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Last active February 15, 2017 09:06
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import re
from queue import PriorityQueue
class Tile:
def __init__(self, blocked=False, lb="", isKey=False, isTrap=False):
self.blocked = blocked = lb
self.isKey = isKey
self.isTrap = isTrap
def __str__(self):
if self.blocked:
return "#"
if self.isKey:
if self.isTrap:
return "."
def damage(self, keys):
if self.isTrap and not in keys:
return 100
return 1
def parseTile(t):
if t == ".":
return Tile()
if t == "#":
return Tile(True)
if re.match(r"[a-z]", t):
return Tile(False, t, True, False)
if re.match(r"[A-Z]", t):
return Tile(False, t.lower(), False, True)
class TileMap:
def __init__(self, tileMap=None):
self.tileMap = tileMap
self.keys = []
def __str__(self):
res = ""
for row in self.tileMap:
for t in row:
res += str(t)
res += "\n"
return res
def getTile(self, coor):
x, y = coor
return self.tileMap[y][x]
def neighbours(self, coor):
dirs = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]
res = []
for d in dirs:
n = (d[0] + coor[0], d[1] + coor[1])
if n[0] >= 0 and n[0] < len(self.tileMap[0]) \
and n[1] >= 0 and n[1] < len(self.tileMap) \
and not self.getTile(n).blocked:
return res
def cost(self, coor):
return self.getTile(coor).damage(self.keys)
def getKey(self, coor):
if self.getTile(coor).isKey:
def pathFinder(self, start, goal):
# dijkstra as first pass
frontier = PriorityQueue()
frontier.put((0, start))
cameFrom = {}
cameFrom[start] = None
costSoFar = {}
costSoFar[start] = 0
while not frontier.empty():
current = frontier.get()[1]
if current == goal:
for next in self.neighbours(current):
newCost = costSoFar[current] + self.cost(next)
if next not in costSoFar or newCost < costSoFar[next]:
costSoFar[next] = newCost
frontier.put((newCost, next))
cameFrom[next] = current
current = goal
path = [current]
while current != start:
current = cameFrom[current]
return path
def getPathStr(self, start, goal):
path = self.pathFinder(start, goal)
res = ""
for p, n in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]):
d = (n[0] - p[0], n[1] - p[1])
if d == (0, 1):
res += "D\n"
elif d == (1, 0):
res += "R\n"
elif d == (0, -1):
res += "U\n"
elif d == (-1, 0):
res += "L\n"
return res
line = input()
h, w, n = tuple(map(int, line.strip().split(' ')))
tiless = []
for hi in range(h):
line = input()
tiles = list(map(parseTile, list(line)))
tmap = TileMap(tiless)
line = input()
start = tuple(map(lambda x: int(x) - 1, line.split(' ')))
line = input()
end = tuple(map(lambda x: int(x) - 1, line.split(' ')))
print(tmap.getPathStr(start, end))
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