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Created August 2, 2016 17:36
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import datetime
import math
import re
import dateutil.parser
class BitVectorTools:
bitvector_resolution_minutes = 15
bitvector_slots = int((24*60) / bitvector_resolution_minutes)
bv_tz_name = 'UTC'
bv_format = '{0:0b}'
def datetimestring_range_to_bv_dict(start_datetime_string, end_datetime_string):
start_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(start_datetime_string)
end_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(end_datetime_string)
return BitVectorTools.datetime_range_to_bv_dict(start_datetime, end_datetime)
def datetime_range_to_bv_dict(start_datetime, end_datetime):
start_date =
end_date =
timeline = end_date - start_date
day_delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
bv_dict = {}
for i in range(timeline.days + 1):
tmp_start_position = 0
tmp_end_position = BitVectorTools.bitvector_slots
if i == 0:
tmp_start_position = BitVectorTools.time_to_bv_position(start_datetime.time())
if i == timeline.days: tmp_end_position = BitVectorTools.time_to_bv_position(end_datetime.time())
tmp_date = start_date + day_delta * i
tmp_bv = BitVectorTools.generate_bv_from_positions(tmp_start_position, tmp_end_position)
bv_dict[tmp_date.isoformat()] = tmp_bv
return bv_dict
def detect_collision_in_bv_dicts(dict_a, dict_b):
a_keys = set(dict_a)
b_keys = set(dict_b)
relevant_keys = a_keys.intersection(b_keys)
collisions = {}
for k in relevant_keys:
a = dict_a[k]
b = dict_b[k]
collision = BitVectorTools.generate_bv_collision(a, b)
if collision:
collisions[k] = collision
return collisions
def combine_bv_dicts(dict_a, dict_b):
a_keys = set(dict_a)
b_keys = set(dict_b)
all_keys = a_keys.union(b_keys)
result = {}
for k in all_keys:
a = dict_a.get(k) or 0
b = dict_b.get(k) or 0
combination = a | b
result[k] = combination
return result
def time_to_bv_position(a_time):
minutes_from_start = a_time.hour * 60 + a_time.minute
slots_from_start = math.floor(minutes_from_start / BitVectorTools.bitvector_resolution_minutes)
return slots_from_start
def datetime_to_bv_position(a_datetime):
if a_datetime.tzname() != BitVectorTools.bv_tz_name:
raise ValueError('datetime must be in UTC')
daystring =
return daystring, BitVectorTools.time_to_bv_position(a_datetime.time())
def generate_bv_from_timerange_strings(start_time_string, end_time_string):
start_time = dateutil.parser.parse(start_time_string)
end_time = dateutil.parser.parse(end_time_string)
return BitVectorTools.generate_bv_from_timerange(start_time, end_time)
def generate_bv_from_timerange(start_time, end_time):
start_position = BitVectorTools.time_to_bv_position(start_time)
end_position = BitVectorTools.time_to_bv_position(end_time) if end_time else BitVectorTools.bitvector_slots
return BitVectorTools.generate_bv_from_positions(start_position, end_position)
def generate_bv_from_positions(start_position, stop_position):
bv_length = BitVectorTools.bitvector_slots - start_position
number_of_ones = stop_position - start_position
ones = pow(2, number_of_ones) - 1
number_of_zeroes = bv_length-number_of_ones
out = ones << number_of_zeroes
return out
def generate_bv_collision(usage_request_bv, usage_bv):
:param usage_request_bv: bv that describes the usage being requested
:param usage_bv: bv that describes the existing usage of the asset
:return: true if there is a collision, false if clear
>>> BitVectorTools.generate_bv_collision(24,12)
>>> BitVectorTools.generate_bv_collision(24,3)
collision = usage_request_bv & usage_bv
return collision
def update_usage_bv(bv_a, bv_b):
A simple wrapper around bitwise OR
:param bv_a: operand a
:param bv_b: operand b
:return: the union of both operands
return bv_a | bv_b
def datetimeranges_to_bv_dict(timerange_collection):
accepts a collection of datetimes and converts them to a bitvector dictionary
:param timerange_collection: a collection of tuples where the first element is the start time string
and the second element is the end time string
:return: a bv_dictionary
ranges = map(lambda x: list(map(dateutil.parser.parse, x)), timerange_collection)
dicts = map(lambda x: BitVectorTools.datetime_range_to_bv_dict(*x), ranges)
out_dict = {}
for a_dict in dicts:
out_dict = BitVectorTools.combine_bv_dicts(out_dict, a_dict)
return out_dict
def bv_dict_to_datetimeranges(a_bv_dict):
accepts a bitvector dictionary and converts it to a collection of datetimes
:param a_bv_dict: a bv_dictionary
:return: a collection of tuples where the first element is the start time string
and the second element is the end time string
out_list = []
for k in a_bv_dict:
bv = a_bv_dict[k]
day = dateutil.parser.parse(k)
timeranges = BitVectorTools._complex_bv_to_timeranges(bv)
for timerange in timeranges:
start_datetime = datetime.datetime.combine(day, timerange[0])
end_day = day
end_time = timerange[1]
if not end_time:
end_day = day + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
end_time = datetime.time(0, 0)
end_datetime = datetime.datetime.combine(end_day, end_time)
result = (start_datetime, end_datetime)
return out_list
def compute_bv_order(a_bv):
num_log = math.log(a_bv, 2)
order = math.floor(num_log + 1)
return order
def count_set_bits(a_bv):
Counts the number of set bits in an integer, also evaluates the largest number of contiguous bits
:param a_bv: any integer
:return: tuple of number of set bits and the size of the largest cluster
tmp = a_bv
tmp_diff = 0
set_bits_count = 0
most_contiguous_set_bits = 0
current_contiguous_set_bits = 0
while tmp:
next_i = tmp & (tmp - 1)
last_diff = tmp_diff
tmp_diff = tmp - next_i
if not tmp_diff >> 1 == last_diff:
most_contiguous_set_bits = current_contiguous_set_bits
current_contiguous_set_bits = 0
current_contiguous_set_bits += 1
tmp = next_i
set_bits_count += 1
if current_contiguous_set_bits > most_contiguous_set_bits:
most_contiguous_set_bits = current_contiguous_set_bits
return set_bits_count, most_contiguous_set_bits
def _simple_bv_to_timerange(simple_bv):
consumes a simple BV which is a number whose binary representation is n ones and m zeroes where n>0 and m>=0
:param simple_bv: bitvector to translate
:return: starttime, endtime
bv_string = simple_bv
if isinstance(simple_bv, int):
bv_string = BitVectorTools.bv_format.format(simple_bv)
bv_chunk_length = bv_string.count('1')
start_position = BitVectorTools.bitvector_slots - len(bv_string)
start_time = BitVectorTools._bv_position_to_time(start_position)
end_position = start_position + bv_chunk_length
end_time = BitVectorTools._bv_position_to_time(end_position)
return start_time, end_time
def _bv_position_to_time(a_position):
converts a bitvector position to a time
:param a_position: a position in a bitvector
:return: the time object represented by that position or None if it goes to end of day
minutes_from_day_start = a_position * BitVectorTools.bitvector_resolution_minutes
time_hours = int(minutes_from_day_start / 60)
if time_hours >= 24:
return None
time_minutes = minutes_from_day_start % 60
result = datetime.time(time_hours, time_minutes, 0)
return result
def _complex_bv_to_timeranges(complex_bv):
accepts a bitvector that describes a day with gaps in the usage,
and returns the timeranges of all distinct usages
:param complex_bv: a bv that describes a day's usage pattern
:return: list of timeranges
bv_string = complex_bv
if isinstance(complex_bv, int):
bv_string = BitVectorTools.bv_format.format(complex_bv)
tmp_string = bv_string
matches = re.findall('(1*)', tmp_string)
timeranges = []
for i in matches:
if not bool(i):
bv_length = len(tmp_string)
match_length = len(i)
match_index = tmp_string.index(i)
bv_string_length = bv_length - match_index
match_bv_string = i.ljust(bv_string_length, '0')
tmp_timerange = BitVectorTools._simple_bv_to_timerange(match_bv_string)
tmp_string = tmp_string.replace(i, '0' * match_length, 1)
return timeranges
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