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Created December 18, 2021 00:13
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from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import reduce
import uuid
test = False
file = 'data/task9test.txt' if test else 'data/task9.txt'
class Basin:
nodes: list
basinName: str
def __init__(self):
self.nodes = list()
def __repr__(self):
return "Basin: {} Nodes:{}".format(self.basinName,self.nodes)
class Node:
depth: int
basin: Basin
id: str
def __init__(self, depth=9, basin=None):
self.depth = depth
self.basin = basin = str(uuid.uuid4())
def __repr__(self):
lbasinName = self.basin.basinName if self.basin is not None else "None"
return "Depth: {}\tBasin: {}".format(self.depth,lbasinName)
basins = []
with open(file) as f:
depthmap = [[Node(int(x)) for x in list(y)] for y in]
risk = 0
def getLeftNeighbor(node: Node):
return getNeighbor(node,"LEFT")
def getRightNeighbor(node: Node):
return getNeighbor(node,"RIGHT")
def getUpNeighbor(node: Node):
return getNeighbor(node,"UP")
def getDownNeighbor(node: Node):
return getNeighbor(node,"DOWN")
def getNeighbor(node: Node,direction):
ymax = len(depthmap)-1
xmax = len(depthmap[0])-1
nodeCoords = [(i, line.index(node)) for i, line in enumerate(depthmap) if node in line][0]
if nodeCoords[0] == ymax and direction=='DOWN':
return Node(9)
if nodeCoords[0] == 0 and direction=='UP':
return Node(9)
if nodeCoords[1] == xmax and direction=='RIGHT':
return Node(9)
if nodeCoords[1] == 0 and direction=='LEFT':
return Node(9)
if direction=='LEFT':
return depthmap[nodeCoords[0]][nodeCoords[1]-1]
elif direction=='RIGHT':
return depthmap[nodeCoords[0]][nodeCoords[1]+1]
elif direction=='UP':
return depthmap[nodeCoords[0]-1][nodeCoords[1]]
elif direction=='DOWN':
return depthmap[nodeCoords[0]+1][nodeCoords[1]]
def checkBasin(node: Node):
global basins
#quit if max depth or if we have a basin
if node.depth == 9 or node.basin is not None:
#get neighbors
left = getLeftNeighbor(node)
right = getRightNeighbor(node)
up = getUpNeighbor(node)
down = getDownNeighbor(node)
#assign a basin
if down.basin is None and up.basin is None and right.basin is None and left.basin is None:
newBasin = Basin()
node.basin = newBasin
elif down.basin is not None:
node.basin = down.basin
elif up.basin is not None:
node.basin = up.basin
elif left.basin is not None:
node.basin = left.basin
elif right.basin is not None:
node.basin = right.basin
#Check if surrounding nodes are part of basin
if left.depth != 9 and left.basin is None:
if right.depth != 9 and right.basin is None:
if up.depth != 9 and up.basin is None:
if down.depth != 9 and down.basin is None:
for y in range(len(depthmap)):
for x in range(len(depthmap[0])):
val = depthmap[y][x]
scores = []
for basin in basins:
top3 = sorted(scores, reverse=True)[:3]
final = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, top3)
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