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Created February 11, 2009 01:26
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Save louisremi/61752 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// To be added to CmdUtils API
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// ** {{{ CmdUtils.getUbiquity( ) }}} **
// Get a reference to Ubiquity. This is used by
// {{{ CmdUtils.closeUbiquity() }}} and {{{ CmdUtils.getCommandByName() }}}, but
// probably doesn't need to be used directly by command feeds.
CmdUtils.getUbiquity = function getUbiquity() {
// TODO: Understand why it doesn't work with a simple test.
try {
return context.chromeWindow.gUbiquity;
} catch(e) {
return Utils.currentChromeWindow.gUbiquity;
// TODO: make this function available from mouse-based Ubiquity (see
// ** {{{ CmdUtils.getCommandByName( ) }}} **
// Get a reference to a Ubiquity command. This is used by
// alias related functions, but probably doesn't need to be used directly
// by command feeds.
// {{{ name }}} The name of the command.
CmdUtils.getCommandByName = function getCommandByName( name ) {
return CmdUtils.getUbiquity().__cmdManager.__cmdSource.getCommand( name );
// ** {{{ CmdUtils.executeCommand }}} **
// Execute an existing Ubiquity command.
// {{{ command }}} either the name of the Ubiquity command that will be executed
// or a direct reference to the command itself.
// {{{ directObject }}} An object containing the words that will be passed to
// the execute function of the target command. Example:
// {data: 'en', text: 'english'}
// {{{ modifiersValues }}} An object containing the modifiers values that will
// be passed to the execute function of the target command. Example:
// {from: {data: 'en', text: 'english'}, to; {data: 'fr', text: 'french'}}
CmdUtils.executeCommand = function executeCommand( command,
modifiersValues) {
return (command.constructor == String?
CmdUtils.getCommandByName(command) :
context || {},
modifiersValues || {}
// ** {{{ CmdUtils.previewCommand }}} **
// Runs the preview function of an existing Ubiquity command and returns the
// resulting previewBlock.
// {{{ command }}} either the name of the Ubiquity command that will run or a
// reference to the command itself.
// {{{ previewBlock }}} A reference to the preview display element.
// {{{ directObject }}} An object containing the words that will be passed to
// the preview function of the target command. Example:
// {data: 'en', text: 'english'}
// {{{ modifiersValues }}} An object containing the modifiers values that will
// be passed to the preview function of the target command. Example:
// {from: {data: 'en', text: 'english'}, to; {data: 'fr', text: 'french'}}
CmdUtils.previewCommand = function previewCommand( command,
modifiersValues) {
return (command.constructor == String?
CmdUtils.getCommandByName(command) :
context || {},
modifiersValues || {},
// ** {{{ CmdUtils.previewCommand }}} **
// create an alias for an existing Ubiquity command without modifying its
// source code. The alias can be defined with pre-filled arguments.
// {{{ options }}} is a dictionnary object which ** must ** have the following
// properties
// {{{ options.for }}} The name of the exisiting Ubiquity command that this
// alias is created for.
// ** The following properties are used if you want your alias pre-fill
// arguments for the original Ubiquity command. **
// {{{ options.modifiers }}} An object containing the modifiers values that will
// be passed both to the preview and the execute function of the target command.
// Example:
// {from: {data: 'en', text: 'english'}, to; {data: 'fr', text: 'french'}}
CmdUtils.CreateAlias = function CreateAlias( options ) {
var cmd = CmdUtils.getCommandByName(options.for);
if (cmd) {
var o = { name: };
o.execute = function(directObject, modifiers) {
// TODO: if directObj is "empty", try to use
// options.directObj instead.
jQuery.extend(options.modifiers, modifiers)
o.preview = function(pBlock, directObject, modifiers) {
return CmdUtils.previewCommand(
// Same as execute
jQuery.extend(options.modifiers, modifiers)
// Copy the original "takes" and "modifiers" object
o.DOType = cmd.DOType;
o.DOLabel = cmd.DOLabel;
o.modifiers = cmd.modifiers;
// Not sure whether the following two lines are useful or not
/*o.takes = {};
o.takes[cmd.DOLabel] = cmd.DOType._name;*/
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Create-alias command
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
name: "create-alias",
author: { name: "lrbabe", email: "", homepage: ""},
description: "Defines an alias for an existing command, possibly pre-filling arguments.",
help: 'This command allows you to define an alias for an existing commands.'+
'For example: "create-alias en-fr for translate from french to en".'+
'The aliased command is parsed as you type, just like any normal command.'+
'You can even specify arguments for this command and they will be pre-filled each'+
'time you will use the alias. You will still be able to overwrite those pre-filled'+
'arguments, though.',
takes: {"alias name": noun_arb_text},
modifiers: {"for": noun_arb_text},
preview: function(pblock, words, modifiers) {
if(modifiers.for.text) {
var msg =
'{for r in result}'+
'<p style="{if r_index == 0}font-size:1.3em;{elseif}color:#999;{/if}">'+
'{for a in r.filledArgs}'+
'<b>${a_index} ${a.text}</b>&nbsp;'+
'{/for}{for a in r.emptyArgs}'+
'<i>(${a_index} ${a})</i>&nbsp;'+
'<p>No command are available for this sentence.</p>'+
result = this._parseSuggestions(this._getSuggestions(modifiers.for.text));
pblock.innerHTML = CmdUtils.renderTemplate(msg, {result: result});
} else
pblock.innerHTML = "creates an alias for an existing command";
execute: function(words, modifiers) {
if(modifiers.for.text) {
var suggestion = this._getSuggestions(modifiers.for.text);
if(suggestion[0]) {
var msg =
' \n \n//Note: This command was automatically generated by the create-alias command.\n'+
' name: "${}",\n'+
' for: "${result.for}",\n'+
' modifiers: {\n'+
'{for a in result.filledArgs}'+
' ${a_index}: {\n'+
' data: "${}",\n'+
' summary: "${a.summary}",\n'+
' text: "${a.text}"\n'+
' html: "${a.html.replace(/"/g, \'\\"\')}"\n'+
' },\n'+
' }\n'+
result = this._parseSuggestions([suggestion[0]]);
result[0].name = words.text;
CmdUtils.UserCode.appendCode(CmdUtils.renderTemplate(msg, {result: result[0]}));
"You have created the alias: " + words.text +
" for the command " + result[0].for + ".\n" +
"You can edit its source-code with the command-editor command.");
_getSuggestions: function(query) {
if(!this._clone) {
var parser = CmdUtils.getUbiquity().__cmdManager.__nlParser;
// We have to clone the parser or we will only be able
// to execute the function we try to alias.
this._clone = {};
for(var i in parser)
this._clone[i] = parser[i];
this._clone.updateSuggestionList(query, {});
return this._clone._suggestionList;
_parseSuggestions: function(suggestions) {
var results = [];
for(var s in suggestions) {
// only the first five results are parsed
if(s < 6) {
var r = {for: suggestions[s]._verb._name, filledArgs: {}, emptyArgs: {}};
for(var a in suggestions[s]._verb._arguments) {
// We are not using directObject
if(a != 'direct_object') {
r.filledArgs[a] = suggestions[s]._argSuggs[a];
r.emptyArgs[a] = suggestions[s]._verb._arguments[a].type._name;
return results;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Tests for alias related functions from the CmdUtils API
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Test low level alias related functions: previewCommand and executeCommand
// => Seems to work fine.
name: "fren",
takes: {"few words to translate": noun_arb_text},
modifiers: {"from": noun_type_language, "to": noun_type_language },
preview: function(pblock, words) {
CmdUtils.previewCommand('translate', pblock, words, {
from: {data: 'fr', text: 'french'},
to: {data: 'en', text: 'english'}
execute: function(pblock, words) {
CmdUtils.executeCommand('translate', words, {
from: {data: 'fr', text: 'french'},
to: {data: 'en', text: 'english'}
// Test high level alias related function: CreateAlias
// fails for command defined in the same file.
name: 'enfr',
for: 'translate',
modifiers: {
from: {data: 'en', text: 'english'},
to: {data: 'fr', text: 'french'}
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