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Last active September 16, 2018 03:48
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
import Data.NumInstances.Tuple
import GHC.TypeLits
import Numeric.Backprop
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static (randn, randomVector, RandDist(..), vec2)
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static.Backprop hiding (vec2)
-- 3.1 自動微分
data D a = D a a
dual :: D a -> a
dual (D _ a) = a
lift :: Num a => a -> D a
lift a = D a 0
partial :: Num a => a -> D a
partial a = D a 1
instance Num a => Num (D a) where
(D x x') + (D y y') = D (x + y) (x' + y')
(D x x') * (D y y') = D (x * y) (x' * y + x * y')
negate (D x x') = D (negate x) (negate x')
abs (D x x') = D (abs x) (x' * (signum x))
signum (D x x') = D (signum x) 0
fromInteger n = D (fromInteger n) 0
instance Fractional a => Fractional (D a) where
recip (D x x') = D (recip x) (-1 * x' * (recip (x * x)))
fromRational x = D (fromRational x) 0
instance Floating a => Floating (D a) where
pi = D pi 0
exp (D x x') = D (exp x) (x' * exp x)
log (D x x') = D (log x) (x' / x)
sin (D x x') = D (sin x) (x' * cos x)
cos (D x x') = D (cos x) (- x' * sin x)
asin (D x x') = D (asin x) (x' / (sqrt(1 - x ** 2)))
acos (D x x') = D (acos x) (- x' / (sqrt(1 - x ** 2)))
atan (D x x') = D (atan x) (x' / (1 + x ** 2))
sinh (D x x') = D (sinh x) (x' * cosh x)
cosh (D x x') = D (cosh x) (x' * sinh x)
asinh (D x x') = D (asinh x) (x' / (sqrt(1 + x ** 2)))
acosh (D x x') = D (acosh x) (x' / (sqrt(x ** 2 - 1)))
atanh (D x x') = D (atanh x) (x' / (1 - x ** 2))
f :: Floating a => a -> a -> a -> a
f a b c = a * b ** 2 + sin c
-- 3.2 可微分プログラミング
type Model p x y = forall z. Reifies z W
=> BVar z p
-> BVar z x
-> BVar z y
linReg :: Model (Double, Double) Double Double
linReg (T2 a b) x = b * x + a
lossGrad :: (Backprop p, Backprop y, Num y)
=> Model p x y
-> x -- 入力データ
-> y -- 出力データ
-> p -- パラメータ
-> p -- パラメータによる勾配
lossGrad f x y = gradBP $ \p -> (f p (auto x) - auto y) ^ 2
trainModel :: (Fractional p, Backprop p, Num y, Backprop y)
=> Model p x y -- 学習モデル
-> p -- 初期パラメータ
-> [(x,y)] -- 観測データ
-> p -- 更新後のパラメータ
trainModel f = foldl $ \p (x,y) -> p - 0.1 * lossGrad f x y p
-- 4 ニューラルネットワークを実装する
logistic :: Floating a => a -> a
logistic x = 1 / (1 + exp (-x))
dense :: (KnownNat i, KnownNat o) => Model (L o i, R o) (R i) (R o)
dense (T2 w b) x = w #> x + b
perceptron :: (KnownNat i, KnownNat o) => Model _ (R i) (R o)
perceptron p = logistic . dense p
-- 4.1 多層パーセプトロン
(<~) :: (Backprop p, Backprop q)
=> Model p b c
-> Model q a b
-> Model (p, q) a c
(f <~ g) (T2 p q) = f p . g q
infixr 8 <~
model :: (KnownNat i, KnownNat o) => Model _ (R i) (R o)
model = perceptron @4 <~ perceptron
main :: IO ()
main = do
iW1 <- randn :: IO (L 1 4)
iW2 <- randn :: IO (L 4 2)
let iB1 = randomVector 0 Gaussian :: R 1
iB2 = randomVector 0 Gaussian :: R 4
samples = [(vec2 0 0, 0), (vec2 1 0, 1), (vec2 0 1, 1), (vec2 1 1, 0)]
trained = trainModel model ((iW1, iB1), (iW2, iB2)) $ take 10000 (cycle samples)
print $ evalBP2 model trained (vec2 0 0)
print $ evalBP2 model trained (vec2 0 1)
print $ evalBP2 model trained (vec2 1 0)
print $ evalBP2 model trained (vec2 1 1)
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