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Created May 1, 2020 15:02
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CPU 8086
%ifdef TEST
segment .text class=CODE
segment .text
%macro _org 1
%if (($ - Base_of_code) > %1)
%error _org: too much code to fit within %1
%if ($ - Base_of_code < %1)
times (%1 - ($ - Base_of_code)) db 0
jmp short real_start
db 'MSWIN4.1'
_org 5ah
fat_start dd 0
data_start dd 0
fat_secmask dw 0
fat_secshift dw 0
loadseg_off dw 0
loadseg_seg dw 60h
call PutRegs
mov ah, 0ch
int 18h
.kloop: ; press ESC to exit
mov ah, 0
int 18h
cmp al, 1bh
jne .kloop
%ifdef TEST
jmp exit_test
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov dx, [0486h]
jmp 0f000h:0fff0h
PutRegs: ; IP +22
pushf ; +20
push ax ; +18
push dx ; +16
push cx ; +14
push bx ; +12
push sp ; +10
push bp ; +8
push si ; +6
push di ; +4
push ds ; +2
push es ; +0
mov bp, sp
mov bx, .m_ax
call pmsg
mov ax, [bp + 18]
call ph16
mov bx, .m_bx
call pmsg
mov ax, [bp + 12]
call ph16
mov bx, .m_cx
call pmsg
mov ax, [bp + 14]
call ph16
mov bx, .m_dx
call pmsg
mov ax, [bp + 16]
call ph16
mov bx, .m_bp
call pmsg
mov ax, [bp + 8]
call ph16
mov bx, .m_si
call pmsg
mov ax, [bp + 6]
call ph16
mov bx, .m_di
call pmsg
mov ax, [bp + 4]
call ph16
call put_nl
mov bx, .m_csip
call pmsg
mov ax, cs
call ph16
mov al, ':'
call putc
mov ax, [bp + 22]
call ph16
mov bx, .m_ds
call pmsg
mov ax, [bp + 2]
call ph16
mov bx, .m_es
call pmsg
mov ax, [bp]
call ph16
mov bx, .m_sssp
call pmsg
mov ax, ss
call ph16
mov al, ':'
call putc
lea ax, [bp + 24]
call ph16
mov bx, .m_flag
call pmsg
mov ax, [bp + 20]
call ph16
call put_nl
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop bx ; drop sp
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop ax
.m_ax db 'AX=', 0
.m_bx db ' BX=', 0
.m_cx db ' CX=', 0
.m_dx db ' DX=', 0
.m_bp db ' BP=', 0
.m_si db ' SI=', 0
.m_di db ' DI=', 0
.m_csip db 'CS:IP=', 0
.m_ds db ' DS=', 0
.m_es db ' ES=', 0
.m_sssp db ' SS:SP=', 0
.m_flag db ' FLAGS=', 0
push bx
push ds
lds bx, [cs: vram_off]
mov [bx], al
mov byte [bx + 2000h], 0e1h
add bx, byte 2
mov [cs: vram_off], bx
pop ds
pop bx
push ax
push cx
mov ax, [cs: vram_off]
mov cl, 80 * 2
div cl
inc al
mul cl
mov [cs: vram_off], ax
pop cx
pop ax
and al, 0fh
add al, '0'
cmp al, '9'
jbe .l2
add al, 'A' - '9' - 1
jmp short putc
push ax
push ax
shr al, 1
shr al, 1
shr al, 1
shr al, 1
call ph4
pop ax
call ph4
pop ax
xchg ah, al
call ph8
xchg ah, al
call ph8
push ax
mov al, [cs: bx]
test al, al
jz .brk
call putc
inc bx
jmp short .lp
pop ax
dw 0
dw 0a000h
%ifndef TEST
_org 01fch
dw 0
dw 0aa55h
%endif; !TEST
%ifdef TEST
segment .text
mov ax, 1011h
mov ds, ax
mov ax, 1213h
mov es, ax
mov bx, 0304h
mov cx, 0506h
mov dx, 0708h
mov bp, 090ah
mov si, 0b0ch
mov di, 0d0eh
mov ax, 0102h
jmp real_start
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
segment _STACK stack class=STACK
resw 256
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