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Last active August 24, 2023 14:07
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JavaScript implementation of java.util.UUID's stringify
// assume x under range of signed long value
function unsignedBitShiftRight(x, n) {
if (n === 0) { return x; }
else if (x >= 0) { return x >> n; }
// convert to two's complement and then do the shifting
else { return (((1n << 64n) - 1n) ^ (- (x + 1n))) >> n; }
// lsb & msb are both BigInt
// lsb & msb taken from Java's getLeastSignificantBits & getMostSignificantBits
function toUuidString(lsb, msb) {
return `${
digits(unsignedBitShiftRight(msb, 32n), 8n)}-${
digits(unsignedBitShiftRight(msb, 16n), 4n)}-${
digits(msb, 4n)}-${
digits(unsignedBitShiftRight(lsb, 48n), 4n)}-${
digits(lsb, 12n)}`
function digits(value, ds) {
const hi = 1n << (ds * 4n)
return (hi | (value & (hi - 1n))).toString(16).slice(1)
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