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Last active May 23, 2019 14:58
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  • Save lpantano/fb4986dacd57c8cbb0c58db0d2d05ad0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lpantano/fb4986dacd57c8cbb0c58db0d2d05ad0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
example of slurm script for pilmbc103
#SBATCH -c 1
#SBATCH --mem=200
#SBATCH -J "init"
#SBATCH -e run.e
#SBATCH -o run.o
## SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL # this line is commented
## SBATCH # this line is commented
sleep 60 # wait 60 seconds
md5sum work_lpantano/work/sample.fastq.gz
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