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= Cocktail Recipes
:neo4j-version: 2.1.0
:author: David Lusby
:twitter: @lusbyd
:tags: domain:drinking, use-case:fun
This interactive Neo4j graph tutorial covers making drinking fun.
Well not 'fun' that would be terrible.. more fun maybe?! Yeah more fun!

CREATE (whiteRussian:Drink {name:'White Russian', preparation:'Pour coffee liqueur and vodka into an Old Fashioned glass filled with ice. Float fresh cream on top and stir slowly.'})

CREATE (vodka:Ingredient {name:'Vodka'})
CREATE (coffeeLiqueur:Ingredient {name:'Coffee Liqueur'})
CREATE (freshCream:Ingredient {name:'Fresh Cream'})
  • quantities CREATE (whiteRussian)-[:MADE_OF]→(vodka) CREATE (whiteRussian)-[:MADE_OF]→(coffeeLiqueur)