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Created August 3, 2023 08:26
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The world simplest calculator with infix expressions and parens
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
import Data.Char (isNumber, isSpace)
infixl |>
v |> f = f v
main = do
print "Hey! I am ready to accept input :)"
mainLoop = do
inp <- getLine
let cleanInp = filter (not . isSpace) inp
case tryTokeniseExpr cleanInp of
Just (a , _) -> print (resolvePrecendence a >>= verifyTree >>= Just . retract)
Nothing -> print "oopsie! failed to parse that X_X"
data RawItem =
Subexpr [RawItem] |
NumLit String |
Op OpArg2
deriving (Show, Eq)
data OpArg2 =
Mul |
Plus |
Minus |
deriving (Show, Eq)
takePrefixWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
takePrefixWhile bc l = let (a , b) = aux [] l in (reverse a , b)
aux acc rest@(h : t) = if (bc h) then aux (h : acc) t else (acc , rest)
aux [] [] = ([], l)
aux acc [] = (acc , [])
unprefix arg1 arg2 =
let aux (a : b) tail@(c : d) | a == c = aux b d | otherwise = Nothing
aux [] rest = Just rest
in aux arg1 arg2
prefixMatch a b = case unprefix a b of Just _ -> True ; Nothing -> False
tryStripNum str =
takePrefixWhile (\i -> map (\p->p i) [isNumber ,(== '.')] |> any (==True)) str |> screen (not . null . fst)
screen :: (t -> Bool) -> t -> Maybe t
screen p d = if p d then Just d else Nothing
infixl ??
Just l ?? _ = Just l
Nothing ?? Just r = Just r
Nothing ?? Nothing = Nothing
tryTokeniseExpr str = expr [] str
expr tks [] = Just (reverse tks , [])
expr tks (')' : tail) = Just $ (reverse tks , tail)
expr tks str =
(unprefix "+" str >>= expr (Op Plus : tks) ) ??
(unprefix "*" str >>= expr (Op Mul : tks) ) ??
(unprefix "-" str >>= expr (Op Minus : tks) ) ??
(unprefix "/" str >>= expr (Op Div : tks) ) ??
(tryStripNum str >>= \(lit, tail)-> expr (NumLit lit : tks) tail) ??
subexpr tks str
subexpr tks ('(' : str) = expr [] str >>= \(s,t) -> expr (Subexpr s : tks) t
subexpr _ _ = Nothing
data ExprTree =
Plus_ ExprTree ExprTree |
Minus_ ExprTree ExprTree |
Mul_ ExprTree ExprTree |
Div_ ExprTree ExprTree |
NumberLit String
deriving Show
splitBy s seqv =
let (a, b) = firstSplitBy s seqv in a : if null b then [] else splitBy s (tail b)
firstSplitBy s seqv = aux [] seqv
aux r rest@(h : t) | s h = (reverse r, rest) | otherwise = aux (h : r) t
aux r [] = (reverse r , [])
tail_ [] = []
tail_ (_ : t) = t
resolvePrecendence :: [RawItem] -> Maybe ExprTree
resolvePrecendence (NumLit s : []) = Just $ NumberLit s
resolvePrecendence (Subexpr s : []) = resolvePrecendence s
resolvePrecendence items =
(splitAux (Op Minus) Minus_ items) ??
(splitAux (Op Plus) Plus_ items) ??
(splitAux (Op Div) Div_ items) ??
(splitAux (Op Mul) Mul_ items)
splitAux op ctor items =
((firstSplitBy (== op) items |> screen (\(f,s)->let c = not . null in c f && (c $ tail_ s)))
>>= \(l, r) -> (resolvePrecendence l) >>= \l -> (resolvePrecendence $ tail_ r) >>= \r ->
Just $ ctor l r)
data CheckedExprTree =
ChPlus_ CheckedExprTree CheckedExprTree |
ChMinus_ CheckedExprTree CheckedExprTree |
ChMul_ CheckedExprTree CheckedExprTree |
ChDiv_ CheckedExprTree CheckedExprTree |
ChNumberLit Double
deriving Show
verifyTree :: ExprTree -> Maybe CheckedExprTree
verifyTree = \case
Plus_ a b -> chk a b ChPlus_
Minus_ a b -> chk a b ChMinus_
Mul_ a b -> chk a b ChMul_
Div_ a b -> chk a b ChDiv_
NumberLit s -> filter (=='.') s |> screen ((<= 1) . length) >>= \_ ->Just $ ChNumberLit $ read s
chk a b ctor = verifyTree a >>= \a->verifyTree b >>= \b-> Just $ ctor a b
retract :: CheckedExprTree -> Double
retract = \case
(ChPlus_ a b) -> op (+) a b
(ChDiv_ a b) -> op (/) a b
(ChMinus_ a b) -> op (-) a b
(ChMul_ a b ) -> op (*) a b
(ChNumberLit n) -> n
where op op_ a b = op_ (retract a) (retract b)
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