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Created July 10, 2019 20:33
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Jetpack Compose and how did we end up here?


  • The birth of modern smartphones
  • React is taking over the world
  • Reacting to React
  • How does Jetpack Compose fit into the picture

The birth of modern smartphone


  • 2007
  • It literally change the world
  • Make "apps a thing"
  • Originally they don't want 3rd party native apps

Android (& Java)

  • 2008
  • Started in 2003, acquired by Google in 2005
  • Pivot away from Blackberry-esq, towards iPhone-esq
  • Basically Java SE 6, minue Swing/JavaFX/a bunch of other API

React is taking over the world

  • 2013

Web in late 2000s

  • Web app is not that common (because it was hard)
    • With HTML/CSS/JS (Ajax)
      • (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari) x (Desktop, Mobile)
      • Old HTML & CSS & JS are quite limited
        • CSS: Sass, Less
        • JS: Underscore, Lodash, jQuery
        • HTML: 🤷‍
    • Flash
      • Don't work well on mobile
      • Never work on iOS

What makes React special

  • Perfect timing
    • Desktop browsers got a lot better with HTML5
      • Safari for Windows is dead (2012)
      • Opera adopt Chrome (2013)
      • Windows 7 (2009) gets mainstream with IE9 (2011)
    • Android & iOS become obvious leaders of the market
      • Chrome for Android (2012)
    • CSS3 makes styling stuff easier
    • ECMAScript 5 JS reached desktop browsers
    • Node.js (2009)
  • Declartive UI is now easy
    • TBC

What is Declarative UI and what makes it special?

  • e.g.: SQL
  • Apply the same logic to creating UI
    • just say what the UI should look like, and how it should behave
    • Some magic will tell you exactly that
  • Why people like it?
    • Hide complex mental model: event listener, bi-directional data flow, etc.
      • More time on reaching your goal, less time on tinkering with details
      • Analogy: GC is good enough -> less time dealing with memory leaks
    • Introduce simple mental model: UI = f(state)
      • Everything is a Component
      • Props & State
      • (copy some points from the og React video)

What makes React special (cont.)

  • "It's from facebook, so it probably pretty good"
  • Heavily leaning on proven technologies
    • Node.js & npm

Reacting to React


  • Angular (2)
  • Vue
  • Litho

To-be-app-dev: React Native

  • 2015
  • People really like Declartive UI
  • "Website disguise as an app" still sucks, even in 2019
  • What if the code looks like React, but is powered by platform-specific UI?

Google: Flutter

  • 2017
  • Learn from React: People love Declaritive UI
  • Learn from React Native: Relying on each platform = chasing moving goal post
  • Solution: Write a new one from scratch
  • Redesign API with Material Design in mind

React: React Hooks

  • 2018 (5 years after og React)
  • Learn from React
  • Declartive UI is fine, but how to get there can be improve
  • (TODO insert more stuff from react hooks)

Apple: SwiftUI (Beta)

  • 2019
  • (In development since 2015)
  • struct-base

Google(round 2): Jetpack Compose (Not even alpha)

  • 2019
  • (In development since 2018)
  • function-based

How does Jetpack Compose fit into the picture

  • From React
    • Declaritive UI
    • Hook-inspire API
  • Flutter
    • Low-level but not that low-level
      • Graphics API is stable enough to work with
    • High-level API design
      • Style as a component
      • Text & Font & everything
  • Old Android API
    • What NOT to do with state
    • Composition > Inheritence
  • Android community
    • Kotlin (& Java 8)
    • Functional Programming
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