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Created July 14, 2015 18:30
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Create a GeoTiff from an RDD of [(K, Iterator[(x, y, z)])]
import geotrellis.proj4._
import geotrellis.vector._
import geotrellis.raster._
import org.apache.spark.rdd._
trait Example {
// Some information you'll need to supply...
val crs = CRS.fromName("EPSG")
// Depends on your key type
type KeyType
// The dimensions of each GeoTiff. You could derive this from each of
// the groupings if need be.
val (cols, rows): (Int, Int) = ???
// We need to get the bounding box for the GeoTiff. I'm assuming this changes
// per key, but perhaps it's only one extent for each key? If so this can be a
// val instead of a def.
def extentFromKey(k: KeyType): Extent = ???
def filePathFromKey(k: KeyType): String = ???
val rdd: RDD[(KeyType, Iterator[(Int, Int, Double)])] = ???
.foreach { case (key, iterator) =>
val tile = DoubleArrayTile.empty(cols, rows)
for((col, row, value) <- iterator) {
tile.setDouble(col, row, value)
val extent = extentFromKey(key)
val filePath = filePathFromKey(key)
SingleBandGeoTiff(tile, extent, crs).write(filePath)
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