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in flow

Lothar Schulz lotharschulz

in flow
View GitHub Profile
set -euo pipefail
find . -maxdepth 2 -type d -name .git -execdir sh -c "pwd && git pull" \;
set -euo pipefail
EXCLUDED_PACKAGES=("package1" "package2" "package3")
while [[ `brew list | wc -l` -ne 0 ]]; do
for EACH in `brew list`; do
if [[ ! " ${EXCLUDED_PACKAGES[@]} " =~ " ${EACH} " ]]; then
lotharschulz /
Last active September 22, 2024 08:28
My favourite apg command
apg -m 6 -x 20 -a0 -M NCLS -l -t -n 15
# -m [min_length]
# -x [max_length]
# -a0 [Random password generation with all characters]
# -M NCLS: Use specific character sets:
# - N: Include numeric digits (0-9).
# - C: Include uppercase alphabetic characters (A-Z).
# - L: Include lowercase alphabetic characters (a-z).
# - S: Special characters (!@#$%^&*() and others).
#run the code
./gradlew run
# output:
dotdotRange: a,b,c,d
untilRange: a,b,c
untilRange new 1.7.20: a,b,c
rangeTo: a,b,c,d
downTo: d,c,b,a
val A_UNTIL_D = ('a' until 'd')
// a,b,c
val A_NEW_UNTIL_D = ('a' ..< 'd')
// a,b,c
tasks.withType<org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile>().configureEach {
kotlinOptions { languageVersion = "1.8" }
// please see also the accompanying blog post
function Elements() {
const defaultDelayInMillis = 5000; // default delay 5 seconds
const [dbValue, setDBValue] = useState("");
const [delayFieldDisabled, setdelayFieldDisabled] = useState(true)
const [debounceDelay, setDebounceDelay] = useState(defaultDelayInMillis)
const collectionLabel = "data";
// please see also the accompanying blog post
const saveFieldValueDebounced = AwesomeDebouncePromise(
{ key: fieldId => fieldId },
const saveFieldValue = (fieldId: number, fieldValue: string) => saveToDB(fieldValue);