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Last active August 23, 2022 09:52
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Restore your on-chain wallet on Umbrel v0.5.0

Use this guide to restore your on-chain wallet from your seed, on Umbrel v0.5.0.

Step 1

Open a Terminal and navigate to your Umbrel root direcotry. If you're using Umbrel on a Raspberry Pi, you'll need to SSH into the device first:

ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local

You will be asked for a password which will be your Umbrel dashboard password, or if you haven't set one up yet, enter moneyprintergobrrr.

You can replace ~/umbrel by the path to your Umbrel root directory for all the following commands, if you run a custom install.

Step 2: Reset the auto-created LND wallet

Run the following command in order to reset the auto-created LND wallet:

sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning stop app lnd && sudo rm -rf ~/umbrel/app-data/lightning/data/lnd/!(lnd.conf) && sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning start lnd

Step 3: Restore your wallet


sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning exec lnd lncli create

You'll be prompted to enter a wallet password. Enter moneyprintergobrrr. DO NOT use a different password.

Input wallet password: moneyprintergobrrr 
Confirm password: moneyprintergobrrr

It is normal if the password characters aren't displayed, it is actually a security feature.

Then, you'll be asked if you have an existing seed. Enter y. Then, input your 24-word seed, separated by spaces.

Do you have an existing cipher seed mnemonic or extended master root key you want to use?
Enter 'y' to use an existing cipher seed mnemonic, 'x' to use an extended master root key 
or 'n' to create a new seed (Enter y/x/n): y

Input your 24-word mnemonic separated by spaces: enter your 24word seed here separated by spaces

Step 4: Import your seed in Umbrel

SEED="enter your 24word seed here separated by spaces" && cat ~/umbrel/app-data/lightning/data/lightning/state.json | jq -r --arg SEED "$SEED" '.seed = ($SEED | split(" "))' > /tmp/state.json && sudo mv /tmp/state.json ~/umbrel/app-data/lightning/data/lightning/state.json

Step 6: Restart everything

sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning start app

WARNING: Do not shutdown or restart your Umbrel for several hours, otherwise it can interrupt the recovery process.

This will soon be added back to the Lightning Node UI!

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