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Created June 27, 2017 05:27
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* Client 1 Server Client 2
* Create an RTC object
* Create offer
* set localdescription = offer Create RTC object
* send offer -------------------> ------>set remote description to offer
* Create answer
* local description = answer
* set remote description<-------- <------send answer
* This goes both directions:
* onicecandidate send ----------> ------>set ICE candidate
* Connection done!
var dc;
// Create a new connection to our signalling server.
var serverConnection = new WebSocket('ws://');
* Process any messages we receive from the signalling server.
serverConnection.onmessage = function(message) {
console.log('Received message from the server');
var signal = JSON.parse(;
if(signal.sdp) {
console.log('Server sent SDP signal');
peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(signal.sdp), function() {
if(signal.sdp.type == 'offer') {
peerConnection.createAnswer(descriptionHandler, createAnswerError);
} else if( {
console.log('Server sent ICE signal');
peerConnection.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(;
// Setup our peer config and create a new peer connection.
var peerConnectionConfig = {'iceServers': [{'url': ''}, {'url': ''}]};
var options = {
optional: [
{DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement: true},
{RtpDataChannels: true} //required for Firefox
var peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(peerConnectionConfig, options);
* When we receive the ICE candidate.
peerConnection.onicecandidate = function(event) {
console.log('Received ICE candidate:', event);
if(event.candidate != null) {
serverConnection.send(JSON.stringify({ 'ice': event.candidate }));
* Create the local offer.
function createOffer() {
// Create our data channel
dc = peerConnection.createDataChannel("messages");
dc.onmessage = function (event) {
console.log("received: " +;
dc.onopen = function () {
console.log("datachannel open");
var readyState = dc.readyState;
if (readyState == "open") {
dc.onclose = function () {
console.log("datachannel close");
peerConnection.createOffer(descriptionHandler, createOfferErrorHandler);
* Handles description.
function descriptionHandler(description) {
peerConnection.setLocalDescription(description, function() {
console.log('Sending description to the server');
serverConnection.send(JSON.stringify({ 'sdp': description }));
}, function() { console.log('Set description error') });
function createOfferErrorHandler(error) {
function createAnswerError(error) {
console.log('createAnswer() error: ', e);
function sendMsg() {
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