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Created October 30, 2019 09:19
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Change value in nested json dictionary
extension Dictionary where Key == String, Value == Any {
struct LookupPath {
fileprivate let path: [String]
subscript(dynamicMember member: String) -> LookupPath {
LookupPath(path: path + [member])
private mutating func _set(value: Any, path: [String]) throws {
switch (path.first, path.dropFirst()) {
case let (key?, []):
self[key] = value
case let (key?, rest):
var sub = (self[key] as? [Key: Any]) ?? [:]
try sub._set(value: value, path: Array(rest))
self[key] = sub
mutating func set(value: Any, forPath path: KeyPath<LookupPath, LookupPath>) throws {
try _set(value: value, path: LookupPath(path: [])[keyPath: path].path)
// Example
var dictionary: [String: Any] = ["json": ["type": "order",
"details": ["size": 5,
"additional": ["here": 1234]]]]
dictionary.set(value: true, forPath: \
// ["json": ["type": "order", "details": ["size": 5, "additional": ["here": true]]]]
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