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Last active June 12, 2020 17:10
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Mandelbrot rendering implemented in SQL
-- First, we define the grid we are working on
xaxis(x) AS (VALUES(-2.0) UNION ALL SELECT x+0.05 FROM xaxis WHERE x<0.5),
yaxis(y) AS (VALUES(-1) UNION ALL SELECT y+0.1 FROM yaxis WHERE y<1),
-- Then we compute the iterations of the mandelbrot function
iterations(iter, cx, cy, x, y) AS ( -- one value per iteration step per point
SELECT 0, x, y, 0.0, 0.0 FROM xaxis, yaxis -- c = cx + i * cy
SELECT iter+1, cx, cy, x*x-y*y + cx, 2.0*x*y + cy -- z(iter+1) = z(iter)^2 + c. x=Re(z(iter+1)), y=Im(z(iter+1))
FROM iterations
WHERE (x*x + y*y) < 4 AND iter<50 -- if z(n)^2 >= 4, we diverged
max_iter(iter, cx, cy) AS ( -- the number of iterations it takes to diverge for each point
SELECT max(iter), cx, cy FROM iterations GROUP BY cx, cy
lines(t) AS (
-- For the values of c where the function does not diverge, we made 50 iterations
SELECT group_concat(case iter when 50 then '*' else ' ' end, '')
FROM max_iter GROUP BY cy
SELECT group_concat(t,x'0a') as mandelbrot FROM lines;
-- source:
-- changed the table names and added comments to make the code clearer
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