + 3771500) [0x10be24c6c] 11-13
3 ??? (iTunes + 6911727) [0x10c1236ef] 11-13
3 ??? (iTunes + 6911894) [0x10c123796] 11-13
3 ??? (iTunes + 4596818) [0x10beee452] 11-13
3 ??? (iTunes + 4596176) [0x10beee1d0] 11-13
3 FSWriteFork + 45 (CarbonCore + 244453) [0x7fff8f73aae5] 11-13
3 PBWriteForkSync + 84 (CarbonCore + 244559) [0x7fff8f73ab4f] 11-13
3 pwrite + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 99098) [0x7fff904a431a] 11-13
*3 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 11-13
*3 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 11-13
*3 pwrite_nocancel + 290 (kernel + 6059282) [0xffffff80007c7512] 11-13
*3 ??? (kernel + 6058695) [0xffffff80007c72c7] 11-13
*3 ??? (kernel + 3260349) [0xffffff800051bfbd] 11-13
*3 VNOP_WRITE + 112 (kernel + 3305968) [0xffffff80005271f0] 11-13
*2 hfs_vnop_write + 2614 (kernel + 5317190) [0xffffff8000712246] 11-12
*2 hfs_systemfile_lock + 362 (kernel + 5438826) [0xffffff800072fd6a] 11-12
*2 hfs_lock + 87 (kernel + 5240887) [0xffffff80006ff837] 11-12
*2 lck_rw_lock_exclusive_gen + 431 (kernel + 1860207) [0xffffff80003c626f] 11-12
*2 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 11-12
*2 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 11-12
*2 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 11-12
*1 hfs_vnop_write + 1685 (kernel + 5316261) [0xffffff8000711ea5] 13
*1 cluster_write_ext + 1096 (kernel + 3047464) [0xffffff80004e8028] 13
*1 ??? (kernel + 3069891) [0xffffff80004ed7c3] 13
*1 ??? (kernel + 3071556) [0xffffff80004ede44] 13
*1 ??? (kernel + 3081631) [0xffffff80004f059f] 13
*1 ??? (kernel + 3065122) [0xffffff80004ec522] 13
*1 vnode_waitforwrites + 227 (kernel + 3106083) [0xffffff80004f6523] 13
*1 msleep + 98 (kernel + 5987698) [0xffffff80007b5d72] 13
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 13
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 13
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 13
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 13
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 13
<priority 28 (28)>
4 ??? (iTunes + 3771123) [0x10be24af3] 14-17
1 ??? (iTunes + 3771500) [0x10be24c6c] 14
1 ??? (iTunes + 6911727) [0x10c1236ef] 14
1 ??? (iTunes + 6911894) [0x10c123796] 14
1 ??? (iTunes + 4596818) [0x10beee452] 14
1 ??? (iTunes + 4596176) [0x10beee1d0] 14
1 FSWriteFork + 45 (CarbonCore + 244453) [0x7fff8f73aae5] 14
1 PBWriteForkSync + 84 (CarbonCore + 244559) [0x7fff8f73ab4f] 14
1 pwrite + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 99098) [0x7fff904a431a] 14
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 14
*1 unix_syscall64 + 964 (kernel + 6457460) [0xffffff8000828874] 14
*1 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 14
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 14
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 14
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 14
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 14
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 14
<priority 46 (28)>
3 ??? (iTunes + 3772668) [0x10be250fc] 15-17
3 ??? (iTunes + 3738894) [0x10be1cd0e] 15-17
3 ??? (iTunes + 2794214) [0x10bd362e6] 15-17
3 ??? (iTunes + 4550072) [0x10bee2db8] 15-17
3 ??? (iTunes + 4516603) [0x10bedaafb] 15-17
3 ??? (iTunes + 4593803) [0x10beed88b] 15-17
3 FSFlushFork + 26 (CarbonCore + 234302) [0x7fff8f73833e] 15-17
3 fsync + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 97154) [0x7fff904a3b82] 15-17
*3 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 15-17
*3 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 15-17
*3 ??? (kernel + 3230328) [0xffffff8000514a78] 15-17
*3 hfs_vnop_fsync + 145 (kernel + 5484913) [0xffffff800073b171] 15-17
*2 hfs_fsync + 603 (kernel + 5465659) [0xffffff800073663b] 15-16
*2 cluster_push_ext + 629 (kernel + 3060965) [0xffffff80004eb4e5] 15-16
*2 vnode_waitforwrites + 227 (kernel + 3106083) [0xffffff80004f6523] 15-16
*2 msleep + 98 (kernel + 5987698) [0xffffff80007b5d72] 15-16
*2 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 15-16
*2 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 15-16
*2 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 15-16
*2 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 15-16
*2 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 15-16
*1 hfs_fsync + 1204 (kernel + 5466260) [0xffffff8000736894] 17
*1 hfs_update + 663 (kernel + 5460279) [0xffffff8000735137] 17
*1 hfs_systemfile_lock + 57 (kernel + 5438521) [0xffffff800072fc39] 17
*1 hfs_lock + 87 (kernel + 5240887) [0xffffff80006ff837] 17
*1 lck_rw_lock_exclusive_gen + 1006 (kernel + 1860782) [0xffffff80003c64ae] 17
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 17
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 17
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 17
1 ??? (iTunes + 3771098) [0x10be24ada] 18
1 ??? (iTunes + 3774978) [0x10be25a02] 18
1 ??? (iTunes + 3771500) [0x10be24c6c] 18
1 ??? (iTunes + 6911727) [0x10c1236ef] 18
1 ??? (iTunes + 6911894) [0x10c123796] 18
1 ??? (iTunes + 4596818) [0x10beee452] 18
1 ??? (iTunes + 4596176) [0x10beee1d0] 18
1 FSWriteFork + 45 (CarbonCore + 244453) [0x7fff8f73aae5] 18
1 PBWriteForkSync + 84 (CarbonCore + 244559) [0x7fff8f73ab4f] 18
1 pwrite + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 99098) [0x7fff904a431a] 18
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 18
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 18
*1 pwrite_nocancel + 290 (kernel + 6059282) [0xffffff80007c7512] 18
*1 ??? (kernel + 6058695) [0xffffff80007c72c7] 18
*1 ??? (kernel + 3260349) [0xffffff800051bfbd] 18
*1 VNOP_WRITE + 112 (kernel + 3305968) [0xffffff80005271f0] 18
*1 hfs_vnop_write + 1418 (kernel + 5315994) [0xffffff8000711d9a] 18
*1 hfs_start_transaction + 329 (kernel + 5440265) [0xffffff8000730309] 18
*1 journal_start_transaction + 335 (kernel + 3333391) [0xffffff800052dd0f] 18
*1 lck_mtx_lock + 653 (kernel + 1841245) [0xffffff80003c185d] 18
*1 lck_mtx_lock_wait_x86 + 520 (kernel + 1866952) [0xffffff80003c7cc8] 18
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 18
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 18
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 18
1 ??? (iTunes + 3771123) [0x10be24af3] 19
1 ??? (iTunes + 3772668) [0x10be250fc] 19
1 ??? (iTunes + 3738894) [0x10be1cd0e] 19
1 ??? (iTunes + 2794214) [0x10bd362e6] 19
1 ??? (iTunes + 4549732) [0x10bee2c64] 19
1 ??? (iTunes + 4520725) [0x10bedbb15] 19
1 ??? (iTunes + 4597785) [0x10beee819] 19
1 ??? (iTunes + 4546701) [0x10bee208d] 19
1 ??? (iTunes + 4597082) [0x10beee55a] 19
1 FSGetCatalogInfo + 43 (CarbonCore + 50857) [0x7fff8f70b6a9] 19
1 PBGetCatalogInfoSync + 263 (CarbonCore + 51132) [0x7fff8f70b7bc] 19
1 GetFSRefAttributes(FSMount*, FSRef const*, unsigned int, FSAttributeInfo*, unsigned int, char*) + 127 (CarbonCore + 37069) [0x7fff8f7080cd] 19
1 FSMount::getattrs(unsigned int, char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, FSAttributeInfo*, unsigned int, unsigned char*) + 233 (CarbonCore + 37441) [0x7fff8f708241] 19
1 FSMount::_getattrs(unsigned int, char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, FSAttributeInfo*, unsigned int, unsigned char*) + 305 (CarbonCore + 37817) [0x7fff8f7083b9] 19
1 GetVolFSAttributes(FSMount*, unsigned int, char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, FSAttributeInfo*, unsigned int, unsigned int, FSVolAttributeInfo*, unsigned char*) + 642 (CarbonCore + 38592) [0x7fff8f7086c0] 19
1 __getattrlist + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 91858) [0x7fff904a26d2] 19
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 19
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 19
*1 getattrlist + 119 (kernel + 2975879) [0xffffff80004d6887] 19
*1 ??? (kernel + 3003675) [0xffffff80004dd51b] 19
*1 ??? (kernel + 2994416) [0xffffff80004db0f0] 19
*1 kauth_authorize_action + 179 (kernel + 5732819) [0xffffff80007779d3] 19
*1 _vnode_scope_listener + 1080 (Dropbox + 8757) [0xffffff7f835e5235] 19
*1 mac_vnop_getxattr + 178 (kernel + 7470946) [0xffffff800091ff62] 19
*1 vn_getxattr + 646 (kernel + 3264262) [0xffffff800051cf06] 19
*1 hfs_vnop_getxattr + 568 (kernel + 5490040) [0xffffff800073c578] 19
*1 hfs_getxattr_internal + 524 (kernel + 5491740) [0xffffff800073cc1c] 19
*1 hfs_systemfile_lock + 163 (kernel + 5438627) [0xffffff800072fca3] 19
*1 hfs_lock + 44 (kernel + 5240844) [0xffffff80006ff80c] 19
*1 lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 128 (kernel + 1861952) [0xffffff80003c6940] 19
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 19
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 19
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 19
1 ??? (iTunes + 3771098) [0x10be24ada] 20
1 ??? (iTunes + 3774978) [0x10be25a02] 20
1 ??? (iTunes + 3771500) [0x10be24c6c] 20
1 ??? (iTunes + 6911727) [0x10c1236ef] 20
1 ??? (iTunes + 6911894) [0x10c123796] 20
1 ??? (iTunes + 4596818) [0x10beee452] 20
1 ??? (iTunes + 4596176) [0x10beee1d0] 20
1 FSWriteFork + 45 (CarbonCore + 244453) [0x7fff8f73aae5] 20
1 PBWriteForkSync + 84 (CarbonCore + 244559) [0x7fff8f73ab4f] 20
1 pwrite + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 99098) [0x7fff904a431a] 20
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 20
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 20
*1 pwrite_nocancel + 290 (kernel + 6059282) [0xffffff80007c7512] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 6058695) [0xffffff80007c72c7] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 3260349) [0xffffff800051bfbd] 20
*1 VNOP_WRITE + 112 (kernel + 3305968) [0xffffff80005271f0] 20
*1 hfs_vnop_write + 1418 (kernel + 5315994) [0xffffff8000711d9a] 20
*1 hfs_start_transaction + 329 (kernel + 5440265) [0xffffff8000730309] 20
*1 journal_start_transaction + 335 (kernel + 3333391) [0xffffff800052dd0f] 20
*1 lck_mtx_lock + 653 (kernel + 1841245) [0xffffff80003c185d] 20
*1 lck_mtx_lock_wait_x86 + 520 (kernel + 1866952) [0xffffff80003c7cc8] 20
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 20
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 20
Thread 0x5388e4 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14797060) [0x10c8a8904] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14793986) [0x10c8a7d02] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14507033) [0x10c861c19] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14509303) [0x10c8624f7] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14509915) [0x10c86275b] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x601dfa 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14797060) [0x10c8a8904] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14794136) [0x10c8a7d98] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 3756156) [0x10be2107c] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 3758917) [0x10be21b45] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 5109972) [0x10bf6b8d4] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 5112538) [0x10bf6c2da] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14508153) [0x10c862079] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x601e4b 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14797060) [0x10c8a8904] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14794136) [0x10c8a7d98] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 3756156) [0x10be2107c] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 3758917) [0x10be21b45] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 5109972) [0x10bf6b8d4] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 5112538) [0x10bf6c2da] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14508153) [0x10c862079] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x601e5d 20 samples (1-20) priority 28 (base 28)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14797060) [0x10c8a8904] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14794136) [0x10c8a7d98] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 3756156) [0x10be2107c] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 3758917) [0x10be21b45] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 5109972) [0x10bf6b8d4] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 5112538) [0x10bf6c2da] 1-20
20 ??? (iTunes + 14508153) [0x10c862079] 1-20
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x606071 DispatchQueue 388 2 samples (10-11) priority 28 (base 28)
<DispatchQueue not seen for 9 samples, thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated, override user initiated), IO policy standard>
2 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 10-11
2 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 10-11
2 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 10-11
2 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1890 (libdispatch.dylib + 25243) [0x7fff86a7f29b] 10-11
2 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 10-11
2 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 10-11
2 _dispatch_queue_drain + 754 (libdispatch.dylib + 28731) [0x7fff86a8003b] 10-11
2 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 10-11
2 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 10-11
2 CGSReenableUpdateToken + 469 (CoreGraphics + 399977) [0x7fff85793a69] 10-11
2 _CGSReenableUpdateForConnection + 92 (CoreGraphics + 400790) [0x7fff85793d96] 10-11
2 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 10-11
*2 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 10-11
Binary Images:
0x10ba8c000 - 0x10d462fff 12.4.3 (12.4.3) <152182B3-828C-382E-B0B5-D042AC5F7F56> /Applications/
0x7fff85732000 - 0x7fff86998fff 1.600.0 (960.3) <A2DA51BA-7A97-33B9-97A1-979F6401989C> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8a66e000 - 0x7fff8a9d9fff libobjc.A.dylib (680) <D55D5807-1FBE-32A5-9105-44D7AFE68C27> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
0x7fff8d288000 - 0x7fff8d456fff 1.11 (410.14) <076BDE58-8AED-3D47-84FD-548CF8E8EDB9> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8f6ff000 - 0x7fff8f9e4fff 1136.2 (1136.2) <2DBAFC9A-6CD6-351D-B1F4-87D81AA6D640> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff7f835e3000 - 0xffffff7f835e7fff com.getdropbox.dropbox.kext (1.7.5) <7D4877FE-8F6C-3667-800E-CC3D56FBC9E3> /Library/Extensions/Dropbox.kext/Contents/MacOS/Dropbox
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: iTunesHelper (iTunes Helper) [548]
Path: /Applications/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 371 pages (+1)
Thread 0x173c DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x173d 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x1965 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x103db2000 - 0x103dccfff 12.4.3 (12.4.3) <72462959-FFE6-3C5D-B34E-1E6BBC845026> /Applications/
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: kbfs [1899]
Path: /Applications/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 23168 pages
Thread 0x1794e 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x1794f 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x17950 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x17951 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x17952 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x17954 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 ??? [0x70000028ce98] 1-20
20 ??? [0] 1-20
20 main + 1507 (kbfs + 404435) [0x4062bd3] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x17955 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x17957 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x17958 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1-20
*20 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 1-20
*20 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 6056179) [0xffffff80007c68f3] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 6056842) [0xffffff80007c6b8a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 3259296) [0xffffff800051bba0] 1-20
*20 ??? (kbfuse + 4241) [0xffffff7f835b2091] 1-20
*20 msleep + 98 (kernel + 5987698) [0xffffff80007b5d72] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 1-20
*20 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Thread 0x17959 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x18318 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x62de1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x4000000 - 0x5794fff kbfs (0) <E559764F-E1C0-3DF3-A3D3-5F3842973F85> /Applications/
*0xffffff7f835b1000 - 0xffffff7f835c7fff com.github.kbfuse.filesystems.kbfuse (3.2.0) <AF9EEF06-5277-351B-83D6-D9E65624AB90> /Library/Filesystems/kbfuse.fs/Contents/Extensions/10.11/kbfuse.kext/Contents/MacOS/kbfuse
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: kdc [102]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Heimdal.framework/Helpers/kdc
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 73 pages (+1)
Thread 0x458 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x45a 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10d310000 - 0x10d343fff kdc (453.40.10) <C0D32F09-79C2-3C59-BEDE-C3C2197EE355> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Heimdal.framework/Helpers/kdc
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: KernelEventAgent [107]
Path: /usr/sbin/KernelEventAgent
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 24 pages (+1)
Thread 0x24f 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x25a 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x25c 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x102e70000 - 0x102e75fff KernelEventAgent (93.40.1) <614B6FC4-1887-382C-8735-48B42B411E1C> /usr/sbin/KernelEventAgent
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: kextd [54]
Path: /usr/libexec/kextd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Task size: 715 pages
Thread 0x21a DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (kextd + 8619) [0x10a3cc1ab] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x295 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10a3ca000 - 0x10a3e7fff kextd (426.60.1) <8B143DDF-4D5F-34ED-994C-9279E2A28D90> /usr/libexec/kextd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: keybase [1895]
Path: /Applications/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 5108 pages (+1)
Thread 0x17930 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x17b0a DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x17931 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x17932 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 main + 1507 (keybase + 400675) [0x4061d23] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x17933 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x17934 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x17935 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x17936 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x17937 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x17a83 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x17a8d 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x17bda 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated, override user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018694) [0xffffff80003ecd86] 1-20
*20 mach_call_munger64 + 410 (kernel + 1806026) [0xffffff80003b8eca] 1-20
*20 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 197 (kernel + 861861) [0xffffff80002d26a5] 1-20
*20 ipc_kmsg_send + 323 (kernel + 797059) [0xffffff80002c2983] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_send + 539 (kernel + 811403) [0xffffff80002c618b] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Thread 0x70295 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x702bc 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x4000000 - 0x57eafff keybase (0) <9E864049-B52C-3169-9020-2CD655422F2E> /Applications/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: Keybase [1898]
Path: /Applications/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 6296 pages
Process: Keybase Helper (Keybase) [1907]
Path: /Applications/ Helper
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: Keybase [1898]
Responsible: Keybase [1898]
UID: 501
Task size: 472 pages
Process: Keybase Helper (Keybase) [1909]
Path: /Applications/ Helper
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: Keybase [1898]
Responsible: Keybase [1898]
UID: 501
Task size: 653 pages
Process: Keybase Helper (Keybase) [1912]
Path: /Applications/ Helper
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: Keybase [1898]
Responsible: Keybase [1898]
UID: 501
Task size: 763 pages
Process: keybase.Helper [637]
Path: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/keybase.Helper
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Task size: 30 pages (+1)
Thread 0x207d 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x207e 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy standard>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1046a4000 - 0x1046c0fff keybase.Helper (0) <3F467DFB-D29B-3C6F-89C2-59FBAD33133B> /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/keybase.Helper
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: Keychain Circle Notification [495]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/Keychain Circle Circle Notification
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 956 pages
Thread 0x162a DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, IO policy utility>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x170c 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x19fc 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user interactive), process darwinbg, IO policy utility>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x102385000 - 0x10238efff 1.0 () <0E541A87-0C30-38E6-8829-EB4D6A378476> /System/Library/CoreServices/Keychain Circle Circle Notification
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: LaterAgent [624]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framework/Resources/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 988 pages
Thread 0x1f9c DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy standard>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (LaterAgent + 6371) [0x10a1a48e3] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x206e 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy standard>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x2262 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user interactive), IO policy standard>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10a1a3000 - 0x10a1adfff 1.0 (463.9) <AA6F3708-2ECA-33E6-8B51-2D8887645167> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framework/Resources/
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: LaunchBar [71289]
Path: /Applications/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 61888 pages (+92)
CPU Time: 1.894s
Process: launchd [1]
Path: /sbin/launchd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: kernel_task [0]
UID: 0
Task size: 3264 pages (+1)
CPU Time: 0.005s
Note: 7 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x1a5 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated, override user initiated), IO policy important>
20 semaphore_wait_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69550) [0x7fff9049cfae] 1-20
*20 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1029568) [0xffffff80002fb5c0] 1-20
Thread 0x1a6 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37) cpu time 0.001s
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x1a7 DispatchQueue 11 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_sig_thread + 45 (libdispatch.dylib + 92085) [0x7fff86a8f7b5] 1-20
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x106ec2000 - 0x106f01fff launchd (765.50.8) <48362449-4519-317E-9A8B-7524036DE5EA> /sbin/launchd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: launchservicesd [90]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/launchservicesd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Task size: 4110 pages
CPU Time: 0.003s
Note: 7 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x337 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x338 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x100cd4000 - 0x100cdefff launchservicesd (728.13) <487CB27E-517B-3967-B2B5-BA36EA24BEED> /System/Library/CoreServices/launchservicesd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: locationd [94]
Path: /usr/libexec/locationd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 205
Task size: 1986 pages (+1)
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x242 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (locationd + 161003) [0x10c65f4eb] 1-20
20 ??? (locationd + 17662) [0x10c63c4fe] 1-20
20 ??? (locationd + 16480) [0x10c63c060] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x4bf DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x533 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x553 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x554 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x555 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 97994) [0x7fff904a3eca] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x22e8 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x22ed 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10c638000 - 0x10ca79fff locationd (1615.38) <19564A00-3C05-3FCF-A6D5-2529DEDEDA32> /usr/libexec/locationd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: logind [109]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/logind
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Task size: 57 pages (+1)
Thread 0x251 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x291 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10707c000 - 0x107082fff logind (25) <6EBA4319-5EC7-3FB7-9432-E88AF0BE4B56> /System/Library/CoreServices/logind
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: loginwindow [108]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 5904 pages (+192)
Pageins: 1 pages
CPU Time: 0.121s
Note: 3 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x250 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31-46 (base 31) cpu time 0.121s
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important, priority 31 (31)>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (loginwindow + 24028) [0x101db7ddc] 1-20
2 -[NSApplication run] + 796 (AppKit + 249330) [0x7fff986c1df2] 1-2
2 ??? (loginwindow + 46960) [0x101dbd770] 1-2
2 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 2540 (AppKit + 1923640) [0x7fff9885aa38] 1-2
2 -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 517 (AppKit + 2446649) [0x7fff988da539] 1-2
2 -[NSWindow _reallySendEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 212 (AppKit + 8479661) [0x7fff98e9b3ad] 1-2
2 -[NSWindow _handleMouseDownEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 6322 (AppKit + 8475593) [0x7fff98e9a3c9] 1-2
2 -[NSControl mouseDown:] + 669 (AppKit + 2886376) [0x7fff98945ae8] 1-2
2 -[NSButtonCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 744 (AppKit + 3190532) [0x7fff9898ff04] 1-2
2 -[NSCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 2693 (AppKit + 2892734) [0x7fff989473be] 1-2
2 _os_activity_initiate + 75 (libsystem_trace.dylib + 8314) [0x7fff8c43907a] 1-2
2 -[NSCell _sendActionFrom:] + 144 (AppKit + 2899353) [0x7fff98948d99] 1-2
2 _os_activity_initiate + 75 (libsystem_trace.dylib + 8314) [0x7fff8c43907a] 1-2
2 __26-[NSCell _sendActionFrom:]_block_invoke + 131 (AppKit + 2899516) [0x7fff98948e3c] 1-2
2 -[NSControl sendAction:to:] + 86 (AppKit + 2899730) [0x7fff98948f12] 1-2
2 -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] + 460 (AppKit + 2825661) [0x7fff98936dbd] 1-2
2 _os_activity_initiate + 75 (libsystem_trace.dylib + 8314) [0x7fff8c43907a] 1-2
2 ??? (loginwindow + 149357) [0x101dd676d] 1-2
2 -[NSApplication _commonBeginModalSessionForWindow:relativeToWindow:modalDelegate:didEndSelector:contextInfo:] + 1045 (AppKit + 2840751) [0x7fff9893a8af] 1-2
1 -[NSApplication _orderFrontModalWindow:relativeToWindow:] + 58 (AppKit + 2841702) [0x7fff9893ac66] 1
1 -[NSWindow(NSSheets) _setSheet:] + 171 (AppKit + 2842529) [0x7fff9893afa1] 1
1 -[NSThemeFrame _setSheet:] + 296 (AppKit + 2843069) [0x7fff9893b1bd] 1
1 -[NSWindow setFrame:display:] + 67 (AppKit + 1153955) [0x7fff9879eba3] 1
1 -[NSWindow _setFrame:display:allowImplicitAnimation:stashSize:] + 222 (AppKit + 1154184) [0x7fff9879ec88] 1
1 -[NSWindow _setFrameCommon:display:stashSize:] + 2743 (AppKit + 1156942) [0x7fff9879f74e] 1
1 -[NSWindow _oldPlaceWindow:] + 1075 (AppKit + 1160057) [0x7fff987a0379] 1
1 -[NSWindow _setFrame:updateBorderViewSize:] + 1088 (AppKit + 1059078) [0x7fff98787906] 1
1 -[NSThemeFrame setFrameSize:] + 496 (AppKit + 1163977) [0x7fff987a12c9] 1
1 -[NSView setFrameSize:] + 1755 (AppKit + 455959) [0x7fff986f4517] 1
1 -[NSView resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:] + 318 (AppKit + 604329) [0x7fff987188a9] 1
1 -[NSView resizeWithOldSuperviewSize:] + 409 (AppKit + 605973) [0x7fff98718f15] 1
1 -[NSView setFrame:] + 476 (AppKit + 555277) [0x7fff9870c90d] 1
1 -[NSView setFrameSize:] + 1755 (AppKit + 455959) [0x7fff986f4517] 1
1 -[NSView resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:] + 318 (AppKit + 604329) [0x7fff987188a9] 1
1 -[NSView resizeWithOldSuperviewSize:] + 126 (AppKit + 605690) [0x7fff98718dfa] 1
1 -[NSView nsis_frame] + 58 (AppKit + 1035929) [0x7fff98781e99] 1
1 -[NSView nsis_frameInEngine:forLayoutGuide:] + 1034 (AppKit + 754445) [0x7fff9873d30d] 1
1 -[NSView frameForAlignmentRect:] + 47 (AppKit + 754590) [0x7fff9873d39e] 1
1 -[NSTextField alignmentRectInsets] + 74 (AppKit + 1010552) [0x7fff9877bb78] 1
1 -[NSView _effectiveSemanticContext] + 1 (AppKit + 460860) [0x7fff986f583c] (running) 1
1 -[NSApplication _orderFrontModalWindow:relativeToWindow:] + 270 (AppKit + 2841914) [0x7fff9893ad3a] 2
1 -[NSWindow _doOrderWindow:relativeTo:findKey:forCounter:force:isModal:] + 894 (AppKit + 1617759) [0x7fff9880ff5f] 2
1 -[NSWindow _reallyDoOrderWindow:relativeTo:findKey:forCounter:force:isModal:] + 1849 (AppKit + 1623978) [0x7fff988117aa] 2
1 -[NSWindow(NSSheets) _orderFrontRelativeToWindow:] + 200 (AppKit + 2872065) [0x7fff98942301] 2
1 -[NSMoveHelper(NSSheets) _moveParent:andOpenSheet:] + 1736 (AppKit + 2873886) [0x7fff98942a1e] 2
1 -[NSMoveHelper _doAnimation] + 1630 (AppKit + 2881212) [0x7fff989446bc] 2
1 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 2
1 __CFRunLoopRun + 1841 (CoreFoundation + 563313) [0x7fff93e2a871] 2
1 __CFRunLoopDoTimers + 298 (CoreFoundation + 598906) [0x7fff93e3337a] 2
1 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 1075 (CoreFoundation + 600099) [0x7fff93e33823] 2
1 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 20 (CoreFoundation + 600980) [0x7fff93e33b94] 2
1 -[NSScreenDisplayLink _fire] + 439 (AppKit + 2290410) [0x7fff988b42ea] 2
1 __28-[NSMoveHelper _doAnimation]_block_invoke + 557 (AppKit + 2884144) [0x7fff98945230] 2
1 NSPerformVisuallyAtomicChange + 147 (AppKit + 1585957) [0x7fff98808325] 2
1 MetalSheetProgress + 10117 (CoreGraphics + 819813) [0x7fff857fa265] 2
1 CGSReenableUpdateToken + 469 (CoreGraphics + 399977) [0x7fff85793a69] 2
1 _CGSReenableUpdateForConnection + 92 (CoreGraphics + 400790) [0x7fff85793d96] 2
1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 2
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 2
13 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 3-15
13 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 3-15
13 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 3-15
13 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 3-15
13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 3-15
13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 3-15
13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 3-15
7 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 3-9
7 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 3-9
7 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 3-9
*7 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 3-9
2 __CFRunLoopRun + 1841 (CoreFoundation + 563313) [0x7fff93e2a871] 10-11
2 __CFRunLoopDoTimers + 298 (CoreFoundation + 598906) [0x7fff93e3337a] 10-11
2 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 1075 (CoreFoundation + 600099) [0x7fff93e33823] 10-11
2 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 20 (CoreFoundation + 600980) [0x7fff93e33b94] 10-11
2 -[NSScreenDisplayLink _fire] + 439 (AppKit + 2290410) [0x7fff988b42ea] 10-11
2 +[NSAnimationManager performAnimations:] + 1166 (AppKit + 3198772) [0x7fff98991f34] 10-11
2 __40+[NSAnimationManager performAnimations:]_block_invoke + 128 (AppKit + 3199907) [0x7fff989923a3] 10-11
2 NSPerformVisuallyAtomicChange + 147 (AppKit + 1585957) [0x7fff98808325] 10-11
2 __40+[NSAnimationManager performAnimations:]_block_invoke_2 + 1033 (AppKit + 3200947) [0x7fff989927b3] 10-11
2 -[NSWindow displayIfNeeded] + 232 (AppKit + 1707068) [0x7fff98825c3c] 10-11
2 -[NSView displayIfNeeded] + 1950 (AppKit + 1709045) [0x7fff988263f5] 10-11
2 -[NSView _displayRectIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:] + 2449 (AppKit + 1728491) [0x7fff9882afeb] 10-11
2 -[NSThemeFrame _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 334 (AppKit + 1735648) [0x7fff9882cbe0] 10-11
2 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 5840 (AppKit + 1742725) [0x7fff9882e785] 10-11
2 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 5840 (AppKit + 1742725) [0x7fff9882e785] 10-11
2 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 5840 (AppKit + 1742725) [0x7fff9882e785] 10-11
1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 5840 (AppKit + 1742725) [0x7fff9882e785] 10
1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 838 (AppKit + 1737723) [0x7fff9882d3fb] 10
1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 1873 (AppKit + 2108589) [0x7fff98887cad] 10
1 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:] + 3626 (AppKit + 1748178) [0x7fff9882fcd2] 10
1 -[NSScroller drawRect:] + 685 (AppKit + 3530338) [0x7fff989e2e62] 10
1 -[NSScroller _compositeScrollerPart:inRect:withAlpha:drawHandler:] + 95 (AppKit + 3531144) [0x7fff989e3188] 10
1 -[NSLegacyScrollerImp drawKnobWithAlpha:] + 487 (AppKit + 2723435) [0x7fff9891de6b] 10
1 -[NSScrollerImp _compositeScrollerPart:inRect:withAlpha:drawHandler:] + 193 (AppKit + 1876763) [0x7fff9884f31b] 10
1 __41-[NSLegacyScrollerImp drawKnobWithAlpha:]_block_invoke_2 + 128 (AppKit + 3928661) [0x7fff98a44255] 10
1 -[NSAppearance _drawInRect:context:options:] + 127 (AppKit + 1690846) [0x7fff98821cde] 10
1 -[NSCompositeAppearance _callCoreUIWithBlock:] + 183 (AppKit + 16017) [0x7fff98688e91] 10
1 __44-[NSAppearance _drawInRect:context:options:]_block_invoke + 64 (AppKit + 1690917) [0x7fff98821d25] 10
1 CUIDraw + 175 (CoreUI + 47506) [0x7fff8f534992] 10
1 CUIRenderer::Draw(CGRect, CGContext*, __CFDictionary const*, __CFDictionary const**) + 2341 (CoreUI + 36965) [0x7fff8f532065] 10
1 CUICoreThemeRenderer::DrawScrollBar(CUIDescriptor const*, signed char) + 1025 (CoreUI + 503889) [0x7fff8f5a4051] 10
1 -[CUIThemeFacet drawInFrame:alpha:isFocused:context:] + 82 (CoreUI + 437408) [0x7fff8f593ca0] 10
1 -[CUIThemeFacet drawInFrame:alpha:operation:isFocused:context:] + 160 (CoreUI + 437574) [0x7fff8f593d46] 10
1 -[CUIThemeFacet _drawSpecificRenditionKey:inFrame:context:alpha:operation:isFocused:isFlipped:] + 208 (CoreUI + 444921) [0x7fff8f5959f9] 10
1 -[CUIThemeFacet _drawSpecificRenditionKey:rendition:inFrame:context:alpha:operation:isFocused:isFlipped:] + 292 (CoreUI + 445228) [0x7fff8f595b2c] 10
1 DrawThreePartElementFromRenditionWithOperation + 233 (CoreUI + 411287) [0x7fff8f58d697] 10
1 DrawThreePartImageWithOperation + 2482 (CoreUI + 413784) [0x7fff8f58e058] 10
1 CGContextDrawImages + 5057 (CoreGraphics + 452501) [0x7fff857a0795] 10
1 CGContextFillRect + 141 (CoreGraphics + 150208) [0x7fff85756ac0] 10
1 CGContextFillRects + 107 (CoreGraphics + 150319) [0x7fff85756b2f] 10
1 backing_store_DrawRects + 1047 (AppKit + 2114811) [0x7fff988894fb] 10
1 backing_store_delegate + 71 (AppKit + 2115518) [0x7fff988897be] 10
1 -[_NSCGSWindowBackingStore lockBackBuffer] + 57 (AppKit + 2116545) [0x7fff98889bc1] 10
1 -[_NSCGSWindowBackingStore size] + 42 (AppKit + 2117950) [0x7fff9888a13e] 10
1 +[NSCGSWindow(NSCGSWindowCreation) windowWithWindowID:] + 59 (AppKit + 1533845) [0x7fff987fb795] 10
1 readARCWeakAt + 22 (Foundation + 362309) [0x7fff9696e745] 10
1 objc_loadWeak + 15 (libobjc.A.dylib + 58911) [0x7fff8a67c61f] 10
1 objc_loadWeakRetained + 104 (libobjc.A.dylib + 58483) [0x7fff8a67c473] 10
1 weak_entry_for_referent(weak_table_t*, objc_object*) + 86 (libobjc.A.dylib + 52500) [0x7fff8a67ad14] (running) 10
1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 3136 (AppKit + 1740021) [0x7fff9882dcf5] 11
1 -[NSScrollView _drawRect:clip:] + 78 (AppKit + 2121305) [0x7fff9888ae59] 11
1 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:] + 3550 (AppKit + 1748102) [0x7fff9882fc86] 11
1 -[NSScrollView drawRect:] + 1124 (AppKit + 2122680) [0x7fff9888b3b8] 11
1 -[NSAppearance _drawInRect:context:options:] + 127 (AppKit + 1690846) [0x7fff98821cde] 11
1 -[NSCompositeAppearance _callCoreUIWithBlock:] + 183 (AppKit + 16017) [0x7fff98688e91] 11
1 __44-[NSAppearance _drawInRect:context:options:]_block_invoke + 64 (AppKit + 1690917) [0x7fff98821d25] 11
1 CUIDraw + 175 (CoreUI + 47506) [0x7fff8f534992] 11
1 CUIRenderer::Draw(CGRect, CGContext*, __CFDictionary const*, __CFDictionary const**) + 2341 (CoreUI + 36965) [0x7fff8f532065] 11
1 CUICoreThemeRenderer::DrawSimple(CUIRenditionKey*, CUIDescriptor const*, signed char) + 34 (CoreUI + 483394) [0x7fff8f59f042] 11
1 CUICoreThemeRenderer::FacetForRenditionKey(CUIRenditionKey*) + 75 (CoreUI + 465867) [0x7fff8f59abcb] 11
1 +[CUIThemeFacet _facetWithKeyList:andRenditionKeyClass:orRenditionKey:fromTheme:] + 549 (CoreUI + 431552) [0x7fff8f5925c0] 11
1 objc_msgSend + 46 (libobjc.A.dylib + 5358) [0x7fff8a66f4ee] 11
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 1867338) [0xffffff80003c7e4a] (running) 11
4 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 12-15
4 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 12-15
4 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 12-15
*4 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 12-15
5 -[NSApplication run] + 796 (AppKit + 249330) [0x7fff986c1df2] 16-20
5 ??? (loginwindow + 46960) [0x101dbd770] 16-20
5 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 2540 (AppKit + 1923640) [0x7fff9885aa38] 16-20
5 -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 517 (AppKit + 2446649) [0x7fff988da539] 16-20
5 -[NSWindow _reallySendEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 212 (AppKit + 8479661) [0x7fff98e9b3ad] 16-20
5 -[NSWindow _handleMouseDownEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 6322 (AppKit + 8475593) [0x7fff98e9a3c9] 16-20
5 -[NSControl mouseDown:] + 669 (AppKit + 2886376) [0x7fff98945ae8] 16-20
5 -[NSButtonCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 744 (AppKit + 3190532) [0x7fff9898ff04] 16-20
2 -[NSCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 2021 (AppKit + 2892062) [0x7fff9894711e] 16-17
2 -[NSDragEventTracker trackEvent:usingHandler:] + 1779 (AppKit + 2895171) [0x7fff98947d43] 16-17
2 -[NSWindow trackEventsMatchingMask:timeout:mode:handler:] + 237 (AppKit + 2897377) [0x7fff989485e1] 16-17
2 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 16-17
2 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 16-17
2 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 16-17
2 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 16-17
2 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 16-17
2 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 16-17
2 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 16-17
2 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 16-17
2 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 16-17
*2 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 16-17
<priority 46 (31)>
3 -[NSCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 2693 (AppKit + 2892734) [0x7fff989473be] 18-20
3 _os_activity_initiate + 75 (libsystem_trace.dylib + 8314) [0x7fff8c43907a] 18-20
3 -[NSCell _sendActionFrom:] + 144 (AppKit + 2899353) [0x7fff98948d99] 18-20
3 _os_activity_initiate + 75 (libsystem_trace.dylib + 8314) [0x7fff8c43907a] 18-20
3 __26-[NSCell _sendActionFrom:]_block_invoke + 131 (AppKit + 2899516) [0x7fff98948e3c] 18-20
3 -[NSControl sendAction:to:] + 86 (AppKit + 2899730) [0x7fff98948f12] 18-20
3 -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] + 460 (AppKit + 2825661) [0x7fff98936dbd] 18-20
3 _os_activity_initiate + 75 (libsystem_trace.dylib + 8314) [0x7fff8c43907a] 18-20
3 -[NSWindow _endWindowBlockingModalSession:returnCode:] + 315 (AppKit + 2965476) [0x7fff98958fe4] 18-20
3 ??? (loginwindow + 149831) [0x101dd6947] 18-20
3 ??? (loginwindow + 150051) [0x101dd6a23] 18-20
3 LQForceQuit + 103 (libquit.dylib + 6733) [0x7fff920cba4d] 18-20
1 _CRProcessWillBeForceQuit + 83 (CrashReporterSupport + 21182) [0x7fff8de7b2be] 18
1 _CRCopyCrashHistoryForProcess + 62 (CrashReporterSupport + 20672) [0x7fff8de7b0c0] 18
1 _CRCreateDictionaryWithPath + 112 (CrashReporterSupport + 9595) [0x7fff8de7857b] 18
1 CFPropertyListCreateWithStream + 181 (CoreFoundation + 525717) [0x7fff93e21595] 18
1 CFReadStreamRead + 389 (CoreFoundation + 526789) [0x7fff93e219c5] 18
1 read + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 99170) [0x7fff904a4362] 18
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 18
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 18
*1 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 6056179) [0xffffff80007c68f3] 18
*1 ??? (kernel + 6056842) [0xffffff80007c6b8a] 18
*1 ??? (kernel + 3259296) [0xffffff800051bba0] 18
*1 hfs_vnop_read + 604 (kernel + 5314108) [0xffffff800071163c] 18
*1 cluster_read_ext + 2066 (kernel + 3054354) [0xffffff80004e9b12] 18
*1 ??? (kernel + 3075775) [0xffffff80004eeebf] 18
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 18
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 18
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 18
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 18
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 18
<priority 31 (31)>
2 _CRProcessWillBeForceQuit + 230 (CrashReporterSupport + 21329) [0x7fff8de7b351] 19-20
2 _CRWriteCrashHistoryForProcess + 74 (CrashReporterSupport + 20844) [0x7fff8de7b16c] 19-20
2 WriteCrashHistoryToURL + 72 (CrashReporterSupport + 21045) [0x7fff8de7b235] 19-20
2 _CRWritePropertyListWithPathAndMode + 111 (CrashReporterSupport + 9787) [0x7fff8de7863b] 19-20
2 ftruncate + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 97178) [0x7fff904a3b9a] 19-20
*2 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 19-20
*2 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 19-20
*2 ftruncate + 456 (kernel + 3186344) [0xffffff8000509ea8] 19-20
*2 vnode_setattr + 154 (kernel + 3301018) [0xffffff8000525e9a] 19-20
*2 VNOP_SETATTR + 102 (kernel + 3301318) [0xffffff8000525fc6] 19-20
*1 hfs_vnop_setattr + 437 (kernel + 5457413) [0xffffff8000734605] 19
*1 check_for_tracked_file + 70 (kernel + 5445286) [0xffffff80007316a6] 19
*1 resolve_nspace_item_ext + 830 (kernel + 3197630) [0xffffff800050cabe] 19
*1 msleep + 98 (kernel + 5987698) [0xffffff80007b5d72] 19
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988395) [0xffffff80007b602b] 19
*1 lck_mtx_sleep_deadline + 147 (kernel + 947219) [0xffffff80002e7413] 19
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 19
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 19
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 19
<priority 46 (31)>
*1 hfs_vnop_setattr + 673 (kernel + 5457649) [0xffffff80007346f1] 20
*1 hfs_truncate + 325 (kernel + 5318133) [0xffffff80007125f5] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 5350624) [0xffffff800071a4e0] 20
*1 hfs_update + 696 (kernel + 5460312) [0xffffff8000735158] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 5232813) [0xffffff80006fd8ad] 20
*1 BTUpdateRecord + 138 (kernel + 5528506) [0xffffff8000745bba] 20
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 20
*1 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 20
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 20
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 20
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 20
Thread 0x560 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 61 (base 61)
<IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x607f88 DispatchQueue 141 3 samples (10-12) priority 31 (base 31)
<DispatchQueue not seen for 9 samples, thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), IO policy important>
3 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 10-12
3 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 10-12
3 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 10-12
3 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 538 (libdispatch.dylib + 23891) [0x7fff86a7ed53] 10-12
3 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 10-12
3 _dispatch_queue_drain + 754 (libdispatch.dylib + 28731) [0x7fff86a8003b] 10-12
3 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 10-12
3 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 55613) [0x7fff86a8693d] 10-12
3 CGSReenableUpdateToken + 469 (CoreGraphics + 399977) [0x7fff85793a69] 10-12
3 _CGSReenableUpdateForConnection + 92 (CoreGraphics + 400790) [0x7fff85793d96] 10-12
3 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 10-12
*3 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 10-12
Binary Images:
0x101db2000 - 0x101e7afff 9.0 (1639.4.3) <7BF2C06A-4D7D-353B-A253-00EA52059508> /System/Library/CoreServices/
0x7fff85732000 - 0x7fff86998fff 1.600.0 (960.3) <A2DA51BA-7A97-33B9-97A1-979F6401989C> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8a66e000 - 0x7fff8a9d9fff libobjc.A.dylib (680) <D55D5807-1FBE-32A5-9105-44D7AFE68C27> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
0x7fff8c437000 - 0x7fff8c448fff libsystem_trace.dylib (201.10.3) <1DD0C1FD-74E2-3949-9C2C-B81D19C2CA5E> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_trace.dylib
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8de76000 - 0x7fff8de81fff 10.11 (718) <05892B57-F2CD-3C84-B984-0417F6B361DB> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CrashReporterSupport.framework/Versions/A/CrashReporterSupport
0x7fff8f529000 - 0x7fff8f673fff 2.1 (366.1) <8138636F-A0A7-31C7-896C-5F5747FA1B2A> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Versions/A/CoreUI
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff920ca000 - 0x7fff920cbfff libquit.dylib (197.1) <CA2EBA5D-464D-30CA-A4B9-BCFF9F8BC966> /usr/lib/libquit.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: lsd [221]
Path: /usr/libexec/lsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 782 pages (+1)
Thread 0x4af 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x4d6 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x103e00000 - 0x103e00fff lsd (728.13) <B8BA1D73-62FC-381E-A1D9-3CB008C6F996> /usr/libexec/lsd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: lsd [437]
Path: /usr/libexec/lsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 965 pages (+1)
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x12e4 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x12e9 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x12ea DispatchQueue 178 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated, override user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018694) [0xffffff80003ecd86] 1-20
*20 mach_call_munger64 + 410 (kernel + 1806026) [0xffffff80003b8eca] 1-20
*20 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 197 (kernel + 861861) [0xffffff80002d26a5] 1-20
*20 ipc_kmsg_send + 323 (kernel + 797059) [0xffffff80002c2983] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_send + 539 (kernel + 811403) [0xffffff80002c618b] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10d68b000 - 0x10d68bfff lsd (728.13) <B8BA1D73-62FC-381E-A1D9-3CB008C6F996> /usr/libexec/lsd
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: Mail [54719]
Path: /Applications/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 20426 pages
Thread 0x5cd56f DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process unclamped, IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 NSApplicationMain + 1176 (AppKit + 25448) [0x7fff9868b368] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication run] + 682 (AppKit + 249216) [0x7fff986c1d80] 1-20
20 -[NSApplication _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 454 (AppKit + 295462) [0x7fff986cd226] 1-20
20 _DPSNextEvent + 1067 (AppKit + 298486) [0x7fff986cddf6] 1-20
20 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198063) [0x7fff8d7695af] 1-20
20 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198511) [0x7fff8d76976f] 1-20
20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235 (HIToolbox + 198965) [0x7fff8d769935] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5cd596 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 61 (base 61)
<process unclamped, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5cd994 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<process unclamped, IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __NSThread__start__ + 1351 (Foundation + 220772) [0x7fff9694be64] 1-20
20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 412 (CFNetwork + 31341) [0x7fff94cd1a6d] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5cd999 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process unclamped, IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Thread 0x5cd9c7 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process unclamped, IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 _NSEventThread + 149 (AppKit + 1699221) [0x7fff98823d95] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5cdacb 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process unclamped, IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5cdacc 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process unclamped, IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5cdacd 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process unclamped, IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5d03fd 20 samples (1-20) priority 55 (base 55)
<process unclamped, IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5d068e 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process unclamped, IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5d068f 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process unclamped, IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5d0690 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), process unclamped, IO policy important>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5f76f6 20 samples (1-20) priority 46 (base 46)
<thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process unclamped, IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10f2c6000 - 0x10f680fff 9.3 (3124) <C485BED8-C430-31C0-B2B9-19A1C46A3837> /Applications/
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8d739000 - 0x7fff8da2efff 2.1.1 (807.2) <36413C45-36AF-34EF-9C0E-F18B31D1E565> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff94cca000 - 0x7fff94f51fff 760.6.3 (760.6.3) <8CB9CB2E-D0FB-31D4-A1AE-2A5FE028AD6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff96916000 - 0x7fff96c6afff 6.9 (1259) <71A9D3A0-0B1F-3E3A-86F3-1486365A6EF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff98685000 - 0x7fff992aefff 6.9 (1404.47) <F3411F6E-DD87-34D0-8C68-C69B2205E41D> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdflagwriter [619]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdflagwriter
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 17 pages (+1)
Thread 0x1f75 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x1f76 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x103b1e000 - 0x103b1ffff mdflagwriter (972.34) <EDA044CB-F1B4-3E82-8F46-6DB71B63FADB> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdflagwriter
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdflagwriter [640]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdflagwriter
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 93 pages (+1)
Thread 0x20eb DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x20ec DispatchQueue 11 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95146) [0x7fff904a33aa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x107a04000 - 0x107a05fff mdflagwriter (972.34) <EDA044CB-F1B4-3E82-8F46-6DB71B63FADB> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdflagwriter
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mDNSResponder [104]
Path: /usr/sbin/mDNSResponder
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 65
Task size: 912 pages
Thread 0x24c DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 main + 2375 (mDNSResponder + 9062) [0x108d7e366] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x404 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x43d 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 kevent + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 97994) [0x7fff904a3eca] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x70a73 20 samples (1-20) priority 63 (base 63)
<timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x70a77 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 94330) [0x7fff904a307a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5989200) [0xffffff80007b6350] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x108d7c000 - 0x108e25fff mDNSResponder (625.60.4) <450B5DF9-3868-3D0F-A3DE-16CE003CEB39> /usr/sbin/mDNSResponder
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mds [72]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Support/mds
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Task size: 7215 pages (-73)
CPU Time: 0.024s
Note: 23 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x22c DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important and passive>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (mds + 42082) [0x10d215462] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x52f DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37) cpu time 0.001s
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important and passive>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x607a20 DispatchQueue 183 20 samples (1-20) priority 4-46 (base 4) cpu time 0.013s
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle and passive, priority 4 (4)>
20 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 1-20
20 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 1-20
20 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 1-20
20 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 538 (libdispatch.dylib + 23891) [0x7fff86a7ed53] 1-20
20 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 1-20
20 _dispatch_queue_drain + 754 (libdispatch.dylib + 28731) [0x7fff86a8003b] 1-20
20 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 1-20
20 ??? (mds + 422422) [0x10d272216] 1-20
20 ??? (mds + 421769) [0x10d271f89] 1-20
20 ??? (mds + 954309) [0x10d2f3fc5] 1-20
20 ??? (mds + 953568) [0x10d2f3ce0] 1-20
20 ??? (mds + 251514) [0x10d24867a] 1-20
17 __syscall + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95314) [0x7fff904a3452] 1-17
*17 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1-17
*3 unix_syscall64 + 964 (kernel + 6457460) [0xffffff8000828874] 1-3
*3 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 1-3
*3 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 1-3
*3 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 1-3
*3 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-3
*3 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-3
*3 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-3
<priority 46 (4)>
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 4
*1 ??? (kernel + 3203996) [0xffffff800050e39c] 4
*1 ??? (kernel + 3216258) [0xffffff8000511382] 4
*1 hfs_vfs_vget + 43 (kernel + 5413643) [0xffffff8000729b0b] 4
*1 hfs_vget + 690 (kernel + 5412946) [0xffffff8000729852] 4
*1 cat_idlookup + 319 (kernel + 5203631) [0xffffff80006f66af] 4
*1 BTSearchRecord + 389 (kernel + 5520245) [0xffffff8000743b75] 4
*1 SearchTree + 155 (kernel + 5542187) [0xffffff800074912b] 4
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 4
*1 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 4
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 4
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 4
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 4
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 4
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 4
<priority 4 (4)>
*5 unix_syscall64 + 964 (kernel + 6457460) [0xffffff8000828874] 5-9
*5 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 5-9
*5 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 5-9
*5 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 5-9
*5 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 5-9
*5 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 5-9
*5 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 5-9
<priority 46 (4)>
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 10
*1 ??? (kernel + 3203996) [0xffffff800050e39c] 10
*1 ??? (kernel + 3216258) [0xffffff8000511382] 10
*1 hfs_vfs_vget + 43 (kernel + 5413643) [0xffffff8000729b0b] 10
*1 hfs_vget + 690 (kernel + 5412946) [0xffffff8000729852] 10
*1 cat_idlookup + 319 (kernel + 5203631) [0xffffff80006f66af] 10
*1 BTSearchRecord + 389 (kernel + 5520245) [0xffffff8000743b75] 10
*1 SearchTree + 155 (kernel + 5542187) [0xffffff800074912b] 10
*1 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 10
*1 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 10
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 10
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 10
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 10
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 10
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 10
<priority 4 (4)>
*5 unix_syscall64 + 964 (kernel + 6457460) [0xffffff8000828874] 11-15
*5 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 11-15
*5 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 11-15
*5 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 11-15
*5 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 11-15
*5 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 11-15
*5 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 11-15
<priority 46 (4)>
*2 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 16-17
*2 ??? (kernel + 3203996) [0xffffff800050e39c] 16-17
*2 ??? (kernel + 3216258) [0xffffff8000511382] 16-17
*2 hfs_vfs_vget + 43 (kernel + 5413643) [0xffffff8000729b0b] 16-17
*2 hfs_vget + 690 (kernel + 5412946) [0xffffff8000729852] 16-17
*2 cat_idlookup + 474 (kernel + 5203786) [0xffffff80006f674a] 16-17
*2 ??? (kernel + 5227893) [0xffffff80006fc575] 16-17
*2 BTSearchRecord + 389 (kernel + 5520245) [0xffffff8000743b75] 16-17
*2 SearchTree + 155 (kernel + 5542187) [0xffffff800074912b] 16-17
*2 GetBTreeBlock + 198 (kernel + 5192198) [0xffffff80006f3a06] 16-17
*2 buf_biowait + 124 (kernel + 3019132) [0xffffff80004e117c] 16-17
*2 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 16-17
*2 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 16-17
*2 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 16-17
*2 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 16-17
*2 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 16-17
2 fsctl + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 96938) [0x7fff904a3aaa] 18-19
*2 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 18-19
*2 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 18-19
*2 fsctl + 368 (kernel + 3198432) [0xffffff800050cde0] 18-19
*2 ??? (kernel + 3237732) [0xffffff8000516764] 18-19
*2 VNOP_IOCTL + 366 (kernel + 3306462) [0xffffff80005273de] 18-19
*2 hfs_vnop_ioctl + 756 (kernel + 5319220) [0xffffff8000712a34] 18-19
*2 hfs_lookup_siblinglinks + 54 (kernel + 5303334) [0xffffff800070ec26] 18-19
*2 hfs_systemfile_lock + 57 (kernel + 5438521) [0xffffff800072fc39] 18-19
*2 hfs_lock + 44 (kernel + 5240844) [0xffffff80006ff80c] 18-19
*2 lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 128 (kernel + 1861952) [0xffffff80003c6940] 18-19
*2 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 18-19
*2 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 18-19
*2 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 18-19
1 __syscall + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95314) [0x7fff904a3452] 20
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 20
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 3203996) [0xffffff800050e39c] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 3216258) [0xffffff8000511382] 20
*1 hfs_vfs_vget + 43 (kernel + 5413643) [0xffffff8000729b0b] 20
*1 hfs_vget + 647 (kernel + 5412903) [0xffffff8000729827] 20
*1 hfs_systemfile_lock + 57 (kernel + 5438521) [0xffffff800072fc39] 20
*1 hfs_lock + 44 (kernel + 5240844) [0xffffff80006ff80c] 20
*1 lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 128 (kernel + 1861952) [0xffffff80003c6940] 20
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 20
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 20
Thread 0x572 20 samples (1-20) priority 50 (base 50) cpu time 0.002s
<timers coalesced, IO policy important and passive>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 read + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 99170) [0x7fff904a4362] 1-20
*20 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1-20
*20 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 1-20
*20 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 6056179) [0xffffff80007c68f3] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 6056842) [0xffffff80007c6b8a] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 3366086) [0xffffff8000535cc6] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5988770) [0xffffff80007b61a2] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Thread 0x58e 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important and passive>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x607f3d DispatchQueue 1337 1 sample (18) priority 46 (base 37)
<DispatchQueue not seen for 17 samples, thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important and passive>
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 18
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 18
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 18
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 538 (libdispatch.dylib + 23891) [0x7fff86a7ed53] 18
1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 18
1 _dispatch_queue_drain + 754 (libdispatch.dylib + 28731) [0x7fff86a8003b] 18
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 18
1 ??? (mds + 422422) [0x10d272216] 18
1 ??? (mds + 421769) [0x10d271f89] 18
1 ??? (mds + 983595) [0x10d2fb22b] 18
1 __syscall + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 95314) [0x7fff904a3452] 18
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 18
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 18
*1 ??? (kernel + 3203996) [0xffffff800050e39c] 18
*1 ??? (kernel + 3216258) [0xffffff8000511382] 18
*1 hfs_vfs_vget + 43 (kernel + 5413643) [0xffffff8000729b0b] 18
*1 hfs_vget + 647 (kernel + 5412903) [0xffffff8000729827] 18
*1 hfs_systemfile_lock + 57 (kernel + 5438521) [0xffffff800072fc39] 18
*1 hfs_lock + 44 (kernel + 5240844) [0xffffff80006ff80c] 18
*1 lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 128 (kernel + 1861952) [0xffffff80003c6940] 18
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 18
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 18
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 18
Binary Images:
0x10d20b000 - 0x10d37cfff mds (972.34) <826EF573-3362-3265-9220-03B7F258782E> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Support/mds
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mds_stores [229]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds_stores
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Dirty
Task size: 37385 pages (+460)
Pageins: 3 pages
CPU Time: 0.012s
Note: 4 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x57c 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x580 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 37 (base 37)
<thread QoS user initiated (requested user initiated), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x607460 DispatchQueue 415 20 samples (1-20) priority 4-46 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle, priority 4 (4)>
20 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 1-20
20 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 1-20
20 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 1-20
20 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 538 (libdispatch.dylib + 23891) [0x7fff86a7ed53] 1-20
20 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 1-20
20 _dispatch_queue_drain + 1207 (libdispatch.dylib + 29184) [0x7fff86a80200] 1-20
20 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 1-20
20 _dispatch_queue_drain + 1207 (libdispatch.dylib + 29184) [0x7fff86a80200] 1-20
20 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 1-20
20 _dispatch_queue_drain + 754 (libdispatch.dylib + 28731) [0x7fff86a8003b] 1-20
20 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 1-20
20 _dispatch_block_async_invoke_and_release + 610 (libdispatch.dylib + 107300) [0x7fff86a93324] 1-20
20 work_fun + 691 (SpotlightIndex + 311505) [0x7fff938670d1] 1-20
20 runLoop + 109 (SpotlightIndex + 233132) [0x7fff93853eac] 1-20
20 _swapIndex2 + 590 (SpotlightIndex + 1085347) [0x7fff93923fa3] 1-20
20 _CICompact + 1033 (SpotlightIndex + 462393) [0x7fff9388be39] 1-20
20 index_compact + 2934 (SpotlightIndex + 575750) [0x7fff938a7906] 1-20
20 pread + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 99002) [0x7fff904a42ba] 1-20
*20 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1-20
*1 unix_syscall64 + 964 (kernel + 6457460) [0xffffff8000828874] 1
*1 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 1
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 1
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1
<priority 46 (4)>
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 2
*1 pread_nocancel + 126 (kernel + 6057214) [0xffffff80007c6cfe] 2
*1 ??? (kernel + 6056842) [0xffffff80007c6b8a] 2
*1 ??? (kernel + 3259296) [0xffffff800051bba0] 2
*1 hfs_vnop_read + 604 (kernel + 5314108) [0xffffff800071163c] 2
*1 cluster_read_ext + 2066 (kernel + 3054354) [0xffffff80004e9b12] 2
*1 ??? (kernel + 3075775) [0xffffff80004eeebf] 2
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 2
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 2
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 2
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 2
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 2
<priority 4 (4)>
*5 unix_syscall64 + 964 (kernel + 6457460) [0xffffff8000828874] 3-7
*5 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 3-7
*5 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 3-7
*5 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 3-7
*5 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 3-7
*5 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 3-7
*5 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 3-7
<priority 46 (4)>
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 8
*1 pread_nocancel + 126 (kernel + 6057214) [0xffffff80007c6cfe] 8
*1 ??? (kernel + 6056842) [0xffffff80007c6b8a] 8
*1 ??? (kernel + 3259296) [0xffffff800051bba0] 8
*1 hfs_vnop_read + 604 (kernel + 5314108) [0xffffff800071163c] 8
*1 cluster_read_ext + 2066 (kernel + 3054354) [0xffffff80004e9b12] 8
*1 ??? (kernel + 3075775) [0xffffff80004eeebf] 8
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 8
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 8
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 8
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 8
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 8
<priority 4 (4)>
*5 unix_syscall64 + 964 (kernel + 6457460) [0xffffff8000828874] 9-13
*5 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 9-13
*5 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 9-13
*5 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 9-13
*5 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 9-13
*5 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 9-13
*5 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 9-13
<priority 46 (4)>
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 14
*1 pread_nocancel + 126 (kernel + 6057214) [0xffffff80007c6cfe] 14
*1 ??? (kernel + 6056842) [0xffffff80007c6b8a] 14
*1 ??? (kernel + 3259296) [0xffffff800051bba0] 14
*1 hfs_vnop_read + 604 (kernel + 5314108) [0xffffff800071163c] 14
*1 cluster_read_ext + 2066 (kernel + 3054354) [0xffffff80004e9b12] 14
*1 ??? (kernel + 3075775) [0xffffff80004eeebf] 14
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 14
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 14
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 14
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 14
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 14
<priority 4 (4)>
*5 unix_syscall64 + 964 (kernel + 6457460) [0xffffff8000828874] 15-19
*5 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 15-19
*5 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 15-19
*5 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 15-19
*5 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 15-19
*5 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 15-19
*5 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 15-19
<priority 46 (4)>
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 20
*1 pread_nocancel + 126 (kernel + 6057214) [0xffffff80007c6cfe] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 6056842) [0xffffff80007c6b8a] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 3259296) [0xffffff800051bba0] 20
*1 hfs_vnop_read + 604 (kernel + 5314108) [0xffffff800071163c] 20
*1 cluster_read_ext + 2066 (kernel + 3054354) [0xffffff80004e9b12] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 3074885) [0xffffff80004eeb45] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 3065951) [0xffffff80004ec85f] 20
*1 VNOP_BLOCKMAP + 272 (kernel + 3318448) [0xffffff800052a2b0] 20
*1 hfs_vnop_blockmap + 809 (kernel + 5335161) [0xffffff8000716879] 20
*1 hfs_systemfile_lock + 362 (kernel + 5438826) [0xffffff800072fd6a] 20
*1 hfs_lock + 87 (kernel + 5240887) [0xffffff80006ff837] 20
*1 lck_rw_lock_exclusive_gen + 431 (kernel + 1860207) [0xffffff80003c626f] 20
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 20
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 20
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 20
Thread 0x585 20 samples (1-20) priority 31 (base 31)
<thread QoS legacy (requested legacy), timers coalesced, IO policy important>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x6074fd DispatchQueue 407 18 samples (1-18) priority 4-46 (base 4) cpu time 0.004s
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle, priority 4 (4)>
18 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 1-18
18 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 1-18
18 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 1-18
18 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 538 (libdispatch.dylib + 23891) [0x7fff86a7ed53] 1-18
18 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 1-18
18 _dispatch_queue_drain + 1207 (libdispatch.dylib + 29184) [0x7fff86a80200] 1-18
18 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 1-18
18 _dispatch_queue_drain + 1207 (libdispatch.dylib + 29184) [0x7fff86a80200] 1-18
18 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 1-18
18 _dispatch_queue_drain + 754 (libdispatch.dylib + 28731) [0x7fff86a8003b] 1-18
18 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 1-18
18 _dispatch_block_async_invoke_and_release + 610 (libdispatch.dylib + 107300) [0x7fff86a93324] 1-18
18 work_fun + 691 (SpotlightIndex + 311505) [0x7fff938670d1] 1-18
18 runLoop + 109 (SpotlightIndex + 233132) [0x7fff93853eac] 1-18
11 si_bulk_delete_attributes + 144 (SpotlightIndex + 270402) [0x7fff9385d042] 1-11
11 _si_delete_attributes + 78 (SpotlightIndex + 221201) [0x7fff93851011] 1-11
5 db2_get_obj_callback + 339 (SpotlightIndex + 1737555) [0x7fff939c3353] 1-5
5 page_find_oid7750 + 52 (SpotlightIndex + 1780612) [0x7fff939cdb84] 1-5
5 page_fetch7687 + 692 (SpotlightIndex + 1751092) [0x7fff939c6834] 1-5
5 pread + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 99002) [0x7fff904a42ba] 1-5
*5 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 1-5
*5 unix_syscall64 + 964 (kernel + 6457460) [0xffffff8000828874] 1-5
*5 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 1-5
*5 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 1-5
*5 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 1-5
*5 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-5
*5 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-5
*5 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-5
<priority 46 (4)>
6 db2_get_obj_callback + 696 (SpotlightIndex + 1737912) [0x7fff939c34b8] 6-11
6 page_find_oid7750 + 52 (SpotlightIndex + 1780612) [0x7fff939cdb84] 6-11
6 page_fetch7687 + 692 (SpotlightIndex + 1751092) [0x7fff939c6834] 6-11
6 pread + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 99002) [0x7fff904a42ba] 6-11
*6 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018662) [0xffffff80003ecd66] 6-11
*1 unix_syscall64 + 593 (kernel + 6457089) [0xffffff8000828701] 6
*1 pread_nocancel + 126 (kernel + 6057214) [0xffffff80007c6cfe] 6
*1 ??? (kernel + 6056842) [0xffffff80007c6b8a] 6
*1 ??? (kernel + 3259296) [0xffffff800051bba0] 6
*1 hfs_vnop_read + 604 (kernel + 5314108) [0xffffff800071163c] 6
*1 cluster_read_ext + 2066 (kernel + 3054354) [0xffffff80004e9b12] 6
*1 ??? (kernel + 3075775) [0xffffff80004eeebf] 6
*1 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 6
*1 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 6
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 6
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 6
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 6
<priority 4 (4)>
*5 unix_syscall64 + 964 (kernel + 6457460) [0xffffff8000828874] 7-11
*5 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 7-11
*5 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 7-11
*5 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 7-11
*5 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 7-11
*5 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 7-11
*5 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 7-11
<priority 46 (4)>
6 transferAttributes + 1604 (SpotlightIndex + 1076742) [0x7fff93921e06] 12-17
6 directoryStoreGetPath + 578 (SpotlightIndex + 966850) [0x7fff939070c2] 12-17
6 directoryStoreReaderTreeFindItemOffset + 276 (SpotlightIndex + 1004004) [0x7fff939101e4] 12-17
6 _directoryStoreReaderGetPage + 177 (SpotlightIndex + 1002833) [0x7fff9390fd51] 12-17
*6 hndl_alltraps + 229 (kernel + 2016373) [0xffffff80003ec475] 12-17
*6 user_trap + 847 (kernel + 1895663) [0xffffff80003cecef] 12-17
*1 ??? (kernel + 1367742) [0xffffff800034debe] 12
*1 vm_fault_page + 977 (kernel + 1342785) [0xffffff8000347d41] 12
*1 lck_rw_sleep + 135 (kernel + 949799) [0xffffff80002e7e27] 12
*1 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 12
*1 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 12
*1 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 12
<priority 4 (4)>
*5 ??? (kernel + 1372881) [0xffffff800034f2d1] 13-17
*5 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 13-17
*5 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 13-17
*5 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 13-17
*5 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 13-17
*5 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 13-17
*5 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 13-17
1 si_bulk_delete_attributes + 119 (SpotlightIndex + 270377) [0x7fff9385d029] 18
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 1867338) [0xffffff80003c7e4a] (running) 18
Thread 0x6074fd DispatchQueue 417 2 samples (19-20) priority 4 (base 4) cpu time 0.007s
<DispatchQueue not seen for 18 samples, thread QoS maintenance (requested maintenance), thread darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
2 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4929) [0x7fff9a50d341] 19-20
2 _pthread_wqthread + 1129 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13534) [0x7fff9a50f4de] 19-20
2 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 91 (libdispatch.dylib + 23296) [0x7fff86a7eb00] 19-20
2 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 538 (libdispatch.dylib + 23891) [0x7fff86a7ed53] 19-20
2 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 19-20
2 _dispatch_queue_drain + 1207 (libdispatch.dylib + 29184) [0x7fff86a80200] 19-20
2 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 19-20
2 _dispatch_queue_drain + 1207 (libdispatch.dylib + 29184) [0x7fff86a80200] 19-20
2 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 549 (libdispatch.dylib + 55047) [0x7fff86a86707] 19-20
2 _dispatch_queue_drain + 754 (libdispatch.dylib + 28731) [0x7fff86a8003b] 19-20
2 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 9227) [0x7fff86a7b40b] 19-20
2 _dispatch_block_async_invoke_and_release + 610 (libdispatch.dylib + 107300) [0x7fff86a93324] 19-20
2 work_fun + 691 (SpotlightIndex + 311505) [0x7fff938670d1] 19-20
2 runLoop + 109 (SpotlightIndex + 233132) [0x7fff93853eac] 19-20
2 setAttributes + 8116 (SpotlightIndex + 141458) [0x7fff9383d892] 19-20
2 si_writeBackAndIndex + 2716 (SpotlightIndex + 1065070) [0x7fff9391f06e] 19-20
2 computePath + 46 (SpotlightIndex + 1082940) [0x7fff9392363c] 19-20
2 directoryStoreWriterGetPath + 781 (SpotlightIndex + 974317) [0x7fff93908ded] 19-20
2 directoryStoreTreeFindItemOffset + 985 (SpotlightIndex + 993817) [0x7fff9390da19] 19-20
2 directoryStoreTreeFindItemOffset + 870 (SpotlightIndex + 993702) [0x7fff9390d9a6] 19-20
2 _directoryStoreGetPage + 164 (SpotlightIndex + 990212) [0x7fff9390cc04] 19-20
*2 hndl_alltraps + 229 (kernel + 2016373) [0xffffff80003ec475] 19-20
*2 user_trap + 847 (kernel + 1895663) [0xffffff80003cecef] 19-20
*2 ??? (kernel + 1372881) [0xffffff800034f2d1] 19-20
*2 throttle_lowpri_io + 607 (kernel + 3386479) [0xffffff800053ac6f] 19-20
*2 ??? (kernel + 5988643) [0xffffff80007b6123] 19-20
*2 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 946676) [0xffffff80002e71f4] 19-20
*2 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 19-20
*2 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 19-20
*2 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 19-20
Binary Images:
0x10ba20000 - 0x10ba64fff mds_stores (972.34) <A0F4FF00-8242-395C-B5B9-1D5AB6811C6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds_stores
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff9381b000 - 0x7fff93a2ffff 10.7.0 (972.34) <BE767C9E-7050-3149-A95D-61BF06EE3B45> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SpotlightIndex.framework/Versions/A/SpotlightIndex
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdworker [413]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 89
Sudden Term: Dirty
Task size: 278 pages (+1)
Thread 0x115d 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (override user initiated), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x1162 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1084ca000 - 0x10852bfff mdworker (972.34) <BD03A23E-7A32-3619-8D4B-AFB641EB409D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdworker [414]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Dirty
Task size: 347 pages (+1)
Thread 0x115e 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (override user initiated), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x1161 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10c759000 - 0x10c7bafff mdworker (972.34) <BD03A23E-7A32-3619-8D4B-AFB641EB409D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdworker [57170]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 5287 pages
Thread 0x5fc3f7 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy, override user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5fc3f9 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5ff3d7 DispatchQueue 2508 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated, override user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018694) [0xffffff80003ecd86] 1-20
*20 mach_call_munger64 + 410 (kernel + 1806026) [0xffffff80003b8eca] 1-20
*20 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 197 (kernel + 861861) [0xffffff80002d26a5] 1-20
*20 ipc_kmsg_send + 323 (kernel + 797059) [0xffffff80002c2983] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_send + 539 (kernel + 811403) [0xffffff80002c618b] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Thread 0x5fc3fd 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS maintenance (requested maintenance), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5fe234 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x107448000 - 0x1074a9fff mdworker (972.34) <BD03A23E-7A32-3619-8D4B-AFB641EB409D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdworker [57171]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 6138 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5fc40f 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy, override user initiated), process darwinbg, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5fc411 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, IO policy throttle>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5ff3d6 DispatchQueue 2673 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated, override user initiated), process darwinbg, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2018694) [0xffffff80003ecd86] 1-20
*20 mach_call_munger64 + 410 (kernel + 1806026) [0xffffff80003b8eca] 1-20
*20 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 197 (kernel + 861861) [0xffffff80002d26a5] 1-20
*20 ipc_kmsg_send + 323 (kernel + 797059) [0xffffff80002c2983] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_send + 539 (kernel + 811403) [0xffffff80002c618b] 1-20
*20 thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 986671) [0xffffff80002f0e2f] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 1000220) [0xffffff80002f431c] 1-20
*20 machine_switch_context + 316 (kernel + 1875900) [0xffffff80003c9fbc] 1-20
Thread 0x5fc414 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS maintenance (requested maintenance), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5fe255 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, IO policy throttle>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5fe256 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, IO policy throttle>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5fe257 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, IO policy throttle>
20 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 93622) [0x7fff904a2db6] 1-20
*20 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (pthread + 30218) [0xffffff7f80f9b60a] 1-20
Thread 0x5fe280 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x1082c2000 - 0x108323fff mdworker (972.34) <BD03A23E-7A32-3619-8D4B-AFB641EB409D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f94000 - 0xffffff7f80f9dfff 1.0 (1) <39D0B4EB-B7F4-3891-96C2-F8B886656C8A> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdworker [57219]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 5198 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5fd20e 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy, override user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5fd210 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5fd217 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS maintenance (requested maintenance), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5fe225 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10f58e000 - 0x10f5effff mdworker (972.34) <BD03A23E-7A32-3619-8D4B-AFB641EB409D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdworker [57220]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 4932 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5fd284 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy, override user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5fd287 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5fd2a0 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS maintenance (requested maintenance), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5fe236 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10af52000 - 0x10afb3fff mdworker (972.34) <BD03A23E-7A32-3619-8D4B-AFB641EB409D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdworker [57345]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 89
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 3414 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5ff786 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy, override user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5ff78a DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5ff79d 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS maintenance (requested maintenance), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 41466) [0x10bbe91fa] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 53638) [0x10bbec186] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10bbdf000 - 0x10bc40fff mdworker (972.34) <BD03A23E-7A32-3619-8D4B-AFB641EB409D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdworker [57346]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 89
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 3146 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5ff788 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy, override user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5ff78d 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5ff7a2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10917c000 - 0x1091ddfff mdworker (972.34) <BD03A23E-7A32-3619-8D4B-AFB641EB409D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdworker [57347]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 89
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 3137 pages (+1)
Thread 0x5ff78e 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy, override user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x5ff791 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x5ff79e 20 samples (1-20) priority 3 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10f146000 - 0x10f1a7fff mdworker (972.34) <BD03A23E-7A32-3619-8D4B-AFB641EB409D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdworker [57697]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 2431 pages (+1)
Thread 0x605f67 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy, override user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x605f6b 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x605fa3 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x102b7f000 - 0x102be0fff mdworker (972.34) <BD03A23E-7A32-3619-8D4B-AFB641EB409D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdworker [57708]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 2742 pages
Thread 0x606337 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy, override user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 35411) [0x10b73da53] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x606339 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x60633d 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS maintenance (requested maintenance), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 41466) [0x10b73f1fa] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 53638) [0x10b742186] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10b735000 - 0x10b796fff mdworker (972.34) <BD03A23E-7A32-3619-8D4B-AFB641EB409D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdworker [57709]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 2767 pages
Thread 0x60633e DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy, override user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 35411) [0x10f018a53] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x606340 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x60634a 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS maintenance (requested maintenance), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 41466) [0x10f01a1fa] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 53638) [0x10f01d186] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10f010000 - 0x10f071fff mdworker (972.34) <BD03A23E-7A32-3619-8D4B-AFB641EB409D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdworker [57710]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 2738 pages
Thread 0x606343 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy, override user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 35411) [0x101575a53] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x606345 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x606364 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS maintenance (requested maintenance), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 41466) [0x1015771fa] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 53638) [0x10157a186] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10156d000 - 0x1015cefff mdworker (972.34) <BD03A23E-7A32-3619-8D4B-AFB641EB409D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdworker [57711]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 2743 pages
Thread 0x60634c DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy, override user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 35411) [0x10b0e0a53] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x60634e DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x60636b 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS maintenance (requested maintenance), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 41466) [0x10b0e21fa] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 53638) [0x10b0e5186] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x10b0d8000 - 0x10b139fff mdworker (972.34) <BD03A23E-7A32-3619-8D4B-AFB641EB409D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdworker [57717]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 2756 pages
Thread 0x60665b DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy, override user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 35411) [0x109a73a53] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x60665e DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x606668 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS maintenance (requested maintenance), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 41466) [0x109a751fa] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 53638) [0x109a78186] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x109a6b000 - 0x109accfff mdworker (972.34) <BD03A23E-7A32-3619-8D4B-AFB641EB409D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
0x7fff86a79000 - 0x7fff86aa6fff libdispatch.dylib (501.40.12) <C7499857-61A5-3D7D-A5EA-65DCC8C3DF92> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff8faec000 - 0x7fff8faeffff libdyld.dylib (360.22) <1F9FCF2C-5E94-3F2D-B4A5-1238587AA5C6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff9048c000 - 0x7fff904aafff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3248.60.10) <C1A6A0B9-1869-36AB-B4A2-D862EB09A4BE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff93da1000 - 0x7fff94217fff 6.9 (1258.1) <943A1383-DA6A-3DC0-ABCD-D9AEB3D0D34D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fff9a50c000 - 0x7fff9a515fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (138.10.4) <3DD1EF4C-1D1B-3ABF-8CC6-B3B1CEEE9559> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3248.60.10) <B5AA8E3E-65B6-3D0E-867B-8DCCF81E536C> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: mdworker [57718]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 2762 pages
Thread 0x606662 DispatchQueue 1 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested legacy, override user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 13741) [0x7fff8faef5ad] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 35411) [0x102b5ea53] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 829873) [0x7fff93e6b9b1] 1-20
20 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296 (CoreFoundation + 560856) [0x7fff93e29ed8] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopRun + 1356 (CoreFoundation + 562828) [0x7fff93e2a68c] 1-20
20 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 565700) [0x7fff93e2b1c4] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Thread 0x606664 DispatchQueue 2 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested user initiated), process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52 (libdispatch.dylib + 32205) [0x7fff86a80dcd] 1-20
20 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 98042) [0x7fff904a3efa] 1-20
*20 ??? (kernel + 5828144) [0xffffff800078ee30] 1-20
Thread 0x606667 20 samples (1-20) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS maintenance (requested maintenance), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy throttle>
20 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 4945) [0x7fff9a50d351] 1-20
20 _pthread_start + 168 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14618) [0x7fff9a50f91a] 1-20
20 _pthread_body + 131 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14749) [0x7fff9a50f99d] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 41466) [0x102b601fa] 1-20
20 ??? (mdworker + 53638) [0x102b63186] 1-20
20 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 69490) [0x7fff9049cf72] 1-20
*20 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 812688) [0xffffff80002c6690] 1-20
Binary Images:
0x102b56000 - 0x102bb7fff mdworker (972.34)
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