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Created July 25, 2015 23:32
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import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import System.Random
-- Generates a binary maze. For each cell in the maze, decide to either
-- open up the cell to the north or to the east, unless we're at the
-- rightmost or topmost cells, in which case we have no choice as to
-- where to put the opening.
-- Grid coordinates
-- ...
-- 5
-- 4
-- 3
-- 2
-- 1
-- 1 2 3 4 5 ...
-- a cell will be printed like this
-- --
-- | |
-- --
main :: IO ()
main = do
maze <- generateMaze
renderMaze maze
data Direction = North | East deriving (Show)
data Opening = Opening Pos Direction
| NoOpening Pos -- the top right cell will have no opening at all
deriving (Show)
type Pos = (Int, Int)
-- a maze is really just a list of openings
type BinMaze = [Opening]
gridSize = 20
chooseDirection :: IO Direction
chooseDirection = do
n <- randomIO :: IO Float
if n > 0.5
then (return North)
else (return East)
generateMaze :: IO BinMaze
generateMaze =
let allPos = [(x, y) | x <- [1..gridSize], y <- [1..gridSize]]
in mapM generateOpening allPos
generateOpening :: Pos -> IO Opening
generateOpening p@(x, y)
| x == gridSize && y == gridSize = return $ NoOpening p
| x == gridSize && y < gridSize = return $ Opening p North
| x < gridSize && y == gridSize = return $ Opening p East
| otherwise = Opening p <$> chooseDirection
-- rendering a maze:
-- render top border, a bunch of "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- etc..."
-- then render the cells like this
-- renderCenterLine (since the top is rendered already) \
-- (repeat (gridSize - 1) times)
-- renderBottomLine /
-- then renderCenterLine one last time (last row here)
-- render bottom border, a bunch of "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- etc..."
renderMaze :: BinMaze -> IO ()
renderMaze maze = do
_ <- renderHorizontalBorder
_ <- renderInnerMaze maze orderedCells 1
_ <- renderHorizontalBorder
return ()
orderedCells = [(x, y) | y <- reverse [1..gridSize], x <- [1..gridSize]]
renderInnerMaze :: BinMaze -> [Pos] -> Int -> IO ()
renderInnerMaze maze cells n
| n < gridSize = do
_ <- renderCenterLine (take gridSize cells) maze
_ <- renderBottomLine (take gridSize cells) maze
renderInnerMaze maze (drop gridSize cells) (n + 1)
| otherwise = renderCenterLine cells maze
renderHorizontalBorder :: IO ()
renderHorizontalBorder = do
_ <- putStr " "
_ <- replicateM_ gridSize (putStr "-- ")
putStrLn ""
renderCenterLine :: [Pos] -> BinMaze -> IO ()
renderCenterLine cells maze = do
_ <- putStr "|"
_ <- mapM_ (renderCenterCell maze) cells
putStrLn ""
renderCenterCell :: BinMaze -> Pos -> IO ()
renderCenterCell maze p = do
_ <- putStr " "
if renderRight p maze
then putStr "|"
else putStr " "
renderBottomLine :: [Pos] -> BinMaze -> IO ()
renderBottomLine cells maze = do
_ <- putStr " "
_ <- mapM_ (renderBottomCell maze) cells
putStrLn ""
renderBottomCell :: BinMaze -> Pos -> IO ()
renderBottomCell maze p = do
if renderBottom p maze
then putStr "--"
else putStr " "
putStr " "
findOpening :: Pos -> BinMaze -> Maybe Opening
findOpening p = find isCell
isCell (Opening p' _) = p == p'
isCell (NoOpening p') = p == p'
renderRight :: Pos -> BinMaze -> Bool
renderRight p maze = case findOpening p maze of
Just (Opening _ East) -> False
_ -> True
renderBottom :: Pos -> BinMaze -> Bool
renderBottom (x, y) maze = case findOpening (x, y - 1) maze of
Just (Opening _ North) -> False
_ -> True
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