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Last active January 8, 2021 13:15
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the way

Swift is peice of crap. Since it's conception in 2013 no important features was added, and no problems was resolved. I regret about it, since there are points about which I am happy. It is one thing actually, visual aesthetic. Here are the list of features that would make swift the best.

  • Ban struct and explicit (fixed) generic signature: Remove <...> to designate a type variables. Instead take an approach of protocol associated types.
class Box {
  associatedtype Value
  var value: Value
  • Allow closures to be generic
func produce (_: <T>(T) -> <K>(K) -> T) -> Int {...}

This makes the extesnion truly powerful since new generic types can be added

extension Box {
  associatedtype Deallocator: ValueDealocationProtocol where TargetValue == Self.Value
  var dealocationDelegate: Deallocator
  • Use regions to handle deallocation of objects with crossreference
class P { var ps: [P] = [] }
region T {
  var a = P(), b = P(ps:a) //crossreferences inside a region do not retain
  var l = [a, b]
//after this point, no references are left to any instance in T,
//all objects are deallocated
  • Expand the semantics of a where clause by making it a predicate on term level
func swap (_ a: Box, _ b: Box) -> Box where { this in 
  a.Value == b.Value && return.Value == a.Value
} {
  let temp = a.value
  a.value = b.value
  b.value = temp

It may work for extensions to define a subtype extension, but decidebility will be a problem. There would be a need to enable runtime cheks, in cases where values cannot be deduced at compiletime.

extension Collection where { this in 
  this.Element is (Optional & Equatable) 
  && this.allSatisfy {$0? != nil ?? false} 
} {
  var materializedSelf: Collection where { this in this.Element == Self.Element } {
    return { $0! }
  • Enable mixin conformances and stored properties inside protocols: Lang does not allow to expand existential types. If youd want to extend any collection to some specific protocol, you'd woudnt be able to do it.
protocol A {}
extension Collection: A {} //error
extension A { var a = 0 } //error
  • Add explicit mutability signifiers: shared - for values that cant be mutated. For var and class declaration unique - for values that can be mutated, 'move-only' type ref - can be read and written box - can be only read val - can be read, can escape
class Box {}
var box: unique Box = .init(value: 10)
func mutate (_ a: ref Box) { a.reset() }
  • Bring back modules! They were removed in earlier version of the language. Why? I have no idea Some genious probably thought that they were too hard to learn. But 1ML showed that they can be awesome.

  • Add two modes of compilation: One for static file (executable) - and apply more optimizing strategies to it One for library (dyn linking and stuff) - account for retroactive extension.

  • Add the ability to inspect syntax tree Add the @astInpector(applicant:) with the requirement to type to have a function inspect ast

class AlwaysTerminates {
  static func inspect(ast: Swift.AST) -> InspectionResult {
func justPrintHi () { print("Hi") }
  • Add type cases
case Empty of Box where { (($0.Value as? Optional) == Optional.some) ?? false } { 
  fn fill (with value: Value) {...}
  hide func deallocate
var nothing: unique Empty Box with [Value=Optional with [Wrapped=String]] = .init(value: .none)
case Filled of not Empty Box {}

  • Allow extensions to indtruduce generic types
extension <T: Image> T: Matrix {} //any image is a matrix  
  • Allow named extension
extension <T: Identifieble> HashableByIdentity = T: Hashable {} // any identifieble object can be hashed
extension <T: HasName> HashableByName = T: Hashable {} // no collisions!

This feature is inspired by Familia Language and is intended to be used to achieve more use.

class Theta: Identifieble {}
var set = Set<HashableByIdentity Theta>()
  • Allow generic types to be used as a constraint
class Tau { associatedtype A, B }
func project <T: Tau> () -> T.A {} 
  • Steal Kotlin's delegation mechanism
class Bag<Item>: Collection by storage {
  var storage: Array<Item>
  substitute func map <T> (_ closure: (Item) -> T) -> Array<T> { ... }
  • Add new feature: Context. The analog is Scala's implicits.
@rerouter struct K<T> { 
  var storage: Array<T>
  func func map <T> (_ closure: (Item) -> T) -> Array<T> { ... }
var a = [1, 2, 3]
var thing: @K = a 

// it can work with named extensions
var b: @ContextuallyRerouted HashableByIdentity Type
  • Add type operators
class Zeta {
  associatedtype T
  associatedtype K
typealias Alpha = Zeta <T: Int> // Alpha == Zeta<T: Int, K: _>
typealias Omega = Alpha <K: String>
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