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Yet another arithmetic simulator
# Tools
def typematcher(*objects):
def inner(*types):
assert(len(objects) == len(types))
return all(isinstance(obj, typ) for obj, typ in zip(objects, types))
return inner
def recursive_construct(f, base, n=0):
yield base
if n > 0:
yield from recursive_construct(f, f(base), n-1)
# Expandable domain containing all objects
domain = {}
# (Memoizing) function to create exactly one instance of each object
def spawn(cons_func, *arguments):
key = (cons_func, *arguments)
if key not in domain:
domain[key] = cons_func(*arguments)
return domain[key]
# Decorator for all constructors
# Performs type checking and wraps memoization
def make_constructor(func, *types):
def wrapper(*args):
return spawn(func, *args)
return wrapper
# Any global operations go here
class UniversalObject:
def __eq__(self, other):
typematch = typematcher(self, other)
if typematch(Natural, Natural):
return self is other
elif typematch(Integer, Integer):
return self.neg + other.pos == self.pos + other.neg
elif typematch(Rational, Rational):
return self.numer * IntConstruct(Zero(), Succ(other.denom)) == \
other.numer * IntConstruct(Zero(), Succ(self.denom))
raise TypeError
def __hash__(self):
return hash(id(self))
# Natural numbers
# Zero : Natural
# Succ : Natural => Natural
class Natural(UniversalObject):
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, ZeroType):
return self
elif isinstance(other, SuccType):
return Succ(self + other.prec)
raise TypeError
def __mul__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, ZeroType):
return other
elif isinstance(other, SuccType):
return self + self * other.prec
raise TypeError(type(other))
class ZeroType(Natural):
def __init__(self):
self.numeric = 0
def __repr__(self):
return 'Zero()'
def __str__(self):
return '0'
Zero = make_constructor(ZeroType)
class SuccType(Natural):
def __init__(self, prec):
self.prec = prec
self.numeric = prec.numeric + 1
def __repr__(self):
return 'Succ({})'.format(repr(self.prec))
def __str__(self):
return str(self.numeric)
Succ = make_constructor(SuccType, Natural)
# Integers
# Tuples of natural numbers
class Integer(UniversalObject):
def __init__(self, neg, pos):
self.neg = neg
self.pos = pos
self.numeric = self.pos.numeric - self.neg.numeric
def __add__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Integer):
raise TypeError
return IntConstruct(self.neg + other.neg, self.pos + other.pos)
def __mul__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Integer):
raise TypeError
a, b = self.neg, self.pos
c, d = other.neg, other.pos
# (b - a)*(d - c) = b*d + a*c - (a*d + b*c)
return IntConstruct(a * d + b * c, b * d + a * c)
def __repr__(self):
return 'IntConstruct({}, {})'.format(repr(self.neg), repr(self.pos))
def __str__(self):
return str(self.numeric)
IntConstruct = make_constructor(Integer, Natural, Natural)
# Rationals
# Tuples of integer, natural number
# The denominator is incremented by one in all arithmetic processes
class Rational(UniversalObject):
def __init__(self, numer, denom):
self.numer = numer
self.denom = denom
def __add__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Rational):
raise TypeError
a, b = self.numer, IntConstruct(Zero(), Succ(self.denom))
c, d = other.numer, IntConstruct(Zero(), Succ(other.denom))
return RatConstruct(a * d + b * c, (Succ(self.denom) * Succ(other.denom)).prec)
def __repr__(self):
return 'RatConstruct({}, {})'.format(
repr(self.numer), repr(self.denom))
def __str__(self):
return '({})/({})'.format(
str(self.numer.numeric), str(Succ(self.denom)))
RatConstruct = make_constructor(Rational, Integer, Natural)
# Construct some objects
nats = list(recursive_construct(Succ, Zero(), 100))
posints = list(IntConstruct(Zero(), n) for n in nats)
negints = list(IntConstruct(n, Zero()) for n in nats)
posrats = list(list(RatConstruct(k, n) for n in nats) for k in posints)
negrats = list(list(RatConstruct(k, n) for n in nats) for k in negints)
def tests():
assert(nats[2] == Succ(Succ(Zero())))
assert(repr(nats[2]) == 'Succ(Succ(Zero()))')
assert(str(nats[5]) == '5')
assert(posints[1] == IntConstruct(Zero(), Succ(Zero())))
assert(negints[1] == IntConstruct(Succ(Zero()), Zero()))
assert(negints[1] == IntConstruct(nats[6], nats[5]))
assert(str(negrats[5][0]) == '(-5)/(1)')
assert(nats[3] * nats[7] == nats[21])
assert(posints[5] * negints[3] == negints[15])
assert(negints[3] * negints[7] == posints[21])
assert(posrats[1][2] + negrats[1][2] == negrats[0][0])
assert(posrats[3][3] + negrats[5][2] == negrats[11][11])
print("Passed all tests")
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Created {} objects".format(len(domain)))
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