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Created February 1, 2011 00:55
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A user PM pointed me to the Readme file inside the rom package:
# Cronos Contact:
# Are u interested in the sources used in this full rom?
# Please send me an email requesting information about these sources on specified email address.
# Please include in the subject line: "Cronos Sources"
# Cronos Scheduler and Governor are both Closed source.
This note is ironically followed by the GNU public licence. I can't believe it. Cronos Scheduler and
Governor can't be closed source as part of the linux kernel. If the linux kernel wasn't open sourced
and under the GPL licence this ROM would have never exists.
I mailed Freeyo and I didn't get the source. I don't understand why he isn't contributing back to
CyanogenMod. Without the open sourced CyanogenMod project, this rom will have never exists.
I also just saw the [url=]xda's notice about Freeyo and his GPL licence infringements[/url].
And then understood everything, including what sort of guys is Freeyo. CyanogenMod team has invented a
word for such guys: KANGER. If I knew about that story before, I would have never asked anything here.
[b]I discourage anyone to use that warez Rom[/b] and I encourage every developer here to contribute to CyanogenMod
which is easy through [url][/url] and [url=]explained here[/url].
To finish and before leaving, I'll quote some interesting statements from Stericson over at XDA:
[quote]The Android kernel which is present in EVERY single ROM is an ever-growing community project. Android devs
from all around the world have put their hard work into an open source project simply in an attempt to make the
Android project better as a whole. While I am sure that all of these Android devs made these contributions to the
kernels as a result of things that they wanted or needed to see develop within Android, they made their work
available to ALL of us so that we could ALL benefit from their talents.
That being said, the Linux kernel is released under what is called the GNU GPL. (General Public License)
Basically this license allows for the Android kernel to be freely used and modified under the condition that the
source of the kernel be released to the public. This "release" can be handled two ways, by either providing a
direct link to the source where it can be downloaded, modified and reused under the GNU GPL, or by a written
statement that offers the to provide the kernel source to anyone whom requests it. While I realize that I have
only outlined a small portion of the GNU GPL, the bottom line here is that the COMPLETE and WORKING kernel source
that was MODIFIED by anyone MUST be provided to the community, for any version of publicly released software.
You can find the full text of the GNU GPL licence [url=]here[/url] [/quote]
That said, I made [b]myself[/b] a lot of progress for CM7 on HTC Hero, witch I still need to test on my girlfriend's
hero when she comes back from work. [url=]I'll then update my post here[/url].
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