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Last active November 4, 2018 12:14
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module Main where
import Graphics.Gloss
class Functor w => Comonad w where
extract :: w a -> a
extend :: (w b -> a) -> w b -> w a
duplicate :: w a -> w (w a)
duplicate = extend id
extend f = fmap f . duplicate
data Z a = Z [a] a [a]
left, right :: Z a -> Z a
left (Z (l:ls) c rs) = Z ls l (c:rs)
right (Z ls c (r:rs)) = Z (c:ls) r rs
iterate1 :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
iterate1 f = tail . iterate f
instance Functor Z where
fmap f (Z ls c rs) = Z (fmap f ls) (f c) (fmap f rs)
instance Comonad Z where
extract (Z _ a _) = a
duplicate z = Z (iterate1 left z) z (iterate1 right z)
newtype Z2 a = Z2 (Z (Z a))
instance Functor Z2 where
fmap f (Z2 zz) = Z2 (fmap (fmap f) zz)
instance Comonad Z2 where
extract (Z2 zz) = extract (extract zz)
duplicate (Z2 zz) = fmap Z2 . Z2 . roll $ roll zz where
roll :: Z (Z a) -> Z (Z (Z a))
roll zz = Z (iterate1 (fmap left) zz) zz (iterate1 (fmap right) zz)
neighbours :: Z2 Bool -> Int
neighbours (Z2 (Z
(Z (n0:_) n1 (n2: _):_)
(Z (n3:_) _ (n4:_))
(Z (n5:_) n6 (n7: _):_))) =
length $ filter id [n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7]
life :: Z2 Bool -> Bool
life z = (a && (n == 2 || n == 3)) || (not a && n == 3)
a = extract z
n = neighbours z
wWidth, wHeight :: Num a => a
wWidth = 640
wHeight = 480
type Model = Z2 Bool
draw :: Model -> Picture
draw (Z2 (Z _ _ rows)) =
let cSize = 20
cell = translate (-cSize / 2) (cSize / 2) $ rectangleSolid cSize cSize
b2c b = if b then black else white
nWidth = ceiling $ wWidth / cSize
nHeight = ceiling $ wHeight / cSize
cells = do
((Z _ _ row), h) <- zip rows [1..nHeight]
(b, w) <- zip row [1..nWidth]
let x = fromIntegral w * cSize - wWidth / 2
y = wHeight / 2 - fromIntegral h * cSize
transform = color (b2c b) . translate x y
pure $ transform cell
in mconcat cells
toZ :: a -> [a] -> Z a
toZ a xs = Z (repeat a) a (xs ++ repeat a)
toZ2 :: a -> [[a]] -> Z2 a
toZ2 a xss = Z2 $ toZ (toZ a []) (map (toZ a) xss)
main :: IO ()
main = simulate inWindow white 3 initModel draw (\_ _ -> extend life)
inWindow = InWindow "Haskell Day 2018" (wWidth, wHeight) (100, 100)
field = [ " # "
, " #"
, "###"
initModel = toZ2 False $ map (map (== '#')) field
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lotz84 commented Nov 4, 2018

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