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Created November 9, 2018 15:17
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module Main where
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game
import System.Random.MWC
vertexes :: [Point]
vertexes = [(0, 120), (-160, -120), (160, -120)]
type Model = [Point]
step :: Model -> IO Model
step [] = pure [] -- まだ点が無ければ何もしない
step ps@((x, y):_) = do
gen <- createSystemRandom -- 乱数のジェネレータを生成
i <- uniformR (0, 2) gen -- ランダムなインデックスを生成
let (vx, vy) = vertexes !! i -- ランダムな頂点の座標
pure $ ((x + vx) / 2, (y + vy) / 2) : ps -- 内分点を計算して追加する
handler :: Event -> Model -> IO Model
-- 最初に左クリックされた点を開始点とする
handler (EventKey (MouseButton LeftButton) Down _ (x, y)) [] = pure $ [(x, y)]
handler _ model = pure model -- それ以外の時は何もしない
draw :: Model -> IO Picture
draw ps =
let vCircles = map (\(x, y) -> translate x y $ circleSolid 5) $ vertexes
pCircles = map (\(x, y) -> translate x y $ circleSolid 2) $ ps
in pure $ mconcat vCircles <> mconcat pCircles
main :: IO ()
main = playIO inWindow white 24 [] draw handler (\_ -> step)
inWindow = InWindow "Haskell Day 2018" (640, 480) (100, 100)
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lotz84 commented Nov 9, 2018

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