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Created September 18, 2012 22:55
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chef cookbook diff
#!/usr/bin/env python
Usage: cookbookdiff COOKBOOK_NAME COOKBOOK_VER LOCAL_PATH [--nocolor]
Diff your LOCAL_PATH against what is on the chef server for a
given cookbook and version.
--nocolor: don't pipe output through 'colordiff' (in case you want to pipe to something else)
cookbookdiff percona_toolkit 0.0.4 ~/chef-repo/cookbooks/percona_toolkit
cookbookdiff percona_toolkit 0.0.4 ~/chef-repo/cookbooks/percona_toolkit --nocolor
import os
def system(cmd):
print "#", cmd
def main(name, ver, local, color):
system("rm -rf /tmp/%s-%s" % (name, ver))
system("knife cookbook download %s %s -d /tmp/" % (name, ver))
pipeoutput = "| colordiff" if color else ""
system("diff -ur %s /tmp/%s-%s %s" % (local, name, ver, pipeoutput))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
(name, ver, local) = sys.argv[:3]
sys.argv = sys.argv[3:]
except ValueError:
print __doc__
raise SystemExit(1)
color = '--nocolor' not in sys.argv
main(name, ver, local, color)
require 'chef/knife'
class CookbookDiff < Chef::Knife
banner "knife cookbook diff NAME VERSION LOCALPATH"
option :nocolor,
:long => '--nocolor',
:boolean => true,
:description => "Turn off colordiff (if you don't have it or want to pipe to something else)"
def run
name, ver, local = name_args
if [name,ver,local].include?(nil)
exit 1
pipeoutput = config[:nocolor] ? "" : "| colordiff"
system("rm -rf /tmp/#{name}-#{ver}")
system("knife cookbook download #{name} #{ver} -d /tmp/")
system("diff -ur #{local} /tmp/#{name}-#{ver} #{pipeoutput}")
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