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Last active May 29, 2024 00:25
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Vect as W type
{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-}
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat
open import Agda.Builtin.Bool
data Prod (L R : Set) : Set where
pair : L -> R -> Prod L R
data Unit : Set where
pt : Unit
data Sigma (A : Set)(f : A -> Set) : Set where
sigma : (a : A) -> f a -> Sigma A f
data Void : Set where
W : (T : Set) -> (T -> Set) -> Set
W T f = Sigma T f
Vect : Nat -> Set -> Set
Vect n T = W Bool λ i -> f i n T where
f : Bool -> Nat -> Set -> Set
f false zero T = Unit
f false (suc n) T = Void
f true zero T = Void
f true (suc n) T = Prod T (Vect n T)
test10 : Vect 3 Nat
test10 = sigma true (pair 1 (sigma true (pair 2 (sigma true (pair 3 (sigma false pt))))))
test11 : Vect 0 Nat
test11 = sigma true {!!} -- no introduction forms found!
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