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Created February 1, 2015 13:30
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Code that was live coded during the FOSDEM 2015 talk "Distributed Tile Processing with GeoTrellis and Spark"
import geotrellis.raster._
import geotrellis.vector._
import geotrellis.spark._
implicit val _sc = sc
// Get accumulo instance and the catalog.
val accumulo = AccumuloInstance("gis", "localhost", "root", new PasswordToken("secret"))
def catalog = accumulo.catalog
// Load some RasterRDD's
val rcp45 = catalog.load[SpaceTimeKey](LayerId("ccsm4-rcp45", 5))
val rcp85 = catalog.load[SpaceTimeKey](LayerId("ccsm4-rcp85", 5))
// Find the difference
import geotrellis.spark.op.local._
val diff = rcp85 - rcp45
// Find min and max difference
// Find the count of cells that are above vs the count of cells that are below
val hotter = diff.localIf({z: Int => isData(z) && z > 0}, 1, 0).map { case (key, tile) => tile.toArrayDouble.sum }.sum
val colder = diff.localIf({z: Int => isData(z) && z < 0}, 1, 0).map { case (key, tile) => { z => if(isData(z)) z else 0 }.sum }.sum
// Get the absolute values of the differences
val absDiff = diff.localAbs
// Save it off to Accumulo"diff", 5), "calc_table", absDiff)
// Find the tile with the greatest difference between RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5
import geotrellis.raster.op.local._
val diffsums = { case (tileId, tile) =>
val sum = { z => if(isData(z)) z else 0.0 }.sum
(tileId, (tile, sum))
val (key, (tile, sum)) = diffsums.max()( { case (tileId, (tile, sum)) => sum })
// Write json for Extent
import geotrellis.vector.reproject._
import geotrellis.vector.json._
import geotrellis.proj4._
def write_json(txt: String): Unit = {
import java.nio.file.{Paths, Files}
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
Files.write(Paths.get("/Users/rob/proj/climate/climate-viewer/layer.json"), txt.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
// Use the raster metadata to find the extent in web mercator.
val wmExtent = diff.metaData.mapTransform(key)
// Reproject to latitude/longitude
val extent = wmExtent.reproject(WebMercator, LatLng)
// Turn the extent into Polygon GeoJSON
val geoJson = extent.toPolygon.toGeoJson
// Find color ramp breaks for each rdd
import geotrellis.spark.op.stats._
val h45 = rcp45.histogram
val h85 = rcp85.histogram
// Calculate the isochromes.
import geotrellis.raster.stats._
val classBreaks = tile.classBreaks(12)
def getBucket(v: Double): Double = {
val i = java.util.Arrays.binarySearch(classBreaks, v.toInt)
if(i < 0) (-i - 1).toDouble
else i.toDouble
val classified = tile.mapDouble { z => getBucket(z) }
import geotrellis.raster.render.ColorRamps._
val colorRamp = ClassificationBoldLandUse.interpolate(classBreaks.size)
//val colorRamp = BlueToRed.interpolate(classBreaks.size)
val colors = colorRamp.colors
def hexColor(i: Int) = Integer.toHexString((colors(i) >> 8) & 0xFFFFFF)
val isos = classified.toVector(extent).map { feature => PolygonFeature(feature.geom, hexColor( }
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