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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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def mostCommon(l: ParSeq[Int]): Int = {
def map(acc: Map[Int, Int], el: Int) = acc.updated(el, acc.getOrElse(el, 0) + 1)
def reduce(accA: Map[Int, Int], accB: Map[Int, Int]) = accA ++ { case (k, v) => k -> (v + accA.getOrElse(k, 0)) }
l.aggregate(Map[Int, Int]())(map, reduce).maxBy(_._2)._1
List of 1000000 elements
Sequential time: 923 milliseconds
Parallel time: 217 milliseconds
Threads 1 2 3 4
Times: 252 milliseconds 229 milliseconds 221 milliseconds 212 milliseconds
Speed-up 3.488095238095238 3.8384279475982535 3.97737556561086 4.14622641509434
def decode(l: ParSeq[(Int, Symbol)]): ParSeq[Symbol] = {
l.flatMap { case (times, symbol) => List.fill(times)(symbol) }
List of 1000000 elements
Sequential time: 769 milliseconds
Parallel time: 223 milliseconds
Threads 1 2 3 4
Times: 221 milliseconds 195 milliseconds 193 milliseconds 184 milliseconds
Speed-up 4.0588235294117645 4.6 4.647668393782383 4.875
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
def third(col: ParSeq[Int]): Int = {
def trippleGenerator(set: TreeSet[Int], x: Int) = (set + x).take(3)
def trippleAggregator(setA: TreeSet[Int], setB: TreeSet[Int]) = (setA ++ setB).take(3)
col.aggregate(TreeSet[Int]()(Ordering[Int].reverse))(trippleGenerator, trippleAggregator).last
> exercises/testOnly *Ex1ThirdElement*
List of 5000000 elements
Sequential time: 424 milliseconds
Parallel time: 254 milliseconds
Threads 1 2 3 4
Times: 283 milliseconds 281 milliseconds 296 milliseconds 302 milliseconds
Speed-up 0.5618374558303887 0.5658362989323843 0.5371621621621622 0.5264900662251656
// atomic reference implementation
def third(col: ParSeq[Int]): Int = {
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
val resultSet = new AtomicReference[TreeSet[Int]](TreeSet[Int]()(Ordering[Int].reverse))
def compareAndSet(update: TreeSet[Int] => TreeSet[Int]): Unit = {
val oldSet = resultSet.get
val newSet = update(oldSet)
if (oldSet != newSet && !resultSet.compareAndSet(oldSet, newSet)) compareAndSet(update)
col.foreach { el =>
compareAndSet(oldSet => (oldSet + el).take(3))
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