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Last active December 4, 2024 09:31
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Configure postfix as relay for OS X

Configure postfix as relay for macOS Sierra – Sonoma

1. Edit postfix configuration file

  1. sudo vi /etc/postfix/
  2. Ensure that the following values are set:
    mail_owner = _postfix
    setgid_group = _postdrop
  3. Add the following lines at the end of the file:
    # Postfix as relay
    #Gmail SMTP
    #Hotmail SMTP
    #Yahoo SMTP
    # Enable SASL authentication in the Postfix SMTP client.
    # Enable Transport Layer Security (TLS), i.e. SSL.

2. Create sasl_passwd file

  1. sudo sh -c 'echo "\" >> /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd' Replace and your_password with actual values.
  2. sudo postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

3. Autorun postfix on boot and restart postfix

  1. Copy the postfix master plist out of System folder.

    sudo cp /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.custom.plist
  2. sudo vi /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.custom.plist

  3. Change the label value from to org.postfix.custom

    Remove these lines to prevent exiting after 60s


    Add these lines before </dict>

  4. Relaunch the daemon.

    sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.custom.plist
    sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.custom.plist
  5. Check that daemon has started.

    sudo launchctl list | grep org.postfix

4. Turn on less secure apps for gmail

In Gmail we must switch on the option "Access for less secure apps", otherwise we will get the error: SASL authentication failed

5. Test

  1. echo "Test sending email from Postfix" | mail -s "Test Postfix"

    Change with valid email with mailbox access for easy checking.

  2. Check mail queue and possible delivery errors with mailq.

  3. Check mail log with tail -f /var/log/mail.log.

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This still works well under Mac OS X Monterey in December 2021!

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Mth0158 commented Feb 2, 2022

Still works in February 2022, thank you for the gist @loziju

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Thank you, this was very helpful. It worked for me on Catalina for sending mail via iCloud (because I have/want no gmail).

Some recommendations to update the documentation:

  • Change the title of this page to include Catalina, because the sequence still seems workable on Catalina.
  • In step 2, tell readers to be careful if their password includes whitespace or special characters. They will need to rewrite the command or (better) edit the file. Indeed, I recommend you change the instructions; instead of telling them to replace the email address and password on the commandline, run that command as-is and then sudo vi /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd to edit the file after it is created. This approach also avoids dropping your cleartext password into your bash history, which is poor practice.
  • In step 5, note that I and other commenters find no file /var/log/mail.log, at least on Catalina; I think one must look in the Console for syslog messages from postfix.
  • add this tip: If you fill your mail queue with failed messages, sudo postsuper -d ALL deferred
  • another tip: the simple use of mail to send a test message may not work; I found it labeled my outbound mail as being 'from' address dfk@Kotzbook2020.local, drawing from the MacOS username and the hostname of my laptop. Such messages appear to leave my machine but are never delivered. I could not find a way to convince mail (or mailx or Mail, which on MacOS are all the same tool) to set the From address, so I used mutt and set the 'from' and 'envelope' in .muttrc as follows:
set use_from
set from="David Kotz <>"
set use_envelope_from
set envelope_from_address="David Kotz <>"

Recommendations for iCloud users:

In step 1, use the following and comment out Gmail:

# iCloud SMTP

For reference, see helpful information from this Apple support page. I think I needed to generate an app-specific password here. I'm not sure this was necessary, but I strongly recommend it because it avoids placing your normal iCloud password, in cleartext, in the /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd file. In the event that password is compromised, or laptop lost, I assume it is possible to revoke that app-specific password from an interface on

Thank you @dfkotz ! So there is no possible way to achieve this with mail and not having to use mutt? I would like to use Darwin's native mail program. Thanks again!

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dfkotz commented Apr 8, 2022

It may be possible to use mail instead of mutt, but I was unable to do so at the time. I've not tried again since 2020. Glad you found my tips helpful!

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dfkotz commented Apr 8, 2022

@loziju please consider updating the original gist with the collective wisdom shared in all the comments.

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mariano-daniel commented Apr 8, 2022 via email

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loziju commented Apr 10, 2022

@dfkotz I'm so sorry I haven't got the time to verify the suggested edits nor update the gist.
May I suggest that you fork it, edit it and let me know when done? Then I can just merge it to the current gist.
I'll also add acknowledgements to all of you who contributed to improving this gist!

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Google no longer allows less secure apps, unfortunately.

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Hello there
I have followed this tutorial on catalina and everything went well
know, i did the same on Monterey 12.5 and nope.... it wont
when i hit sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.custom.plist i have an error :
Could not find specified service - Unload failed: 113: Could not find specified service
also when i hit tail -f /var/log/mail.log i got an error : tail: /var/log/mail.log: No such file or directory
Any update please ?
Thanks a lot

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dfkotz commented Aug 13, 2022

Configure postfix as relay for macOS Monterey

I recently had to repeat this process on a brand-new M1 Macbook running MacOS 12.5 (Monterey).
Here is a rewrite of the full instructions, merging my tips from August and September 2020, but

  • I use iCloud so my examples focus on iCloud as the mail service.
  • I cannot test or verify Gmail instructions, so I left them unchanged.
  • I am using mutt instead of mail for sending mail, because I have not attempted mail again.

1. Edit postfix configuration file

  1. sudo vi /etc/postfix/
    Add the following lines at the end of the file:
# Postfix as relay
# iCloud SMTP
#Gmail SMTP
#Hotmail SMTP
#Yahoo SMTP
# Enable SASL authentication in the Postfix SMTP client.
# Enable Transport Layer Security (TLS), i.e. SSL.

2. Configure mutt

I could not find a way to convince mail (or mailx or Mail, which on MacOS are all the same tool) to set the From address, so I used mutt - which I installed with Homebrew (brew install mutt). I configured mutt by creating file ~/.muttrc with the following content (with appropriate modifications to use your own name and email address):

set use_from
set from="My Name <>"
set use_envelope_from
set envelope_from_address="My Name <>"
set reply_to

3a. for iCloud users:

For reference, see helpful information from this Apple support page.
I also needed to generate an app-specific password here.

I strongly recommend this practice because it avoids placing your normal iCloud password, in cleartext, in the /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd file.
In the event that password is compromised, or laptop lost, it is possible to revoke the app-specific password from that same page on

3b. for Gmail users: Turn on less secure apps (unverified)

In Gmail we must switch on the option "Access for less secure apps", otherwise we will get the error:
SASL authentication failed
(I have not verified this information is up-to-date in 2022)

4. Create sasl_passwd file

  1. sudo vi /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
    Create this file with one of these lines, corresponding to your email provider:
    Replace your_email and your_password with actual values.

    iCloud users: use the app-specific password generated in part 3a above.

  2. sudo postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
    to inform postfix of the creation or modification of the passwd file.

  3. sudo chmod 640 /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd*
    to prevent others from reading your password files.

5. Autorun postfix on boot and restart postfix

I found this step (creating org.postfix.custom) to be unnecessary.
I was able to send mail (with mutt) via postfix, either from the command-line or from scripts.
Indeed, I launch some scripts with personal launchctl plists, and they can send mail too.

However, if you do find it helpful or necessary, note that launchctl load should now be launchctl bootstrap, and launchctl unload should now be launchctl bootout.

6. Test

  1. echo "Test sending email from Postfix" | mutt -s "Test Postfix"

    Change with valid email with mailbox access for easy checking.

  2. Check mail queue and possible delivery errors with mailq.

    a. If you fill your mail queue with failed messages, sudo postsuper -d ALL deferred

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Configure postfix as relay for macOS Monterey

I recently had to repeat this process on a brand-new M1 Macbook running MacOS 12.5 (Monterey). Here is a rewrite of the full instructions, merging my tips from August and September 2020, but

  • I use iCloud so my examples focus on iCloud as the mail service.
  • I cannot test or verify Gmail instructions, so I left them unchanged.
  • I am using mutt instead of mail for sending mail, because I have not attempted mail again.

1. Edit postfix configuration file

  1. sudo vi /etc/postfix/
    Add the following lines at the end of the file:
# Postfix as relay
# iCloud SMTP
#Gmail SMTP
#Hotmail SMTP
#Yahoo SMTP
# Enable SASL authentication in the Postfix SMTP client.
# Enable Transport Layer Security (TLS), i.e. SSL.

2. Configure mutt

I could not find a way to convince mail (or mailx or Mail, which on MacOS are all the same tool) to set the From address, so I used mutt and created ~/.muttrc as follows (with appropriate modifications to use your own name and email address):

set use_from
set from="My Name <>"
set use_envelope_from
set envelope_from_address="My Name <>"
set reply_to

3a. for iCloud users:

For reference, see helpful information from this Apple support page. I also needed to generate an app-specific password here.

I strongly recommend this practice because it avoids placing your normal iCloud password, in cleartext, in the /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd file.
In the event that password is compromised, or laptop lost, it is possible to revoke the app-specific password from that same page on

3b. for Gmail users: Turn on less secure apps (unverified)

In Gmail we must switch on the option "Access for less secure apps", otherwise we will get the error: SASL authentication failed (I have not verified this information is up-to-date in 2022)

4. Create sasl_passwd file

  1. sudo vi /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
    Create this file with one of these lines, corresponding to your email provider:
    Replace your_email and your_password with actual values.

    iCloud users: use the app-specific password generated in part 3a above.

  2. sudo postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
    to inform postfix of the creation or modification of the passwd file.
  3. sudo chmod 640 /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd*
    to prevent others from reading your password files.

5. Autorun postfix on boot and restart postfix

I found this step (creating org.postfix.custom) to be unnecessary. I was able to send mail (with mutt) via postfix, either from the command-line or from scripts. Indeed, I launch some scripts with personal launchctl plists, and they can send mail too.

However, if you do find it helpful or necessary, note that launchctl load should now be launchctl bootstrap, and launchctl unload should now be launchctl bootout.

6. Test

  1. echo "Test sending email from Postfix" | mutt -s "Test Postfix"
    Change with valid email with mailbox access for easy checking.
  2. Check mail queue and possible delivery errors with mailq.
    a. If you fill your mail queue with failed messages, sudo postsuper -d ALL deferred

Thanks a lot David, I will go thru these steps.
just please can you tell me how to configure Mutt (step 2)
are these commands to put in terminal or any lines to add to a certain file, sorry I'm really what we can call "a newbie"
thanks for your answer dear

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dfkotz commented Aug 14, 2022

just please can you tell me how to configure Mutt (step 2)
are these commands to put in terminal or any lines to add to a certain file,....

Those lines are the content of the file ~/.muttrc; use any plain-text editor to create the file. I've updated my post to clarify.

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just please can you tell me how to configure Mutt (step 2)
are these commands to put in terminal or any lines to add to a certain file,....

Those lines are the content of the file ~/.muttrc; use any plain-text editor to create the file. I've updated my post to clarify.

Thank you very much dear.
I will do it immediately and post here the result.
thank you again

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thanks a lot dear David

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mutt is working via shell, but not with my php.mail() function
is there any additional settings to do or maybe in mamp pro conf or in php.ini file?
thank you for your help david

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hello @dfkotz
I have explored many solutions and now, i think i could know more about the problem,
i have this error message
(Cannot start TLS: handshake failure)
any advice pease??

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Thanks @dfkotz my gmail is working it in Monterey!

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