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Created January 13, 2024 10:06
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zig pointer utils
const std = @import("std");
pub const @"1KiB of bytes": comptime_int = 1024;
pub const @"1MiB of bytes": comptime_int = 1024 * 1024;
pub const @"1GiB of bytes": comptime_int = 1 << 30;
pub const @"Byte amount fitting within 48 bit address space": comptime_int = (1 << 48) - 1;
pub fn Ptr(comptime Pointee: type, comptime is_mutable: bool) type {
const Ty = if (is_mutable) *Pointee else *const Pointee;
return struct {
addr: usize = 0,
pub fn get(self: @This()) Ty {
return @ptrFromInt(self.addr);
pub fn set(self: *@This(), ptr: Ty) void {
self.addr = @intFromPtr(ptr);
pub fn advance(self: *@This(), count: usize) void {
self.addr += @sizeOf(Pointee) * count;
pub fn add_bytes(self: *@This(), byte_count: usize) void {
self.addr += byte_count;
pub fn alignment_offset_for(self: @This(), desired_alignment: usize) usize {
return std.mem.alignForward(usize, self.addr, desired_alignment) - self.addr;
pub fn align_for(self: *@This(), desired_alignment: usize) void {
self.addr = std.mem.alignForward(usize, self.addr, desired_alignment);
pub fn is_aligned_for(self: @This(), alignment: usize) bool {
return std.mem.alignForward(usize, self.addr, alignment) == self.addr;
pub fn as_raw(self: *@This()) Ptr(u8, is_mutable) {
return Ptr(u8, is_mutable){ .addr = self.addr };
pub fn rebind_to(self: @This(), comptime T: type) Ptr(T, is_mutable) {
if (!self.is_aligned_for(@alignOf(T))) @panic("Provided ptr is not aligned for " ++ @typeName(T));
return Ptr(T, is_mutable){ .addr = self.addr };
pub fn is_null(self: @This()) bool {
return self.addr == 0;
pub fn set_null(self: *@This()) void {
self.addr = 0;
pub fn CompressedPtr(
comptime Pointee: type,
comptime address_space_byte_size: comptime_int,
comptime is_mutable: bool
) type {
const pointee_byte_stride = @sizeOf(Pointee);
if (@sizeOf(Pointee) > address_space_byte_size) {
@compileError("Not enough capacity in address space to place " ++ @typeName(Pointee));
const nominal_size = address_space_byte_size / pointee_byte_stride;
const minimal_ptr_bit_width =
@as(comptime_int, @intFromFloat(@ceil(@log2(@as(comptime_float, @floatFromInt(nominal_size))))));
const MinimalPtrBitwidth = std.meta.Int(std.builtin.Signedness.unsigned, minimal_ptr_bit_width);
const full_ptr_bit_width = bitwidth_for_byte_granularity_ptr(address_space_byte_size);
const spare_trailing_bits_count = full_ptr_bit_width - minimal_ptr_bit_width;
const PtrTy = if (is_mutable) *Pointee else *const Pointee;
return packed struct {
address: MinimalPtrBitwidth = 0,
pub fn get(self: @This()) PtrTy {
const full_addr = @as(usize, @intCast(self.address)) << spare_trailing_bits_count;
return @as(PtrTy, @ptrFromInt(full_addr));
pub fn set_addr(self:*@This(), addr: usize) void {
self.address = @truncate(addr >> spare_trailing_bits_count);
pub fn set(self: *@This(), ptr: PtrTy) void {
const addr = @intFromPtr(ptr) >> spare_trailing_bits_count;
self.address = @intCast(addr);
pub fn advance(self: *@This(), count: MinimalPtrBitwidth) void {
self.address += count;
pub fn is_null(self:@This()) bool {
return self.address == 0;
pub fn set_null(self: *@This()) void {
self.address = 0;
pub fn as_uncompressed(self:@This()) Ptr(u8, is_mutable) {
var ptr_ : Ptr(u8, is_mutable) = undefined;
return ptr_;
pub fn take_compact_ref(ptr: anytype, comptime address_space_byte_size: comptime_int) mk_ret_ty_comp_ref(@TypeOf(ptr), address_space_byte_size) {
const PtrTy = @TypeOf(ptr);
comptime {
if (!std.meta.trait.isSingleItemPtr(PtrTy)) {
@compileError("Expected pointer, got " ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(ptr)));
const is_const = comptime std.meta.trait.isConstPtr(PtrTy);
var ptr_: CompressedPtr(@typeInfo(PtrTy).Pointer.child, address_space_byte_size, !is_const) = .{};
return ptr_;
fn mk_ret_ty_comp_ref(comptime T: type, comptime address_space_byte_size: comptime_int) type {
comptime {
if (!std.meta.trait.isSingleItemPtr(T)) {
@compileError("Expected pointer, got " ++ @typeName(T));
const mut = std.meta.trait.isConstPtr(T);
return CompressedPtr(@typeInfo(T).Pointer.child, address_space_byte_size, !mut);
pub fn take_ref(ptr: anytype) mk_ret_ty_take_ref(@TypeOf(ptr)) {
var ptr_ = mk_ret_ty_take_ref(@TypeOf(ptr)){};
return ptr_;
fn mk_ret_ty_take_ref(comptime Ptr_: type) type {
comptime {
if (!std.meta.trait.isSingleItemPtr(Ptr_)) @compileError("Expected pointer, got " ++ @typeName(Ptr_));
const mut = std.meta.trait.isConstPtr(Ptr_);
return Ptr(@typeInfo(Ptr_).Pointer.child, !mut);
pub fn bitwidth_for_byte_granularity_ptr(comptime address_space_byte_size: comptime_int) comptime_int {
return @as(comptime_int, @ceil(@log2(@as(comptime_float, @floatFromInt(address_space_byte_size)))));
test "basic sanity check for ptr compression" {
const T = u32;
var value: T = 0;
var ptr = take_compact_ref(&value, @"Byte amount fitting within 48 bit address space");
std.debug.assert((1 << @bitSizeOf(@TypeOf(ptr))) - 1 ==
@"Byte amount fitting within 48 bit address space" / @sizeOf(T));
var value_ = ptr.get().*;
std.debug.assert(value == value_);
test "common programm address space in managed env" {
const Ty = CompressedPtr(u8, @"Byte amount fitting within 48 bit address space", false);
const byte_ptr_bit_width = bitwidth_for_byte_granularity_ptr(@"Byte amount fitting within 48 bit address space");
std.debug.assert(@bitSizeOf(Ty) == byte_ptr_bit_width);
test "overaligned value" {
const P = struct { u8 align(4096) };
const CP = CompressedPtr(P, @"Byte amount fitting within 48 bit address space", false);
std.debug.assert((1 << @bitSizeOf(CP)) - 1 == @"Byte amount fitting within 48 bit address space" / 4096);
test "only pointers" {
const val: u32 = 1337;
const ptr = take_compact_ref(&val, @"Byte amount fitting within 48 bit address space");
std.debug.assert(ptr.get().* == val);
test "advancable compressed ptr" {
const item: [2]u32 = .{ 0, 1 };
var ptr = take_compact_ref(@as(*const u32, @ptrCast(&item)), @"Byte amount fitting within 48 bit address space");
std.debug.assert(ptr.get().* == 1);
test "advancable regular ptr" {
const item: [2]u32 = .{ 0, 1 };
var ptr = take_ref(@as(*const u32, @ptrCast(&item)));
std.debug.assert(ptr.get().* == 1);
test "alignment works" {
const u8max = (1 << 8) - 1;
var vals: [4]u8 = .{ u8max, u8max, u8max, u8max };
var ptr = take_ref(@as(*u8, @ptrCast(&vals)));
ptr.rebind_to(u16).get().* = 0;
std.debug.assert(vals[2] == 0 and vals[3] == 0 and vals[0] == u8max and vals[1] == u8max);
test "geting from packed" {
const T = packed struct {
ptr: CompressedPtr(u8, @"Byte amount fitting within 48 bit address space", true)
var t : T= undefined;
try std.testing.expect(t.ptr.get() == @as(*u8,@ptrCast(&t)));
test "allocation sizes" {
const t = try std.testing.allocator.alloc(u32, 1);
std.debug.print("{*}", .{@as(*u32,@ptrCast(t))});
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