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Created December 3, 2012 19:12
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Save lox/4197196 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A script for converting a test from SimpleTest to PHPUnit
#!/usr/bin/env php
* Convert SimpleTest tests to PHPUnit, mocks to Mockery.
* Caveats:
* - Assertion + return value can't be combined automatically
// filter down to arguments
$args = preg_grep('/^-[dhom]/', array_slice($argv,1), PREG_GREP_INVERT);
// show help
if(in_array('-h', $argv) || in_array('--help', $argv))
echo "\nusage: $argv[0] [-o] [-d]\n\n";
echo " -o : output changes only, don't update file\n";
echo " -d : shows a diff of changes that would be made, implies -o\n\n";
echo " -m : convert mocks\n\n";
// handle diff output
if(in_array('-d', $argv))
passthru("php ".__FILE__." $argv[1] -o | diff -u {$argv[1]} -");
$php = file_get_contents($argv[1]);
// ----------------------------
// Convert Mockery
if(in_array('-m', $argv))
$patterns = array(
'/->setReturn(?:Value|Reference)\((.+?),\s*(.+?)\);/ims' => '->shouldReceive(\1)->andReturn(\2);',
'/->throwOn\((.+?),(.+?)\);/ims' => '->shouldReceive(\1)->andThrow(\2);',
'/->expectOnce\(([^,\)]+)\);/ims' => '->shouldReceive(\1)->once();',
'/->expectNever\(([^,\)]+)\);/ims' => '->shouldReceive(\1)->never();',
'/->expectOnce\((.+?),\s*array\((.+?)\)\s*\);/ims' => '->shouldReceive(\1)->with(\2)->once();',
'/->expectCallCount\((.+?),\s*(.+?)\)/ims' => '->shouldReceive(\1)->times(\2);',
'/new ([a-z_]*Mock[a-z_]+)\([^\)]*\)/ims' => 'Mockery::mock()',
'/new ([a-z_]*Mock[a-z_]+)\;/ims' => 'Mockery::mock();',
'/Mock::generate[^;]+;\s*/' => '',
'/new AnythingExpectation\(\)/' => '\Mockery::any()',
foreach($patterns as $from=>$to)
$php = preg_replace($from, $to, $php);
// ----------------------------
// Convert SimpleTest classes and assertions
$patterns = array(
'/assertEquals?/' => 'assertEquals',
'/assertNotEquals?/' => 'assertNotEquals',
'/assertPattern/' => 'assertRegExp',
'/assertIdentical/' => 'assertSame',
'/assertNotIdentical/' => 'assertNotSame',
'/assertNoPattern/' => 'assertNotRegExp',
'/assertReference/' => 'assertSame',
'/assertIsA\((.+?),\s*(.+?)(,\s*.+?)?\)/' => 'assertInstanceOf(\2, \1)',
'/expectException/' => 'setExpectedException',
'/$this->pass()/' => '$this->assertTrue(true)',
'/\bUnitTest(Case)?\b/' => 'PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase',
'/setup/' => 'setUp',
foreach($patterns as $from=>$to)
$php = preg_replace($from, $to, $php);
// ----------------------------
// Output
if(in_array('-o', $argv))
echo $php;
if(file_get_contents($argv[1]) != $php)
echo "updating {$argv[1]}\n";
file_put_contents($argv[1], $php);
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Simple and effective. Kudos man!

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edorian commented Dec 4, 2012

'/assertNotIdentical/' => 'assertRegExp'

should be assertNotSame i guess?

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lox commented Dec 5, 2012

Yup, good catch @edorian.

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lox commented Dec 5, 2012

Works nicely with

find tests -name '*Test.php' -print -exec php simpletest-to-phpunit.php {} \;

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