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Last active August 19, 2019 13:39
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aws-cli mfa session utility
# AWS MFA session util
# Setup:
# assuming you're using a profile called "default":
# In ~/.aws/config, set up a default-mfa-temp profile:
# ```
# [default]
# region = eu-west-2
# [default-mfa-temp]
# region = eu-west-2
# ```
# And in ~/.aws/credentials, copy the default credentials over to the mfa profile:
# ```
# [default]
# aws_access_key_id = XXX
# aws_secret_access_key = YYY
# [default-mfa-temp]
# aws_access_key_id = XXX
# aws_secret_access_key = YYY
# aws_session_token =
# ```
# Make sure you set the `AWS_PROFILE` env var
# export AWS_PROFILE=default
# Usage:
# $ aws-mfa
# Enter your 6 digit mfa code for profile [default] and press [ENTER]: 000000
# Now using profile [default-mfa-temp]
# Add this function to your `~/.zshrc` file:
aws-mfa() {
local profile_name=${AWS_PROFILE:-default}
local profile_name="${profile_name/-mfa-temp/}"
local mfa_profile_name=$profile_name-mfa-temp
if [ -z $profile_name ]; then echo "Unknown profile" && return 1; fi
echo -n "Enter your 6 digit mfa code for profile [$profile_name] and press [ENTER]: "
read mfa_code
if [ -z $mfa_code ]; then echo "Missing token" && return 1; fi
local mfa_device=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --profile $profile_name --query 'Arn' --output text | sed s/user/mfa/)
if [ -z $mfa_device ]; then return 1; fi
local session_token=$( \
aws sts get-session-token \
--profile $profile_name \
--serial-number $mfa_device \
--output text \
--query "Credentials.[AccessKeyId,SecretAccessKey,SessionToken]" \
--duration-seconds 129600 \
--token-code "$mfa_code" \
if [ -z $session_token ]; then return 1; fi
echo $session_token \
| awk '{ \
print "aws configure set profile.'$mfa_profile_name'.aws_access_key_id " $1 \
" && aws configure set profile.'$mfa_profile_name'.aws_secret_access_key " $2 \
" && aws configure set profile.'$mfa_profile_name'.aws_session_token " $3}' \
| sh || return 1 # FIXME - return not working
export AWS_PROFILE=$mfa_profile_name
echo "Now using profile [$mfa_profile_name]"
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