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Last active June 18, 2018 13:05
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Concurrently interpret polymorphic variant of commands
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- Example of interpreting using polymorphic variant
-- with the help of ContT and State
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Diverse.Lens
import qualified Data.DList as DL
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Tagged
import qualified UnliftIO.Concurrent as U
-- | NB. Data.Diverse imports @Which (xs :: [Type])@
-- which is a polymorphic variant
-- | NB. Data.Diverse.Lens imports the following
-- @
-- class AsFacet a s where
-- facet :: Prism' s a
-- @
-- The polymorphic variant 'Which' has
-- AsFacet instances for all the types in the variant typelist.
-- Commands
-- | Define data type to encapsulate the parameters required for effects.
-- If an an effect "returns" a value (eg GetLine),
-- then the last arg is a continuation that returns the next command "command".
-- Eg (String -> cmd)
-- I don't need to derive Functor, but I do it to show
-- that the data type has the same shape as for Free Monads.
data IOEffect next
-- PutStrLn is effect with an () return value.
= PutStrLn String
-- GetLine is an effect with a String return value.
-- Requires continuation that does something with the return.
| GetLine (String -> next)
deriving Functor
instance Show (IOEffect c) where
showsPrec d (PutStrLn s) = showParen (d >= 11) $ showString "PutStrLn " . shows s
showsPrec _ (GetLine _) = showString "GetLine"
-- | Another DSL for other effects
data HelloWorldEffect
= HelloWorld
| ByeWorld
instance Show HelloWorldEffect where
showsPrec _ HelloWorld = showString "HelloWorld"
showsPrec _ ByeWorld = showString "ByeWorld"
-- | Define the sum of all variants
type AppCmd' cmd = Which '[[cmd], ConcurCmd cmd, IOEffect cmd, HelloWorldEffect]
-- | Add a newtype wrapper to allow recursive definition
newtype AppCmd = AppCmd { unAppCmd :: AppCmd' AppCmd}
deriving Show
-- | Define AsFacet instances for all types in the variant
-- UndecidableInstances!
instance (AsFacet a (AppCmd' AppCmd)) => AsFacet a AppCmd where
facet = iso unAppCmd AppCmd . facet
-- Command utilties
-- | convert a request type to a command type.
-- This is used for commands that doesn't have a continuation.
-- Ie. commands that doesn't "returns" a value from running an effect.
-- Use 'command'' for commands that require a continuation ("returns" a value).
command :: (AsFacet c cmd) => c -> cmd
command = review facet
-- | A variation of 'command' for commands with a type variable @cmd@,
-- which is usually commands that are containers of command,
-- or commands that require a continuation
-- Eg. commands that "returns" a value from running an effect.
command' :: (AsFacet (c cmd) cmd) => c cmd -> cmd
command' = review facet
-- | Add a command to the list of commands for this state tick.
-- I basically want a Writer monad, but I'm using a State monad
-- because but I also want to use it inside a ContT which only has an instance of MonadState.
post :: (MonadState (DL.DList cmd) m) => cmd -> m ()
post c = id %= (`DL.snoc` c)
-- | @'postcmd' = 'post' . 'command'@
postcmd :: (MonadState (DL.DList cmd) m, AsFacet c cmd) => c -> m ()
postcmd = post . command
-- | @'postcmd'' = 'post' . 'command''@
postcmd' :: (MonadState (DL.DList cmd) m, AsFacet (c cmd) cmd) => c cmd -> m ()
postcmd' = post . command'
-- | Converts a State list of commands to a single command
codify :: AsFacet [cmd] cmd => State (DL.DList cmd) () -> cmd
codify = command' @[] . DL.toList . (`execState` mempty)
-- | This converts a command that requires a handler into a ContT monad so that the do notation
-- can be used to compose the handler for that command.
-- 'conclude' is used inside an 'inquire' block.
conclude :: (AsFacet (c cmd) cmd, AsFacet [cmd] cmd) => ((a -> cmd) -> c cmd) -> ContT () (State (DL.DList cmd)) a
conclude m = ContT $ \k -> postcmd' $ m (codify . k)
-- | Adds the ContT monad's commands into the 'MonadState' of commands.
-- 'inquire' is used to start usages of 'conclude'.
inquire :: MonadState (DL.DList cmd) m => ContT () (State (DL.DList cmd)) () -> m ()
inquire = (\s -> id %= (<> execState s mempty)) . evalContT
-- Interpreter utilties
maybeExec :: (Applicative m, AsFacet a c) => (a -> m b) -> c -> MaybeT m b
maybeExec k y = MaybeT . sequenceA $ k <$> preview facet y
-- IO interpreter
execIOEffect :: MonadIO m => (cmd -> m ()) -> IOEffect cmd -> m ()
execIOEffect _ (PutStrLn str) = liftIO $ putStrLn str
execIOEffect exec (GetLine k) = liftIO getLine >>= exec . k
execHelloWorldEffect :: MonadIO m => HelloWorldEffect -> m ()
execHelloWorldEffect HelloWorld = liftIO $ putStrLn "Hello, world!"
execHelloWorldEffect ByeWorld = liftIO $ putStrLn "Bye, world!"
-- | Combine interpreters
execEffects_ ::
( AsFacet [cmd] cmd
, AsFacet (IOEffect cmd) cmd
, AsFacet HelloWorldEffect cmd
, AsConcur cmd
, Show cmd
, MonadUnliftIO m
=> (cmd -> m ()) -> cmd -> MaybeT m ()
execEffects_ exec c =
maybeExec (traverse_ @[] exec) c
<|> maybeExec (execConcurCmd exec) c
<|> maybeExec (execIOEffect exec) c
<|> maybeExec execHelloWorldEffect c
-- | Tie execEffects_ with itself to get the final interpreter
execEffects ::
( AsFacet [cmd] cmd
, AsFacet (IOEffect cmd) cmd
, AsFacet HelloWorldEffect cmd
, AsConcur cmd
, Show cmd
, MonadUnliftIO m
=> cmd -> m ()
execEffects = void . runMaybeT . execEffects_ execEffects
-- Test interpreter
data Output
data Input
-- Some interpreters need to be an instance of MonadUniftIO,
-- which limits the transformer stack to ReaderT.
testIOEffect ::
( MonadReader r m
, Has (Tagged Output (TVar [String])) r
, Has (Tagged Input (TVar [String])) r
, MonadIO m
=> (cmd -> m ()) -> IOEffect cmd -> m ()
testIOEffect _ (PutStrLn str) = do
xs <- view (itemTag' @Output)
liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' xs (\xs' -> ("PutStrLn " <> show str) : xs')
testIOEffect exec (GetLine k) = do
xs <- view (itemTag' @Output)
ys <- view (itemTag' @Input)
y <- liftIO $ atomically $ do
ys' <- readTVar ys
let (y, ys'') = case ys' of
(h : t) -> (h, t)
_ -> ("Unexpected GetLine!", [])
writeTVar ys ys''
modifyTVar' xs (\xs' -> show y <> " <- GetLine" : xs')
pure y
exec $ k y
testHelloWorldEffect ::
( MonadReader r m
, Has (Tagged Output (TVar [String])) r
, MonadIO m
=> HelloWorldEffect -> m ()
testHelloWorldEffect HelloWorld = do
xs <- view (itemTag' @Output)
liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' xs (\xs' -> "Hello World" : xs')
testHelloWorldEffect ByeWorld = do
xs <- view (itemTag' @Output)
liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' xs (\xs' -> "Bye, World" : xs')
-- | Combine test interpreters
testEffects_ ::
( MonadReader r m
, Has (Tagged Output (TVar [String])) r
, Has (Tagged Input (TVar [String])) r
, MonadUnliftIO m
, AsFacet [cmd] cmd
, AsFacet (IOEffect cmd) cmd
, AsFacet HelloWorldEffect cmd
, AsConcur cmd
, Show cmd
=> (cmd -> m ()) -> cmd -> MaybeT m ()
testEffects_ exec c =
maybeExec (traverse_ @[] exec) c
<|> maybeExec (execConcurCmd exec) c
<|> maybeExec (testIOEffect exec) c
<|> maybeExec testHelloWorldEffect c
-- | Tie testEffects_ with itself to get the final interpreter
testEffects ::
( MonadReader r m
, Has (Tagged Output (TVar [String])) r
, Has (Tagged Input (TVar [String])) r
, MonadUnliftIO m
, AsFacet [cmd] cmd
, AsFacet (IOEffect cmd) cmd
, AsFacet HelloWorldEffect cmd
, AsConcur cmd
, Show cmd
=> cmd -> m ()
testEffects = void . runMaybeT . testEffects_ testEffects
-- programs
ioProgram :: (AsFacet (IOEffect cmd) cmd, AsFacet [cmd] cmd, MonadState (DL.DList cmd) m) => m ()
ioProgram = do
postcmd' $ PutStrLn "Write two things"
inquire $ do
-- Use the continuation monad to compose the function to pass into GetLine
a1 <- conclude GetLine
a2 <- conclude GetLine
-- Do something monadic/different based on the return value.
case a1 of
"secret" -> postcmd' $ PutStrLn "Easter egg!"
_ -> do
postcmd' $ PutStrLn "Write something else"
-- more GetLine input
b <- conclude GetLine
postcmd' $ PutStrLn $ "You wrote: (" <> a1 <> ", " <> a2 <> ") then " <> b
-- | using only concur
ioProgramWithOnlyConcur ::
( AsFacet (IOEffect cmd) cmd
, AsConcur cmd
, MonadState (DL.DList cmd) m) => m ()
ioProgramWithOnlyConcur = do
postcmd' $ PutStrLn "Write two things"
postcmd' $ concurringly_ $ do
-- Use the Concur monad to batch two GetLines concurrently
a1 <- concur GetLine
a2 <- concur GetLine
-- Do something monadic/different based on the return value.
case a1 of
"secret" -> postcmd' $ PutStrLn "Easter egg!"
_ -> do
postcmd' $ PutStrLn "Write something else"
-- more GetLine input
b <- concur GetLine
postcmd' $ PutStrLn $ "You wrote: (" <> a1 <> ", " <> a2 <> ") then " <> b
-- | using concur & cont together
ioProgramWithConcur ::
( AsFacet (IOEffect cmd) cmd
, AsConcur cmd
, AsFacet [cmd] cmd
, MonadState (DL.DList cmd) m) => m ()
ioProgramWithConcur = do
postcmd' $ PutStrLn "Write two things"
inquire $ do
(a1, a2) <- conclude . concurringly $ do
-- Use the Concur monad to batch two GetLines concurrently
a1 <- concur GetLine
a2 <- concur GetLine
pure (a1, a2)
-- Do something monadic/different based on the return value.
case a1 of
"secret" -> postcmd' $ PutStrLn "Easter egg!"
_ -> do
postcmd' $ PutStrLn "Write something else"
-- more GetLine input
b <- conclude GetLine
postcmd' $ PutStrLn $ "You wrote: (" <> a1 <> ", " <> a2 <> ") then " <> b
-- | Program using both effects
program ::
( AsFacet HelloWorldEffect cmd
, AsFacet (IOEffect cmd) cmd
, AsFacet [cmd] cmd
, MonadState (DL.DList cmd) m
) => m ()
program = do
postcmd HelloWorld
postcmd ByeWorld
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- reduce the program to the list of commands
let cs :: [AppCmd]
cs = DL.toList $ (`execState` mempty) ioProgramWithConcur
-- interpret the program commands with preconfigured inputs
is <- newTVarIO ["secret", "y", "z"]
os <- newTVarIO ([] :: [String])
(`runReaderT` (Tagged @Input is, Tagged @Output os)) $ testEffects $ command' @[] cs
is' <- readTVarIO is
os' <- readTVarIO os
putStrLn $ "Unconsumed input: " <> show is'
putStrLn $ "Effects executed: " <> show (reverse os')
-- interpret the program commands interactively
execEffects $ command' @[] cs
-- Batch independant commands
-- | Adds a handler to polymorphic commands that produce a value
data Cmd f cmd where
Cmd :: Show (f a) => f a -> (a -> cmd) -> Cmd f cmd
Cmd_ :: Show (f ()) => f () -> Cmd f cmd
instance Show (Cmd f cmd) where
showsPrec p (Cmd f _) = showParen (p >= 11) $
showString "Cmd " . shows f
showsPrec p (Cmd_ f) = showParen (p >= 11) $
showString "Cmd_ " . shows f
type AsConcur cmd = (AsFacet (ConcurCmd cmd) cmd)
type ConcurCmd cmd = Cmd (Concur cmd) cmd
-- | This monad is intended to be used with @ApplicativeDo@ to allow do notation
-- for composing commands that can be run concurrently.
-- The 'Applicative' instance can merge multiple commands into the internal state of @DList c@.
-- The 'Monad' instance creates a 'ConcurCmd' command before continuing the bind.
newtype Concur c a = Concur
-- The base IO doesn't block (only does newEmptyMVar), but the returns an IO that blocks.
{ runConcur :: StateT (DL.DList c) MkMVar (IO a)
instance Show (Concur c a) where
showsPrec _ _ = showString "Concur"
-- | NB. Don't export MkMVar constructor to guarantee
-- that that it only contains non-blocking 'newEmptyMVar' IO.
newtype MkMVar a = MkMVar (IO a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
mkNewEmptyMVar :: MkMVar (MVar a)
mkNewEmptyMVar = MkMVar newEmptyMVar
unMkMVar :: MkMVar a -> IO a
unMkMVar (MkMVar m) = m
-- | Allows usages of 'concur' inside a 'concurringly' block.
-- This resuls in a command that requires a handler, which may be used by 'conclude'
concurringly :: Concur cmd a -> (a -> cmd) -> ConcurCmd cmd
concurringly = Cmd
-- | Allows usages of 'concur' inside a 'concurring' block.
-- This results in a command that doesn't require a handler and may be 'postcmd''ed.
concurringly_ :: Concur cmd () -> ConcurCmd cmd
concurringly_ = Cmd_
instance (AsConcur cmd) => MonadState (DL.DList cmd) (Concur cmd) where
state m = Concur $ pure <$> state m
instance Functor (Concur cmd) where
fmap f (Concur m) = Concur $ fmap f <$> m
-- | Applicative instand allows building up list of commands without blocking
instance Applicative (Concur cmd) where
pure = Concur . pure . pure
(Concur f) <*> (Concur a) = Concur $ liftA2 (<*>) f a
-- Monad instance can't build commands without blocking.
instance (AsConcur cmd) => Monad (Concur cmd) where
(Concur m) >>= k = Concur $ do
m' <- m -- get the blocking io action while updating the state
v <- lift mkNewEmptyMVar
postcmd' $ concurringly (Concur $ pure m')
(\a -> command' $ concurringly (k a)
(\b -> command' $ concurringly_ (Concur $ pure $ putMVar v b)))
pure $ takeMVar v
-- | Concurrent version of 'conclude'. Converts a command that requires a handler to a Concur monad
-- so that the do notation can be used to compose the handler for that command.
-- The Concur monad allows schedule the command in concurrently with other 'concur'red commands.
-- 'concur' is used inside an 'concurringly' or 'concurringly_' block.
concur :: (AsConcur cmd, AsFacet (c cmd) cmd) => ((a -> cmd) -> c cmd) -> Concur cmd a
concur k = Concur $ do
v <- lift mkNewEmptyMVar
postcmd' $ k (\a -> command' $ concurringly_ (Concur $ pure $ putMVar v a))
pure $ takeMVar v
execCommandsConcurrently ::
(MonadUnliftIO m, Show cmd)
=> (cmd -> m ())
-> [cmd]
-> m ()
execCommandsConcurrently exec cs = do
if length cs /= 0
then liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Concurrently executing: " <> show cs
else pure ()
traverse_ (void . U.forkIO . exec) cs
-- | The @toIO@ arg is analogous to @Control.Monad.IO.Unlift.unliftIO@
-- which essentially limits the @m@ monad to ReaderT and IdentityT transformers on top of IO.
execConcurCmd ::
(MonadUnliftIO m, Show cmd)
=> (cmd -> m ())
-> ConcurCmd cmd
-> m ()
execConcurCmd exec cmd = do
case cmd of
(Cmd (Concur m) k) -> do
ma <- execConcurCmd_ exec m
-- Now run the blocking io, which produces the final command
a <- liftIO ma
exec (k a)
(Cmd_ (Concur m)) -> do
ma <- execConcurCmd_ exec m
-- Now run the blocking io, which produces the final command
liftIO ma
execConcurCmd_ exec' m = do
-- get the list of commands to run
(ma, cs) <- liftIO $ unMkMVar $ runStateT m mempty
-- run the batched commands in separate threads
execCommandsConcurrently exec' (DL.toList cs)
pure ma
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