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Openzeppelin - Tests of security bugs in Governor contract
const { constants, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const Enums = require('../helpers/enums');
const { GovernorHelper } = require('../helpers/governance');
const { clockFromReceipt } = require('../helpers/time');
const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../helpers/customError');
const Governor = artifacts.require('$GovernorMock');
const CallReceiver = artifacts.require('CallReceiverMock');
const helperAccount = require('../helpers/account');
contract('Governor Hacks', function (accounts) {
const [owner, proposer, voter1, voter2, voter3, voter4, executor] = accounts;
const mode = 'blocknumber';
const Token = artifacts.require('$ERC20Votes');
const name = 'OZ-Governor';
const version = '1';
const tokenName = 'MockToken';
const tokenSymbol = 'MTKN';
const tokenSupply = web3.utils.toWei('100');
const votingDelay = web3.utils.toBN(4);
const votingPeriod = web3.utils.toBN(16);
const value = web3.utils.toWei('1');
describe(`security test: execute a proposal, using ${Token._json.contractName}`, () => {
beforeEach(async function () {
this.chainId = await web3.eth.getChainId();
try {
this.token = await, tokenSymbol, tokenName, version);
} catch {
// ERC20VotesLegacyMock has a different construction that uses version='1' by default.
this.token = await, tokenSymbol, tokenName);
this.mock = await
name, // name
votingDelay, // initialVotingDelay
votingPeriod, // initialVotingPeriod
0, // initialProposalThreshold
this.token.address, // tokenAddress
10, // quorumNumeratorValue
this.receiver = await;
this.helper = new GovernorHelper(this.mock, mode);
// remove this to tests
// await web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: owner, to: this.mock.address, value });
await this.token.$_mint(owner, tokenSupply);
await this.helper.delegate({ token: this.token, to: voter1, value: web3.utils.toWei('10') }, { from: owner });
await this.helper.delegate({ token: this.token, to: voter2, value: web3.utils.toWei('7') }, { from: owner });
await this.helper.delegate({ token: this.token, to: voter3, value: web3.utils.toWei('5') }, { from: owner });
await this.helper.delegate({ token: this.token, to: voter4, value: web3.utils.toWei('2') }, { from: owner });
this.proposal = this.helper.setProposal(
target: this.receiver.address,
data: this.receiver.contract.methods.mockFunction().encodeABI(),
'<proposal description>',
// Before
expect(await this.mock.proposalProposer(;
expect(await this.mock.hasVoted(, owner));
expect(await this.mock.hasVoted(, voter1));
expect(await this.mock.hasVoted(, voter2));
expect(await web3.eth.getBalance(this.receiver.address))'0');
expect(await this.mock.proposalEta('0');
expect(await this.mock.proposalNeedsQueuing(;
// Run proposal
const txPropose = await this.helper.propose({ from: proposer });
expectEvent(txPropose, 'ProposalCreated', {
targets: this.proposal.targets,
// values: this.proposal.values,
signatures: this.proposal.signatures,
voteStart: web3.utils.toBN(await clockFromReceipt[mode](txPropose.receipt)).add(votingDelay),
voteEnd: web3.utils
.toBN(await clockFromReceipt[mode](txPropose.receipt))
description: this.proposal.description,
// Snapshot and Vote
await this.helper.waitForSnapshot();
await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For, reason: 'This is nice' }, { from: voter1 }),
voter: voter1,
support: Enums.VoteType.For,
reason: 'This is nice',
weight: web3.utils.toWei('10'),
expectEvent(await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For }, { from: voter2 }), 'VoteCast', {
voter: voter2,
support: Enums.VoteType.For,
weight: web3.utils.toWei('7'),
expectEvent(await{ support: Enums.VoteType.Against }, { from: voter3 }), 'VoteCast', {
voter: voter3,
support: Enums.VoteType.Against,
weight: web3.utils.toWei('5'),
expectEvent(await{ support: Enums.VoteType.Abstain }, { from: voter4 }), 'VoteCast', {
voter: voter4,
support: Enums.VoteType.Abstain,
weight: web3.utils.toWei('2'),
await this.helper.waitForDeadline();
it ('should revert if the governor does not have enough ETH', async function() {
// the proposal is initialed with 0 ETH
expect(await web3.eth.getBalance(this.mock.address))'0');
await expectRevertCustomError(this.helper.execute(), 'FailedInnerCall', [])
// the executor send not enough ETH
await expectRevertCustomError(this.helper.execute({ from: executor, value: web3.utils.toWei('0.5') }), 'FailedInnerCall', [])
it('should accept execute a proposal if the user attach ETH', async function () {
// the proposal is initialed with 0 ETH
expect(await web3.eth.getBalance(this.mock.address))'0');
let txExecute = await this.helper.execute({ from: owner, value: value });
expectEvent(txExecute, 'ProposalExecuted', { proposalId: });
it('User will lose ETH if the user send more ETH than the proposal value', async function () {
const newValue = web3.utils.toWei('2');
await this.token.$_mint(executor, newValue);
// the proposal is initialed with 0 ETH
expect(await web3.eth.getBalance(this.mock.address))'0');
// redundant check
// verify the ETH balance of the receiver before
expect(await web3.eth.getBalance(this.receiver.address))'0');
let txExecute = await this.helper.execute({ from: executor, value: newValue });
expectEvent(txExecute, 'ProposalExecuted', { proposalId: });
// verify the ETH balance of the receiver after
const receiverBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(this.receiver.address);
console.log('receiver losses ETH: ', newValue - receiverBalance);
it('Another proposal can take advantage of the redundant ETH in the governor', async function () {
const newValue = web3.utils.toWei('2');
await this.token.$_mint(executor, newValue);
let txExecute = await this.helper.execute({ from: executor, value: newValue });
expectEvent(txExecute, 'ProposalExecuted', { proposalId: });
const anotherProposalReceiver = await;
this.proposal = this.helper.setProposal(
target: anotherProposalReceiver.address,
data: anotherProposalReceiver.contract.methods.mockFunction().encodeABI(),
'<proposal description>',
// run proposal
await this.helper.propose({ from: proposer });
await this.helper.waitForSnapshot();
await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For, reason: 'This is nice' }, { from: voter1 })
await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For }, { from: voter2 })
await{ support: Enums.VoteType.Against }, { from: voter3 })
await{ support: Enums.VoteType.Abstain }, { from: voter4 })
await this.helper.waitForDeadline();
// execute the proposal with zero ETH
txExecute = await this.helper.execute({ from: executor, value: 0 });
expectEvent(txExecute, 'ProposalExecuted', { proposalId: });
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