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Created February 23, 2020 11:11
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JavaScript Performance Benchmarks: Looping with `for` and `yield`
'use strict'
log = console.log
warn = console.warn
fn = ( new Intl.NumberFormat 'en-US' ).format
@_get_addup_probe = ( n ) ->
base = 1e6
probe = [ base ... base + n ]
matcher = 0
matcher += number for number in probe
return { probe, matcher, base, }
@addup_for_in_loop = ( n ) -> new Promise ( resolve ) =>
{ probe
matcher } = @_get_addup_probe n
resolve => new Promise addup_for_in_loop = ( resolve ) =>
count = 0
sum = 0
for number in probe
sum += number
unless sum is matcher then warn "incorrect result, expected #{matcher}, got #{sum}"
resolve count
return null
return null
@addup_for_from_loop = ( n ) -> new Promise ( resolve ) =>
{ probe
matcher } = @_get_addup_probe n
resolve => new Promise addup_for_from_loop = ( resolve ) =>
count = 0
sum = 0
for number from probe
sum += number
unless sum is matcher then warn "incorrect result, expected #{matcher}, got #{sum}"
resolve count
return null
return null
@addup_forEach_loop = ( n ) -> new Promise ( resolve ) =>
{ probe
matcher } = @_get_addup_probe n
resolve => new Promise addup_forEach_loop = ( resolve ) =>
count = 0
sum = 0
probe.forEach ( number ) ->
sum += number
unless sum is matcher then warn "incorrect result, expected #{matcher}, got #{sum}"
resolve count
return null
return null
@addup_yield_for_in_array = ( n ) -> new Promise ( resolve ) =>
{ probe
matcher } = @_get_addup_probe n
numbers = probe
probe = -> yield n for n in numbers
resolve => new Promise addup_yield_for_in_array = ( resolve ) =>
count = 0
sum = 0
for number from probe()
sum += number
unless sum is matcher then warn "incorrect result, expected #{matcher}, got #{sum}"
resolve count
return null
return null
@addup_yield_for_from_values = ( n ) -> new Promise ( resolve ) =>
{ probe
matcher } = @_get_addup_probe n
numbers = probe
probe = -> yield n for n from numbers.values()
resolve => new Promise addup_yield_for_from_values = ( resolve ) =>
count = 0
sum = 0
for number from probe()
sum += number
unless sum is matcher then warn "incorrect result, expected #{matcher}, got #{sum}"
resolve count
return null
return null
@addup_yield_from_array = ( n ) -> new Promise ( resolve ) =>
{ probe
matcher } = @_get_addup_probe n
numbers = probe
probe = -> yield from numbers
resolve => new Promise addup_yield_from_array = ( resolve ) =>
count = 0
sum = 0
for number from probe()
sum += number
unless sum is matcher then warn "incorrect result, expected #{matcher}, got #{sum}"
resolve count
return null
return null
@addup_yield_from_values = ( n ) -> new Promise ( resolve ) =>
{ probe
matcher } = @_get_addup_probe n
numbers = probe
probe = -> yield from numbers.values()
resolve => new Promise addup_yield_from_values = ( resolve ) =>
count = 0
sum = 0
for number from probe()
sum += number
unless sum is matcher then warn "incorrect result, expected #{matcher}, got #{sum}"
resolve count
return null
return null
@addup_values_iterator = ( n ) -> new Promise ( resolve ) =>
{ probe
matcher } = @_get_addup_probe n
numbers = probe
probe = numbers.values()
resolve => new Promise addup_values_iterator = ( resolve ) =>
{ probe
matcher } = @_get_addup_probe n
count = 0
sum = 0
for number from probe
sum += number
unless sum is matcher then warn "incorrect result, expected #{matcher}, got #{sum}"
resolve count
return null
return null
@benchmark = ->
# n = 5e6
n = 5e6
test_names = [
delta_ts = []
for test_name in test_names
log "test: #{test_name}"
test = await @[ test_name ] n
t0 =
await test()
t1 =
delta_ts.push { test_name, dt: t1 - t0, }
delta_ts.sort ( a, b ) ->
return -1 if a.dt < b.dt
return +1 if a.dt > b.dt
return 0
baseline_dt = delta_ts[ 0 ].dt
for { test_name, dt, } in delta_ts
test_name_txt = "#{test_name} ".padEnd 30, '.'
dt_txt = " #{fn dt} ms".padStart 10, ' '
frequency = n / ( dt / 1000 )
frequency_txt = " #{fn frequency.toFixed 0} Hz".padStart 25, ' '
percentage = baseline_dt / dt * 100
percentage_txt = " #{percentage.toFixed 1} %".padStart 8, ' '
log test_name_txt + dt_txt + frequency_txt + percentage_txt
return null
do =>
await @benchmark()
log 'ok'
(function() {
'use strict';
var fn, log, warn;
log = console.log;
warn = console.warn;
fn = (new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US')).format;
this._get_addup_probe = function(n) {
var base, i, len, matcher, number, probe, ref;
base = 1e6;
probe = (function() {
var results = [];
for (var i = base, ref = base + n; base <= ref ? i < ref : i > ref; base <= ref ? i++ : i--){ results.push(i); }
return results;
matcher = 0;
for (i = 0, len = probe.length; i < len; i++) {
number = probe[i];
matcher += number;
return {probe, matcher, base};
this.addup_for_in_loop = function(n) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
var matcher, probe;
({probe, matcher} = this._get_addup_probe(n));
resolve(() => {
var addup_for_in_loop;
return new Promise(addup_for_in_loop = (resolve) => {
var count, i, len, number, sum;
count = 0;
sum = 0;
for (i = 0, len = probe.length; i < len; i++) {
number = probe[i];
sum += number;
if (sum !== matcher) {
warn(`incorrect result, expected ${matcher}, got ${sum}`);
return null;
return null;
this.addup_for_from_loop = function(n) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
var matcher, probe;
({probe, matcher} = this._get_addup_probe(n));
resolve(() => {
var addup_for_from_loop;
return new Promise(addup_for_from_loop = (resolve) => {
var count, number, sum;
count = 0;
sum = 0;
for (number of probe) {
sum += number;
if (sum !== matcher) {
warn(`incorrect result, expected ${matcher}, got ${sum}`);
return null;
return null;
this.addup_forEach_loop = function(n) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
var matcher, probe;
({probe, matcher} = this._get_addup_probe(n));
resolve(() => {
var addup_forEach_loop;
return new Promise(addup_forEach_loop = (resolve) => {
var count, sum;
count = 0;
sum = 0;
probe.forEach(function(number) {
return sum += number;
if (sum !== matcher) {
warn(`incorrect result, expected ${matcher}, got ${sum}`);
return null;
return null;
this.addup_yield_for_in_array = function(n) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
var matcher, numbers, probe;
({probe, matcher} = this._get_addup_probe(n));
numbers = probe;
probe = function*() {
var i, len, results;
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = numbers.length; i < len; i++) {
n = numbers[i];
results.push((yield n));
return results;
resolve(() => {
var addup_yield_for_in_array;
return new Promise(addup_yield_for_in_array = (resolve) => {
var count, number, ref, sum;
count = 0;
sum = 0;
ref = probe();
for (number of ref) {
sum += number;
if (sum !== matcher) {
warn(`incorrect result, expected ${matcher}, got ${sum}`);
return null;
return null;
this.addup_yield_for_from_values = function(n) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
var matcher, numbers, probe;
({probe, matcher} = this._get_addup_probe(n));
numbers = probe;
probe = function*() {
var ref, results;
ref = numbers.values();
results = [];
for (n of ref) {
results.push((yield n));
return results;
resolve(() => {
var addup_yield_for_from_values;
return new Promise(addup_yield_for_from_values = (resolve) => {
var count, number, ref, sum;
count = 0;
sum = 0;
ref = probe();
for (number of ref) {
sum += number;
if (sum !== matcher) {
warn(`incorrect result, expected ${matcher}, got ${sum}`);
return null;
return null;
this.addup_yield_from_array = function(n) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
var matcher, numbers, probe;
({probe, matcher} = this._get_addup_probe(n));
numbers = probe;
probe = function*() {
return (yield* numbers);
resolve(() => {
var addup_yield_from_array;
return new Promise(addup_yield_from_array = (resolve) => {
var count, number, ref, sum;
count = 0;
sum = 0;
ref = probe();
for (number of ref) {
sum += number;
if (sum !== matcher) {
warn(`incorrect result, expected ${matcher}, got ${sum}`);
return null;
return null;
this.addup_yield_from_values = function(n) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
var matcher, numbers, probe;
({probe, matcher} = this._get_addup_probe(n));
numbers = probe;
probe = function*() {
return (yield* numbers.values());
resolve(() => {
var addup_yield_from_values;
return new Promise(addup_yield_from_values = (resolve) => {
var count, number, ref, sum;
count = 0;
sum = 0;
ref = probe();
for (number of ref) {
sum += number;
if (sum !== matcher) {
warn(`incorrect result, expected ${matcher}, got ${sum}`);
return null;
return null;
this.addup_values_iterator = function(n) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
var matcher, numbers, probe;
({probe, matcher} = this._get_addup_probe(n));
numbers = probe;
probe = numbers.values();
resolve(() => {
var addup_values_iterator;
return new Promise(addup_values_iterator = (resolve) => {
var count, number, sum;
({probe, matcher} = this._get_addup_probe(n));
count = 0;
sum = 0;
for (number of probe) {
sum += number;
if (sum !== matcher) {
warn(`incorrect result, expected ${matcher}, got ${sum}`);
return null;
return null;
this.benchmark = async function() {
var baseline_dt, delta_ts, dt, dt_txt, frequency, frequency_txt, i, j, len, len1, n, percentage, percentage_txt, t0, t1, test, test_name, test_name_txt, test_names;
// n = 5e6
n = 5e6;
test_names = ['addup_for_in_loop', 'addup_for_from_loop', 'addup_values_iterator', 'addup_forEach_loop', 'addup_yield_from_values', 'addup_yield_for_in_array', 'addup_yield_from_array', 'addup_yield_for_from_values'];
delta_ts = [];
for (i = 0, len = test_names.length; i < len; i++) {
test_name = test_names[i];
log(`test: ${test_name}`);
test = (await this[test_name](n));
t0 =;
await test();
t1 =;
dt: t1 - t0
delta_ts.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.dt < b.dt) {
return -1;
if (a.dt > b.dt) {
return +1;
return 0;
baseline_dt = delta_ts[0].dt;
for (j = 0, len1 = delta_ts.length; j < len1; j++) {
({test_name, dt} = delta_ts[j]);
test_name_txt = `${test_name} `.padEnd(30, '.');
dt_txt = ` ${fn(dt)} ms`.padStart(10, ' ');
frequency = n / (dt / 1000);
frequency_txt = ` ${fn(frequency.toFixed(0))} Hz`.padStart(25, ' ');
percentage = baseline_dt / dt * 100;
percentage_txt = ` ${percentage.toFixed(1)} %`.padStart(8, ' ');
log(test_name_txt + dt_txt + frequency_txt + percentage_txt);
return null;
(async() => { //###########################################################################################################
await this.benchmark();
return log('ok');

Output from script above (runs in NodeJS, Chrome, Firefox)

➜  benchmarks (master) node lib/frameworkless-pipelines/benchmarks-raw.js                                                                                         ✭ ✱
test: addup_for_in_loop
test: addup_for_from_loop
test: addup_values_iterator
test: addup_forEach_loop
test: addup_yield_from_values
test: addup_yield_for_in_array
test: addup_yield_from_array
test: addup_yield_for_from_values
addup_for_in_loop ............     20 ms           250,000,000 Hz 100.0 %
addup_for_from_loop ..........    210 ms            23,809,524 Hz   9.5 %
addup_forEach_loop ...........    278 ms            17,985,612 Hz   7.2 %
addup_yield_from_values ......    440 ms            11,363,636 Hz   4.5 %
addup_values_iterator ........    503 ms             9,940,358 Hz   4.0 %
addup_yield_from_array .......    523 ms             9,560,229 Hz   3.8 %
addup_yield_for_in_array .....    788 ms             6,345,178 Hz   2.5 %
addup_yield_for_from_values ..  1,043 ms             4,793,864 Hz   1.9 %

Equivalent results obtained with my benchmarking lib

➜  benchmarks (master) node lib/frameworkless-pipelines/benchmarks.js                                                                                             ✭ ✱
addup_yield_from_array                     0.451 s       5,000,000 items      11,098,016⏶Hz              90⏷nspc             440⏷CPU/u               9⏷CPU/s
addup_yield_for_in_array                   0.810 s       5,000,000 items       6,170,025⏶Hz             162⏷nspc             679⏷CPU/u             165⏷CPU/s
addup_values_iterator                      0.537 s       5,000,000 items       9,304,792⏶Hz             107⏷nspc             364⏷CPU/u             191⏷CPU/s
addup_for_in_loop                          0.020 s       5,000,000 items     247,248,935⏶Hz               4⏷nspc              37⏷CPU/u               0⏷CPU/s
addup_forEach_loop                         0.246 s       5,000,000 items      20,304,442⏶Hz              49⏷nspc             233⏷CPU/u              29⏷CPU/s
addup_yield_for_from_values                1.070 s       5,000,000 items       4,674,917⏶Hz             214⏷nspc             947⏷CPU/u             163⏷CPU/s
addup_for_from_loop                        0.232 s       5,000,000 items      21,540,226⏶Hz              46⏷nspc             211⏷CPU/u              29⏷CPU/s
addup_yield_from_values                    0.504 s       5,000,000 items       9,923,114⏶Hz             101⏷nspc             485⏷CPU/u              22⏷CPU/s

00:06 BENCHMARKS  ▶  addup_for_in_loop                            247,248,935 Hz   100.0 % │████████████▌│
00:06 BENCHMARKS  ▶  addup_for_from_loop                           21,540,226 Hz     8.7 % │█▏           │
00:06 BENCHMARKS  ▶  addup_forEach_loop                            20,304,442 Hz     8.2 % │█            │
00:06 BENCHMARKS  ▶  addup_yield_from_array                        11,098,016 Hz     4.5 % │▌            │
00:06 BENCHMARKS  ▶  addup_yield_from_values                        9,923,114 Hz     4.0 % │▌            │
00:06 BENCHMARKS  ▶  addup_values_iterator                          9,304,792 Hz     3.8 % │▌            │
00:06 BENCHMARKS  ▶  addup_yield_for_in_array                       6,170,025 Hz     2.5 % │▎            │
00:06 BENCHMARKS  ▶  addup_yield_for_from_values                    4,674,917 Hz     1.9 % │▎            │
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loveencounterflow commented Feb 23, 2020

If you spot any flaws in the code above, please comment. The whole point of this exercise is to find out why yield is such a performance drag in JS; naturally, this can only be done with fair tests, not with flawed ones.

Caveats and Discussion

  • Sorry for the formatting of the JS part, this is the CoffeeScript compiler's output.
  • The tests were originally written in CS not JS and this explains my choice for naming the loops; when I say 'for/in loops' that's a JS for loop with numerical index; when I say for/from loops that's a JS for/of loop. Sorry for the confusion.
  • The overall run time of the test suite could have been reduced somewhat by eschewing to produce one new probes list for each test run; however, the time needed for these setups is not included in the timings.
  • Per se none of the loop implementations is claimed to be best practice; you would probably not want to iterate over array.values() when you can iterate over array itself. Rather, the intent was to provide enough similar scenarios so as to enable a differential analysis of which factors in a given looping construct could have caused an improvement or a deterioration.
  • The results have also been obtained with up to 10 repetitions of the entire test suite; averages same as shown.
  • Test runs with repetitions have also involved shuffling of the order in which tests were run so as to disperse any hidden smudging effects.
  • A simple guard is included such that inaccurate test setups will produce warnings.
  • The time needed to set up the probe lists is not included in the timings; this is why each test case is a set of two nested async functions.
  • The tests above use lists with 5 million integers, counting upwards from 1e6. Tests have been run with significantly shorter probe lists such as 1.000 and 100.000 numbers; then, results are more volatile, and, more interestingly, the differences between wieners and lusers become less pronounced.
  • Again, iterating over lists of millions of consecutive integers is not a typical workload, but the reason I'm doing this is because I first spotted issues with yield's effect on data throughput in a rather more complicated setting (testing a conceptually MUCH simpler, yield-based re-implementation of SteamPipes, which internally uses classical for loops). The ~10 : 1 ... ~20 : 1 speed advantage of for loops was enough to allow my old, convoluted formulation to run circles around a very clean and simple, three-layers deep cascade of nested yield from generator statements.


  • I believe the tests show that using yield has a downright incredible/horrible effect on JS performance.
  • Please please tell me I'm wrong on this (and why, if so); yield is such a great tool it should be fast, too.
  • It's not only yield that has problems, the performance of Array::forEach() isn't great, either, and even replacing (JS) for (i = 0, len = probe.length; i < len; i++) { ... } with (JS) for (number of probe) { ... } basically destroys loop throughput, and this is another thing I find hard to believe.

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