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Created February 9, 2016 13:53
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Dear Mark Zuckerberg,

Save the Internet Team welcomes efforts and intentions of individuals and companies to enable connectivity to the billions of Indians.

We strongly believe, like you do Mark, that internet is a great leveller. Everyone should have connectivity, but Mark, everyone should also have the right connectivity and we had to be very vigilant. Given our current economic context where 64 billionaires like you are worth more than half the population on the planet, much of whom live in this country, all of us who live in this society owe it to ourselves to prevent any form of potential rent seeking behaviour further and keep things open and enable a free market for many future successful online companies to thrive and come.

Would Facebook be where it is today Mark if all Harvard students already had free access to AOL and you had to pitch Comcast to include theFacebook as a “basic service” for free? Would they all pay just to get it, or would you have had resources to pay Comcast if they wanted to bring in your competition for free themselves.

You guys fought a fierce campaign and engaged in powerful lobbying and assimilated a response of 14 million Indians. What chance do we, a few volunteers on the internet stand against that, Mark? We don’t and as things turned out, we don’t have to, so long as the arguments we make and the morals we invoke stand for themselves.

We are not sure how much you were involved and what you were briefed on our arguments and the debate that ensued over the television and social media endlessly in the weeks that ran upto the verdict. Indian television and the people love debates and they had it in an amount that is unparalleled to any public policy issue in the recent times. Let me take this opportunity to summarise these very arguments and the morals we have been making all along, to you personally.

[Insert the top line bullet points from letter to Modi]

Anyway, having repeated ourselves endlessly, may we both discuss how might we now go ahead in the endeavour of enabling everyone access and connectivity.


  • Mozilla has program 1
  • Aircel has free 64 Kbps plan
  • Drones, yea sure why not!
  • Free internet to everyone everywhere

Save The Internet wholeheartedly supports any of your efforts in the above mentioned initiatives and connectivity in general. We would be happy to campaign for these programs but you wouldn’t really need us since these initiatives too stand for themselves much like our arguments all this while.

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