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Last active January 7, 2024 14:46
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Graphs in maxima
anyp(pred, seq) := lreduce(lambda([P, x], P or pred(x)), seq, false);
allp(pred, seq) := lreduce(lambda([P, x], P and pred(x)), seq, true);
walklength(seq) := (length(seq)-1)/2;
walkverts(seq) := makelist(seq[2*i-1], i, 1, walklength(seq)+1);
walkedges(seq) := makelist(seq[2*i], i, 1, walklength(seq));
closedp(seq) := is(first(seq) = last(seq));
vertexset(G) := first(G);
edgeset(G) := second(G);
incidentset(G) := third(G);
incidents(G, e) := assoc(e, incidentset(G), []);
vertexp(G, v) := member(v, vertexset(G));
edgep(G, e) := member(e, edgeset(G));
incidentp(G, e, v) := member(v, incidents(G, e));
edgejoinsp(G, e, u, v) :=
if is(u = v) then
(is(incidents(G, e) = [u, u]) or is(incidents(G, e) = {u}))
(incidentp(G, e, u) and incidentp(G, e, v));
walkp(G, seq) :=
if (is(length(seq) = 0) or not(vertexp(G, first(seq)))) then
else if is(length(seq) = 1) then
(length(seq) > 2
and edgejoinsp(G, second(seq), first(seq), third(seq))
and walkp(G, rest(seq, 2)));
pathp(G, seq) :=
(walkp(G, seq)) and
block([vs], vs: walkverts(seq),
is(length(vs) = length(setify(vs))));
cyclep(G, seq) :=
closedp(seq) and
walkp(G, seq) and
(is(length(seq) = 1) or pathp(G, rest(seq, 2))) and
block([vs], es: walkedges(seq),
is(length(es) = length(setify(es))));
forestp(G, edges) :=
if is(length(edges) = 0) then
else if anyp(lambda([e], not(edgep(G, e))), edges) then
else block([verts, isforest],
verts: [],
isforest: true,
for e in edges do
if allp(lambda([v], member(v, verts)), listify(incidents(G, e))) then
(isforest: false) or return
verts: append(verts, listify(incidents(G, e))),
spanningtreep(G, edges) :=
is(length(edges) = length(vertexset(G)) - 1) and forestp(G, edges);
cyclelengthp(G, n, seq) := cyclep(G, seq) and is(walklength(seq) = n);
VV: {u,v,w,x};
EE: [a,b,c,d,e,f,g];
AA: [a={u,v}, b={v,w}, c={w,x}, d={w,x}, e={u,w}, f={u,x}, g={x,x}];
GG: [VV, EE, AA];
walkp(GG, [u, a, v, b, w, d, x, g, x, c, w]);
pathp(GG, [u, f, x, d, w]);
cyclep(GG, [u, f, x, d, w, e, u]);
walklength([u, f, x, d, w, e, u]);
walkp(GG, [u, a, x]);
spanningtreep(GG, [a, b, f]);
cyclelengthp(GG, 4, [u, f, x, d, w, e, u]);
cyclep(GG, [x,d,w,d,x]);
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