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Last active January 29, 2024 02:26
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Complex neon button
class NeonIndication(private val shape: Shape, private val borderWidth: Dp) : Indication {
override fun rememberUpdatedInstance(interactionSource: InteractionSource): IndicationInstance {
// key the remember against interactionSource, so if it changes we create a new instance
val instance = remember(interactionSource) {
// Double the border size for a stronger press effect
borderWidth * 2
LaunchedEffect(interactionSource) {
interactionSource.interactions.collect { interaction ->
when (interaction) {
is PressInteraction.Press -> instance.animateToPressed(interaction.pressPosition, this)
is PressInteraction.Release -> instance.animateToResting(this)
is PressInteraction.Cancel -> instance.animateToResting(this)
return instance
private class NeonIndicationInstance(
private val shape: Shape,
private val borderWidth: Dp
) : IndicationInstance {
var currentPressPosition: Offset = Offset.Zero
val animatedProgress = Animatable(0f)
val animatedPressAlpha = Animatable(1f)
var pressedAnimation: Job? = null
var restingAnimation: Job? = null
fun animateToPressed(pressPosition: Offset, scope: CoroutineScope) {
val currentPressedAnimation = pressedAnimation
pressedAnimation = scope.launch {
// Finish any existing animations, in case of a new press while we are still showing
// an animation for a previous one
currentPressPosition = pressPosition
animatedProgress.animateTo(1f, tween(450))
fun animateToResting(scope: CoroutineScope) {
restingAnimation = scope.launch {
// Wait for the existing press animation to finish if it is still ongoing
animatedPressAlpha.animateTo(0f, tween(250))
override fun ContentDrawScope.drawIndication() {
val (startPosition, endPosition) = calculateGradientStartAndEndFromPressPosition(
currentPressPosition, size
val brush = animateBrush(
startPosition = startPosition,
endPosition = endPosition,
progress = animatedProgress.value
val alpha = animatedPressAlpha.value
val outline = shape.createOutline(size, layoutDirection, this)
// Draw overlay on top of content
outline = outline,
brush = brush,
alpha = alpha * 0.1f
// Draw border on top of overlay
outline = outline,
brush = brush,
alpha = alpha,
style = Stroke(width = borderWidth.toPx())
* Calculates a gradient start / end where start is the point on the bounding rectangle of
* size [size] that intercepts with the line drawn from the center to [pressPosition],
* and end is the intercept on the opposite end of that line.
private fun calculateGradientStartAndEndFromPressPosition(
pressPosition: Offset,
size: Size
): Pair<Offset, Offset> {
// Convert to offset from the center
val offset = pressPosition -
// y = mx + c, c is 0, so just test for x and y to see where the intercept is
val gradient = offset.y / offset.x
// We are starting from the center, so halve the width and height - convert the sign
// to match the offset
val width = (size.width / 2f) * sign(offset.x)
val height = (size.height / 2f) * sign(offset.y)
val x = height / gradient
val y = gradient * width
// Figure out which intercept lies within bounds
val intercept = if (abs(y) <= abs(height)) {
Offset(width, y)
} else {
Offset(x, height)
// Convert back to offsets from 0,0
val start = intercept +
val end = Offset(size.width - start.x, size.height - start.y)
return start to end
private fun animateBrush(
startPosition: Offset,
endPosition: Offset,
progress: Float
): Brush {
if (progress == 0f) return TransparentBrush
// This is *expensive* - we are doing a lot of allocations on each animation frame. To
// recreate a similar effect in a performant way, it would be better to create one large
// gradient and translate it on each frame, instead of creating a whole new gradient
// and shader. The current approach will be janky!
val colorStops = buildList {
when {
progress < 1/6f -> {
val adjustedProgress = progress * 6f
add(0f to Blue)
add(adjustedProgress to Color.Transparent)
progress < 2/6f -> {
val adjustedProgress = (progress - 1/6f) * 6f
add(0f to Purple)
add(adjustedProgress * MaxBlueStop to Blue)
add(adjustedProgress to Blue)
add(1f to Color.Transparent)
progress < 3/6f -> {
val adjustedProgress = (progress - 2/6f) * 6f
add(0f to Pink)
add(adjustedProgress * MaxPurpleStop to Purple)
add(MaxBlueStop to Blue)
add(1f to Blue)
progress < 4/6f -> {
val adjustedProgress = (progress - 3/6f) * 6f
add(0f to Orange)
add(adjustedProgress * MaxPinkStop to Pink)
add(MaxPurpleStop to Purple)
add(MaxBlueStop to Blue)
add(1f to Blue)
progress < 5/6f -> {
val adjustedProgress = (progress - 4/6f) * 6f
add(0f to Yellow)
add(adjustedProgress * MaxOrangeStop to Orange)
add(MaxPinkStop to Pink)
add(MaxPurpleStop to Purple)
add(MaxBlueStop to Blue)
add(1f to Blue)
else -> {
val adjustedProgress = (progress - 5/6f) * 6f
add(0f to Yellow)
add(adjustedProgress * MaxYellowStop to Yellow)
add(MaxOrangeStop to Orange)
add(MaxPinkStop to Pink)
add(MaxPurpleStop to Purple)
add(MaxBlueStop to Blue)
add(1f to Blue)
return linearGradient(
colorStops = colorStops.toTypedArray(),
start = startPosition,
end = endPosition
companion object {
val TransparentBrush = SolidColor(Color.Transparent)
val Blue = Color(0xFF30C0D8)
val Purple = Color(0xFF7848A8)
val Pink = Color(0xFFF03078)
val Orange = Color(0xFFF07800)
val Yellow = Color(0xFFF0D800)
const val MaxYellowStop = 0.16f
const val MaxOrangeStop = 0.33f
const val MaxPinkStop = 0.5f
const val MaxPurpleStop = 0.67f
const val MaxBlueStop = 0.83f
fun NeonButton(
onClick: () -> Unit,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
enabled: Boolean = true,
interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
shape: Shape = CircleShape,
content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit
) {
modifier = modifier
.defaultMinSize(72.dp, 48.dp)
enabled = enabled,
indication = remember { NeonIndication(shape, 2.dp) },
interactionSource = interactionSource,
onClick = onClick
.border(width = 2.dp, color = Color.Gray, shape = shape)
.padding(horizontal = 16.dp, vertical = 8.dp),
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically,
content = content
class NeonIndication(private val shape: Shape, private val borderWidth: Dp) : Indication {
override fun rememberUpdatedInstance(interactionSource: InteractionSource): IndicationInstance {
// key the remember against interactionSource, so if it changes we create a new instance
val instance = remember(interactionSource) {
// Double the border size for a stronger press effect
borderWidth * 2
LaunchedEffect(interactionSource) {
interactionSource.interactions.collect { interaction ->
when (interaction) {
is PressInteraction.Press -> instance.animateToPressed(interaction.pressPosition, this)
is PressInteraction.Release -> instance.animateToResting(this)
is PressInteraction.Cancel -> instance.animateToResting(this)
return instance
private class NeonIndicationInstance(
private val shape: Shape,
private val borderWidth: Dp
) : IndicationInstance …
private class NeonIndicationInstance(
private val shape: Shape,
private val borderWidth: Dp
) : IndicationInstance {
var currentPressPosition: Offset = Offset.Zero
val animatedProgress = Animatable(0f)
val animatedPressAlpha = Animatable(1f)
var pressedAnimation: Job? = null
var restingAnimation: Job? = null
fun animateToPressed(pressPosition: Offset, scope: CoroutineScope) {
val currentPressedAnimation = pressedAnimation
pressedAnimation = scope.launch {
// Finish any existing animations, in case of a new press while we are still showing
// an animation for a previous one
currentPressPosition = pressPosition
animatedProgress.animateTo(1f, tween(450))
fun animateToResting(scope: CoroutineScope) {
restingAnimation = scope.launch {
// Wait for the existing press animation to finish if it is still ongoing
animatedPressAlpha.animateTo(0f, tween(250))
override fun ContentDrawScope.drawIndication() {
val (startPosition, endPosition) = calculateGradientStartAndEndFromPressPosition(
currentPressPosition, size
val brush = animateBrush(
startPosition = startPosition,
endPosition = endPosition,
progress = animatedProgress.value
val alpha = animatedPressAlpha.value
val outline = shape.createOutline(size, layoutDirection, this)
// Draw overlay on top of content
outline = outline,
brush = brush,
alpha = alpha * 0.1f
// Draw border on top of overlay
outline = outline,
brush = brush,
alpha = alpha,
style = Stroke(width = borderWidth.toPx())
private fun calculateGradientStartAndEndFromPressPosition(
pressPosition: Offset,
size: Size
): Pair<Offset, Offset> { ... }
private fun animateBrush(
startPosition: Offset,
endPosition: Offset,
progress: Float
): Brush { … }
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