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Last active October 16, 2016 05:36
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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Morph (hoist, generalize)
import Control.Monad.State (State, StateT)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import Data.List (genericLength)
import Data.List.Extra (chunksOf)
import Data.Time
import Numeric.AD.Mode.Kahn
import System.Random.MWC
import System.Random.Shuffle
type Input = [Double]
type Params = [Double]
type Output = Double
type Var s = AD s (Kahn Double)
toDouble :: Real a => a -> Double
toDouble = fromRational . toRational
generateTrainingData :: Int -> IO [(Input, Output)]
generateTrainingData n = do
sequence . replicate n $ do
withSystemRandom . asGenIO $ \gen -> do
x1 <- uniformR (-1, 1) gen :: IO Double
x2 <- uniformR (-1, 1) gen :: IO Double
let y = if h x1 x2 > 0 then 1 else 0
pure ([x1, x2], y)
h x y = x + y - 1
createInitialParams :: IO Params
createInitialParams = do
withSystemRandom . asGenIO $ \gen -> do
sequence . replicate 3 $ (uniformR (-1, 1) gen :: IO Double)
predictor :: [Var s] -> Input -> Var s
predictor [w1, w2, w3] [x1, x2] = 1 / (1 + exp (-phi))
where phi = w1 * auto x1 + w2 * auto x2 + w3
loss :: [Var s] -> (Input, Output) -> Var s
loss w (x, t) =
let y = predictor w x
in (-(auto t)) * log y + (auto t - 1) * log (1 - y)
totalLoss :: [Double] -> [(Input, Output)] -> Double
totalLoss w td = toDouble . sum . map (loss $ map auto w) $ td
miniBatch :: MonadIO m
=> Int -- バッチサイズ
-> [(Input, Output)] -- 教師データ
-> ((forall s. [Var s] -> Var s) -> (Params -> m Params))
-> Params-> m Params -- パラメータを更新する関数
miniBatch size trainingData updateWith w = do
tds <- liftIO $ shuffleM trainingData
let chunks = chunksOf size tds
chunkLoss chunk w = (sum $ loss w <$> chunk)
updates = map (\chunk -> updateWith $ chunkLoss chunk) chunks
foldr (>=>) pure updates $ w
(|+|), (|-|) :: Num a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
(|+|) = zipWith (+)
(|-|) = zipWith (-)
(|*|) = zipWith (*)
(|/|) = zipWith (/)
infixl 6 |+|, |-|
infixl 7 |*|, |/|
(*|) :: Num a => a -> [a] -> [a]
(*|) a xs = map (a*) xs
infixl 7 *|
gradientDescent :: Double
-> (forall s. [Var s] -> Var s) -> Params -> Params
gradientDescent alpha f ws = ws |-| (alpha *| grad f ws)
gdWithMomentum :: Double -> Double -- 学習率, 慣性係数
-> (forall s. [Var s] -> Var s)-> Params -> State [Double] Params
gdWithMomentum rate gamma f ws = do
State.modify $ \vs -> gamma *| vs |+| rate *| grad f ws
State.gets $ \vs -> ws |-| vs
nag :: Double -> Double -- 学習率, 慣性係数
-> (forall s. [Var s] -> Var s) -> Params -> State [Double] Params
nag rate gamma f ws = do
State.modify $ \vs -> gamma *| vs |+| rate *| grad f (ws |-| gamma *| vs)
State.gets $ \vs -> ws |-| vs
adagrad :: Double -- 学習率
-> (forall s. [Var s] -> Var s) -> Params -> State [Double] Params
adagrad rate f ws = do
let vs = grad f ws
State.modify $ \gs -> gs |+| map (^2) vs
State.gets $ \gs -> ws |-| rate *| vs |/| (sqrt <$> (gs |+| eps))
eps = repeat 1.0e-8
adadelta :: Double
-> (forall s. [Var s] -> Var s) -> Params -> State [(Double, Double)] Params
adadelta rho f ws = do
(ds, gs) <- State.gets unzip
let vs = grad f ws
gs' = rho *| gs |+| (1-rho) *| map (^2) vs
deltas = vs |*| (sqrt <$> ((ds |+| eps) |/| (gs' |+| eps)))
ds' = rho *| ds |+| (1-rho) *| deltas |*| deltas
State.put $ zip ds' gs'
pure $ ws |-| deltas
eps = repeat 1.0e-8
rmsprop :: Double
-> (forall s. [Var s] -> Var s) -> Params -> State [Double] Params
rmsprop rate f ws = do
let vs = grad f ws
State.modify $ \gs -> 0.9 *| gs |+| 0.1 *| map (^2) vs
State.gets $ \gs -> ws |-| rate *| vs |/| (sqrt <$> (gs |+| eps))
eps = repeat 1.0e-8
adam :: Double -> Double -> Double
-> (forall s. [Var s] -> Var s) -> Params -> State (Int, [(Double, Double)]) Params
adam rate beta1 beta2 f ws = do
(count, (ms, ds)) <- State.gets (fmap unzip)
let vs = grad f ws
ms' = beta1 *| ms |+| (1-beta1) *| vs
ds' = beta2 *| ds |+| (1-beta2) *| map (^2) vs
count' = count + 1
deltas = rate *| (ms' |/| repeat (1-beta1^count')) |/| (sqrt <$> (ds' |/| repeat (1 - beta2^count')) |+| eps)
State.put $ (count', zip ms' ds')
pure $ ws |-| deltas
eps = repeat 1.0e-8
main :: IO ()
main = do
let epoch = 100 -- エポック数
trainingData <- generateTrainingData 1000
initial <- createInitialParams
putStrLn $ "Initial parameters: " ++ show initial
putStrLn $ "Initial total loss: " ++ show (totalLoss initial trainingData)
putStrLn ""
experiment "バッチ勾配降下法" trainingData $ do
let update = miniBatch (length trainingData) trainingData (\loss w -> pure $ gradientDescent 0.01 loss w)
(foldr (>=>) pure $ replicate epoch update) initial
experiment "確率的勾配降下法" trainingData $ do
let update = miniBatch 1 trainingData (\loss w -> pure $ gradientDescent 0.01 loss w)
(foldr (>=>) pure $ replicate epoch update) $ initial
experiment "ミニバッチ勾配降下法" trainingData $ do
let update = miniBatch 50 trainingData (\loss w -> pure $ gradientDescent 0.01 loss w)
(foldr (>=>) pure $ replicate epoch update) $ initial
experiment "Momentum(慣性)" trainingData $ do
let update = miniBatch 50 trainingData (\loss w -> hoist generalize $ gdWithMomentum 0.01 0.9 loss w)
flip State.evalStateT [0, 0, 0] $ (foldr (>=>) pure $ replicate epoch update) initial
experiment "Nesterovの加速勾配降下法" trainingData $ do
let update = miniBatch 50 trainingData (\loss w -> hoist generalize $ nag 0.01 0.9 loss w)
flip State.evalStateT [0, 0, 0] $ (foldr (>=>) pure $ replicate epoch update) initial
experiment "Adagrad" trainingData $ do
let update = miniBatch 50 trainingData (\loss w -> hoist generalize $ adagrad 0.01 loss w)
flip State.evalStateT [0, 0, 0] $ (foldr (>=>) pure $ replicate epoch update) initial
experiment "Adadelta" trainingData $ do
let update = miniBatch 50 trainingData (\loss w -> hoist generalize $ adadelta 0.95 loss w)
flip State.evalStateT [(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)] $ (foldr (>=>) pure $ replicate epoch update) initial
experiment "RMSprop" trainingData $ do
let update = miniBatch 50 trainingData (\loss w -> hoist generalize $ rmsprop 0.001 loss w)
flip State.evalStateT [0, 0, 0] $ (foldr (>=>) pure $ replicate epoch update) initial
experiment "Adam" trainingData $ do
let update = miniBatch 50 trainingData (\loss w -> hoist generalize $ adam 0.001 0.9 0.999 loss w)
flip State.evalStateT (0, [(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)]) $ (foldr (>=>) pure $ replicate epoch update) initial
experiment :: String -> [(Input, Output)] -> IO Params -> IO ()
experiment title trainingData training = do
putStrLn title
putStrLn $ replicate 40 '-'
start <- getCurrentTime
learned <- training
putStrLn $ "Learned parameters: " ++ show learned
end <- getCurrentTime
putStrLn $ "Final total loss: " ++ show (totalLoss learned trainingData)
putStrLn $ "Time: " ++ show (diffUTCTime end start)
putStrLn ""
name: x-sgd
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >=1.10
executable app
hs-source-dirs: app
main-is: Main.hs
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
build-depends: base
, time
, extra
, mtl
, mmorph
, mwc-random
, random-shuffle
, ad
default-language: Haskell2010
Initial parameters: [-0.2109002859956821,-0.7472215390933672,0.1279927949794184]
Initial total loss: 851.9460485831221
Learned parameters: [7.341714362217305,7.004903775629043,-7.493096245550326]
Final total loss: 53.383585155878194
Time: 6.31818s
Learned parameters: [7.258200613808301,6.92452611425834,-7.407920594577997]
Final total loss: 53.99831971478062
Time: 3.785089s
Learned parameters: [7.26634189705081,6.9321004662588805,-7.399471377592351]
Final total loss: 53.98624370279099
Time: 3.798387s
Learned parameters: [15.927673309491524,15.500967470448142,-16.032998990400852]
Final total loss: 24.99592706328587
Time: 3.849795s
Learned parameters: [15.922508536026339,15.488071799588825,-15.908699325553314]
Final total loss: 25.08924809475623
Time: 3.878567s
Learned parameters: [0.4746285755128946,1.433774226124509e-2,-0.6531383867679561]
Final total loss: 470.1318101936902
Time: 3.927045s
Learned parameters: [0.5686946094452934,0.25433904327629,-1.0225396232571826]
Final total loss: 379.91595005544406
Time: 3.92515s
Learned parameters: [1.3814916523926128,1.102867413655655,-1.788353626452354]
Final total loss: 236.21422191680716
Time: 3.956204s
Learned parameters: [1.0630007467446652,0.7124753136414661,-1.34321667536241]
Final total loss: 296.40278151073596
Time: 3.830224s
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