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Created March 31, 2019 16:08
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Writeup for VolgaCTF 2019 Quals task warm

We're given an ARM binary. Decompiling it with Ghidra (and adding some names) gives us the following:

undefined4 FUN_000109ec(void)

  int iVar1;
  int __c;
  FILE *__stream;
  char password [100];
  char filename [100];
  iVar1 = __stack_chk_guard;
  setvbuf(stdout,(char *)0x0,2,0);
  while( true ) {
    while( true ) {
      puts("Hi there! I\'ve been waiting for your password!");
      __c = check_password(password);
      if (__c == 0) break;
    __stream = fopen(filename,"rb");
    if (__stream != (FILE *)0x0) break;
  while (__c = _IO_getc((_IO_FILE *)__stream), __c != -1) {
  if (iVar1 == __stack_chk_guard) {
    return 0;
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

It looks like what we have to do is reverse the check_password subroutine.

undefined4 check_password(byte *pbParm1)

  size_t sVar1;
  undefined4 uVar2;
  sVar1 = strlen((char *)pbParm1);
  if (sVar1 < 0x10) {
    uVar2 = 1;
  else {
    if (((((*pbParm1 == 0x76) && ((pbParm1[1] ^ *pbParm1) == 0x4e)) &&
         ((pbParm1[2] ^ pbParm1[1]) == 0x1e)) &&
        ((((pbParm1[3] ^ pbParm1[2]) == 0x15 && ((pbParm1[4] ^ pbParm1[3]) == 0x5e)) &&
         (((pbParm1[5] ^ pbParm1[4]) == 0x1c &&
          (((pbParm1[6] ^ pbParm1[5]) == 0x21 && ((pbParm1[7] ^ pbParm1[6]) == 1)))))))) &&
       (((pbParm1[8] ^ pbParm1[7]) == 0x34 &&
        ((((((pbParm1[9] ^ pbParm1[8]) == 7 && ((pbParm1[10] ^ pbParm1[9]) == 0x35)) &&
           ((pbParm1[0xb] ^ pbParm1[10]) == 0x11)) &&
          (((pbParm1[0xc] ^ pbParm1[0xb]) == 0x37 && ((pbParm1[0xd] ^ pbParm1[0xc]) == 0x3c)))) &&
         (((pbParm1[0xe] ^ pbParm1[0xd]) == 0x72 && ((pbParm1[0xf] ^ pbParm1[0xe]) == 0x47)))))))) {
      uVar2 = 0;
    else {
      uVar2 = 2;
  return uVar2;

Looks pretty straightforward:

>>> x = '\x76'
>>> x += chr(ord(x[-1]) ^ 0x4e)
>>> x += chr(ord(x[-1]) ^ 0x1e)
>>> x += chr(ord(x[-1]) ^ 0x15)
>>> x += chr(ord(x[-1]) ^ 0x5e)
>>> x += chr(ord(x[-1]) ^ 0x1c)
>>> x += chr(ord(x[-1]) ^ 0x21)
>>> x += chr(ord(x[-1]) ^ 0x1)
>>> x += chr(ord(x[-1]) ^ 0x34)
>>> x += chr(ord(x[-1]) ^ 0x7)
>>> x += chr(ord(x[-1]) ^ 0x35)
>>> x += chr(ord(x[-1]) ^ 0x11)
>>> x += chr(ord(x[-1]) ^ 0x37)
>>> x += chr(ord(x[-1]) ^ 0x3c)
>>> x += chr(ord(x[-1]) ^ 0x72)
>>> x += chr(ord(x[-1]) ^ 0x47)
>>> x

Let's try the password:

$ nc 443
Hi there! I've been waiting for your password!
Seek file with something more sacred!

Hmm, the file doesn't actually contain a flag! Let's recall the first subroutine analyzed:

  char password [100];
  char filename [100];

It's easy to overflow the password buffer and write arbitrary content into filename. "Something sacred", you said?

$ nc 443
Hi there! I've been waiting for your password!
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