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Last active December 14, 2021 05:27
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Phoenix LiveView flash fade out
import 'phoenix_html'
// assets/js/app.js
import { Socket } from 'phoenix'
import { LiveSocket } from 'phoenix_live_view'
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket('/live', Socket, {
params: { _csrf_token: csrfToken },
// Connect if there are any LiveViews on the page
window.liveSocket = liveSocket
// ****** flash event handler for server to dispatch fading out event to dom *******
window.addEventListener('phx:fade-out-flash', (e) => {
const targetAttr = 'data-handle-fadeout-flash'
document.querySelectorAll(`[${targetAttr}]`).forEach((el) => {
const key = el.getAttribute('phx-value-key')
if (key == e.detail.type) {
liveSocket.execJS(el, el.getAttribute(targetAttr))
// in tailwind.config.js:
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
transitionProperty: ['visibility'],
transitionDuration: {
2000: '2000ms',
transitionDelay: {
2000: '2000ms',
5000: '5000ms',
# in your LiveComponent that will handle flashes:
defmodule MyAppWeb.HeaderComponent do
@moduledoc """
Header that shows flashes.
use MyAppWeb, :live_component
@impl true
def update(assigns, socket) do
|> assign(assigns)
# this function will look and `push_event()` for each existing flash type
|> trigger_fade_out_flashes(assigns)}
# depending on how you structured your code, `socket.assigns.flash` might have your flash map.
# for me I was running this as a component, so it was being passed @flash into `view_flash`.
defp trigger_fade_out_flashes(socket, %{view_flash: nil} = assigns), do: socket
defp trigger_fade_out_flashes(socket, %{view_flash: flash} = assigns) do
# push event for each flash type.
|> Enum.reduce(socket, fn flash_key, piped_socket ->
|> push_event("fade-out-flash", %{type: flash_key})
# use TailwindCSS to wait 2 seconds before starting transition. Afterwards, send event to server to clear out flash.
# `lv:clear-flash` will use `phx-value-key` attribute in element to remove flash per type.
def delayed_fade_out_flash() do
{"transition-opacity ease-out delay-2000 duration-1000", "opacity-100", "opacity-0"},
time: 6000
|> JS.push("lv:clear-flash")
<%= live_flash(@view_flash, :info) %>
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