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Last active April 24, 2023 03:15
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Save lox/5532281 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Multiple file uploads from browser to S3 via Dropzone.
// snippet of app.php setup for setting up the PostPolicy object and the uploader form params
$app['s3_postpolicy'] = $app->share(function($app) {
$s3policy = new \Aws\S3\PostPolicy(
$app['aws.key'], $app['aws.secret'],
return $s3policy
->addCondition('', 'acl', 'private')
->addCondition('', 'bucket', $app['aws.s3.upload_bucket'])
->addCondition('starts-with', '$key', '')
->addCondition('starts-with', '$Content-Type', '')
->addCondition('', 'success_action_status', 200);
// Used for building an upload form
$app['uploader'] = $app->share(function($app) {
return (object)array(
'bucket' => $app['aws.s3.upload_bucket'],
'policy' => $app['s3_postpolicy']->getPolicy(true),
'signature' => $app['s3_postpolicy']->getSignedPolicy(),
'key' => $app['aws.key'],
'key_prefix' => hash('sha256', uniqid($app['aws.s3.upload_bucket'], true)),
'success_status' => 200,
namespace Aws\S3;
* @category Amazon
* @package AWS
* @copyright Copyright 2009 Amazon Technologies, Inc.
* @link
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @author Michael@AWS
* Create an Amazon S3 POST policy.
* @package AWS
class PostPolicy {
* AWS Secret Access Key.
* @var string
protected $_awsSecretAccessKey = '';
* AWS Access Key ID.
* @var string
protected $_awsAccessKeyId = '';
* Amazon S3 bucket.
* @var string
protected $_bucket = '';
* Array of conditions.
* @var array
protected $_conditions = array();
* Duration in seconds that the policy is valid. Default is 24 hours.
* @var int
protected $_duration = 86400;
* Maintain a cache of un-encoded policy so that multiple requests to get
* the policy will not incur unnecessary computation.
* @var string
protected $_policyCache = '';
* Construct a new POST policy object.
* @param string $awsSecretAccessKey
* Your AWS Secret Access Key.
* @param string $bucket
* Amazon S3 bucket name.
* @param int $duration
* The number of seconds for which the policy is valid.
public function __construct($awsAccessKeyId, $awsSecretAccessKey, $bucket = '', $duration = 86400) {
$this->_awsAccessKeyId = $awsAccessKeyId;
$this->_awsSecretAccessKey = $awsSecretAccessKey;
$this->_bucket = $bucket;
$this->_duration = $duration;
* Add a policy condition.
* @param string $condition
* Condition type. Possible values are 'eq', 'starts-with',
* and 'content-length-range'. Pass null or an empty string to set a
* condition that uses the {"field": "match"} syntax. Passing anything
* in the $condition parameter will cause the condition to use the
* [condition, field, match] syntax.
* @param string $field
* The field name.
* @param string $match
* String to match.
* @return Aws_S3_PostPolicy
* Returns a reference to the object.
* <code>
* $policy->addCondition('', 'acl', 'public-read');
* // Produces: {"acl": "public-read"}
* $policy->addCondition('eq', 'acl', 'public-read');
* // Produces: ["eq", "$acl", "public-read"]
* $policy->addCondition('starts-with', '$key', 'user/betty/');
* // Produces: ["starts-with", "$key", "user/betty/"]
* $policy->addCondition('content-length-range', 1048579, 10485760);
* // Produces: ["content-length-range", 1048579, 10485760]
* </code>
public function addCondition($condition = 'eq', $field, $match = '') {
$this->_conditions[] = array($condition, $field, $match);
return $this;
* Get the AWS Access Key ID associated with this POST policy.
* @return string
* Returns the AWS Access Key ID.
public function getAwsAccessKeyId() {
return $this->_awsAccessKeyId;
* Get the bucket associated with the policy.
* @return string
* Returns the Amazon S3 bucket name.
public function getBucket() {
return $this->_bucket;
* Get a spefic permission based on the field name.
* @param string $field
* Field name to retrieve.
* @param bool $fullCondition
* Whether or not to return the entire condition as an array or just
* retrieve the match value of the condition. By default, this is set
* to false so that it will only retrieve the match value of the
* condition.
* @return array|string
* If $fullCondition is set to true, then this method will return an
* indexed array of data about the condition:
* array(condition, field, match).
* Returns an empty array if the field is not found.
* If $fullCondition is set to false, then this method will only return the
* match field of the condition.
public function getCondition($field, $fullCondition = false) {
if (count($this->_conditions)) {
foreach ($this->_conditions as $condition) {
if ($condition[1] === $field) {
return ($fullCondition) ? $condition : $condition[2];
return ($fullCondition) ? array() : null;
* Get all of the conditions associated with the policy.
* @return array
* Returns an indexed array of conditions.
public function getConditions() {
return $this->_conditions;
* Retrieve the POST policy.
* @param bool $encode
* Set to true to retrieve the encoded policy.
* @return string
* Returns an un-signed POST policy.
public function getPolicy($encode = false) {
if (!$this->_policyCache) {
$policy = sprintf('{ "expiration": "%s"', gmdate('Y-n-d\TH:i:s.000\Z', time() + $this->_duration));
if (count($this->_conditions)) {
$policy .= ', "conditions": [';
$first = true;
foreach ($this->_conditions as $condition) {
if (!$first) {
$policy .= ', ';
if ($condition[0]) {
$policy .= sprintf('["%s", "%s", "%s"]', $condition[0], $condition[1], $condition[2]);
} else {
$policy .= sprintf('{"%s": "%s"}', $condition[1], $condition[2]);
$first = false;
$policy .= ']';
$policy .= '}';
$this->_policyCache = $policy;
} else {
$policy = $this->_policyCache;
if (!$encode) {
return $policy;
} else {
return base64_encode(utf8_encode(preg_replace('/\s\s+|\\f|\\n|\\r|\\t|\\v/', '', $policy)));
* Get a signed POST policy.
* @return string
* Returns a signed POST policy.
public function getSignedPolicy() {
return base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $this->getPolicy(true), $this->_awsSecretAccessKey, true));
* Expire the policy cache.
* @return Aws_S3_Policy
* Returns a reference to the object.
protected function _expireCache() {
$this->_policyCache = '';
return $this;
* Reset the policy by clearing the conditions, removing the bucket name,
* and making the duration 86400 seconds (24 hours).
* @return Aws_S3_PostPolicy
* Returns a reference to the object.
public function reset() {
$this->_conditions = array();
$this->_bucket = '';
$this->_duration = 0;
return $this;
* Set the Amazon S3 bucket.
* @param string $bucket
* Amazon S3 bucket name.
* @return Aws_S3_PostPolicy
* Returns a reference to the object.
public function setBucket($bucket) {
$this->_bucket = $bucket;
return $this;
* Set the number of seconds the policy is valid.
* @param int $seconds
* The number of seconds the policy should be valid.
* @return Aws_S3_PostPolicy
* Returns a reference to the object.
public function setDuration($seconds) {
$this->_duration = $seconds;
return $this;
<form action="https://{{ app.uploader.bucket }}" id="s3dropzone">
<input name="key" type="hidden" value="{{ app.uploader.key_prefix }}/${filename}">
<input name="acl" type="hidden" value="private">
<input name="policy" type="hidden" value="{{ app.uploader.policy }}">
<input name="signature" type="hidden" value="{{ app.uploader.signature }}">
<input name="content-type" type="hidden" value="application/octet-stream">
<input name="AWSAccessKeyId" type="hidden" value="{{ app.uploader.key }}">
<input name="success_action_status" type="hidden" value="{{ app.uploader.success_status }}">
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leondu commented May 21, 2013

I have 2 questions

<input name="success_action_status" type="hidden" value="{{ app.uploader.success_status }}">

According to:

success_action_status is not a validate field, is it success_action_redirect?

When I set success_action_redirect field in the form, dropzone js will end up with an error says "Sever responded with code 0"

how do you handle the response from aws?

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