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Created May 5, 2020 13:03
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#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
float binarize(float x){
float xx = 0.5f * x + 0.5f;
xx = min(max(xx, 0.0f), 1.0f);
return (xx >= 0.5f) ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
void BinaryConv2D(float *inputs, float* weights, float* outputs,
int height, int width, int filter_num, int channel){
//kernel = 3x3, //padding=same
//dimension order:
// - weight: k_h, k_w, channel, filter
// - inputs, outputs: height, width, channel
for(int fi = 0; fi < filter_num; fi++){
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++){
for(int x = 0; x < width; x++){
float sum = 0;
for(int chan = 0; chan < channel; chan++){
for(int yy = -1; yy <= 1; yy++){
for(int xx = -1; xx <= 1; xx++){
int py = y + yy;
int px = x + xx;
float x = 0;
if(py < 0 || px < 0 || py >= height || px >= width) x = 0;
else x = inputs[py*width*channel+px*channel+chan];
int index = (3*channel*filter_num)*(yy+1) + channel*filter_num*(xx+1) + filter_num*chan + fi;
float w = binarize(weights[index]);
sum += w * x;
outputs[width*filter_num*y+filter_num*x+fi] = sum;//[28][28][32]
void BatchNormalization(float* data, float* weights, int height, int width, int channel){
for(int chan = 0; chan < channel; chan++){
//gamma, beta, mean, variance
float gamma = weights[chan];
float beta = weights[chan + channel];
float mean = weights[chan + channel*2];
float variance = weights[chan + channel*3];
const float eps = 1e-6;
for(int i = 0; i < width*height; i++){
data[i*channel+chan] = ((data[i*channel+chan] - mean) / sqrt(variance + eps)) * gamma + beta;
void BinaryActivation(float* data, int height, int width, int channel){
for(int i = 0; i < width*height*channel; i++) data[i] = binarize(data[i]);
void MaxPooling2D(float* inputs, float* outputs, int height, int width, int channel){
//2x2 -> 1x1
int output_width = width/2;
int output_height = height/2;
for(int y = 0; y < output_height; y++){
for(int x = 0; x < output_width; x++){
for(int c = 0; c < channel; c++){
float p1 = inputs[width*channel*(y*2)+channel*(x*2)+c];
float p2 = inputs[width*channel*(y*2)+channel*(x*2+1)+c];
float p3 = inputs[width*channel*(y*2+1)+channel*(x*2)+c];
float p4 = inputs[width*channel*(y*2+1)+channel*(x*2+1)+c];
outputs[output_width*channel*y+channel*x+c] = max(max(p1, p2), max(p3, p4));
void BinaryDense(float* inputs, float* weights, float* outputs, int input_size, int output_size){
for(int i = 0; i < output_size; i++){
float sum = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < input_size; j++){
sum += inputs[j] * binarize(weights[j*output_size+i]);
outputs[i] = sum;
void Activation_Softmax(float* data, int size){
float exp_sum = 1e-9;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
float exp_x = exp(data[i]);
exp_sum += exp_x;
data[i] = exp_x;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
data[i] /= exp_sum;
int main(){
//load inputs and weights
char inputs_name[] = "extracted/input.bin";
FILE *fp = fopen(inputs_name, "rb");
const int INPUT_SIZE = 28*28;
float inputs[INPUT_SIZE];
fread(inputs, sizeof(float), INPUT_SIZE, fp);
for(int i = 0; i < 28; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 28; j++){
cout << (inputs[i*28+j] == 0 ? "*" : " ");
cout << endl;
map<int, float*> conv2d_weights;
vector<pair<int, int>> binaryconv2d_layers = {{0, 3*3*1*32}, {3,3*3*32*32}, {7,3*3*32*64}, {10, 3*3*64*64}};//index, size
for(int i = 0; i < binaryconv2d_layers.size(); i++){
int idx = binaryconv2d_layers[i].first;
int size = binaryconv2d_layers[i].second;
string weights_name = "extracted/weights_" + to_string(idx) + ".bin";
fp = fopen(weights_name.c_str(), "rb");
float* weights = (float*)malloc(size * sizeof(float));
fread(weights, sizeof(float), size, fp);
conv2d_weights[idx] = weights;
map<int, float*> batchnorm_weights;
vector<pair<int, int>> batchnorm_layers = {{1, 32}, {4, 32}, {8, 64}, {11, 64}, {16, 128}, {19, 10}};
for(int i = 0; i < batchnorm_layers.size(); i++){
int idx = batchnorm_layers[i].first;
int size = batchnorm_layers[i].second;
string weights_name = "extracted/batchnorm_" + to_string(idx) + ".bin";
fp = fopen(weights_name.c_str(), "rb");
float* weights = (float*)malloc(size * sizeof(float)*4);//gamma, beta, mean, variance
fread(weights, sizeof(float), size*4, fp);
batchnorm_weights[idx] = weights;
map<int, float*> dense_weights;
vector<pair<int, int>> dense_layers = {{15, 7*7*64*128}, {18, 128*10}};//index, size
for(int i = 0; i < dense_layers.size(); i++){
int idx = dense_layers[i].first;
int size = dense_layers[i].second;
string weights_name = "extracted/weights_" + to_string(idx) + ".bin";
fp = fopen(weights_name.c_str(), "rb");
float* weights = (float*)malloc(size * sizeof(float));
fread(weights, sizeof(float), size, fp);
dense_weights[idx] = weights;
//load python outputs
char outputs_name[] = "extracted/outputs.bin";
fp = fopen(outputs_name, "rb");
const int N = 10;
float sample_outputs[N];
fread(sample_outputs, sizeof(float), N, fp);
float outputs[28*28*32];
float outputs2[28*28*32];
float outputs3[14*14*32];
float outputs4[14*14*64];
float outputs5[14*14*64];
float outputs6[14*14*64];
float outputs7[128];
float outputs8[10];
BinaryConv2D(inputs, conv2d_weights[0], outputs, 28, 28, 32, 1);
BatchNormalization(outputs, batchnorm_weights[1], 28, 28, 32);
BinaryActivation(outputs, 28, 28, 32);
BinaryConv2D(outputs, conv2d_weights[3], outputs2, 28, 28, 32, 32);
BatchNormalization(outputs2, batchnorm_weights[4], 28, 28, 32);
BinaryActivation(outputs2, 28, 28, 32);
MaxPooling2D(outputs2, outputs3, 28, 28, 32);
BinaryConv2D(outputs3, conv2d_weights[7], outputs4, 14, 14, 64, 32);
BatchNormalization(outputs4, batchnorm_weights[8], 14, 14, 64);
BinaryActivation(outputs4, 14, 14, 64);
BinaryConv2D(outputs4, conv2d_weights[10], outputs5, 14, 14, 64, 64);
BatchNormalization(outputs5, batchnorm_weights[11], 14, 14, 64);
BinaryActivation(outputs5, 14, 14, 64);
MaxPooling2D(outputs5, outputs6, 14, 14, 64);
BinaryDense(outputs6, dense_weights[15], outputs7, 7*7*64, 128);
BatchNormalization(outputs7, batchnorm_weights[16], 1, 1, 128);
BinaryActivation(outputs7, 1, 1, 128);
BinaryDense(outputs7, dense_weights[18], outputs8, 128, 10);
BatchNormalization(outputs8, batchnorm_weights[19], 1, 1, 10);
Activation_Softmax(outputs8, 10);
bool ok = true;
int ans = 0;
float maxval = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
if(abs(sample_outputs[i] - outputs8[i] > 1e-4)) ok = false;
if(maxval < outputs8[i]){
maxval = outputs8[i];
ans = i;
cout << (ok ? "OK" : "NG") << endl;
cout << "Result : " << ans << " " << outputs8[ans] << endl;
//free memory
for(auto itr = conv2d_weights.begin(); itr != conv2d_weights.end(); itr++){
float* ptr = itr->second;
for(auto itr = batchnorm_weights.begin(); itr != batchnorm_weights.end(); itr++){
float* ptr = itr->second;
for(auto itr = dense_weights.begin(); itr != dense_weights.end(); itr++){
float* ptr = itr->second;
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