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Created August 5, 2015 19:55
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oam tiler algorithm WIP
"use strict";
var assert = require("assert"),
fs = require("fs"),
os = require("os"),
path = require("path"),
url = require("url"),
util = require("util");
var async = require("async"),
Set = require("collections/set"),
decider = require("swfr").decider,
Promise = require("bluebird"),
range = require("range").range,
rimraf = require("rimraf"),
mercator = new (require("sphericalmercator"))(),
tmp = require("tmp"),
_ = require("underscore");
var tileCells = require("./lib/tile-cells");
rimraf = Promise.promisify(rimraf);
var CELL_HEIGHT = 256,
WEBMERCATOR_WIDTH = 20037508.342789244 * 2,
WEBMERCATOR_XMIN = -20037508.342789244,
WEBMERCATOR_YMAX = 20037508.342789244;
// A set for accumulating tile grid coordinates.
// Since images can be overlapping, this provides an
// easy way to deduplicate.
var CoordSet = function(arr) {
return new Set(arr, function(a, b) { return a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1] }, function(a) { return a[0] + '-' + a[1]; });
// Gets the zoom level that fits the input resolution.
// This decides the max zoom level for a given image.
var zoomFor = function zoomFor(resolution) {
var res = Math.abs(Math.min(resolution[0], resolution[1]));
var _zoomFor = function(z) {
var r2 = WEBMERCATOR_WIDTH / (Math.pow(2, z + 1) * 256);
var r1 = WEBMERCATOR_WIDTH / (Math.pow(2, z) * 256);
if(r2 < res) {
var dRes = r1 - res;
var dZoom = r1 - r2;
if(dRes * 3 < dZoom) {
return z;
return z + 1;
assert(z <= 25, "Tiler cannot handle zooms greater than 25");
return _zoomFor(z + 1);
return _zoomFor(2);
// Returns the [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] extent for the given
// tile grid coordinate at the given zoom level.
var gridCoordToExtent = function gridCoordToExtent(z, col, row) {
var tileWidth = WEBMERCATOR_WIDTH / Math.pow(2, z),
tileHeight = tileWidth,
xmin = WEBMERCATOR_XMIN + (col * tileWidth),
ymin = WEBMERCATOR_YMAX - ((row + 1) * tileHeight),
xmax = WEBMERCATOR_XMIN + ((col + 1) * tileWidth),
ymax = WEBMERCATOR_YMAX - (row * tileHeight);
return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax];
// Returns [maxZoom, coords], where
// maxZoom is the maximum zoom level for an extent and resolution (see zoomFor),
// and the set of tile coordinates at that zoom level that will cover that image.
var getGridCoords = function getGridCoords(extent, zoom) {
var layoutCols = Math.pow(2, zoom),
layoutRows = layoutCols,
xmin = extent[0],
ymin = extent[1],
xmax = extent[2],
ymax = extent[3];
var colMin = (((xmin - WEBMERCATOR_XMIN) / WEBMERCATOR_WIDTH) * layoutCols) | 0,
rowMin = (((WEBMERCATOR_YMAX - ymax) / WEBMERCATOR_HEIGHT) * layoutRows) | 0;
// Need addition logic for east/south borders, since extents are non-inclusive on those sides.
var colMax = (dx * layoutCols) | 0;
if(dx === Math.floor(dx)) {
colMax = ((dx * layoutCols) | 0) - 1;
var rowMax = (dy * layoutRows) | 0;
if(dy === Math.floor(dy)) {
rowMax = ((dy * layoutRows) | 0) - 1;
var gridCoords = [];
for(var r = rowMin; r <= rowMax; r += 1) {
for(var c = colMin; c <= colMax; c += 1) {
gridCoords.push([c, r]);
return { zoom: zoom, coords: gridCoords };
// Tile the given source VRT into PNG tiles for each
// of the given grid coordinates at the given zoom level.
// Returns a promise resulting in a VRT of the newly tiled set.
var tile = function tile(source, zoom, coords, options) {
return Promise
// .map(function(coord) {
// var target = path.join(, zoom + '', coord[0] + '', coord[1] + ".png"),
// extent = gridCoordToExtent(zoom, coord[0], coord[1]),
// resampleOptions = {
// targetExtent: extent,
// targetResolution: [
// (extent[2] - extent[0]) / options.tileCols,
// (extent[3] - extent[1]) / options.tileRows
// ],
// nodata : 0
// };
// console.log("RESAMPLING %s TO %s " + extent, source, target);
// return this.activity("resampleToPng", "1.0", source, target, resampleOptions);
// }, { concurrency: options.concurrency })
.map(function(coord) {
var target = path.join(, zoom + '', coord[0] + '', coord[1] + ".tiff"),
extent = gridCoordToExtent(zoom, coord[0], coord[1]),
resampleOptions = {
overwrite : true,
nocompression : true,
targetExtent : extent,
targetResolution : [
(extent[2] - extent[0]) / options.tileCols,
(extent[3] - extent[1]) / options.tileRows
this.log("Resampling %s to %s", source, target);
return this.activity("resample", "1.0", source, target, resampleOptions)
.then(function(file) {
var inputPath = file,
p = path.parse(file),
outputPath = path.join(p.dir, + ".png");
this.log("Translating %s to %s", inputPath, outputPath);
return this.activity("translate", "1.0", inputPath, outputPath, { outputFormat: "PNG", nodata: 0 });
}, { concurrency: os.cpus().length });
}, { concurrency: os.cpus().length })
.then(function(files) {
var vrtPath = path.join(options.workingDir, "vrt", zoom + '.vrt');
return this.activity("buildVRT", "1.0", files, vrtPath, { nodata: 0 });
// Tiles a VRT between two zoom levels, using the last tiling call's VRT as the input for
// the next round of tiling.
// Returns the Promise that resolves to the last zoom's VRT and tile grid coordinates.
var tileBetweenZooms = function tileBetweenZooms(initialVrt, startZoom, endZoom, initialCoords, options) {
return Promise
.resolve(range(startZoom, endZoom, -1))
.reduce(function(previous, z) {
var sourceVrt = previous[0],
sourceCoords = previous[1];
return Promise
.then(function() {
return, sourceVrt, z, sourceCoords, options);
.then(function(resultVrt) {
var resultCoords =, function(coord) {
return [(coord[0] / 2) | 0, (coord[1] / 2) | 0];
return [resultVrt, CoordSet(resultCoords).toArray()];
}, [initialVrt, initialCoords]);
// Tiles a set of images to PNGs, based on the resolution of those images.
// Input images are expected to be in EPSG:3857 projection.
// Only creates tiles that will cover the entire image set,
// and will only consider images in the image set available for
// the mosaic at a certain zoom level if the image's max zoom level is greater than or equal to that
// zoom level.
// Parameters:
// images - Images from which to create the mosaiced tile set.
// options - Options for the tiling:
// workingDir - A local or s3 URI that represents the "working directory",
// which is where things like .tiffs and VRTs will be stored as intermediate data.
// This should be cleaned up after the final resulting Promise is completed.
// target - A local or s3 URI where the resulting tile set will be stored. For example,
// if "s3://" is given, the tile set would be stored
// such that "s3://oam.hotosm/org/tileset1/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" would be a valid
// tile service endpoint.
// tileCols - The size in pixels of each tile's width. Defaults to 256.
// tileRows - The size in pixels of each tile's height. Defaults to 256.
var tileToPngs = function tileToPngs(images, options) {
return Promise
.map(function(image) {
return this.activity("getInfo", "1.0", image)
.then(function(info) {
var zoom = zoomFor(info.resolution);
var gridCoordsResult = getGridCoords(info.extent, zoom);
return { image: image, maxZoom: gridCoordsResult.zoom, coords: gridCoordsResult.coords };
.then(function(imageInfos) {
// Group each set of image info by the max zoom level.
var grouped = _.groupBy(imageInfos, function(imageInfo) {
return imageInfo.maxZoom;
// Get the zoom levels for which we have images.
var zooms =, function(imageInfo) { return imageInfo.maxZoom; });
var createZoomsToImages = function() {
var result = {};
// Collapse the image and cell information for each
for(var i = 0; i < zooms.length; i += 1) {
var z = zooms[i],
infos = grouped[z],
zoomResult = { images : [], coords : CoordSet() };
for(var j = 0; j < infos.length; j += 1) {
var imageInfo = infos[j];
result[z] = zoomResult;
return result;
var zoomsToImages = createZoomsToImages();
var sortedZooms = _.sortBy(new Set(zooms).toArray(), function(z) { return -z });
// Include zoom 1 for sliding window
var zoomRanges = [];
for(var i = 0; i < sortedZooms.length - 1; i += 1) {
var z = sortedZooms[i];
var zoomRange = { range: [sortedZooms[i], sortedZooms[i + 1]], images : zoomsToImages[z].images, coords : zoomsToImages[z].coords };
return Promise
.reduce(function(previousReturn, zoomRange) {
var previousVrt = previousReturn[0],
previousTilingCoords = previousReturn[1],
z1 = zoomRange.range[0],
z2 = zoomRange.range[1],
newImages = zoomRange.images,
newCoords = zoomRange.coords,
coords = newCoords.addEach(previousTilingCoords).toArray(),
initialVrtImages = newImages;
if (previousVrt) {
return Promise
.then(function() {
var vrtPath = path.join(options.workingDir, "vrt", util.format("initial-%d.vrt", z1));
return this.activity("buildVRT", "1.0", initialVrtImages, vrtPath, { nodata: 0 });
.then(function(vrt) {
return, vrt, z1, z2, coords, options);
}, ["", []]);
var worker = decider({
sync: true
}, function(chain, input) {
return chain
.then(function() {
// Keep the directory, we will clean it up manually.
var tmpOptions = { };
if (input.tmpDir) {
tmpOptions.dir = input.tmpDir;
return tmp.dirAsync(tmpOptions);
.spread(function(tmpDirectory, cleanupCallback) {
return Promise
.then(function() {
if(input.images) {
return input.images;
return fs.readdirAsync(input.inputDirectory);
.map(function(file) {
var inputPath = path.join(input.inputDirectory, file),
outputPath = path.join(tmpDirectory, path.parse(file).name + "-reprojected.tif");
this.status = util.format("Reprojecting %s to 3857 -> ", inputPath, outputPath);
return this.activity("reproject", "1.0", inputPath, outputPath, {
targetSRS: "EPSG:3857",
overwrite: true,
nocompression: true
}, { concurrency: os.cpus().length })
.then(function(images) {
var options = {
workingDir : tmpDirectory,
target: input.outputDirectory,
tileCols : CELL_WIDTH,
tileRows : CELL_HEIGHT,
concurrency: os.cpus().length
return, images, options);
.finally(function() {
return rimraf(tmpDirectory);
.then(function() {
return this.complete();
inputDirectory: "/Users/rob/proj/oam/data/sourceimages",
outputDirectory: "/Users/rob/proj/oam/data/images-tiled"
// tmpDir: "/var/folders/tmp" // For placing the working directory somewhere specific
process.on("SIGTERM", function() {
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