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Created August 12, 2015 16:30
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Download example landsat data
import os
from subprocess import call
images = ["LC80160292015156LGN00",
for image in images:
cmd = "landsat download " + image
call(cmd, shell=True)
import geotrellis.raster._
import geotrellis.vector._
import spray.json._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
def fname(i: Int) = {
val f = f"/home/rob/landsat/downloads/image$i%02d/B2.TIF"
if(new Some(f) else None
def combine(re1: RasterExtent, re2: RasterExtent): RasterExtent = {
val e1 = re1.extent
val e2 = re2.extent
e1 & e2 match {
case Some(e) =>
val x = re1.createAligned(e)
if(!e2.contains(x.extent)) re2.createAligned(e)
else x
case None =>
sys.error("Some things done match.")
val RasterExtent(Extent(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), _, _, cols, rows) =
(0 until 4)
.map { path =>
println(s"Reading $path")
val tags =
RasterExtent(tags.extent, tags.cols, tags.rows)
println(f"gdalwarp -te $xmin%.3f $ymin%.3f $xmax%.3f $ymax%.3f -ts $cols $rows")
import os, shutil, rasterio
from subprocess import call
l = enumerate(os.listdir('.'))
#l = [(0, '')]
#l = [(0, '')]
# Bands:
# blue - 2
# green - 3
# red - 4
# near ir - 5
# cloud - 9
def keepers(n):
bs = ['%s_B2.TIF', '%s_B3.TIF', '%s_B4.TIF', '%s_B5.TIF', '%s_B9.TIF']
return map(lambda x: x % n, bs)
def process_unzipped(n):
unzipped = os.listdir('.')
kprs = keepers(n)
for a in unzipped:
if not a in kprs:
cmd = "gdal_translate -co compress=deflate -co predictor=2 %s %s" % (a, a[-6:])
call(cmd, shell=True)
call("rm LC*", shell=True)
def process_zip(n, i):
p = "image%02d" % i
if not os.path.exists(p):
new_path = os.path.join(p, x)
shutil.move(x, new_path)
cmd = "tar -xvjf %s" % n
call(cmd, shell=True)
shutil.move(x, '..')
r = os.path.abspath('.')
for i, x in l:
process_zip(x, i)
import os
from subprocess import call
warpcmd = "gdalwarp -te 263700.000 4826370.000 492630.000 5053800.000 -ts 7631 7581 -co compress=deflate -co predictor=2 -r bilinear %s %s"
i = 0
ptoi = { }
for root, folders, files in os.walk('.'):
for f in filter(lambda x: x.startswith('B') and x.endswith('.TIF'), files):
p = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, f))
b = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(p))
if not b in ptoi:
ptoi[b] = "image%02d" % i
i += 1
d = "/home/rob/landsat/downloads/processed/%s" % ptoi[b]
if not os.path.exists(d):
p2 = os.path.join(d, f)
cmd = warpcmd % (p, p2)
print "Working on %d %s/%s" % (i, b, f)
call(cmd, shell=True)
#print cmd
# 7891, 8021
# 7831, 8021
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