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Last active April 4, 2017 06:02
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surface.go from chapter 3 of "The Go Programming Language"
namespace io {
struct Reader {
virtual std::tuple<int, moku::error> Read(moku::slice<uint8_t> p) = 0;
struct Writer {
virtual std::tuple<int, moku::error> Write(moku::slice<uint8_t> p) = 0;
} // namespace io
namespace fmt {
moku::error Errorf(std::string format, moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
struct Formatter {
virtual void Format(State f, int32_t c) = 0;
std::tuple<int, moku::error> Fprint(Writer w,
moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
std::tuple<int, moku::error> Fprintf(Writer w, std::string format,
moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
std::tuple<int, moku::error> Fprintln(Writer w,
moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
std::tuple<int, moku::error> Fscan(Reader r,
moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
std::tuple<int, moku::error> Fscanf(Reader r, std::string format,
moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
std::tuple<int, moku::error> Fscanln(Reader r,
moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
struct GoStringer {
virtual std::string GoString() = 0;
std::tuple<int, moku::error> Print(moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
std::tuple<int, moku::error> Printf(std::string format,
moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
std::tuple<int, moku::error> Println(moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
std::tuple<int, moku::error> Scan(moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
struct ScanState {
virtual std::tuple<int, bool> Width() = 0;
virtual moku::error UnreadRune() = 0;
virtual std::tuple<moku::slice<uint8_t>, moku::error>
Token(bool skipSpace, std::function<bool(int32_t)> f) = 0;
virtual void SkipSpace() = 0;
virtual std::tuple<int32_t, int, moku::error> ReadRune() = 0;
virtual std::tuple<int, moku::error> Read(moku::slice<uint8_t> buf) = 0;
std::tuple<int, moku::error> Scanf(std::string format,
moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
std::tuple<int, moku::error> Scanln(moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
struct Scanner {
virtual moku::error Scan(ScanState state, int32_t verb) = 0;
std::string Sprint(moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
std::string Sprintf(std::string format, moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
std::string Sprintln(moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
std::tuple<int, moku::error> Sscan(std::string str,
moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
std::tuple<int, moku::error> Sscanf(std::string str, std::string format,
moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
std::tuple<int, moku::error> Sscanln(std::string str,
moku::slice<moku::empty_interface> a);
struct State {
virtual std::tuple<int, moku::error> Write(moku::slice<uint8_t> b) = 0;
virtual std::tuple<int, bool> Width() = 0;
virtual std::tuple<int, bool> Precision() = 0;
virtual bool Flag(int c) = 0;
struct Stringer {
virtual std::string String() = 0;
void init();
} // namespace fmt
namespace math {
double Abs(double x);
double Acos(double x);
double Acosh(double x);
double Asin(double x);
double Asinh(double x);
double Atan(double x);
double Atan2(double y, double x);
double Atanh(double x);
double Cbrt(double x);
double Ceil(double x);
double Copysign(double x, double y);
double Cos(double x);
double Cosh(double x);
double Dim(double x, double y);
constexpr float E{2.71828};
double Erf(double x);
double Erfc(double x);
double Exp(double x);
double Exp2(double x);
double Expm1(double x);
uint32_t Float32bits(float f);
float Float32frombits(uint32_t b);
uint64_t Float64bits(double f);
double Float64frombits(uint64_t b);
double Floor(double x);
std::tuple<double, int> Frexp(double f);
double Gamma(double x);
double Hypot(double p, double q);
int Ilogb(double x);
double Inf(int sign);
bool IsInf(double f, int sign);
bool IsNaN(double f);
double J0(double x);
double J1(double x);
double Jn(int n, double x);
double Ldexp(double frac, int exp);
std::tuple<double, int> Lgamma(double x);
constexpr float Ln10{2.30259};
constexpr float Ln2{0.693147};
double Log(double x);
double Log10(double x);
constexpr float Log10E{0.434294};
double Log1p(double x);
double Log2(double x);
constexpr float Log2E{1.4427};
double Logb(double x);
double Max(double x, double y);
constexpr float MaxFloat32{340282346638528859811704183484516925440};
constexpr float MaxFloat64{
constexpr int MaxInt16{32767};
constexpr int MaxInt32{2147483647};
constexpr int MaxInt64{9223372036854775807};
constexpr int MaxInt8{127};
constexpr int MaxUint16{65535};
constexpr int MaxUint32{4294967295};
constexpr int MaxUint64{18446744073709551615};
constexpr int MaxUint8{255};
double Min(double x, double y);
constexpr int MinInt16{-32768};
constexpr int MinInt32{-2147483648};
constexpr int MinInt64{-9223372036854775808};
constexpr int MinInt8{-128};
double Mod(double x, double y);
std::tuple<double, double> Modf(double f);
double NaN();
double Nextafter(double x, double y);
float Nextafter32(float x, float y);
constexpr float Phi{1.61803};
constexpr float Pi{3.14159};
double Pow(double x, double y);
double Pow10(int e);
double Remainder(double x, double y);
bool Signbit(double x);
double Sin(double x);
std::tuple<double, double> Sincos(double x);
double Sinh(double x);
constexpr float SmallestNonzeroFloat32{1.4013e-45};
constexpr float SmallestNonzeroFloat64{4.94066e-324};
double Sqrt(double x);
constexpr float Sqrt2{1.41421};
constexpr float SqrtE{1.64872};
constexpr float SqrtPhi{1.27202};
constexpr float SqrtPi{1.77245};
double Tan(double x);
double Tanh(double x);
double Trunc(double x);
double Y0(double x);
double Y1(double x);
double Yn(int n, double x);
void init();
} // namespace math
static constexpr float angle{0.523599};
static constexpr int cells{100};
std::tuple<double, double> corner(int i, int j);
static double cos30;
double f(double x, double y);
static constexpr int height{320};
void _main();
static double sin30;
static constexpr int width{600};
static constexpr float xyrange{30};
static constexpr float xyscale{10};
static constexpr float zscale{128};
int main() {
sin30 = math::Sin(angle);
cos30 = math::Cos(angle);
return 0;
void _main() {
fmt::Printf("<svg xmlns='' " +
"style='stroke: grey; fill: white; stroke-width: 0.7' " +
"width='%d' height='%d'>",
width, height);
int i{0};
for (i = 0; i < cells; i++) {
int j{0};
for (j = 0; j < cells; j++) {
double ax{0};
double ay{0};
double bx{0};
double by{0};
double cx{0};
double cy{0};
double dx{0};
double dy{0};
std::tie(ax, ay) = corner(i + 1, j);
std::tie(bx, by) = corner(i, j);
std::tie(cx, cy) = corner(i, j + 1);
std::tie(dx, dy) = corner(i + 1, j + 1);
fmt::Printf("<polygon points='%g,%g %g,%g %g,%g %g,%g'/>\n", ax, ay,
bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy);
std::tuple<double, double> corner(int i, int j) {
double sx{0};
double sy{0};
double x{0};
double y{0};
double z{0};
x = xyrange * (double(i) / cells - 0.5);
y = xyrange * (double(j) / cells - 0.5);
z = f(x, y);
sx = width / 2 + (x - y) * cos30 * xyscale;
sy = height / 2 + (x + y) * sin30 * xyscale - z * zscale;
return {sx, sy};
double f(double x, double y) {
double r{0};
r = math::Hypot(x, y);
return math::Sin(r) / r;
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