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;; Seven Implementations of Incremental ;;
;; ;;
0:03: so I want to give you guys a talk about a library that we use internally
here called incremental and only some of you
0:12: have actually used incremental so I'll talk a little bit about what
0:17: is and how it works and what problems is trying to solve but most of the
talk is really going to focus on the long and
0:23: winding road from the initial implementation of incremental that we
started with and the one that we've ended up with now and it's sort of
0:31: interesting story because it's a lots of different concerns got mixed up
there there are the the the ideas behind the
0:39: incremental come out of academic work on functional programming and
0:44: and stuff like that and there's a bunch of stuff that came from those
papers that we screwed up and that the
0:50: academics got right in our initial versions and there's a bunch of things
that we got right that the academics didn't pay any attention to and kind of
0:56: the sort of several year long history of this project it's kind of an
interesting back and forth kind of between what you
1:04: get from the kind of standard academic approach to looking at these
problems and what you get when you're trying to
1:09: use it for real work which is the experience that we have here ok so let
1:14: me say a little bit about what incremental is what it's useful for and the
basic goal of incremental is to
1:21: allow you to build big complicated computation computations that depend on
1:27: lots of data that are efficient and are specifically if you're in the
sense that when only small amounts of your input
1:34: data change you want to be able to kind of efficiently refresh that
computation and get a clean version of the output
1:41: out of the end of it that's the the kind of fundamental goal of
incremental and it's in many ways similar to what you
1:48: would to the computational model that you expect from a spreadsheet we
don't normally think of spreadsheets as
1:54: programming languages but they kind of are they're different from the
programming languages we're all used to
1:59: there it's interestingly kind of a functional programming language after
all what do you put into a cells of a
2:06: spreadsheet other than simple expressions that you know are just a pure
computation based on some other set
2:11: of inputs and the the the frecchi world is kind of inverted
2:17: what we think of from ordinary programming an ordinary programming code is
king right that's what you look at
2:22: and then I yeah there's some data it operates on in the background you
don't that's not so visible and in spreadsheets it's the reverse the data
2:28: is the primary thing you see and then the logic of the program is kind of
hidden in those cells that are a little
2:34: harder to look at but separating from that part of it the other
interesting thing about spreadsheets is that they
2:40: give you a way of expressing a computation that's structured as
essentially a dependency graph every
2:46: equation that's in a Cell has some other set of inputs from which its
value is derived and Excel is very sensitive to
2:53: this structure and tries to be efficient so that if you have some really
big complicated spreadsheets and we have
3:00: really big and complicated spreadsheets at James Street Excel does a lot
of work to update those
3:06: efficiently so if some of it changes some of the cells are modified then
Excel only refires the part of the
3:12: dependency graph that needs to be referred and so this turns out to be a
3:17: very effective programming paradigm both because it's a nice way of
building these efficient algorithms that without
3:24: a lot of work to do so and the other thing that's good about is it also
gives you a natural way to build
3:30: visualizations of what's going on one of the great things about
spreadsheets is you can plug things that you can sort of
3:36: create a little monitoring sheet which has references to various
intermediate particular computations and displays
3:41: them in one place and this is kind of easy and natural and efficient to do
because the intermediate parts of your
3:47: computation are ratified they have a kind of explicit place in the world
that you can refer to and that makes all
3:53: sorts of other things that you want to do later easier and incremental is
going to give us a version of that as well but
3:58: within the bounds of o'connell so I
4:04: guess what I want to start doing is start laying out in a little bit more
detail what really precisely is the
4:10: computational model that incremental gives you and I'm going to do that by
starting by bringing up the interface
4:16: the Oh camel interface that looks something like the the interface of the
first version of incremental that we built
4:25: let's make that fit the screen so obviously it's easier to understand this
4:32: if you are comfortable looking at oh camel signatures but I'm gonna kind
of go through piece by piece and trying to
4:37: unpack what the meaning of the different parts are so you can ignore the
module type s at the beginning and end that's
4:43: just a kind of wrapper to give a name to this signature but the there's
this main
4:49: module anchor so that's the incremental itself and it's a parametrized
type you
4:55: can have an inquiry e that contains within an integer or a floating point
value or a string or an array of strings
5:02: or whatever kind of structure type you want can sit inside that tick a of
the incremental and then we have a bunch of
5:09: basic operators that you can use for constructing new incrementals based
5:14: the incrementals you already have in your hand so the simplest one is
return so return does in some sense the minimal
5:22: thing you could imagine doing which is return takes an arbitrary value and
gives you back an incremental computation that is always equal to that
5:29: value like another natural name for this function is Const right kind of
returns the constant computation map is another
5:38: interesting one map takes in incremental of some type a and a function
from A to B and gives you a new incremental whose
5:45: contents is of type B so I'm gonna start drawing pictures on the wall so
you can imagine you start with something that
5:51: has is in it and you call map and it gives you a new one which has B's in
5:56: and there's some function f that takes you from A to B and if you want to
6:01: about kind of what is like the living breathing graph of this computation
we're gonna start seeing those appear on
6:06: the wall so here you imagine every time this a changes its going to cause
this function f to refire to recompute the B
6:14: ok so far so good all right so this this already gives us a little bit of
6:20: expressive power we can now start taking these this map and start growing
6:27: computations by doing lots of maps at different
6:34: points in the hierarchy it's it's worth noting however there's something
6:39: limiting about this we can add new nodes and branch out but we have no way
yet of pulling back in right so that's not the
6:46: most exciting kind of computational graph if for nothing else like if you
all start this with one thing and then this thing fires like everything's good
6:53: to change it's kind of boring that way but we can we can make it a little
bit more interesting by adding functions
6:59: that bring things back together so map two is the first one so what is the
signature for map two is a little harder
7:04: to parse but math two takes two incrementals and a incremental and a B
incremental and then a function that
7:10: takes an A and a B and return to C and it gives you back a C incremental
7:15: pretty straightforward and we can use that to start bringing things back
together all right so we can make lots
7:23: of interesting sub computations and then we can merge them together into
something if we want and in fact once
7:28: you have map two you effectively have map three in map four and that five
by just combining multiple map twos
7:34: together so you know map gave us like a real new bit of expressivity and
map to give us another one and from there
7:41: there's a bunch of other things you can build on top of it and the world
that you're in now when you just have these operators is
7:47: essentially the world where you can build more or less arbitrary static
7:53: dependency graphs right just directed acyclic graphs so you can add more
nodes and keep on growing them and branch out
7:59: and come back in and you can build basically an arbitrary dag but the dag
is in some sense static I
8:06: mean it's not totally static in the sense it here I can like call these
functions and add new nodes but it is static with respect to the input data
8:13: right so if I have this input here and I change it no matter what it will
8:20: change the structure of the dependency graph and in fact I can have
multiple different inputs right if you have lots
8:28: of inputs that feed into this graph and that doesn't really change
anything it's still static in the sense that we
8:34: described before but we can make it dynamic and that's what the next
operator does bind and bind is actually
8:42: subtly different from map and it's easy to not even notice the difference
but it turns out the difference really matters
8:48: a lot so the signature of bind is it takes in a incremental and a function
8:54: that takes in a and returns a B incremental and then it returns to you all
in a new be incremental right so
9:01: it's like the only difference between bind and map is the extra T that
shows up right here but otherwise they are
9:07: exactly the same but that small one letter difference it turns out has a
9:13: of expressive power and the thing it's going to give us is dynamism the
ability to change the computations as we go so
9:19: the way you can visualize a bind node
9:25: well a by node has a left hand side and
9:30: then a right hand side so the idea is the left hand side of the bind node
is the first input right the thing that's
9:38: again sums it's the input to the bind and then the right hand side is
going to be what's produced by this function here so the idea is you when you
create a by
9:46: node it has an input where that's this left-hand side and then depending
9:51: what this what this is it can pick any of a number of different nodes to
9:58: in as the right-hand side and it can change its minds as it goes because
it can choose different incrementals
10:04: depending on what the input is and in fact as we'll see you can in fact
even create new incrementals in that context
10:11: so this is all a little abstract let me make this difference a little bit
concrete more concrete by looking at how
10:19: you might implement if so this is a tiny
10:26: piece of code using the incremental interface I just show you which
implements if in two different ways once
10:32: with map and once with bind and it will see even though they produce the
same answer they have different graphs and
10:39: therefore different performance behaviors so this is kind of nonsense
10:44: this is just me implementing map three on top of map two I told you I
could do before that's actually the code to do it
10:50: it's not super interesting but it just makes the rest of this work and
then my first implementation of map if
10:55: first implementation if is going to use map in particular this map three
so I'm
11:01: going to call map three on a variable representing the condition like the
boolean true or false the then Clause
11:08: and the else Clause and then what am I going to do with the condition
then in the else I'm going to say if the
11:13: condition is true then return T else return e so one thing that's
11:19: but kind of subtle is well what's the type of C here raised a bool
11:30: and what's the type of C here or here it's just a bool that's right so
11:36: though we're using where someone abusing the terminology hearing we're
using the same variables in different places it's the kind of unwrapped aversion
that we
11:42: can then use for a straight-up computation and so the dependency graph
here is actually really simple all we do
11:48: is basically have a node with three inputs the condition the then and the
11:58: else and any time any of them changes we recompute we say if it's true
return T
12:04: else return e right and what's the only part of this that's problematic
is the
12:10: performance behavior which is to say let's say this condition changes
rarely and if and let's say it's currently true
12:18: then in some sense once you know this you know that you don't actually
care about what's going on here you don't
12:23: really need to refire if statement when this changes only when this
changes but the map if implementation is not aware
12:29: of that so recomputed every single time when either branch changes no
matter what the condition is so the bind
12:34: implementation here has the other behavior so if we're bind if we bind on
C on the condition and then if it's true
12:43: then we return T otherwise we return E but in this case T and E are
incrementals right so what bind is doing
12:50: in this case is choosing between two possibilities so in the bind case
instead of having all three wired in we
12:56: have either the true case wired in or we have the else case that other
than or
13:01: the else case wired in but never both okay so that that maybe gives you a
little bit more of a sense of the
13:08: division map and bind do you have any questions about this it's easy to
get confused it's like an
13:15: interesting in quite different library so ok so the I guess the other
thing I
13:20: want to say about bind is this use of bind in some ways under cells how
important bind is because it makes it
13:26: sound like just a small optimisation about the firing structure of the
resulting graph but it's actually much
13:32: it's a much bigger deal than that because in addition just changing if
you where you're pointing to amongst to
13:37: existing incrementals you can also do all sorts of new things you can
construct new incrementals by calling
13:44: map and bind inside of the right hand side of a bind so for example you
could have some computation where you know
13:52: there's an infinite number of possible configurations and you bind on
some description of the configuration you
13:57: want now and the right-hand side constructs the computation for you like
for example there might be some big sum
14:03: product you want to do have a bunch of inputs which ones are they well
that might come in on the right hand side of the bind and then you construct the
14:09: whole sub graph that does that computation for you so bind really does a
lot to add to the expressive power the
14:15: system letting you do pretty general-purpose dynamism in the middle of
your incremental computation yeah
14:27: this is this is a good point so and this is also this the whole structure
incremental is what's called a monad
14:33: it's a monadic lee structured library and there's a standard trade-off
between map and bind in libraries like this
14:40: which is map is generally speaking simpler to use simpler to understand
and simpler to implement and bind is more
14:48: powerful but worse in all the other ways and that's true here but it
certainly adds a lot of complexity to the
14:53: implementation of incremental as we'll see you in a second and it's also
slower because it involves
15:00: in many cases the allocation of new nodes and more heavyweight operations
so yeah and I mean it's worth saying these
15:07: are all baby cases and you can't really get a good understanding of why
these things are useful by just looking at baby cases so for example here's one
15:14: optimization to this don't do it incrementally at all like an if
statement is a tiny amount of work and
15:19: incremental izing it isn't all that valuable in the different team map
and doesn't matter very much so like in the very small this is kind of in some
15:26: all not very interesting but when you get to bigger more complicated
things is where it matters and you have to worry
15:31: when you think about bind about exactly this problem of how expensive it
is and in fact a lot of the practical
15:38: experience of using incremental is you sort of look at you have to look
at your program in two ways one is what is the
15:44: thing it's trying to do and that's in some sense easy you just kind of
drop all the bind in maps just forget about
15:50: every incremental operation and see what it does is in all at once
program and that's its semantics that's its meaning
15:55: but when you want to think about performance you have to think about
exactly where the increment allottee lies and you actually think quite hard
16:01: about the diverging binding map because it makes a real difference all
right so
16:07: far so good so let's so we talked about
16:18: the basic interface a little bit then he's kind of sort of remind and
mention a few other points so as I said the
16:25: basic operations return map and map to those only let you build static
DAGs bind gives you dynamism an important
16:33: part of this is that we're really thinking about this as a way of
optimizing a functional program a
16:39: functional program saying there's just computing and not doing side
effects and that makes everything easier to think about sometimes you'd want to
do side
16:46: effects in these and one can talk about that but I'm mostly going to
ignore that for the purposes of this talk one other
16:51: thing that I didn't mention is this notion of cut off which if you have a
big complicated graph a lot of the time
16:59: you might want to stop the computation earlier than you would imagine if
17:04: just like see what changed and then like fire the transitive closure
everything that is reachable from the thing you
17:10: modified because sometimes even though something changed the the output
17:16: stages down might not change right imagine for example you have some node
that computes the max of two numbers if
17:21: the smaller number changed well it's going to stop right there and you
17:26: want some notion of cutting off the computation when you detect that the
input hasn't changed or in some cases
17:32: hasn't changed by enough if you're computing real valued things point
numbers you might want to have
17:37: some tolerance we say ah you know less than 10 to the negative 15th I
don't care about differences that small you
17:43: might want to cut off a computation in some ways so you really need
support for cut offs and a key one other thing is I
17:48: forget there's a couple other parts of the interface I didn't mention
that are important so everything I've talked
17:55: about I kind of stopped it bind right so everything I talked about was
about constructing these computations you know
18:00: assume that you have some incrementals to begin with but I didn't tell
you how to use the computation I didn't tell you how to get incrementals to
begin with so
18:07: let's talk about that so stabilize is a somewhat mysterious looking
function it takes unit returns
18:12: unit what does it do so what it actually does is it runs the whole
computation so
18:19: the workflow with an incremental computation is you build the basic
computation and you modify some of the
18:27: inputs and then you call stabilize to flush that through the graph and
then we get the outputs back out so how do we
18:33: get the outputs out well we have this function value which will take an
incremental and spit back the value at
18:38: you and there's another function which is very useful called an update
which registers a call back it tells you when
18:45: something has changed and this goes back to the use case I was talking
about before where you might have some big computation where you want to put
18:51: finger in multiple spots so you can display things from it or otherwise
in other ways react to it and on update
18:57: lets you kind of register your interest in some value and wait for it to
come back to you and now we have everything
19:03: except we don't know how to put data into the system yet and that's a
variable so that's the last piece of the
19:09: interface so he variable is again a parameterised type you can create one
with an initial value you can set it
19:15: meaning you can change the value and then you can call read and what read
does is it gives you back the incremental corresponding to that value
19:22: so you start building an incremental computation by creating a bunch of
variables reading off the incrementals
19:28: from that those variables and then using the rest of the Combinator's
that we have for building up the computation
19:34: itself alright any questions about this interface if you don't understand
19:40: interface you're hosed for the rest of the talk so we should ah yes so
the rough story is this if you
19:47: if you do everything in a beautiful functional style which we often don't
then you're basically guaranteed to not
19:54: have cycles if you do some clever things to optimize like you try and
19:59: memorize computations that you do a lot so that you don't have to rebuild
them then it's easy to come up with cycles
20:05: and you have to figure out what to do about that that's actually a
serious issue and we'll talk about how it deals
20:10: with cycles and interesting and different between different
implementations that we went through okay all right let's get back to my high
20:20: quality slides so I'm going to go through a bunch of different versions
20:26: some and more some in less depth I'm probably gonna talk about this one
in the most depth because it's the easiest to understand this is the first
20:32: that we did that's that Stephon weeks in Milan study Avis wrote when
years ago at
20:38: this point we decided we wanted a version of this so the first thing I
want to talk about is what is the
20:44: stabilization function and because that's kind of the key thing that we
have it's the way in which you propagate
20:49: all the information so this computation graph I've been describing and
drawing on the board you more or less make that
20:56: real in Oh camel you know objects which you know you allocate them and
they have pointers to each other in a way that
21:01: roughly reflects the structure of this dependency graph one important
thing to
21:07: understand about it is you have to have pointers going from the variables
up right when you represent a graph like
21:14: this is not obvious which direct you need the pointers but if you think
about the performance characteristics you want out of this for the work that
21:20: doing we want to be able to go off why is that because the new
information comes in at the leaves and you want to
21:27: do the minimal amount of work that you have to do based on which of the
leaves have changed so the basic structure of
21:32: how any algorithm to do this kind of has to work is some of your leaves
are dirty because they've been set you go through
21:39: and do the propagation starting from there and stop when you don't need
to go any further and so that requires that
21:46: from believes you know where they connect to so you need these upward
pointers so the the algorithm is
21:53: trickier than you might imagine if you haven't thought about it at all
because because of what happens when you
21:59: have as you often do recombinant graphs meaning the graph fans out and
then comes back in all right so let's draw a
22:06: simple example of a recombinant graph so
22:20: you have to think a little bit hard about how you're going to fire this
structure because let's think we just do
22:27: a simple depth-first search right we go if you're zero this has changed
so this has to be recomputed so this has to be
22:32: recomputed so that has to be recomputed okay we're done with that okay so
since this teams this also has to be recomputed so oh wait now we have to
22:40: recompute this one twice right so you think well maybe it's not so bad
you have to do something twice how big of a
22:46: deal is that but once you get twice you basically have exponential
badness because you can take examples like this
22:53: and kind of stack them on top of each other and at each level of the
stack like your one update becomes 2 becomes 4
22:59: becomes 8 becomes 16 so you get a kind of exponential blow-up of
unnecessary work if you just do a completely naive
23:06: walk of the tree and you might think oh maybe I should do breadth-first
search so I get to this thing at the same time
23:11: but I mean I trick you already because look I made two links here and
only one here so now you won't reach it at the
23:18: same time so you need actually something more principled than just like
changing the order of the search so what's the
23:24: solution here the solution is to do it in two passes pass one is you
figure out
23:29: what needs to be recomputed you basically walk through the graph and
imagine like there might be other parts of this computation that that don't
23:36: depend on this node and don't need to be refire right you can write to
sort of think about this world here like this
23:44: and all of this needs to be redone but none of these nodes do so one
thing you can do is just do a first pass where you
23:50: mark all you mark the whole transitive closure of this node as dirty and
23:56: when you're done you then do the actual propagation of the firing but the
24:01: trick here is when you mark nodes as dirty you also let them know how
many of their inputs are dirty and then they
24:07: don't recompute until the number of dirty
24:13: inputs they have drops to zero right so here if you do the same I think
we did
24:18: before we would walk up here and then we've kind of tell this guy that
one of his inputs was clean but it wouldn't
24:23: fire yet because it knows it has one more it has to still wait and then
we go back and start going this way and then
24:29: finally when we get here then this guy knows he needs to fire and then he
recomputes and causes the next level up
24:35: to recompute okay so that's the sort of basic algorithm it's very simple
24:42: quite fast it's easy to understand everything's great or well not
24:47: everything is great it turns out so the first problem we have has to do
with garbage collection and it turns out lots
24:53: of pretty functional programming abstractions that are built are built on
top of horrible imperative complicated
25:00: messy underneath that are hard to understand and one of the big reasons
they're hard to understand is how they interact with a garbage collector so the
25:07: particular problem here it has to do with the direction of the pointers
so we have pointers up from the leaves which
25:13: means as long as the leaves are alive everything they point to will
remain alive and you might think well okay that
25:21: seems like a reasonable property but you don't want to keep things alive
because they're connected to inputs you want to
25:26: keep these alive because someone is paying attention to them on the
output side and in particular if you have in
25:32: the middle of this graph something dynamic where there's a bye node that
is allocating new nodes and like forget and
25:37: dropping references to nodes that it created previously well those nodes
are created previously are still hooked in up from the leaves
25:45: so if you don't do anything clever at all they're never actually ever
going to get collected so you have to do
25:50: something to take things that have been there are no longer observable in
25:55: system and drop although all the pointers to them from the inputs which
have to remain alive because you know
26:01: somebody is feeding data in from the outside into those things so those
are going to be kept alive so we need some
26:08: way of figuring out what's going on and then the way we do this is by
maintaining reference counts from
26:15: externally held nodes right so we're gonna keep track of whenever someone
has a node that they hold to on the outside
26:20: we'll do a reference count of the num of times you are referenced from
some externally held node and if that
26:25: reference counts drops to zero then we're going to cause you to drop any
key to cut yourself off from the graph so
26:31: you can be collected okay so that's relatively simple the only issue is
26:37: do you keep track of whether you have external references all right
because after all none of the stuff is ever
26:42: going to get collected so the garbage collector isn't going to tell you
anything so how do you figure it out so it's pretty easy the basic idea is
26:48: instead of handing back these actual nodes that are in the internal graph
back to outside users you create an
26:54: extra little node for each one of these called a sentinel and the
sentinel has is just an extra cell that points to the
27:01: real thing and isn't pointed to by anything else in the graph um and what
27:07: you do is you attach to every sentinel what's called a finalizar and a
finalizar is just a hook in the garbage collector
27:13: that right before it collects an object it warns users oh this thing's
about to be ripped out and you use the
27:20: finalization of the sentinels as the way to trigger the removal of the
reference counts basically the things that you're
27:26: counting references from is the sentinels and so it's their arrival and
removal that causes you to update the
27:32: reference counts okay so far so good does that make sense
27:38: all right so everything's great it's a wonderful implementation there are
no problems right I totally about the
27:45: stencils already so there's one small problem with this design I told you
27:51: which is I talked before about how important menial to cut off the
computation is and it's impossible here so that's awkward so why is it
27:58: impossible because I have this two pass algorithm like the first pass
marks what needs to be recomputed and the second
28:04: pass recomputed and never did I say some way of figuring out whether you
needed to be recomputed the the first pass
28:10: where you mark what needs to be recomputed is totally naive right you
can't look at the values because they haven't been computed yet so you just
28:16: mark everything that's in the transitive closure is needing every
computation so if you have things that are important to
28:21: cut off there's just no story here for how that's going to work so we
came up with a story which is a little bit of an
28:27: awkward story we said well probably like when you create a node that's
28:32: meant to be a cut off node we can probably make the assumption that
almost always it cuts off right that's
28:38: why we did and then and then if we do that well what we can do is like
this what we're going to run this algorithm to its completion under the
28:46: that all cut-offs don't propagate but we're going to keep a list of the
cut-offs that we fired and at the end
28:52: we'll check and if any cutoff node changed by enough that the cutoff
function says it really should be fire
28:58: then we just kind of restart the algorithm again from there with a round
of cutoff nodes so this sounds like
29:04: it'll work and it does work but it's also bad because if you have
complicated nested cut-offs in your system well you
29:12: could refire exponentially often right it has the same problem we had
before of the double fire so we need to be two to
29:19: our credit like we knew from the beginning that this was bad and so we
just used cut-offs in limited cases kind
29:25: of at the edge of computations and more complicated internal stuff we
said well we're just going to live without cut-offs so that was a big problem
29:33: the system had it has another quite significant problem that took us
longer to figure out and this has to do with
29:39: our naive idea about how the garbage collection of unnecessary bits of
29:44: graph is going to work so remember we talked about like by nodes can
allocate new things and the old things are now no
29:50: longer referred to but are still hanging around and connected to the
inputs until the garbage collector collects their
29:56: sentinels so we can update the reference counts and figure out that the
things can be removed right so this sounds
30:03: reasonable but relying on the garbage collector to collect something well
you shouldn't really rely on it to
30:11: collect it especially soon right the garbage collector collects things
when it thinks it's running out of memory it
30:16: could be really a long time before it wants to collect it and in the
meantime the thing that wasn't obvious to us at
30:21: first is these nodes that are hanging around are still like they're still
alive they're still kicking it's not
30:27: just there's extra memory they're hooked into the inputs they're still
computing they're running every time inputs fire
30:33: they're still firing so that seems a little bad until you think about it
more and realize it's horrific ly bad because
30:40: if you have nested sets of binds this is happening over and over and over
30:45: and like at each level you're like splitting yourself and splitting
yourself and splitting yourself so you're actually generating
30:50: exponential amounts of garbage in the system and they like you kind of
30:55: sort of start with that and then it'll eventually be collected but it
turns out between now and eventually it's going to allocate exponential amounts
of stuff
31:01: that you don't need so this is in some sense an obvious disaster in
retrospect we didn't notice it at first because our
31:07: very first applications for this did not use lots of nested binds but
when we started building user interfaces with
31:14: this it turned out nested binds were really useful and we sort of noticed
these weird very long pauses in the middle and didn't know why and it turned
31:20: out to be due to this all right any questions lots of lots of exciting
31:26: confusing stuff going on so you should feel free to not understand things
31:36: we'll get there this implementation is quite different from the one in
the paper and indeed when I gave the talk at
31:41: CMU like the guys who respond for the original paper like looked a little
horrified I was like no it's the whole
31:47: point of the COG it gets better I promise it really does get better but
the results were this was pretty fast
31:54: we know that cut off behavior is terrifying and we know things aren't
collected eagerly enough but when use
31:59: sort of within a scope where we're the kind of available submit semantics
was good enough it was a really effective
32:06: piece of software and we actually were able to build systems that were
very hard to build without it and it was all
32:11: pretty efficient we were all very excited about it even though there were
all these problems that we knew about so
32:18: we knew however there was a problem so our first attempt to fix it we
knew about the cut off problem but didn't
32:24: like totally understand this other problem but too much allocation and
our first attempt to fix this problem was to
32:29: go back in some sense and read the papers more carefully and understand
what they did about this and it turned
32:36: out they had a solution to this and the solution involves time so the
basic idea
32:43: is that you want to have a topological sort of the graph when you're
32:48: through and doing the firing because then is a simple algorithm for
making sure that everything is fired only once that can be done in a way that's
32:54: sensitive to cut-offs because as you're going you can do the full
computation so you really know the values in your hand and what you did so just
be clear a
33:01: topological sort is this it's a it's a labeling of the graph with
identifiers that are that are sortable
33:06: so you get have a total order of everything in the graph such that this
ordering respects the dependency order
33:12: which means you never go forward in the ordering and end up crossing a
back edge you're always kind of walking forward
33:18: when you're walking forward in numbers so the way you do propagation once
you have a top sort is really easy you have
33:24: a heap of things that need to be recomputed but haven't been yet you
start with your dirty nodes you throw
33:30: them on the heap and then you start taking things out and propagating and
throwing all the things to get fired
33:35: onto the heap and because you're always pulling it out in the right order
you'll never visit a node until you've
33:40: recomputed everything then that node depends on right so sort of
guarantees to you that you never refire everything
33:46: but you can at any point like look at a recomputed node and say yeah this
didn't change by enough I want to stop here and
33:52: that doesn't disturb any of the invariants that you have so top sorts are
good they make this kind of graph
33:58: algorithm simpler the only problem is how do you get a top sort so the
34:05: a really there's a bunch of ways of approaching this but here's a really
kind of very naive simple way of thinking about a topological sort which
34:11: is one way we can do it is we can solve it using a clock right so every
time we allocate a new node well look at the
34:18: clock on the wall and say what time is it we'll put that timestamp on the
node and now there's there's an ordering and
34:24: as long as we're only using the map and map to and map three part of
34:29: it turns out everything works because every new node only depends on old
nodes so the time order respects the
34:36: dependency order so we're happy so where does it fall apart it falls
apart when you're graphs are dynamic right if you
34:42: just kind of constructing the graph in one early sweep the time stamp is
enough and in fact you don't need a clock right
34:48: you use a counter that you upgrade every time but so so that all that all
works but when you're in the middle
34:54: reallocating nodes in the middle of your graph it's not so hot anymore so
it's the problems when you're allocating
34:59: nodes inside of a bind that's when you're in trouble so the idea is to
use a different kind
35:06: of time stamp right a kind of logical time that will solve our problems
in the idea is that instead of picking you can
35:13: think of the old way of using a clock is you the set of all of the time
stamps that have been already used and you find a
35:20: new time stamp that's bigger than all of those so the alternate rule is
to say I'm gonna get a new time stamp in a
35:27: different way I'm going to pick a time stamp that's bigger that that's
35:32: than everything that is smaller than the bind under which I was allocated
35:38: so if you were a new guy allocated inside some bind right you always want
to be behind that bind so you want to be
35:45: in a time stamp that's before that bind and after everything else that's
before that bind right that's basically the
35:52: rule and in some sense if you have that rule if you can if you can
allocate time stamps that way everything almost just
35:58: works the only issue is how do you allocate time stamps that way so
because you know you have to if you have like a
36:04: bind node that's here in the order and then there's some other stuff
behind it well you can allocate something in the middle here and then maybe
you're gonna
36:10: do something in the middle here and like these are all gonna get really
really close together as you allocate more and more of them so you might think
36:16: what data structure do I use for these maybe I could represent them as
real numbers or something but though that's
36:22: not so hot right there like you know unbounded in length and the whole
thing is kind of a disaster so it turns out
36:30: there's a bunch of clever data structures for doing this that have good
asymptotic behavior the simplest thing
36:35: that we thought about which I think which which works reasonably well is
to just use count have your counters kind
36:42: of allocated in some big space like it's an integer space and like when
you pick ones like pick you know ones that are
36:48: kind of well spaced out to begin with and then when you have to go in
between while you go in between and when you run out of space you just flatten
stuff out
36:55: it's almost like a garbage collection step you sort of wait until you
have no space and you just like redistribute
37:01: yeah you just D compact but it's the opposite of a garbage collector it's
a negative garbage collector or something
37:06: I don't know you but it has the same flavor of like you're building up a
problem and you wait to like it's pretty big and then you like have a batch
37:12: operation that clears it out and there are other approaches of doing this
to with like clever binary trees and stuff
37:18: yeah you can use trees for it at all it all depends on exactly the
performance properties you want the nice thing about
37:24: the kind of smooth out one is it's really simple to implement and the the
identifiers themselves are really
37:30: cheap to compare and you do a lot more comparison than you do allocation
so there's a big win there for using the
37:36: ins but anyway there's lots of different tricks but like that's the basic
idea and so we went ahead and implemented
37:43: this and it was pretty easy were able to like an intern who didn't have a
ton of experience was able to kind of go in and and create a version of this and
37:51: worked better and worse so it was better in that like the semantics made
more sense but it was worse than that the
37:58: performance was worth it was a lot worse like you know one and a half to
four times worse than the original implementation so okay so we weren't
38:06: super excited about that and that kind of just stayed is an intern
project and we did not roll it into production and
38:12: then we got the Version three so Version three is to solve the other
problem that we have and this is the
38:18: version that we actually used for a long time for our the big GUI apps
that use this sorry you had a question Eric even
38:28: numbered in different ways this is in this talk I call this one version
three and I think this is the right time order of the versions anyway so this
38:37: is the one that's trying to just solve the exponential garbage problem
and this is just the problem I talked about
38:42: before which is it takes a long time to collect everything and those
things that keep on running because they're still
38:47: connected to the via to the variables are allocating lots of garbage so
bind infested code gets totally screwed by
38:54: the by this by our original implementation so this is trying to fix it
and the idea the basic idea is
39:01: actually relatively simple sorry you have a question so that's true but
39:20: really good enough right the point being like it's still exponential
right this it can it could
39:26: be going so fast that you have trouble keeping up with it so you know you
39:32: argue about lots of things but anytime you have an actual part of your
algorithm which is exponential like it's very easy to trip off into it not
39:38: working at all so we had a fairly simple approach which is we're going to
keep explicit
39:45: track of what is the observed part of the graph and we do this by minting
39:53: explicit values called observers and so just like we the things that were
40:00: alive are kind of the transitive closure of the variables the things that
are needed is the transitive closure of the of the observers in the opposite
40:05: direction and we eagerly keep track of observation changes so when a bide
40:12: causes one notes instead of looking at one incremental looking at another
the one it stopped looking about immediately
40:18: moves into being unobserved and the new one immediately moves into being
observed so when you have a bind fire
40:25: and it changes its focus from one area to another you know there's
guarantee that only only the sort of current reason real bit
40:32: of the computation is actually observed and you have an extra invariant
that you make sure that only the observed part of
40:37: the computation actually turns you quiesce the unobserved part you tell
it not to compute anymore
40:44: and that is basically enough to solve the problem because the problem
wasn't that we had these things that were around for a little while it's that
40:50: were still alive and kicking while they were around so we kind of you
know early kill them a little bit early before the
40:56: garbage collector actually gets to them to stop them from causing trouble
41:04: let's actually look for a second at what the interface looks like with
41:12: so now we have we have three different
41:18: components of the interface instead of just two there's the incremental
which is kind of like it was before if we've
41:23: removed the part that lets you observe values from it there's the
variables which are exactly
41:29: the same and now there's this new thing called an observer which you can
create from an incremental you can extract
41:34: values from you can register on update functions for and importantly you
can stop observing them right so this is
41:41: like the new hook and you see like they're in some sense they're the dual
of the variable they're kind of the opposite of the variable they keep track
41:47: of opposite parts of the graph and the variable is something that you
create from nothing and then convert to an
41:54: incremental The Observer is something you can create from an incremental
and then peel information out of okay and this this
42:03: part of the interface really does is preserve to the modern version of
incremental it's essentially a reference
42:13: count it does well sort of as well see
42:26: when an observer is garbage collected it is automatically unobserved but
42:32: remember how I said before it's not a good idea maybe to let the garbage
collector quiesce things that aren't needed anymore so in practice you should
42:38: unobserved things when you don't need them anymore which is not say that
42:45: always happens okay so this worked great
42:53: we used it a lot we used it in a bunch of our internal UIs and it mostly
42:58: although we recently replaced him we're very happy with that replacement
okay so
43:03: now we're on diversion for version 4 was like really going back and
reading the Akkar paper carefully motor-car is like
43:10: the main guy behind the original papers in this area so this was not not
in like a useful implementation exactly but it
43:16: was a good learning experience we kind of went back and integrated the
43:23: viewer the the v2 and v3 things into one implementations we learned a few
43:28: invariants from the papers that we needed about thinking about what
depends on what we also learned some interesting
43:35: things about the way in which the original implementation worked and one
of the interesting things that struck us
43:41: is that the original implementation from a car did not distinguish how
map nodes
43:47: and bind nodes were constructed in other words you can implement map in
terms of bind because bind is a more powerful
43:53: operator but that turns out to be crushingly expensive because it
involved lots of extra allocation because you end
43:59: up kind of allocating new nodes all the time when the graph is actually
static and so you don't really need to do allocation so a lot there are lots of
44:07: think practical performance problems in those original implementations
that turned out not to be necessary and that we didn't have in
44:13: ours because we specialized the map and map and map and implementation to
be more efficient so v5 was like a more
44:23: practical attempt to sort of combine v2 and v3 it also added one extra
bit of
44:29: functionality which was interesting which was remember how I said I
described this nice thing with time
44:35: stamps how we're going to implement insert new time stamps before the
bond and after everything else and that's
44:41: going to make things work out okay so it turns out if you're like a good
functional programmer and you only use
44:46: good functional programming primitives everything works great but if you
44:52: and you really shouldn't be right it doesn't work out so well in
particular a thing that you very naturally want to do
44:58: in this kind of context is memorize computations if there's some sub
45:04: that you computed and then some other part of your computation wants to
do it you really want to share the same one right it's it's kind of a form of
45:11: sub-expression elimination applied to your computation meaning there's
some common sub piece and you want to
45:16: actually share the computation from that sub piece rather than repeating
it so the way you implement that is you'd only
45:21: have like some table somewhere which keeps track of previous
constructions of
45:27: graphs so you can remember them and get them back when you want them
again but this can cause you to pull things out of
45:33: order right not in the order that was originally intended by this kind of
timestamp system and so the end result
45:40: is you can even when you're doing what is the sensible incremental code
you can construct back edges and you asked about
45:46: cycles before what happens when you introduce a cycle with a back edge
well for the implementations up till here
45:53: what happened is you just well in the original implementation you had an
infinite loop so like the way your your
45:59: program told you that you had introduced a back edge is you said
stabilize it it never ended you know I mean fail stop
46:05: right it's at least at least it doesn't like send orders or something
terrible but that's not obviously not ideal in
46:12: the simple like a car style time stamp thing it's just gonna say kaboom
46:17: you've put in an ill-founded edge I'm going to throw an exception you're
dead and it turned out in a real
46:22: there were lots of these backwards edges so that was not so hot so we
added to this version a sometimes used dynamic
46:29: top sort algorithm weird like normally allocate these counters in the
ordinary way but if it saw a back edge rather
46:36: than blowing up I would tell you well I don't know how to do like a
really good incremental top sort algorithm but I can
46:42: just like redo the top sort in this case so it's a little hacky you sort
of might worry that maybe they're a bad corner
46:47: cases here but it kind of worked so this was like semantically much
better but
46:54: but the performance was bad and why was the performance bad well remember
I said
47:00: there's a heap and you put the things in the heap and you take them out
well heaps are kind of expensive data structures write the constant isn't all
47:06: that low and there you know log n to remove an element so it costs a fair
amount to flow things through a heap and
47:13: even after we you know we no longer had like the thing an intern did in a
few months we had like you know a brand new
47:20: implementation that a bunch of good people had worked on for a long time
to try and make work well but it still didn't work fast enough to make us
47:27: comfortable about replacing him all right so v6 was to eliminate the
47:36: heap from the system so the core idea is to say is to move a little bit
away from
47:42: the notion of using a total order and the key observation is we actually
never needed the total order you know all you
47:50: need a top sort totally orders all the nodes but it's enough to have a
partial order right which what is a partial or
47:56: just means not every there are lots of things that are different that our
mark is equal in a partial order or not not comparable to each other you know
48:02: what some things are really different and some things you can't tell and
it turns out that's okay as long as the
48:09: partial order reflects the dependency structure well and that in fact you
48:15: pretty easy to think of partial orders that do that so one example is the
height of a node in the graph so how do
48:22: we define the height you can simply define it recursively as if you're a
leaf it's 0 and otherwise it is the
48:28: maximal height of all of your children plus 1 alright look at all your
kids see what the max height is you're one taller
48:34: than that and this also has the nice property that it respects the
dependency order and by
48:41: virtue of being a partial order we get to have something with a very
small number of valence is a small number of
48:46: distinct values right so you could imagine you could have a graph with
hundreds of thousands of nodes but only
48:53: 70 different heights right so now instead of having to have a heap that
might have a hundred thousand nodes in
48:59: it you just have an array of lists right you can have a very simple
constant time
49:06: low overhead data structure for keeping track of the things that need to
be fired because the valence is is like
49:12: small enough you can stick it in your pocket right you just have like a
little array that just takes care of it and this turned out to be a good a good
49:20: idea and this idea was what we called a pseudo height so I said the
height of a node is 1 plus the max of the height of
49:26: the children a pseudo height is just like that except it's not quite so
painful to compute so why is the height
49:33: bad to compute the heights bad to compute because imagine you have like a
big graph and at the bottom of the graph
49:38: there's a node with a bind where it sometimes is high too and sometimes
is high one ticket that flips back and
49:46: forth you have to renumber everything back and forth so like you're
suddenly taking a thing that should be constant
49:52: and making it time linear in the overall size of the graph so that's kind
of a disaster so the pseudo height is almost like a
49:58: height except its memory sensitive which is to say it never goes down so
50:04: height your pseudo height is the maximum your pseudo height has ever been
basically so it starts out being the
50:10: height and it's never willing to come down and that in practice has
worked really well it also has some weird
50:16: corners you can write some terrible data structures that kind of terrible
incremental companies but basically like
50:22: have two nodes that kind of change their mind as to who is ahead of whom
and they keep on walking each other off the height graph but you kind of never
50:31: it so this is not a thing we warn people about especially and you can
construct it if you want like you could if you go
50:37: back into your desk but I think about how to do this but it doesn't seem
to come up in real programs and we'd know
50:42: because like we get we get errors when we exceed the pre-committed height
so this turns out to work really well in
50:49: practice and and and this and this is again a property that our current
system has so what our is also the performance
50:58: was now quite good like if you think about the overall performance story
51:04: here's sort of the picture so imagine like up is bad at taking longer so
we started off with something pretty good
51:09: and then we got something with better semantics but you know worse
behavior and you know a little better a little
51:14: worse kind of hovering around here for several versions and then finally
with this version we could kind of you know if this was our baseline we'd
51:21: kind of brought it down to like yeah maybe just a little bit worse than
v1 right so now we had like the good
51:27: behavior and the performance was about as good as before so we were
relatively happy with this so we had another nice
51:36: trick which we wanted which was so this is in v7 and we had kept this
51:43: structure having finalized errs on all of the versions but it turns out
we didn't really need finalizer everywhere
51:50: the finalizar were there I remember for the Sentinels and the sentence
over there for the ref counts of figuring out
51:55: when you disconnected things so they could be collected because they were
no longer seeable anywhere so it became
52:03: real eyes that we could basically just use the observers for this with a
52:08: bit of extra hackery in particular we still need to make sure things are
collectible when they're totally unreachable but we can do it in a
52:15: somewhat subtler and cheaper way which is we just use the observability
data to
52:22: enforce the invariant that there are no pointers from the observed to the
unobserved world so if you see like a
52:28: connection from the observes the unobserved world which you can check
every time your observability changes you say well I'm not allowed to have
52:33: that pointer so I cut it off and if it changes in such a way that you
need to reestablish the pointer well then you
52:39: can reestablish it and it helps that you kind of are on the you have to
be on the right side to reestablish it but that's
52:45: that is in fact the case because the guy who becomes observed kind of
knows who he depends on and he tells like either
52:51: re-establish the upward pointer and this now means that the unobserved
world is
52:57: kind of free-floating it's no longer connected to the variables so if no
one is can is no one is using it then it can actually be collected so
53:04: we basically got to get rid of you you know you used to be if you had
three hundred thousand nodes in your graph you had three hundred thousand
53:10: errs and no more right now you only need you might have you know abate
53:15: hundred thousand node graph where you have ten output values and then you
only need ten finalized errs and finalizes
53:21: cost something from the from the collector so there's real value there
53:26: again and also in this version we discovered some new semantic
constraints that we hadn't realized having to do
53:32: again with bind nodes by nodes are really the complicated bit and the
thing we realized in this version is that when
53:37: a by node fires and you you create nodes and then it fires again you
create new nodes those old nodes are kind of bad it
53:44: turns out it's not safe to depend on them so you have to make sure to
kind of obsolete to kill off nodes and not allow
53:52: dependencies on those so that was a new thing we discovered in this
version but I get but the real big win for this
53:57: version was the finalize errs and it was great now it was finally like
we'd gotten down to here so that was pretty
54:04: good we were excited and we thought we were done and then the guys who
54:11: working on this von Anton Gotti and Barone and Nick Chapman who were the
main guys who were doing that all these
54:16: kind of different versions of incremental after the first few were done
by these guys and so they kind of handed it back to Stephen weeks for code
54:21: review and if you've ever met Stephen calling it code review it's like
it's more like code rewriting but he could he
54:29: wants to make it look like he wants to and in between so V 7 it was sort
of the the kind of final version of this
54:35: process but then it turns out we ended up with a v8 so why did we end up
with a v8 well between the time that we were
54:41: working on like all these versions and the time we did the final review
we had learned new things about how allocation
54:48: how much allocation costs for these kinds of programs and we've gotten
some new features in the language in
54:54: particular we got what are called generalized algebraic data types and we
and this gives you nice ways of encoding
55:01: what one calls existential x' so let me talk a little bit about this if
it sounds like we're in philosophical it
55:07: almost is but the the idea is basically this that
55:13: the the way the way incremental is initially implemented is kind of
55:18: in that you have all these different nodes remember this like a parameter
for these nodes right something might be
55:25: computing an int and something else might be computing a list of strings
may be different kinds of things in different parts but they all have to sit
55:31: in one data structure and as you know in oh camel a you know a no camel
list is parametrized in its generosity right
55:37: it's an alpha list it might have integers or strings but can't have like
a mixture of things and we kind of need
55:43: to have a mixture of things we need to be able to generally plug these
guys in so the way you do that is you create
55:48: what you might call a poor-man's object you have a little record and each
record has a bunch of values that are functions
55:55: that let you do things to the underlying object but don't expose the type
of that
56:00: object and instead of directly storing the underlying object it's this
record full of closures that you actually keep
56:07: in your data structure so this turns out to totally suck and it sucks for
two distinct reasons one reason it sucks is
56:14: it's slow like closures are relatively if they're relatively cheap but if
you allocate a bunch of that we can cost a lot in terms of memory but it is also
56:21: bad as a programming experience it's like programming with oven mitts
right you have to like mint one unique oven
56:28: mitt for every operation that you want to do and like you kind of go in
every time and do the exact thing you can do but like you can't see what's
56:33: on underneath the usual programming Sal we're used to a no camel where
you have like you know these variants and records
56:40: and nested structures that tell you exactly what's going on so you can
really operate directly on it just aren't there when you work in this in
56:46: this kind of object-oriented almost style and the thing that lets you do
what you want is a slightly richer thing
56:54: in the type system so existential basically let you talk about a thing
56:59: whose type you don't know more naturally in terms of the operations that
you have
57:04: on top of it saying like yeah I don't know what the type is but there
exists a type that it is and I can operate on it
57:10: so that helps and and generalize algebra gates give you a little bit more
expressiveness so you can sort of do a little more and just kind of writing
57:16: these things down as ordinary very as ordinary you know listed different
possibilities so it was a win in two it
57:24: was a performance win because we got rid of all these closures that we
don't really need it I know it was also a comprehensibility win the code was
57:30: much easier to understand and because of that it was a performance win
again because it turned out there were optimizations that you could do because
57:37: you could see what you was going on underneath you knew the exact
structure and names of the kind of nodes you had
57:43: so there are cases where you could do small optimizations and rewiring
zuv the graph because you knew what was going on
57:49: and so it had a bunch of different wins so what was the result of this
was like
57:55: the performance did this right like it was suddenly massively better it
58:01: shocking it was so much faster that end-user applications like serious
58:06: relatively well tuned to end-user applications were three times faster
after this changed than before right I
58:14: don't mean the library was three times faster I don't know what the
multiplier on the library itself is but the actual
58:20: applications got three times faster and the thing that this teaches you
is that these applications that you made faster
58:26: by adding incremental are in some sense now totally bounded by
incremental right
58:32: there's almost nothing left at so so if you think about it you have a
computation that's too slow to do all at
58:37: once so you make it much faster by incremental izing it but now almost
all the actual computing you're doing is the
58:44: increment is the incrementalization framework itself rather than the real
computation so the returns to improving
58:50: the incrementalization framework are really high and that's kind of what
we saw when we actually rolled this out it
58:55: was a really massive difference and in fact the thing that happened
recently is with one of the kind of trading system
59:01: front ends that used incremental was was very slow and it was using v3
from this
59:07: talk and headsman for a long time we were new cheating about getting it
fixed and yeah we had a lot of things to do is busy and finally were like okay
59:13: we'll do it and we moved it from v3 to v8 to the current production
version and it was astonishing like it was so much
59:20: faster like people said this went from like the thing that ruins my life
to the fastest application I interact with so
59:26: that was an interesting and kind of gratifying thing to see happen all
59:31: so that was a big deal so let's talk about like what there is left so now
we have this this library we
59:39: use it a lot use it for both things that are kind of compute engines and
also for user interfaces I mean starting to think
59:46: about using it even more for user interfaces so a few different things
that we've thought about is potential
59:51: future improvements and some that are in flight so one observation that
we've made recently in thinking about using
59:58: incremental as part of doing JavaScript applications of all things
because it
1:00:03: turns out you can compile a camel to JavaScript and run it in a web
browser is that you could use incremental to
1:00:11: incremental eyes the computation of what you need to show to the user
and this is
1:00:17: a thing that we've thought about doing kind of in a way that's kind of
consistent with this kind of virtual Dom approach that's become increasingly
1:00:24: popular with libraries like react which is just a kind of straight-up
JavaScript library that uses this approach and the
1:00:30: nice thing about virtual Dom is it's a way of thinking about your
1:00:36: of what people see as just a simple function from data to the thing
that's viewed and it turns out optimizing
1:00:43: simple functions is exactly what incremental is good for and so we've
thought about using it in this context
1:00:48: and one of the things that we've discovered was kind of missing an
incremental the way we started with with it as incremental is really good if you
1:00:54: have like if you have your inputs in like boom they're smashed into a
million pebbles and now you're kind of each one
1:01:00: being an incremental and now you're kind of building up from those
pebbles the computation it works really well but if
1:01:05: you start with just like a big data structure like a big functional
data structure that kind of you know a new
1:01:11: version lands and a new version lands and a new version lands it's not
clear how to bootstrap that into incremental
1:01:16: in the clean way and one of the things we're playing around with is
using adding some extra primitives to
1:01:22: incremental that'll allow us to kind of take an ordinary functional
data structure that is changing as an
1:01:27: incremental value and kind of efficiently extract information about
individual sub components by taking
1:01:34: advantage of the fact that a lot of these functional data structures
can be dipped efficiently so this uses like a
1:01:40: big an important part of this is the function there's the map data
structure which has this function symmetric diff
1:01:45: that lets you really efficiently rediscover what changes have been made
between two Maps kind of taking
1:01:51: advantage of being able to cut off that computation on physical
equality of the new map and
1:01:56: the old map so that turns out to be a kind of productive and
1:02:01: little corner of incremental and maybe gives us the ability to kind of
take these the ideas and they take these
1:02:09: techniques of building internal computations and apply them somewhat
more generally so that's one that's one
1:02:16: idea and then another idea which is somewhat older and in fact comes
from other research that has happened on on
1:02:23: previous systems that are kind of similar like there's a system called
Father Time which is a part of the kind
1:02:29: of guys who work on scheme in racket and in that system they had an
optimization which is potentially attractive called
1:02:36: lowering I think is the term they gave for it which it's almost a kind
of inlining optimization it's basically so
1:02:41: in in father time they instead of saying oh you can you can choose when
to use this incremental abstraction they just
1:02:48: use it everywhere like kind of it was baked into the fabric fabric
every time there's like an open paren you know in
1:02:53: some scheme program like there was another incremental there and that's
sort of a disaster because you have so
1:03:00: many of them that you're really swamped by the overhead of the
incremental computation and so what they did was
1:03:07: they basically used ways of choosing to kind of merge together nodes
trying to optimize by saying yeah it's not really
1:03:13: worth it to have these all broken down well it will have bigger nodes
that do bigger pieces and less less
1:03:20: incrementalization but overall better efficiency and that's the thing
you could imagine us doing as well I think the promising direction is to do a
1:03:27: of trace based optimization where you keep some statistics about how
long things take and then you can use those
1:03:34: for making decisions about how to collapse nodes so it's it's this is a
much less important optimization for us
1:03:40: because we already get to make explicit choices about where we do and
don't want to construct these nodes and so
1:03:46: programmers have a lot of direct control over the performance but it
would still be nice it would allow you to kind of throw in a lot of
1:03:53: without thinking too hard about it and then have you know some
optimizer could come back and claw back decent
1:03:59: performance for you anyway that basically covers the whole thing
1:04:06: I guess the the for me I think the the interesting there's a few
interesting things flown from this one is it's just
1:04:13: interesting how far you might need to go from the thing you read in
some paper to something you're really happy to use in
1:04:18: production and it also I think how does it there's lots of interesting
1:04:24: that you have to dig through to get to that really good implementation
like it was one of these cases where we didn't
1:04:30: say all make it better we really sat down and did a lot of
experimentation and I think the end result of that experiment is we really
understood the
1:04:36: problem well and we're able to get to an implementation that really
delivered useful things for the actual practical
1:04:42: work that we do on a day to day basis and that I think is that did
anyone any
1:04:49: final questions alright thank you
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